武器類型 Primary
武器種類 Sniper Rifle
射擊模式 Semi-Auto
子彈飛行速度 Hit-Scan
射擊速率 1.5 發/秒
精準度 13.3
彈夾容量 6 發/彈夾
彈藥上限 72 發
裝填子彈時間 3.0 秒
物理傷害 200.0
Impact w衝擊 160.0
Puncture w穿刺 30.0
Slash w切割 10.0
爆擊率 20.0%
爆擊倍率 2.0x
觸發率 25.0%
戰力 10
極性 None
發布時間 Update 8.0
Built by the Grineer for their elite troops, the Vulkar is a devastating distance weapon. In the right hands it is capable of taking down targets long before they get into attack range.

金工火神是Update 8登場的Grineer狙擊步槍。是Grineer的Ballistas之裝備。主要造成Impact傷害,而且具非常高的狀態觸發機率,讓其在大部分的射擊中加以毀滅性的負面狀態。Tenno的狙擊步槍Vectis與其有不少相似之處。

這把武器的出售價格為 現金‍ 7,500.

腳本錯誤:函數 "Resource" 不存在。
腳本錯誤:函數 "Resource" 不存在。
腳本錯誤:函數 "Resource" 不存在。
腳本錯誤:函數 "Resource" 不存在。
耗時: 12 hrs
加速: 白金 35
商店 商店售價:白金225 藍圖 藍圖售價:現金20,000


這把武器主要造成 腳本錯誤:函數 "Proc" 不存在。 傷害。


  • 高基礎傷害。
  • 造成高 腳本錯誤:函數 "Proc" 不存在。 傷害。
  • 後坐力低。
  • 放大倍率較高.
  • 狀態觸發機率較高.
  • 由於精準度高,幾乎都可以擊中準星的位置. 
  • 可以使用其專屬的 Lasting Purity mod.


  • 較小的彈夾容量。
  • 稍長的上彈時間。
  • 造成低 腳本錯誤:函數 "Proc" 不存在。 傷害 和 腳本錯誤:函數 "Proc" 不存在。 傷害。
  • 對於一把狙擊槍來說暴擊率較低 
  • 在黑暗環境中瞄準鏡效益低
  • 後備彈藥量低

Weapon Loadout[]

主條目: Category:Vulkar Build

See the user build section for builds using this weapon.


  • Use a close-mid ranged sidearm to compensate for closer ranged targets.
  • Try to aim for the head or other vulnerable points only, take your time. Spraying and praying with this weapon does not work well, as with all snipers.
  • Adding either a maxed rank Wildfire will give the Vulkar 1 extra bullet, while a maxed rank Magazine Warp will add 2 extra shots.
  • Maxed Point Strike and Vital Sense mods work well with this weapon, given it's good critical chance and damage.
  • Use the Sniper Ammo Mutation mod to greatly relieve the low total ammo or Sniper Scavenger to increase the amount of sniper rifle ammo picked up.
  • Rupture is the most effective physical mod to use, as it increases Vulkar's already decent impact damage further.
  • Heavy Caliber can be used on the Vulkar with little noticeable effect on its long-range accuracy, as its slow rate of fire ensures that its shots will always land on its crosshair. Heavy Caliber will affect the spread of additional bullets created by Split Chamber however.


  • When compared to the Vectis, although they have different mechanics they are essentially very similar weapons. They have the same fire rate and accuracy, and similar damage although the Vectis has 25 more total damage. The Vectis relies heavily on how fast it can reload after firing in order to maximize DPS, as increasing fire rate has less of an effect than modding for pure reload (increasing both is best, but reduces mod space). The Vulkar however has a bigger clip which makes reload time the only thing you need to mod, as the fire rate is optimal. The Vulkar also has little recoil which makes follow-up shots easier to make.


  • It seems the Vulkar is based-off on the name "Vulcan", the god of fire, the forge and the volcanoes in Roman mythology.
  • It would seem that the Vulkar has an exceptionally high Impact damage for a sniper rifle, suggesting that it uses powerful slug rounds, despite its depiction as an armor-piercing rifle.

See Also[]

  • Ballistas, the Grineer sniper units that use this weapon.
  • Lasting Purity, a Vulkar exclusive Syndicate mod.

