

local AbilityData = {
	["Ability"] = {
		["手裡劍"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "擲出一枚旋轉的手裡劍,造成高傷害並把敵人釘在牆上。",
			CardImage = "ShurikenModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Shuriken130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Shuriken130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Ash",
		["煙幕"] = {
			Cost = 35,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "扔出煙霧彈眩暈敵人並阻礙其視線,同時Ash進入短暫的隱身狀態。",
			CardImage = "SmokeScreenModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "SmokeScreen130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "SmokeScreen130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Ash",
		["瞬移"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Ash向目標瞬移,切入近戰範圍並使其失衡,此時可藉機施展終結攻擊。",
			CardImage = "TeleportModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Teleport130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Teleport130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Ash",
		["劍刃風暴"] = {
			Cost = 0,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "將Ash的兇猛影分身投入遠處的敵群中。使用「瞬移」技能可以主動加入這場廝殺。",
			CardImage = "BladeStormModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "BladeStorm130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "BladeStorm130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Ash",
		["土石塌方"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "用爆炸性的滑行衝拳猛擊敵人,連續使用將打出致命的連擊。被石化的敵人會遭到額外傷害,並在被消滅時掉落碎石。碎石可以治療Atlas並強化他的護甲。",
			CardImage = "LandslideModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Landslide130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Landslide130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Atlas",
		["大地構築"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "召喚一堵石墻,再次使用可使巨石滾動壓到前方敵人。",
			CardImage = "TectonicsModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Tectonics130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Tectonics130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Atlas",
		["石化凝視"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Atlas的硬化凝視可石化敵人、治療石頭人,並創造出石化堡壘。當石化的敵人碎裂後,將掉出可以治療Atlas的碎石",
			CardImage = "PetrifyModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Petrify130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Petrify130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Atlas",
		["漫步石者"] = {
			Cost = 100,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "召喚兩個元素石頭近戰打手。召喚動作將石化鄰近Atlas的敵人。當他們的生命結束時,石頭人將碎成一堆用作治療的碎石。",
			CardImage = "RumblersModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Rumblers130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Rumblers130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Atlas",
		["音爆"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Banshee釋放出足以癱瘓或擊殺敵人的強力音速震波,擊倒範圍內的敵人。",
			CardImage = "SonicBoomModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "SonicBoom130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "SonicBoom130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Banshee",
		["聲吶"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Banshee的聲吶技能可以利用聲波進行定位,藉以偵測及追蹤敵人,並使隊伍成員發覺敵人身上暴露出的致命弱點。",
			CardImage = "SonarModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Sonar130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Sonar130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Banshee",
		["靜音"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Banshee將自身籠罩在消聲力場中,力場能眩暈敵人並限制其對槍聲和Warframe攻擊的知覺與戰術反應。",
			CardImage = "SilenceModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Silence130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Silence130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Banshee",
		["音波衝擊"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Banshee將她所有的聲音能量傳遞至周遭環境,使用超聲波反響劇烈震撼地面。",
			CardImage = "SoundQuakeModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "SoundQuake130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "SoundQuake130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Banshee",
		["巧躲"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "處於沒攻擊時可閃躲所有飛來的子彈。再使用一次可以關閉該技能。",
			CardImage = "EludeModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Elude130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Elude130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Baruuk",
		["沉睡"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "平靜的波浪使敵人速度變慢直到陷入沉睡。被擊傷而甦醒的敵人會感到困惑和迷失,短暫的健忘意味著所有醒來的敵人都會忘記沉睡前所發生的任何事。",
			CardImage = "LullModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Lull130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Lull130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Baruuk",
		["離手戲法"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "召喚一群環繞的匕首並尋找敵人的槍械,用小型爆炸來摧毀他們。與「巧躲」結合來使範圍加倍。",
			CardImage = "DesolateHandsModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "DesolateHands130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "DesolateHands130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Baruuk",
		["寧靜風暴"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "隨著他的「克制」被侵蝕,Baruuk以「沙漠風暴」來使拳腳作出強大的範圍攻擊。掌握風暴的每一刻會使他恢復「克制」。",
			CardImage = "SereneStormModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "SereneStorm130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "SereneStorm130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Baruuk",
		["光暴怒嚎"] = {
			Cost = 10,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "釋放出毀滅性的元素吐息。Chroma的放射色彩會決定元素類型。",
			CardImage = "SpectralScreamModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "SpectralScream130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "SpectralScream130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Chroma",
		["元素之護"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Depending on Chroma's elemental alignment, an offensive area-of-effect is created. Chroma and his nearby allies are imbued with defensive energy.",
			CardImage = "ElementalWardModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "ElementalWard130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "ElementalWard130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Chroma",
		["Vex Armor"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "When shields are hit, Chroma's armor grows stronger, when health takes a hit, weapon damage increases. Active for a limited time, maximum increases correspond to rank.",
			CardImage = "VexArmorModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "VexArmor130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "VexArmor130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Chroma",
		["Effigy"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Chroma turns his pelt into a massive sentry that strengthens nearby allies and engulfs enemies in elemental attacks.",
			CardImage = "EffigyModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Effigy130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Effigy130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Chroma",
		["Fireball"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Charge and release a fiery projectile that ignites enemies on contact.",
			CardImage = "FireballModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Fireball130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Fireball130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Ember",
		["Immolation"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Protect Ember with flame armor that burns stronger over time, consuming energy once its meter is at full strength. Cast again to extinguish the flame.",
			CardImage = "ImmolationModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Immolation130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Immolation130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Ember",
		["Fire Blast"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Slam the ground to create a wave of incinerating plasma that knocks back enemies and strips their armor.",
			CardImage = "FireBlastModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "FireBlast130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "FireBlast130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Ember",
		["Inferno"] = {
			Cost = 0,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Command a flaming comet to crash down in front of ember, engulfing enemies with a fire that can spread through their ranks.",
			CardImage = "InfernoModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Inferno130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Inferno130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Ember",
		["Metamorphosis"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Switch forms, temporarily gaining bonus shields and armor in Night-Form, or bonus damage and speed in Day-Form.",
			CardImage = "MetamorphosisModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Metamorphosis130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Metamorphosis130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Equinox",
		["Rest & Rage"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "In Night Form targets are put to sleep. In Day Form targets become more vulnerable to damage. ",
			CardImage = "RestRageModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "RestRage130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "RestRage130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Equinox",
