- 系列任务:在这条目中包括所有的系列任务,可以在此重玩部份系列任务或是查看系列任务的解锁方式(有部份的系列任务可能是隐藏的)。
- 总览:包括Warframe中的各种知识。
- 同伴:在此可以查看所有的同伴以及同伴武器。
- 物件:查看物件的扫描进度。(包括库利亚猫神器)
- 战甲&载具:在此可以查看所有的Warframe、Archwing、殁世机甲的技能等信息。
- 派系:查看你已经扫描过的各种派系敌人。
- 赤毒玄骸:查看你的赤毒玄骸的历史记录。(在首次创造玄骸后解锁)
- 帕尔沃斯的姐妹们:查看你的帕尔沃斯的姐妹们的历史记录。(在首次创造姐妹后解锁)
- Mod:查看所有Mod的获取方式。
- 美术画廊:查看艺术画。
- 虚空遗物&赋能:查看所有的赋能和部分遗物,以及遗物的获取方法(仅能查看处于出库状态的遗物)。
- 武器:查看所有的武器。
- 碎片:查看含有剧情的中枢碎片等。(包括没有剧情的战甲卡牌)
- Leverian:Drusus Leverian管理的文物博物馆,点击可以进入对应战甲的Leverian。
- 训练:少量的训练(跑酷训练)和介绍,帮助新手了解游戏。
- 任务模式简介:各种任务类型的简单介绍。
要在数据库中获得敌人、任务与游戏世界中物体的信息,玩家需要使用 扫描器 进行扫描。
获得其他分类的信息,需要通过在任务中获得物品(如各种Mod)或取得特定 段位 (解锁艺术画廊)。
- 在市集上購買掃描器
- 在裝備欄上裝備掃描器
- 進入任務中
- 在裝備欄上選取掃描器
- 右鍵放大, 左鍵掃描.玩家也許可以長按左鍵來達到同時放大和掃描的效果
- 主條目: Factions
There is a variety of information that can be gathered on each enemy type:
- Lore
- Faction
- Level Range
- Regions
- Health
- Armor
- Shield
- Mod Drops (and rarity)
- Effectiveness of Physical and Elemental Damage Types
Heavy Gunner with elements info displayed
The Codex displays the enemy's weakness and resistances to each damage type. Each plus or minus sign means 25%.
The number of scans needed of each enemy type for the codex profile to be complete varies between 3 and 30. 3 For bosses and high tier enemies and 30 for the lowest tier enemies (like the different types of crawlers).
Enemy list[]
The following is a list of enemy types in the Codex (sorted alphabetically) Eximus variants were added to the Codex in Update 13 and are separated from their standard counterparts:
Alad V |
Ambulas |
Anti Moa |
Anti Moa Eximus |
Attack Drone |
Corpus Scout |
Corpus Scout |
Corpus Scout |
Corpus Tech |
Corpus Tech Eximus |
Corpus Warden |
Corpus Warden Eximus |
Crewman |
Detron Crewman |
Crewman Eximus |
Detron Crewman Eximus |
Elite Crewman |
Elite Crewman Eximus |
Fusion MOA |
Fusion MOA Eximus |
Hyena LN2 |
Hyena Ng |
Hyena Pb |
Hyena Th |
Jackal |
Leech Osprey |
Leech Osprey Eximus |
Mine Osprey |
Mine Osprey Eximus |
MOA Eximus |
Oxium Osprey |
Prod Crewman |
Prod Crewman Eximus |
Railgun MOA |
Railgun MOA Eximus |
Raptor |
Scavenger Drone |
Sgt. Nef Anyo |
Shield Osprey |
Shield Osprey Eximus |
Shockwave MOA |
Shockwave MOA Eximus |
Sniper Crewman |
Sniper Crewman Eximus |
Zanuka |
Zanuka Hunter |
Arid Butcher |
Arid Butcher Eximus |
Arid Eviscerator |
Arid Eviscerator Eximus |
Arid Hellion |
Arid Lancer |
Arid Lancer Eximus |
Arid Seeker |
Arid Seeker Eximus |
Arid Trooper |
Arid Trooper Eximus |
Ballista |
Ballista Eximus |
Bombard |
Bombard Eximus |
Butcher |
Butcher Eximus |
Captain Vor |
Commander |
Councilor Vay Hek |
Desert Heavy Gunner |
Desert Heavy Gunner Eximus |
Elite Arid Lancer |
Elite Arid Lancer Eximus |
Elite Frontier Lancer |
Elite Frontier Lancer Eximus |
Elite Lancer |
Elite Lancer Eximus |
Eviscerator |
Eviscerator Eximus |
Flameblade |
Frontier Butcher |
Frontier Butcher Eximus |
Frontier Eviscerator |
Frontier Eviscerator Eximus |
Frontier Heavy Gunner |
Frontier Heavy Gunner Eximus |
Frontier Hellion |
Frontier Lancer |
Frontier Lancer Eximus |
Frontier Regulator |
Frontier Seeker |
Frontier Seeker Eximus |
Frontier Trooper |
Frontier Trooper Eximus |
General Sargas Ruk |
Grineer Warden |
Grineer Warden Eximus |
Heavy Gunner |
Heavy Gunner Eximus |
Hellion |
Kela De Thaym |
Lancer |
Lancer Eximus |
Leekter |
Lt. Lech Kril |
Napalm |
Napalm Eximus |
Orbital Strike Drone |
Powerfist |
Powerfist Eximus |
Propaganda Drone |
Regulator |
Roller |
Scorch |
Scorch Eximus |
Scorpion |
Scorpion Eximus |
