
Dust Bloom[]



Panel Panel
持續:10 / 12 / 14 / 16 秒
範圍:1 / 3 / 3 / 5 米 (影響範圍)
20 / 30 / 40 / 50 米 (施放距離)

  • Titania所瞄準的位置周圍 1 / 3 / 3 / 5 米半徑散發附魔的粉末, 施放距離為 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 米。敵人在範圍會被繳械,在布偶狀態下無法進行活動,而且在半空中漂浮 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 seconds. 友方單位在時間內會獲得免疫 [[異常狀態]的效果。
    • 影響範圍和施放距離受到 能力範圍影響。
    • 持續時間受到 能力持續時間影響。
    • 敵人在半空中漂浮時移動的方向和速度取決於他們一開始時移動的方向和速度。使用即時命中判定,拋體的武器和近戰攻擊可以令敵人往隨機的方向彈跳
    • 技能結束後,敵人不能進行攻擊,除非他們取回自己的武器。不會使用武器的敵人 (例如 Infested) 會迅速恢復。
  • 施法時間有大約 1.0 秒,而且會受到 [天賦]]影響. 施法時中斷移動和其他動作,但如果在使用Razorwing 只會中斷其他動作但可以移動。
  • Titania和友方單位復活時會刷新免疫異常狀態的效果。
  • 迷塵會在Titania和友方單位有不同的顯示效果:
    • 敵人附近會有蝴蝶飄和會有向上噴射的能量光條,而且會受到Titania的能量顏色影響。
    • 友方單位附近會有蝴蝶飄,而且會受到自己的能量顏色影響


    • [[能力持續時間最大化]] 增加持續時間至 45.15 秒。
    • 減少影響範圍至 1.7 米和施放距離至17米。
  • [[能力效率最大化]] 降低能量消耗至6.25。
    • 減少能力持續時間至 6.4 秒。
  • [[能力範圍最大化]] 增加影響範圍至 12.5 米和施法範圍至125米。
    • 對此技能無負面效果。
  • 能力強度最大化 對此技能無正面效果。
    • 增加能量消耗至 38.75能量 。
    • 減少能力持續時間至 11.6 秒。

Panel Panel
Extract an offering from an enemy in the form of a random Ability Buff. Survivor's attacks are weakened.
強度:200 / 300 / 400 / 500
持續:6 / 8 / 10 / 12 s (減益)
120 s (塵埃/荊蕀/糾纏)
90 s (滿月)
範圍:10 / 15 / 20 / 25 米 (施放範圍)
30 米 (塵埃範圍)
40 米 (荊蕀範圍)
10 米 (糾纏範圍)

  • 敵人向Titania所瞄準的方向飛,施放距離為敵人向Titania所瞄準的方向飛,施放距離為10 / 15 / 20 / 25 米。敵人攻擊傷害降低 6 / 8 / 10 / 12秒和降低 200 / 300 / 400 / 500 傷害。敵人的靈魂會分離,而且會停留15秒。
    • 傷害受到能力強度影響。
    • 範圍受到能力範圍影響。
    • 負面狀態時間受到能力持續時間影響,但是敵人靈魂分離的持續時間不受到能力持續時間影響。
  • 如果敵人受到獻靈攻擊,敵人的靈魂會離開敵人,而且會出現一個敵人靈魂複製品的影子。如果Titania拾起它,她會獲得四個能力加成中的其中一個能力加成。每個能力加成的強度可以從拾取相同類型的靈魂疊加,同時刷新能力加成的持續時間。四種類型的能力加成可以在同一時間並存。以下是不同能力加成的效果:

  • 塵埃在Titania周圍30米內降低敵人精準度10%,持續120秒。每次疊加會增加10%,最大降低敵人精準度50%
    • 敵人精準度,光環範圍和持續時間能力強度能力範圍能力持續時間
    • 受影響的敵人附近會有蝴蝶飄,而且會受到Titania的能量顏色影響。
  • 塵埃影響使用遠程武器的敵人,例如槍兵船員

  • 荊蕀5%的傷害反彈給攻撃者,持續120秒,範圍為40米。每次疊加會增加15%,最大把25%的傷害反彈給攻撃者。其他友方單位在Titania周圍35米也會受到光環效果影響。
    • 傷害反彈率,光環範圍,友方單位増益範圍和持續時間能力強度能力範圍能力持續時間影響。
    • 受影響的敵人和友方單位附近會有蝴蝶飄,而且會受到Titania的能量顏色影響。
  • 荊蕀影響使用近戰武器的敵人,例如監工船員疾衝者