		["Pacify & Provoke"] = {
			Cost = 10,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "In Night Form reduces damage inflicted by nearby enemies. In Day Form increases Ability Strength of nearby allies.",
			CardImage = "PacifyProvokeModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "PacifyProvoke130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "PacifyProvoke130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Equinox",
		["Mend & Maim"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "In Night Form, allies are healed with each nearby enemy killed. In Day Form, nearby enemies are bled and then subjected to a wave of slashing force.",
			CardImage = "MendMaimModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "MendMaim130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "MendMaim130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Equinox",
		["Slash Dash"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Dash between enemies while slashing with the Exalted Blade.",
			CardImage = "SlashDashModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "SlashDash130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "SlashDash130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Excalibur",
		["Radial Blind"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Emits a bright flash of light, blinding all enemies in a small radius for several seconds.",
			CardImage = "RadialBlindModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "RadialBlind130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "RadialBlind130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Excalibur",
		["Radial Javelin"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Launches javelins towards enemies, dealing high damage and impaling them to walls.",
			CardImage = "RadialJavelinModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "RadialJavelin130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "RadialJavelin130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Excalibur",
		["Exalted Blade"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Summon a sword of pure light and immense power.",
			CardImage = "ExaltedBladeModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "ExaltedBlade130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "ExaltedBlade130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Excalibur",
	--Umbra's Radial Blind
		["Radial Howl"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Let out a ferocious howl that stuns nearby enemies and causes Sentients to shed any built up resistances.",
			CardImage = "RadialHowlModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "RadialHowl130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "RadialHowl130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Excalibur Umbra",
		["Freeze"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "A frigid energy blast that freezes targets in their tracks.",
			CardImage = "FreezeModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Freeze130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Freeze130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Frost",
		["Ice Wave"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Sends a wave of razor sharp, crystallized ice toward an enemy, dealing heavy damage.",
			CardImage = "IceWaveModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "IceWave130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "IceWave130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Frost",
		["Snow Globe"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Frost deep freezes any vapor and moisture in the area, creating a protective sphere with brief invulnerability to boost its strength.",
			CardImage = "SnowGlobeModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "SnowGlobe130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "SnowGlobe130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Frost",
		["Avalanche"] = {
			Cost = 100,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Summons a treacherous landslide of ice that instantly freezes and shatters all enemies in its radius.",
			CardImage = "AvalancheModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Avalanche130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Avalanche130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Frost",
		["Shattered Lash"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Lash out with stream of shattered glass, or hold for an arcing strike.",
			CardImage = "ShatteredLashModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "ShatteredLash130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "ShatteredLash130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Gara",
		["Splinter Storm"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Gara's armor splinters into a maelstrom of shattered glass that slices enemies and impairs their weapons. Allies who contact the cloud are fortified against damage.",
			CardImage = "SplinterStormModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "SplinterStorm130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "SplinterStorm130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Gara",
		["Spectrorage"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Trap enemies in a carousel of mirrors, forcing them to attack visions of their true selves. Destroyed mirrors damage their attackers, as does the collapse of the carousel.",
			CardImage = "SpectrorageModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Spectrorage130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Spectrorage130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Gara",
		["Mass Vitrify"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Create an expanding ring of molten glass that slowly crystallizes enemies who enter. When the expansion is complete, the ring hardens to block weapons fire. The ring draws extra strength from the health and shields of crystallized enemies. Use Shattered Lash to smash the ring and send razor-sharp glass flying outward.",
			CardImage = "MassVitrifyModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "MassVitrify130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "MassVitrify130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Gara",
		["Dread Mirror"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Rip the life force from an enemy and use it as a shield that captures damage. Charge to channel the captured damage into an explosive projectile.",
			CardImage = "DreadMirrorModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "DreadMirror130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "DreadMirror130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Garuda",
		["Blood Altar"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Impale an enemy on an altar of talons and siphon health for Garuda and her allies.",
			CardImage = "BloodAltarModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "BloodAltar130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "BloodAltar130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Garuda",
		["Bloodletting"] = {
			Cost = 0,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Garuda sacrifices her health to generate energy.",
			CardImage = "BloodlettingModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Bloodletting130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Bloodletting130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Garuda",
		["Seeking Talons"] = {
			Cost = 100,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Charge to expand the targeting area, release to send Garuda’s talons careening toward each target in area. Surviving enemies are prone to bleeding.",
			CardImage = "SeekingTalonsModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "SeekingTalons130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "SeekingTalons130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Garuda",
        ["Mach Rush"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Burst into a hyper-sprint bowling over enemies and charging the battery. Crashing into solid objects generates a powerful shockwave. Hold to rush continuously.",
			CardImage = "MachRushModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "MachRush130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "MachRush130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Gauss",
		["Kinetic Plating"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Generate armor plating that converts a portion of absorbed Kinetic Damage (Physical, Heat, Cold, and Blast) into Energy. Also protects Gauss from being staggered or knocked down. Damage Resistance is relative to the battery level.",
			CardImage = "KineticPlatingModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "KineticPlating130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "KineticPlating130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Gauss",
		["Thermal Sunder"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Siphon kinetic energy from the area, charging the battery and inflicting Cold Status on nearby enemies. Hold reverses the process, draining the battery and inflicting Heat Status on nearby enemies.",
