Low 腳本錯誤:函數 "Proc" 不存在。 and 腳本錯誤:函數 "Proc" 不存在。 damage.
Slow attack speed.
Weapon Loadouts[]
主條目: Category:Galatine Build
See the user build section for builds using this weapon.
Can be used to stun-lock enemies (a characteristic of heavy melee weapons), as well as land easy headshots with its overhead chops.
As with other heavies, the overhead chops cause small AoE damage.
The Galatine has the fastest attack speed of the Heavy Sword & Axe class weapons.
If using Cleaving Whirlwind, it is recommended to also add Second Wind, as it helps to mitigate the high Stamina costs.
In the Arthurian Legends, 'Galatine' is the name of the sword given to Sir Gawain by the lady of the lake. It is referred to as 'Shadow to Excalibur's light'.
It resembles the Power Sword from He-Man. This was acknowledged by DE in the redtext before the update.
Upon deploying the hotfix, the redtext feed from DE described the Galatine as "a sword so big your friends might think you're overcompensating for something, while secretly they know you are not".
The icon displayed shows the Galatine with red energy, but the default energy color is the standard Tenno energy blue.
Some mods may not save after editing. (To fix this, relog and they should be saved)
Upon selecting the players preference of color, then highlighting your primary, the weapon will appear to have the default color scheme. (UI bug)