

為了能進入接合點,玩家必須先完成星圖中的接合點節點所列出的條件。在完成了這些條件後,玩家就能進入接合點並開始進行接合點任務。這個任務是在一個相對狹小的房間中進行的,玩家需要擊敗房間內的一個戰甲魅影——也就是所謂的[[Update 19|航道幽影] ]之一,而接合點所連接的下一個星體的頭目,正好會掉落這個魅影相關的戰甲部件。不過,水星接合點的Volt是個例外。



位置 條件 獎勵 門神
  • 擊敗位於金星 FOSSA 上的豺狼
  • 單次任務中完成位於金星 TESSERA 上的 10 波 防禦
  • 救援位於金星 LINEA 上的一名人質
  • 金星擊敗 10 名卓越者敵人(卓越者類型的上級敵人多出現於生存、防禦、挖掘或攔截等長時間任務中)
裝備麥格努斯烈焰長劍Volt 魅影等級 5

位置 條件 獎勵 門神
地球 裝備月神鋒月雙斧Rhino 魅影等級 5

位置 條件 獎勵 門神
地球 裝備猛虎西伯利亞冰錘Frost 魅影等級 10

位置 條件 獎勵 門神
  • 在位於火星單次任務中擊敗 150 名敵人
  • 火星上尋找並掃描 3 次閃爍藍光的中樞碎片(請至商店購買掃描器並裝備於軍械庫介面的物品欄位)
  • 打開 3 個古紀虛空遺物
裝備飛揚提佩多Mag 魅影等級 20

位置 條件 獎勵 門神
火星 裝備帕里斯光棍Trinity 魅影等級 20

位置 條件 獎勵 門神
  • 完成《ARCHWING》系列任務
  • 穀神星 EXTA 擊敗 VORKRIL
  • 穀神星 DRACO 處的任務中存活超過 10 分鐘
  • 擊敗位於穀神星判官(判官周身圍繞著能抵抗對應屬性攻擊的特殊光環,通常在敵人按下敵襲警報後才會現身)
裝備盜賊雙槍奪魂死神Valkyr 魅影等級 25

位置 條件 獎勵 門神
  • 完成《被偷走的夢》系列任務
  • 虛空完成 TESHUB 節點
  • 製造一個 Warframe 魅影 (Warframe 魅影藍圖可從任意救援任務中獲得)
裝備苦無蒼穹匕首Nova 魅影等級 25

位置 條件 獎勵 門神
木星 裝備麥格努斯烈焰長劍Ember 魅影等級 25

位置 條件 獎勵 門神
土星 裝備螺釘步槍雙節尺棍Equinox 魅影等級 30

位置 條件 獎勵 門神
天王星 裝備伯斯頓螺釘拐刃Loki 魅影等級 30

位置 條件 獎勵 門神
海王星 裝備布萊頓破壞者空刃雙刀Excalibur 魅影等級 30

位置 條件 獎勵 門神
  • 擊敗位於地球 ORO 的 VAY HEK
  • 月球擊敗 10 名 SENTIENT 敵人
  • 月球虛空真理挑戰場收集任意 3 個 MOD
  • 製造一把需求段位 5 以上的 武器
裝備守望者凱洛斯特Saryn 魅影等級 35

位置 條件 獎勵 門神
  • 遺跡中找到並擊敗 LEPHANTIS
  • 打開 3 個中紀虛空遺物
  • 月球 STÖFLER 處一次性成功防禦 15 波次敵人進攻
裝備和平使者救贖者Mesa 魅影等級 40


Junction U19


  • 在星圖中,接合點附近的節點可以作為跳轉至下一個星球區域的捷徑。
  • 如果接合點上列舉出的條件中未註明位置或星球星系,這意味著這個條件也可以在其他星球上達成。
  • 即使在沒有完成所有條件的情況下,玩家也可以進入接合點任務。不過,此時玩家無法與接合點中的魅影戰鬥,從而也無法推進航道進度。
    • 進入接合點任務後,玩家可以在航道前看到一個需求/獎勵列表,這個列表與星圖中顯示的列表內容是一樣的。
    • 僅僅進出接合點並不會算作任務失敗。
    • 玩家可以接合點中掃描魅影(不過它們在資料庫中並沒有對應條目)。
  • 某些接合點總是處於通行狀態(無需滿足特定條件或擊敗魅影),玩家只須完成與之相鄰的任務節點即可【有待驗證】。這樣的接合點有:
    • 通往虛空的接合點。
    • 地球通往月球的接合點。
  • 那些在航道幽影更新前就已經解鎖了其他星球的玩家,在更新之後仍然可以前往其他星球。
    • 不過接合點自身仍需被解鎖(上面所列出的條件要被一一完成,玩家之前的遊戲進度不會算入這些條件)。
    • 已經完成的系列任務仍會算所完成,無需重做。


  • 場景邊緣的巨大玻璃並非實體,所以玩家是可以將敵方魅影直接打飛出去。


Hotfix 22.8.3 (2018-01-11)
  • Replaced the Jupiter-Saturn Junction requirement of ‘defeat the Raptor on Europa’ with ‘complete Baal on Europa’. This is due to the Raptor’s boss fight getting increasingly difficult after his re-work, which created frustration for newer players attempting to unlock the Junction.