			CardImage = "ThermalSunderModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "ThermalSunder130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "ThermalSunder130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Gauss",
		["Redline"] = {
			Cost = 100,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Push Gauss' battery beyond the redline, supercharging his Abilities and setting Fire Rate, Attack Speed, Reload Speed, and Holster Rate into overdrive. When past the redline, bolts of arcing electricity dance periodically from Gauss, exploding en masse when the ability is deactivated.",
			CardImage = "RedlineModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Redline130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Redline130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Gauss",
		["Feast"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Swallow an enemy whole and store it in Grendel's gut. Not satisfied? Keep eating, but beware, each foe in Grendel's belly slowly consumes energy. Hold to vomit out stored enemies covering them in toxic bile.",
			CardImage = "FeastModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Feast130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Feast130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Grendel",
		["Nourish"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Consume the enemies in Grendel's gut and nourish nearby squad members with a radial buff.",
			CardImage = "NourishModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Nourish130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Nourish130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Grendel",
		["Regurgitate"] = {
			Cost = 0,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Violently puke out a bile soaked enemy from Grendel's gut, turning the unfortunate creature into a toxic projectile.",
			CardImage = "RegurgitateModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Regurgitate130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Regurgitate130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Grendel",
		["Pulverize"] = {
			Cost = 0,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Powered by feasting, Grendel curls into a ball and knocks over anyone in his path. Jumping slams Grendel into the ground and generates a damaging shockwave.",
			CardImage = "PulverizeModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Pulverize130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Pulverize130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Grendel",
		["Condemn"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Cast a wave of energy that chains them where they stand. Each enemy held reinforces Harrow’s shields.",
			CardImage = "CondemnModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Condemn130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Condemn130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Harrow",
		["Penance"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Sacrifice shields to boost reload, and fire rate while converting damage inflicted on enemies into health for Harrow and nearby allies.",
			CardImage = "PenanceModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Penance130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Penance130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Harrow",
		["Thurible"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Channel Harrow’s energy into the Thurible to generate a buff. Once finished, kill enemies to bestow nearby allies with bursts of energy. The more energy channeled the greater the reward for each kill. Headshots produce extra energy.",
			CardImage = "ThuribleModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Thurible130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Thurible130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Harrow",
		["Covenant"] = {
			Cost = 100,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Protect nearby allies with an energy force that absorbs all damage and converts it to a Critical Chance bonus for all those under the Covenant. Headshots are amplified even further.",
			CardImage = "CovenantModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Covenant130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Covenant130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Harrow",
		["Balefire"] = {
			Cost = 0,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Charge and launch devastating bolts of fire.",
			CardImage = "BalefireModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Balefire130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Balefire130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Hildryn",
		["Pillage"] = {
			Cost = 0,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Pillage a percentage of Shields and Armor of nearby enemies to replenish Hildryn's own Shields and Overshields.",
			CardImage = "ShieldPillageModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "ShieldPillage130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "ShieldPillage130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Hildryn",
		["Haven"] = {
			Cost = 0,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Create a shield aura around allies. Enemies that approach shielded allies will take damage.",
			CardImage = "HavenModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Haven130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Haven130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Hildryn",
		["Aegis Storm"] = {
			Cost = 0,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Take the skies and rain Balefire rockets down on the enemy. Nearby enemies are blasted into the air where they will create an Energy Orb every few seconds. When shields run out the enemies are smashed into the ground.",
			CardImage = "AegisStormModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "AegisStorm130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "AegisStorm130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Hildryn",
		["Tempest Barrage"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Target an area and call down a barrage of liquid fury. Charge this attack to increase the lethality of the onslaught.",
			CardImage = "TempestBarrageModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "TempestBarrage130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "TempestBarrage130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Hydroid",
		["Tidal Surge"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Crash through enemies in a ferocious wall of water.",
			CardImage = "TidalSurgeModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "TidalSurge130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "TidalSurge130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Hydroid",
		["Undertow"] = {
			Cost = 15,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Become a water trap and drown unsuspecting enemies. ",
			CardImage = "UndertowModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Undertow130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Undertow130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Hydroid",
		["Tentacle Swarm"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Tap to spawn watery tentacles from all nearby surfaces to wreak havoc. Charge to increase the number of tentacles and spawn area. Use while in Undertow to have the tentacles emerge from the pool.",
			CardImage = "TentacleSwarmModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "TentacleSwarm130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "TentacleSwarm130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Hydroid",
		["Desiccation"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Blast enemies with a wave of cursed sand that blinds them and steals their health.",
			CardImage = "DesiccationModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Desiccation130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Desiccation130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Inaros",
		["Devour"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Hold power to trap target in quicksand and draw them in for devouring; this steals health and ultimately creates a friendly Sand Shadow.",
			CardImage = "DevourModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Devour130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Devour130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Inaros",
		["Sandstorm"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Become a whirling spiral of sand that sends enemies flying and devours those trapped in quicksand.",
			CardImage = "SandstormModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Sandstorm130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Sandstorm130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Inaros",
		["Scarab Swarm"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Charge to transform health into hardened scarab armor. Discharge to blast enemies with a scarab swarm; survivors have their health drained and bestowed on allies.",
			CardImage = "ScarabSwarmModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "ScarabSwarm130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "ScarabSwarm130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Inaros",
