High 腳本錯誤:函數 "Proc" 不存在。 damage - effective against Infested, Flesh and Cloned Flesh.
One 腳本錯誤:函數 "Pol" 不存在。 polarity slot and one 腳本錯誤:函數 "Pol" 不存在。 polarity slot.
Low stamina consumption per swing compared to longswords.
Low 腳本錯誤:函數 "Proc" 不存在。 and 腳本錯誤:函數 "Proc" 不存在。 damage makes it less effective against Shields and Armor .
Very small jump attack knockdown radius.
Weapon Loadouts[]
主條目: Category:Dragon Nikana Build
See the user build section for builds using this weapon.
The default strikes of the Nikanas lash out quickly, but have noticeably longer delay before the next swing. This should be noted if you are particular about hit timing.
Requires Mastery Rank 8, thus being the only melee weapon with this high of a mastery rank requirement.
Before Hotfix 13.0.1, the Dragon Nikana appeared alongside the normal Nikana in the Market with the same name as the regular version, causing some confusion due to its superior stats despite looking like an identical weapon. This has been changed to reflect the Dragon Nikana being a separate weapon.
The Dragon Nikana was previously unlockable via Clan research, requiring the Nikana to the researched. Hotfix 13.0.3 removed the Dragon Nikana from the Tenno Lab, and a conversion blueprint was made available in the Market to allow Nikana users to upgrade to the Dragon Nikana.
This weapon is the first of its kind to have an enhancement prefix of Dragon.
Coincidentally or not, the weapon used by Connor MacLeod in Highlander is called "Dragonhead Katana".
Though a Tenno weapon, "Dragon" is the second prefix, with "Dex" being the first, that doesn't follow the normal upgrade path, becoming Primes. Possibly due in part to the fact that neither are constructed with Orokin technology.
Also possible that due to Nikana being a second generation weapon, older generations take priority, leaving possibility of Nikana being primed in the future.
The Dragon Nikana's scabbard colors are customized from the Attachments tab, rather than the main Appearance tab colors.
The dangling strip by the scabbard is customized through the main Appearance tab, however.
The Dragon Nikana bears some semblance to the katana used by the character Karas.