Hotfix: The Vacuum Within 3 (2016-10-13)

  • Changed a Phobos Junction task to read ‘Scan 3 Cephalon Fragments on Mars’ instead of 5.

Update: The Silver Grove 1.0 (2016-08-31)

  • Fixed the Second Dream quest key being given as a reward from completing the Natah quest. Players must complete the Uranus to Neptune Junction as intended.

Hotfix: The Silver Grove 3 (2016-08-23)

  • Fixed Junctions tasks appearing offscreen.

Update: The Silver Grove (2016-08-19)

  • Void Fissure Junction challenges can now be completed on any planet.
  • Moved the '3 Spy data extractions' Junction Challenge to Neptune- Pluto to replace '3 waves of Archwing Interception' now that Jupiter-Saturn requires players to defeat the Raptors on Europa.
  • Fixed Loki’s Disarm not working for Junction Specters against players.
  • Fixed Junction list on some planets overlapping parts of the planet.
  • Fixed the Junction task 'Collect 20 Mods' only counting Mods collected on Earth.
  • Fixed completing the Suisei- Mars missions not showing as complete for the Junction task.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 2.1 (2016-08-10)

  • Fixed the Sedna Junction task ‘Collect any 3 MODS from the Orokin Principle challenge rooms on LUA’ not progressing if you collect 3 of the same Mod.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.13 (2016-07-26)

  • Fixed being rewarded 0 Salvage instead of 500 for completing the Venus to Mercury Junction and Earth to Venus Junction.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.10 (2016-07-15)

Junction Changes & Fixes:
  • Fix for Junction progress not being saved for some clients
  • Fixed an issue with the 1000 Mastery not being rewarded when completing a Junction. If you are eligible, it'll automatically repair on login.
  • Junction task progress will now save even if you haven’t unlocked the Junction node
  • New Junction tasks:
    • Mars Junction = complete an alert, change to: "Collect 500 Rubedo from missions"
    • Phobos Junction = complete an invasion mission, change to "Scan 5 cephalon fragments on MARS" (Scans done before this change will be counted retroactively)
    • Europa Junction = complete an infested outbreak mission, change to "Complete TESHUB in the Void"
    • Eris Junction = defeat Phorid in an infested outbreak, change to "Find and Defeat LEPHANTIS in DERELICT"
    • Uranus Junction = Added "Craft a DERELICT KEY"

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.9 (2016-07-14)

  • Fixed an issue with Client Junction Tasks not tracking. This means any Clients trying to complete tasks wouldn't see progress.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.7 (2016-07-14)

  • Completing the Vor's Prize quest missions will now mark the nodes they're on as completed, so that you don't have to backtrack and complete the nodes leading up to the Junction a second time before you can enter it. Anyone who is mid-quest after this Hotifx deploys will still have to backtrack.
  • We now allow progress towards Junction tasks during the tutorial, and with this we also fixed Junction tasks not working during Quests.
  • You can now revisit Junctions, and see their new and improved diegetic menu!
  • Junction battles now have different passive bonuses for players competing against Specters to make the fights more fair. The passive bonuses are:
    • Refilling ammo on respawn.
    • Passive energy regeneration.
  • Fixed an issue with Mods received as mission rewards not counting towards the "Collect X mods" Junction task.
  • Fixed missing footstep sounds in Junctions.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.6 (2016-07-12)

  • Fixed the Eris Junction on Pluto not functioning preventing progression.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.5 (2016-07-12)

  • Rebalanced the Frost and Volt Junction Specters to be less hard on new players.
  • Changed the Junction task of "complete Spy missions with 3 data extractions" being too strict and requiring that all 3 extractions are undetected.
  • Fixed an issue with missing Blueprint elements for the Patient Zero quest from Junction rewards.
  • Fixed an issue with Spy and Fissure Junction tasks not properly tracking.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.4 (2016-07-11)

  • Void Fissure Junction challenges can now be completed on any planet. For example, before the a Junction could say request 3 Void Fissures be closed. This request was specific to the planet the Junction was on, which was not indicated in the UI. Now you can do the Void Fissure anywhere to count toward your Junction Challenge Tasks.
  • Rebalanced the Rhino Specter in the Junction to be more manageable for new players.
  • Updated the Earth (to Venus) challenge text to better indicate the challenge requirement to "Apply 4 MODS to a single Warframe or Weapon", not just overall.
  • Swapped the "Nightmare Mission" Junction Challenge with "Kill the Hyena Pack."


  • Fixed an issue with a Junction progression stopper task by replacing the crafting requirements of Vapor Specters.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.1 (2016-07-08)

  • Removed the Natah and The Jordas Precept quests from Junctions as these are given out through server rewards.
  • Fixed an issue with the Vor’s Prize Junction task not being properly completed if the player elected to skip it.
  • Fixed aspect ratio of credits icon in junction rewards.
  • Fixed an issue with players being able to load into Junctions after meeting the requirements but not having completed the previous node.

Update: Specters of the Rail 0.0 (2016-07-08)

  • Junctions introduced to the game.