		["Quiver"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Cycle through and shoot one of four tactical arrows: Cloak, Dashwire, Noise and Sleep. In the Conclave, use the Null-Shield and Slow Arrows.",
			CardImage = "QuiverModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Quiver130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Quiver130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Ivara",
		["Navigator"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Assume control of a projectile and guide it to the target.",
			CardImage = "NavigatorModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Navigator130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Navigator130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Ivara",
		["Prowl"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Become invisible and steal loot from unsuspecting enemies or take out prey with deadly headshots.",
			CardImage = "ProwlModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Prowl130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Prowl130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Ivara",
		["Artemis Bow"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Summon a mighty bow and unleash a volley of devastating arrows.",
			CardImage = "ArtemisBowModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "ArtemisBow130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "ArtemisBow130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Ivara",
		["Whipclaw"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Send enemies reeling with a deafening whipcrack.",
			CardImage = "WhipclawModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Whipclaw130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Whipclaw130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Khora",
		["Ensnare"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Bind a hapless target in living metal, entangling others who stray too close. Whipclaw will refresh the trap allowing it to capture more enemies.",
			CardImage = "EnsnareModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Ensnare130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Ensnare130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Khora",
		["Venari"] = {
			Cost = 0,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Command Venari to focus on a target. Hold to cycle between Attack, Protect, and Heal postures. If Venari is killed, use this ability to revive her instantly.",
			CardImage = "VenariModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Venari130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Venari130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Khora",
		["Strangledome"] = {
			Cost = 100,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Weave a dome of living chain that ensnares and strangles any enemy within, and any foolish enough to approach. Foes outside the trap will try to hasten their comrade's deaths by shooting them. Crack Whipclaw on the dome to further damage any trapped enemies.",
			CardImage = "StrangledomeModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Strangledome130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Strangledome130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Khora",
		["Banish"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Casts a wave of Rift energy that damages hostiles while pushing enemies and allies out of Limbo’s current plane of existence.",
			CardImage = "BanishModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Banish130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Banish130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Limbo",
		["Stasis"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Freezes Rift-bound enemies. While active, enemy projectiles are arrested in mid-air, resuming its trajectory when stasis ends.",
			CardImage = "StasisModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Stasis130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Stasis130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Limbo",
		["Rift Surge"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Surges nearby Rift-bound enemies with Rift energy. When killed the Rift Surge is transferred to a nearby enemy outside the rift. Surged enemies that leave the Rift perform a radial Banish.",
			CardImage = "RiftSurgeModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "RiftSurge130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "RiftSurge130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Limbo",
		["Cataclysm"] = {
			Cost = 100,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "A violent blast of void energy tears open a pocket of rift plane which can sustain itself for a short period before collapsing in another lethal blast.",
			CardImage = "CataclysmModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Cataclysm130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Cataclysm130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Limbo",
		["Decoy"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Loki deploys a holographic copy of himself, drawing enemy fire.",
			CardImage = "DecoyModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Decoy130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Decoy130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Loki",
		["Invisibility"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Loki camouflages himself, becoming invisible to enemies.",
			CardImage = "InvisibilityModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Invisibility130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Invisibility130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Loki",
		["Switch Teleport"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Loki instantaneously swaps positions with a target, confusing the enemy.",
			CardImage = "SwitchTeleportModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "SwitchTeleport130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "SwitchTeleport130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Loki",
		["Radial Disarm"] = {
			Cost = 100,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Lets forth a wave of energy, disrupting the projectile weapons of enemies in range and forcing them to revert to melee combat.",
			CardImage = "RadialDisarmModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "RadialDisarm130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "RadialDisarm130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Loki",
		["Pull"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Magnetic force pulls enemies toward you, stunning them and bringing them into melee range.",
			CardImage = "PullModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Pull130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Pull130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Mag",
		["Magnetize"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Creates a magnetic field around a target, ensnaring nearby enemies and dealing damage over time. The field reacts to bullets and shards created from Polarize to increase the damage.",
			CardImage = "MagnetizeModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Magnetize130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Magnetize130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Mag",
		["Polarize"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Emit an energy pulse that depletes enemy shields and armor, creating shards which become deadly when mixed with Magnetize. Shields of allies touched by the pulse are restored.",
			CardImage = "PolarizeModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Polarize130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Polarize130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Mag",
		["Crush"] = {
			Cost = 100,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Magnetizes the bones of nearby enemies, causing them to collapse upon themselves.",
			CardImage = "CrushModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Crush130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Crush130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Mag",
		["Ballistic Battery"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "When activated, this power stores damage caused by guns. When triggered again, that damage is channeled through the next gunshot.",
			CardImage = "BallisticBatteryModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "BallisticBattery130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "BallisticBattery130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Mesa",
		["Shooting Gallery"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Gives an ally extra damage while jamming the guns of nearby enemies. This power shifts between team members.",
			CardImage = "ShootingGalleryModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "ShootingGallery130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "ShootingGallery130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Mesa",
		["Shatter Shield"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Envelops Mesa in a barrier of energy, reflecting back incoming bullet damage.",