  • 糾纏在Titania周圍10米內降低敵人移動5%,持續120秒。每次疊加會增加5%,最大降低敵人移動25%
    • 敵人移動,光環範圍和持續時間不受能力強度能力範圍能力持續時間影響。
    • 受影響的敵人附近會有蝴蝶飄,而且會受到Tinania的能量顏色影響。
  • 糾纏影響重型敵人單位,例如轟擊者遠古墮落者

  • 滿月増加對同伴的傷害15%,持續90秒。每次疊加會增加15%,最大増加對同伴的傷害75%。其他隊友在Titania周圍35米也會受到光環效果影響。
    • 對同伴的傷害,隊友増益範圍和持續時間不受能力強度能力範圍能力持續時間影響。
  • 滿月影響召喚系的敵人(例如爪喀)和飛行系的敵人(例如地雷魚鷹)。

  • 靈魂上方會顯示一個標記表示光環。
    • 靈魂和標記的顏色會受到Tinania的能量顏色影響。
  • 施法時間有大約1秒,而且會受到天賦影響。施法時中斷移動和其他動作,但如果在使用剃刀之翼時,只會中斷其他動作但可以移動。
  • 敵人先前受到獻靈影響不會再受獻靈影響,他們也不能再提供靈魂。

  • 最大化是一種配置模式使用MOD達到某種效果的最大極限值。點擊任意最大化形式的鏈接來了解具體如何達成:

    • 最大化能力持續時間增加減益持續時間至33.84秒。
      • 減少施放距離至8.5米。
    • 最大化能力效率降低能量消耗至12.5
      • 減少減益能力持續時間至4.8秒。
    • 最大化能力範圍增加施法範圍至62.5米。
      • 減少基礎傷害至200
    • 最大化能力強度增加基礎傷害至1495
      • 增加能量消耗至77.5
      • 減少減益能力持續時間至8.7秒。

    Panel Panel
    Create a swarm of razorflies that transform an enemy into an irresistible floating beacon, attracting witless comrades and finally exploding.
    強度:200 / 250 / 300 / 350 (damage/sec)
    1,000 / 1,500 / 2,000 / 2,500 (explosion damage)
    持續:10 / 15 / 20 / 25 s
    範圍:15 / 20 / 25 / 25 m (cast range)
    8 / 12 / 15 / 20 m (attract radius)
    5 / 6 / 7 / 8 m (explosion radius)
    2.5 m (damage radius)

    • Titania sends a targeted enemy hurtling into the air using her razorflies, making it invulnerable and rendering it unable to move or attack. The suspended enemy will attract any other nearby enemies within 8 / 12 / 15 / 20 meters, removing their hostility towards the player and making them follow the suspended target blindly as long as they remain within range. Enemies that move within 2.5 meters of the suspended target will receive 200 / 250 / 300 / 350 damage per second. After 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 seconds or pressing the ability key again (default 3), the suspended target will explode, dealing 1,000 / 1,500 / 2,000 / 2,500 damage to it and all enemies within 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 meters.
      • Damage per second and explosion damage are affected by Power Strength.
      • Cast range, attraction radius, damage radius and explosion radius are all affected by Power Range.
      • Duration is affected by Power Duration.
    • Casting time of 1.3 seconds is affected by Natural Talent. Casting interrupts movement and other actions, however, casting while in Razorwing mode only interrupts other actions and not movement.
    • The suspended target will slowly move in the direction from which attacks push it starting from when the ability is cast. The suspended target's trajectory will be affected by any contact with terrain, weapon attack or offensive ability.

  • While crowd control aspect is somewhat tricky, Lantern can be used as quite effective offensive ability by double tapping.
  • Certain enemies, most notably Regulators and Sensor Regulators, will not be suspended, and will instantly skip to the explosion.

  • Maximization is a form of specialization: mods may be blended to result in values that vary between the top-end limits listed here. Click any maximized link to learn how to build it.

    • Maximized Power Duration increases the duration to 70.5 seconds.
      • Reduces cast range to 8.5 meters, attraction radius to 6.8 meters, explosion radius to 2.72 meters, and damage radius to 0.85 meters.
    • Maximized Power Efficiency reduces the cost to 18.75 energy.
      • Reduces the duration to 10 seconds.
    • Maximized Power Range increases cast range to 62.5 meters, attraction radius to 50 meters, explosion radius to 20 meters, and damage radius to 6.25 meters.
      • Reduces the damage per second to 140 and the explosion damage to 1000.
    • Maximized Power Strength increases the damage per second to 1046.5 and the explosion damage to 7475.
      • Increases the cost to 116.25 energy.
      • Reduces the duration to 18.125 seconds

    Panel Panel
    Shrink down and take flight, while razorflies attack nearby enemies.
    Energy Drain: 5 s-1
    強度:50 / 80 / 120 / 160 (gun damage)
    50 / 80 / 120 / 160 (melee damage)
    10 / 24 / 48 / 80 (drone damage)
    6 (razorfly drones)
    50% (evasion).