			CardImage = "ShatterShieldModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "ShatterShield130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "ShatterShield130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Mesa",
		["Peacemaker"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "With intense focus, Mesa draws her Regulator pistols, shooting down her foes in rapid succession.",
			CardImage = "PeacemakerModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Peacemaker130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Peacemaker130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Mesa",
		["Hall Of Mirrors"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Mirage creates an entourage of doppelgangers to confuse and distract the enemy.",
			CardImage = "HallOfMirrorsModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "HallOfMirrors130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "HallOfMirrors130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Mirage",
		["Sleight Of Hand"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Booby trap nearby objects while conjuring an irresistible jewel that bursts with radial blind when touched in darkness, or a radial explosion in light. Conjure multiple smaller jewels with the help of Hall of Mirrors.",
			CardImage = "SleightOfHandModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "SleightOfHand130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "SleightOfHand130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Mirage",
		["Eclipse"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Standing in light, Mirage deals heavy damage, while the shadows make Mirage difficult to track and even harder to hurt.",
			CardImage = "EclipseModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Eclipse130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Eclipse130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Mirage",
		["Prism"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Fires an energy prism that shoots lasers in all directions. Activating again detonates the prism, blinding nearby foes.",
			CardImage = "PrismModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Prism130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Prism130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Mirage",
		["Soul Punch"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "A blow so powerful, it turns the enemy's very soul into a deadly projectile, damaging all in its path.",
			CardImage = "SoulPunchModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "SoulPunch130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "SoulPunch130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Nekros",
		["Terrify"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Casts fear into the hearts of nearby enemies, causing them to run away in terror.",
			CardImage = "TerrifyModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Terrify130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Terrify130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Nekros",
		["Desecrate"] = {
			Cost = 10,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Forces fallen enemies around you to drop additional loot.",
			CardImage = "DesecrateModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Desecrate130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Desecrate130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Nekros",
		["Shadows Of The Dead"] = {
			Cost = 100,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Summons shadow versions of vanquished enemies to fight alongside you for a short period of time.",
			CardImage = "ShadowsOfTheDeadModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "ShadowsOfTheDead130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "ShadowsOfTheDead130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Nekros",
		["Fire Walker"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Blaze a trail of flames, scorching enemies and cleansing allies.",
			CardImage = "FireWalkerModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "FireWalker130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "FireWalker130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Nezha",
		["Blazing Chakram"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Hurl a flaming ring that burns enemies and causes them to emit a healing blast on death. Reactivate to instantly travel to the ring's location.",
			CardImage = "BlazingChakramModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "BlazingChakram130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "BlazingChakram130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Nezha",
		["Warding Halo"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Create a protective ring of fire that also stuns and damage enemies who get too close.",
			CardImage = "WardingHaloModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "WardingHalo130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "WardingHalo130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Nezha",
		["Divine Spears"] = {
			Cost = 100,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Impale nearby enemies on spears that erupt from the ground.",
			CardImage = "DivineSpearsModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "DivineSpears130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "DivineSpears130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Nezha",
		["Virulence"] = {
			Cost = 40,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Rupture the ground with a damaging fungal growth that steals energy from each enemy it strikes. For every five enemies hit, the Infestation mutates, multiplying its destructive force.",
			CardImage = "VirulenceModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Virulence130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Virulence130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Nidus",
		["Larva"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Spawn an Infested pod that erupts with tendrils, latches onto nearby enemies and pulls them in.",
			CardImage = "LarvaModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Larva130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Larva130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Nidus",
		["Parasitic Link"] = {
			Cost = 0,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Bind to a target with a parasitic link. For allies, both the host and Nidus gain increased Ability Strength. Linked enemies take the damage inflicted on Nidus.",
			CardImage = "ParasiticLinkModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "ParasiticLink130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "ParasiticLink130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Nidus",
		["Ravenous"] = {
			Cost = 0,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Gluttonous maggots swarm nearby enemies, feasting until they burst with Infestation. The maggots benefit from Mutation and each enemy consumed adds to the Mutation stack.",
			CardImage = "RavenousModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Ravenous130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Ravenous130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Nidus",
		["Null Star"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Creates anti-matter particles that orbit Nova and seek nearby targets.",
			CardImage = "NullStarModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "NullStar130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "NullStar130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Nova",
		["Antimatter Drop"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Launches a contained particle of antimatter that will detonate upon collision.",
			CardImage = "AntimatterDropModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "AntimatterDrop130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "AntimatterDrop130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Nova",
		["Worm Hole"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Creates a wormhole allowing instantaneous travel.",
			CardImage = "WormHoleModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "WormHole130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "WormHole130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Nova",
		["Molecular Prime"] = {
			Cost = 100,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Primes all enemies in a radius with anti-matter.",
			CardImage = "MolecularPrimeModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "MolecularPrime130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "MolecularPrime130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Nova",
		["Mind Control"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Nyx invades the psyche of a target, confusing enemies and making them fight for the Tenno cause.",
			CardImage = "MindControlModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "MindControl130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "MindControl130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Nyx",
		["Psychic Bolts"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Nyx launches a cluster of force bolts at enemies, using telekinesis to adjust flight paths and seek nearby targets.",
			CardImage = "PsychicBoltsModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "PsychicBolts130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "PsychicBolts130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Nyx",
		["Chaos"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "With a powerful psychic blast, Nyx causes mass hysteria on the battlefield by confusing all enemies to attack random factions.",
			CardImage = "ChaosModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Chaos130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Chaos130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Nyx",
		["Absorb"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Nyx absorbs all incoming damage and channels that collected energy into an explosive radial discharge.",
			CardImage = "AbsorbModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Absorb130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Absorb130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Nyx",
		["Smite"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Focuses deadly energy within a target and then projects it outwards, damaging both the target and surrounding enemies.",
			CardImage = "SmiteModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Smite130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Smite130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Oberon",
		["Hallowed Ground"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Sanctifies the ground before Oberon with righteous fire, inflicting damage to any enemy that stands in the flames.",
			CardImage = "HallowedGroundModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "HallowedGround130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "HallowedGround130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Oberon",
		["Renewal"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Healing waves of energy flow outward from Oberon to his allies, regenerating health over time.",
			CardImage = "RenewalModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Renewal130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Renewal130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Oberon",
		["Reckoning"] = {
			Cost = 100,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Quickly lifts enemies into the air and then hurls them down with conviction. Enemies who succumb to this power have a chance to spawn a Health Sphere.",
			CardImage = "ReckoningModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Reckoning130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Reckoning130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Oberon",
		["Mallet"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Rhythmically beats damage into nearby enemies and draws their fire. Damage inflicted on the Mallet increases its lethality.",
			CardImage = "MalletModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Mallet130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Mallet130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Octavia",
		["Resonator"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Launches a rollerball that charms foes to follow it. Combines with the Mallet to create a roving ball of sonic destruction.",
			CardImage = "ResonatorModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Resonator130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Resonator130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Octavia",
		["Metronome"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Grants buffs to those who consistently perform actions in time to Octavia’s music. Timed jumps offer the Vivace speed buff. Crouching on the beat grants cloaking with the Nocturne buff. Firing rhythmically bestows Opera multishot buff. Timed melee swings give the Forte damage buff.",
			CardImage = "MetronomeModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Metronome130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Metronome130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Octavia",
		["Amp"] = {
			Cost = 100,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Draws power from the decibel level of sound in the area and uses it to amplify a damage buff for Octavia and her allies. It also doubles the damage and range of nearby Mallets.",
			CardImage = "AmpModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Amp130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Amp130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Octavia",
			Link = "Amp (Ability)",
	    ["Grenade Fan"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Throw out 3 grenades in an arc.<br>(TAP) SHRAPNEL VORTEX<br>Creates a slashing, staggering swirl of shrapnel.<br>(HOLD) SHIELD SATELLITES<br>Protea reconfigures 3 Grenades to work as overcharging shield generators, protecting her, her allies and companions. When Shields break a Satellite is destroyed to extend the period of invulnerability.",
			CardImage = "GrenadeFanModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "GrenadeFan130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "GrenadeFan130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Protea",
		["Blaze Artillery"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Deploys an artillery unit to blast plasma charges at enemies it faces. Each enemy hit increases the power of subsequent plasma attacks.",
			CardImage = "BlazeArtilleryModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "BlazeArtillery130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "BlazeArtillery130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Protea",
		["Dispensary"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Deploys a device that generates 3 pickups after a short delay: empowered health orb, universal ammo pack and energy orb.",
			CardImage = "DispensaryModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Dispensary130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Dispensary130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Protea",
		["Temporal Anchor"] = {
			Cost = 100,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Drops a Temporal Anchor which, after a short duration, Protea rewinds to triggering a temporal implosion. Implosion damage increases based on damage dealt between anchor drop and rewind. Everything lost or expended in that time is returned. Dying while Anchor is active rewinds Protea to the anchor, saving her. Protea is knocked down and the anchor vanishes.",
			CardImage = "TemporalAnchorModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "TemporalAnchor130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "TemporalAnchor130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Protea",
		["Enthrall"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Convert a target into a zealous thrall. Thralls turn on their allies and enthrall through damage. On death, they disintegrate into a damaging pillar of energy. The thrall horde remains under Revenant’s spell until this Ability runs out.",
			CardImage = "EnthrallModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Enthrall130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Enthrall130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Revenant",
		["Mesmer Skin"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Become enveloped in Sentient energy, which redirects damage and stuns all those who dare attack. Stunned enemies can be Enthralled at no energy cost.",
			CardImage = "MesmerSkinModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "MesmerSkin130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "MesmerSkin130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Revenant",
		["Reave"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Dash through enemies as a wall of Sentient energy, leeching shields and health from any encountered, enhanced for thralls.",
			CardImage = "ReaveModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Reave130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Reave130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Revenant",
		["Danse Macabre"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Erupt with a multitude of Eidolon energy beams and sweep a circle of death around Revenant. The beams will modify their Damage Type to target select defenses, while incoming damage is redirected back into the beams. Hold fire to boost Status Effects and Damage, at the cost of increased energy consumption. Thralls killed by this leave overshield pickups. ",
			CardImage = "DanseMacabreModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "DanseMacabre130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "DanseMacabre130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Revenant",
		["Rhino Charge"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Rhino charges towards a target, clobbering any in his path and goring his victim.",
			CardImage = "RhinoChargeModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "RhinoCharge130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "RhinoCharge130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Rhino",
		["Iron Skin"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Rhino hardens his skin, insulating himself from all damage.",