    • Titania shrinks down to half of her original size, becoming a flying pixie. In this form, Titania permanently remains in mid-air, using specialized control mechanics (very similar to Archwing) to move around the battlefield. She exchanges all of her normal weapons for two proprietary Razorwing weapons: the Dex Pixia dual machine pistols and the Diwata heavy sword. Titania also gains a passive 50% evasion against enemy attacks.
      • Evasion percentage is not affected by Power Strength.
      • Titania does not have a secondary weapon while Razorwing is active.
      • Despite appearances, Razorwing mode does not count as being airborne in regards to the effects of Aviator and Agility Drift.
    • Dex Pixia, similar to Artemis Bow, has its own unique statistics.
      • Base damage is 50 / 80 / 120 / 160 per hit, affected by Power Strength.
      • Base damage distribution is 10% 腳本錯誤:函數 "Proc" 不存在。, 10% 腳本錯誤:函數 "Proc" 不存在。, and 80% 腳本錯誤:函數 "Proc" 不存在。.
      • Fires 5.83 shots per second with 60 shots per clip. When not firing, the clip will automatically regenerate 50 shots per second after a 0.25 sec delay.
      • 200% critical damage multiplier with a 15% critical chance and a 25% status chance.
      • Dex Pixia is also affected by rifle mods and shotgun mods including:
    • Diwata, similar to Hysteria and Exalted Blade, has its own unique statistics.
      • Base damage is 50 / 80 / 120 / 160 per hit, affected by Power Strength.
      • Base damage distribution is 15% 腳本錯誤:函數 "Proc" 不存在。, 75% 腳本錯誤:函數 "Proc" 不存在。, and 10% 腳本錯誤:函數 "Proc" 不存在。.
      • Attacks 1.08 times per second, and can only hit one enemy per attack. When attacking, Titania will dash a short distance to her target.
      • 150% critical damage multiplier with a 5% critical chance and a 10% status chance.
      • Diwata is also affected by equipped melee mods including:
        • Base damage (e.g., Steel Charge), physical damage, elemental damage, faction damage, channeling (e.g., Life Strike), critical damage, critical chance, status chance, attack speed (e.g., Primed Fury), range mods (e.g., Primed Reach.
        • Diwata is not affected by the equipped melee weapon's stats, weapon augments (e.g., Justice Blades), class-specific mods (e.g., Covert Lethality), stat-modifying skins (e.g., Manticore), or any Acolyte mods (e.g., Blood Rush).
    • While Razorwing is active, Titania will also command 6 Razorfly drones to attack nearby enemies. These drones deal 10 / 24 / 48 / 80 damage with their attacks; they will swarm an enemy and attack it incessantly until it is killed. The Razorflies also have a dramatically increased threat rating, allowing them to draw enemy fire and attention away from Titania's team. Razorflies can be killed by enemy fire, and can only be replenished upon Razorwing being recast.
      • Razorfly damage is affected by Power Strength, while the number of drones is not.
    • As a channeled ability, Razorwing consumes 5 energy for every second it is active. Razorwing will remain active until Titania's energy is depleted, the ability is dispelled, or the ability is deactivated by pressing the ability key again (default 4).
    • While Razorwing is active, Titania can continue moving while casting her other abilities.
    • Titania is unable to interact with objects while Razorwing is active, such as consoles and data masses. She is also unable to use Focus while the ability is active, though she will still benefit from any passive abilities already activated other than Energy Overflow.
    • Activating Razorwing has a casting time of 1.4, and deactivating has a 1.0 second casting time; these are affected by Natural Talent.
    • Companions disappear when activating Razorwing, and will come back once the ability is deactivated.

    Maximization is a form of specialization: mods may be blended to result in values that vary between the top-end limits listed here. Click any maximized link to learn how to build it.

    • Maximized Power Duration reduces energy drain to ~1.773 energy per second.
      • Has no negative effect on this ability.
    • Maximized Power Efficiency reduces activation cost to 6.25 energy and energy drain to 1.25 energy per second.
      • Has no negative effect on this ability.
    • Maximized Power Range has no positive effect on this ability.
      • Reduces gun and melee damages to 64 and drone damage to 32.
    • Maximized Power Strength will increase gun and melee damage to 478.4 and drone damage to 239.2.
      • Increases activation cost to 38.75 energy and energy drain to 8.75 energy per second.







    Spellbind Spellbind
    檔案:TributeIcon.png 檔案:TributeIcon.png 檔案:TributeIcon.png
    檔案:LanternIcon.png 檔案:LanternIcon.png 檔案:LanternIcon.png