			CardImage = "IronSkinModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "IronSkin130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "IronSkin130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Rhino",
		["Roar"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Grants all nearby Warframes increased damage for a short duration.",
			CardImage = "RoarModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Roar130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Roar130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Rhino",
		["Rhino Stomp"] = {
			Cost = 100,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Rhino stomps with force sufficient to disrupt time, tumbling enemies around him in stasis.",
			CardImage = "RhinoStompModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "RhinoStomp130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "RhinoStomp130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Rhino",
		["Spores"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Inflict a target with a pox of Corrosive spores. Spread spores to nearby enemies by destroying them or killing their host. The longer the Spore spreads, its damage will increase.",
			CardImage = "SporesModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Spores130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Spores130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Saryn",
		["Molt"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Shedding her skin like a snake, Saryn leaves a decoy behind to draw fire from enemies.",
			CardImage = "MoltModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Molt130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Molt130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Saryn",
		["Toxic Lash"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "While active, attacks deal additional Toxin damage; this effect is doubled for melee strikes. Instantly burst spores when attacking afflicted enemies.",
			CardImage = "ToxicLashModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "ToxicLash130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "ToxicLash130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Saryn",
		["Miasma"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Releases a poisonous miasma that deals Viral damage to enemies in range. Foes afflicted by spores are more susceptible to the mist.",
			CardImage = "MiasmaModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Miasma130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Miasma130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Saryn",
		["Spellbind"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Enemies fumble their weapons as they tumble into the air. Nearby allies become immune to Status Effects.",
			CardImage = "SpellbindModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Spellbind130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Spellbind130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Titania",
		["Tribute"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Extract an offering from an enemy in the form of a random Ability Buff. Survivor's attacks are weakened.",
			CardImage = "TributeModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Tribute130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Tribute130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Titania",
		["Lantern"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Create a swarm of razorflies that transform an enemy into an irresistible floating beacon, attracting witless comrades and finally exploding.",
			CardImage = "LanternModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Lantern130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Lantern130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Titania",
		["Razorwing"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Shrink down and take flight, while razorflies attack nearby enemies.",
			CardImage = "RazorwingModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Razorwing130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Razorwing130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Titania",
		["Well Of Life"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Create a well of life on an enemy. Allies will gain health when damaging the target.",
			CardImage = "WellOfLifeModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "WellOfLife130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "WellOfLife130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Trinity",
		["Energy Vampire"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Allies will gain energy over time when enemies are marked with Energy Vampire.",
			CardImage = "EnergyVampireModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "EnergyVampire130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "EnergyVampire130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Trinity",
		["Link"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Any damage taken while Link is active will be channeled to a nearby enemy.",
			CardImage = "LinkModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Link130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Link130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Trinity",
		["Blessing"] = {
			Cost = 100,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Restore the health and shields of allies within Trinity's Affinity aura while giving them some damage immunity.",
			CardImage = "BlessingModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Blessing130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Blessing130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Trinity",
		["Rip Line"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Valkyr hurls forth a hook. If it hits an enemy, she pulls them to her. If it hits terrain, she pulls herself to the hook's location.",
			CardImage = "RipLineModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "RipLine130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "RipLine130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Valkyr",
		["Warcry"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Valkyr lets out a rallying cry that bolsters her allies melee speed while slowing down nearby enemies.",
			CardImage = "WarcryModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Warcry130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Warcry130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Valkyr",
		["Paralysis"] = {
			Cost = 5,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Valkyr unleashes her shields, stunning and damaging enemies around her.",
			CardImage = "ParalysisModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Paralysis130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Paralysis130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Valkyr",
		["Hysteria"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Valkyr is imbued with energy and becomes a ball of vicious rage, capable of unleashing a torrent of deadly claw attacks on unsuspecting foes.",
			CardImage = "HysteriaModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Hysteria130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Hysteria130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Valkyr",
		["Tesla Nervos"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Deploy a roller drone that attaches itself to enemies and delivers bursts of arcing electricity to anything in the immediate area.",
			CardImage = "TeslaNervosModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "TeslaNervos130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "TeslaNervos130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Vauban",
		["Minelayer"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Cycle through four deployable mines: Tether Coil, Flechette Orb, Vector Pad and Overdriver.",
			CardImage = "MinelayerModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Minelayer130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Minelayer130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Vauban",
		["Photon Strike"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Drop a targeting beacon that calls in a devastating laser artillery strike.",
			CardImage = "PhotonStrikeModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "PhotonStrike130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "PhotonStrike130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Vauban",
		["Bastille"] = {
			Cost = 100,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Erect a containment field to capture enemies and suspended them in stasis, stripping their armor. Hold to collapse all Bastilles into a single damaging vortex.",
			CardImage = "BastilleModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Bastille130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Bastille130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Vauban",
		["Shock"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Launches a shocking projectile. It stuns and deals high damage to a single target and chains damage to nearby enemies.",
			CardImage = "ShockModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Shock130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Shock130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Volt",
		["Speed"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Volt energizes his body and nearby Warframes, giving them increased speed and dexterity for a short time.",
			CardImage = "SpeedModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Speed130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Speed130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Volt",
		["Electric Shield"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Volt deploys an obstacle of energy, providing cover in any situation.",
			CardImage = "ElectricShieldModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "ElectricShield130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "ElectricShield130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Volt",
		["Discharge"] = {
			Cost = 100,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Paralyze nearby hostiles with a damaging electric charge, this also shocks approaching enemies.",
			CardImage = "DischargeModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Discharge130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Discharge130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Volt",
		["Reservoirs"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Choose and summon a Reservoir filled with Motes that attach to and aid Wisp and her allies. Haste Mote grants increased movement and attack speed. Vitality Mote increases maximum health and heals over time. Shock Mote stuns nearby enemies.",
			CardImage = "Reservoirs.png",
			DarkIcon = "Reservoirs130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Reservoirs130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Wisp",
		["Wil-O-Wisp"] = {
			Cost = 35,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Cast forward a spectral image of Wisp to confuse and distract enemies. Reactivate to travel to its position. Hold to have the image travel faster and teleport to its position on release.",
			CardImage = "WilOWisp.png",
			DarkIcon = "WilOWisp130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "WilOWisp130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Wisp",
		["Breach Surge"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Open a dimensional breach to overwhelm nearby enemies and cause them to release aggressive Surge sparks when damaged. Wisp may also target a Reservoir to teleport to it and double the range of the surge.",
			CardImage = "BreachSurge.png",
			DarkIcon = "BreachSurge130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "BreachSurge130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Wisp",
		["Sol Gate"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Open a portal to the sun to irradiate enemies with a devastating beam of pure solar plasma.",
			CardImage = "SolGate.png",
			DarkIcon = "SolGate130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "SolGate130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Wisp",
		["Celestial Twin"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "Shedding part of himself, Wukong creates a twin to fight by his side. Attack at range and the twin will melee, pull a blade and the twin will lay down covering fire. Use again to command the twin to attack a target with increased damage. ",
			CardImage = "CelestialTwinModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "CelestialTwin130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "CelestialTwin130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Wukong",
		["Cloud Walker"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Evaporate into a cloud of mist and float through the battlefield, dazing any enemy encountered, while healing Wukong and his twin. ",
			CardImage = "CloudWalkerModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "CloudWalker130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "CloudWalker130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Wukong",
		["Defy"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Wukong and his twin become invulnerable and defy enemies to attack. All damage is captured, stored, and dealt back in a single furious strike of Wukong's staff. Bonus Armor is then granted relative to the damage captured.",
			CardImage = "DefyModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Defy130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Defy130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Wukong",
		["Primal Fury"] = {
			Cost = 10,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Summon the Iron Staff and unleash fury.",
			CardImage = "PrimalFuryModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "PrimalFury130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "PrimalFury130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Wukong",
		["Tail Wind"] = {
			Cost = 25,
			Key = 1,
			Description = "From the ground, charge and release to launch Zephyr into an airborne hover. From the air, tap to dash forward, or aim down to dive bomb enemies below.",
			CardImage = "TailWindModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "TailWind130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "TailWind130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Zephyr",
		["Airburst"] = {
			Cost = 50,
			Key = 2,
			Description = "Generate a burst of massively dense air that explodes on contact and sends enemies flying. Launch Airbursts into Tornadoes to make them grow.",
			CardImage = "AirburstModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Airburst130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Airburst130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Zephyr",
		["Turbulence"] = {
			Cost = 75,
			Key = 3,
			Description = "Creates a wind shield around Zephyr, redirecting all incoming projectiles.",
			CardImage = "TurbulenceModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Turbulence130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Turbulence130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Zephyr",
		["Tornado"] = {
			Cost = 100,
			Key = 4,
			Description = "Create deadly tornadoes that seek out and engulf enemies. Tornadoes deal the elemental damage type they absorb the most. Shoot enemies engulfed in Tornadoes to do additional damage.",
			CardImage = "TornadoModx256.png",
			DarkIcon = "Tornado130xDark.png",
			WhiteIcon = "Tornado130xWhite.png",
			Warframe = "Zephyr",
	["Warframe"] = {
		["Ash"] = {"手裡劍","煙幕","瞬移","劍刃風暴"},
		["Atlas"] = {"Landslide","Tectonics","Petrify","Rumblers"},
		["Banshee"] = {"Sonic Boom","Sonar","Silence","Sound Quake"},
		["Baruuk"] = {"Elude","Lull","Desolate Hands","Serene Storm"},
		["Chroma"] = {"Spectral Scream","Elemental Ward","Vex Armor","Effigy"},
		["Ember"] = {"Fireball","Immolation","Fire Blast","Inferno"},
		["Equinox"] = {"Metamorphosis","Rest & Rage","Pacify & Provoke","Mend & Maim"},
		["Excalibur"] = {"Slash Dash","Radial Blind","Radial Javelin","Exalted Blade"},
		["Excalibur Umbra"] = {"Slash Dash","Radial Howl","Radial Javelin","Exalted Blade"},
		["Frost"] = {"Freeze","Ice Wave","Snow Globe","Avalanche"},
		["Gara"] = {"Shattered Lash","Splinter Storm","Spectrorage","Mass Vitrify"},
		["Garuda"] = {"Dread Mirror","Blood Altar","Bloodletting","Seeking Talons"},
		["Gauss"] = {"Mach Rush","Kinetic Plating","Thermal Sunder","Redline"},
		["Grendel"] = {"Feast","Nourish","Regurgitate","Pulverize"},
		["Harrow"] = {"Condemn","Penance","Thurible","Covenant"},
		["Hildryn"] = {"Balefire", "Pillage", "Haven", "Aegis Storm"},
		["Hydroid"] = {"Tempest Barrage","Tidal Surge","Undertow","Tentacle Swarm"},
		["Inaros"] = {"Desiccation","Devour","Sandstorm","Scarab Swarm"},
		["Ivara"] = {"Quiver","Navigator","Prowl","Artemis Bow"},
		["Khora"] = {"Whipclaw","Ensnare","Venari","Strangledome"},
		["Limbo"] = {"Banish","Stasis","Rift Surge","Cataclysm"},
		["Loki"] = {"Decoy","Invisibility","Switch Teleport","Radial Disarm"},
		["Mag"] = {"Pull","Magnetize","Polarize","Crush"},
		["Mesa"] = {"Ballistic Battery","Shooting Gallery","Shatter Shield","Peacemaker"},
		["Mirage"] = {"Hall Of Mirrors","Sleight Of Hand","Eclipse","Prism"},
		["Nekros"] = {"Soul Punch","Terrify","Desecrate","Shadows Of The Dead"},
		["Nezha"] = {"Fire Walker","Blazing Chakram","Warding Halo","Divine Spears"},
		["Nidus"] = {"Virulence","Larva","Parasitic Link","Ravenous"},
		["Nova"] = {"Null Star","Antimatter Drop","Worm Hole","Molecular Prime"},
		["Nyx"] = {"Mind Control","Psychic Bolts","Chaos","Absorb"},
		["Oberon"] = {"Smite","Hallowed Ground","Renewal","Reckoning"},
		["Octavia"] = {"Mallet","Resonator","Metronome","Amp"},
		["Protea"] = {"Grenade Fan","Blaze Artillery","Dispensary","Temporal Anchor"},
		["Revenant"] = {"Enthrall","Mesmer Skin","Reave","Danse Macabre"},
		["Rhino"] = {"Rhino Charge","Iron Skin","Roar","Rhino Stomp"},
		["Saryn"] = {"Spores","Molt","Toxic Lash","Miasma"},
		["Titania"] = {"Spellbind","Tribute","Lantern","Razorwing"},
		["Trinity"] = {"Well Of Life","Energy Vampire","Link","Blessing"},
		["Valkyr"] = {"Rip Line","Warcry","Paralysis","Hysteria"},
		["Vauban"] = {"Tesla Nervos","Minelayer","Photon Strike","Bastille"},
		["Volt"] = {"Shock","Speed","Electric Shield","Discharge"},
		["Wisp"] = {"Reservoirs","Wil-O-Wisp","Breach Surge","Sol Gate"},
		["Wukong"] = {"Celestial Twin","Defy","Cloud Walker","Primal Fury"},
		["Zephyr"] = {"Tail Wind","Airburst","Turbulence","Tornado"},
return AbilityData