Seeker |
Seeker Eximus |
Shield Lancer |
Shield Lancer Eximus |
Shik Tal |
Trooper |
Trooper Eximus |
Tyl Regor |
Vay Hek Terra Frame |
Vem Tabook |
Vor |
Ancient Disrupter |
Ancient Disrupter Eximus |
Ancient Healer |
Ancient Healer Eximus |
Charger |
Charger Eximus |
Crawler |
Crawler Eximus |
Electric Crawler |
Electric Crawler Eximus |
Leaper |
Leaper Eximus |
Lephantis |
Lobber Crawler |
Lobber Crawler Eximus |
Nauseous Crawler |
Nauseous Crawler Eximus |
Phorid |
Runner |
Toxic Ancient |
Toxic Ancient Eximus |
Toxic Crawler |
Toxic Crawler Eximus |
Volatile Runner |
Corrupted Ancient |
Corrupted Ancient Eximus |
Corrupted Crewman |
Corrupted Crewman Eximus |
Corrupted Drone |
Corrupted Heavy Gunner |
Corrupted Heavy Gunner Eximus |
Corrupted Lancer |
Corrupted Lancer Eximus |
Corrupted MOA |
Corrupted MOA Eximus |
Drone Guardian |
Fusion MOA Guardian |
Orokin Drone |
Orokin Drone Eximus |
Desert Skate |
Feral Kubrow |
Grineer Capture Target (Mercury Only) |
Stalker |
- This section is yet to be implemented. The following data is based on the information from the livestreams and is subject to change.
Missions will have a special object (mainframe or reactor) that will provide information when scanned with the data sample.
The data masses picked up in the Spy mission are planned to hold random blocks of information that will be filled in the codex once mission is complete.
There is a variety of information that can be gathered on each mission:
- Drop Tables
It is unknown if there is a bonus associated once all information is discovered.
- 主條目: Objects
The following world objects can be scanned to populate the "Objects" section of the codex:
- Abandoned Storage Container (12 scans)
- Control Console (12 scans) (Grineer)
- Control Console (12 scans) (Corpus)
- Death Orb (12 scans)
- Explosive Barrel(12 scans) (Corpus)
- Grineer Exploding Barrel (12 scans)
- Grineer Storage Container (12 scans)
- Grineer Storage Crate (12 scans)
- Infested Tumor (12 scans)
- Kubrow Den (12 scans)
- Large Corpus Exploding Barrel (12 scans)
- Mining Machine (12 scans)
- Moonlight Dragonlily(12 scans)
- Moonlight Jadeleaf (12 scans)
- Moonlight Threshcone (12 scans)
- Orokin Power Core (20 scans) (Grineer mining base defense objective, e.g. Lares on Mercury)
- Orokin Storage Container (12 scans)
- Reinforced Glass (12 scans)
- Security Camera (20 scans)
- Storage Container (12 scans) (Corpus)
- Sunlight Dragonlily (12 scans)
- Sunlight Jadeleaf (12 scans)
- Sunlight Threshcone (12 scans)
- Toxin Injector (20 scans)
- Turret (20 scans)
- Volatile Orokin Container (12 scans)
Other objects can already be scanned but don't have any entry in the codex yet
- Arc Trap
- Corpus System
- Fan
- Grate
- Grineer System
- Orokin Power Cell
- Orokin System
- Reactor core
- Sensor Bar
- Warframe Cryopods
- The Mods section of the codex show only the mods you possess at the moment not the one you had but don't have anymore for one reason or another
- Some mods within the game do not appear in the codex;
- High Voltage
- Jolt
- Shell Shock
- Voltaic Strike
- Equilibrium
- Primed Chamber
- Radial Blind
- Stealth scans give players more experience and also count as 2 scans.
- The Codex Scanner is a gear item, purchasable for
500, with 25 uses.
- The Codex is not a communal effort. Each player has their own Codex.
- Nekros can cast the Shadows of the Dead and scan the copies of the enemies.
- You can also scan fans, sentinels of other players, capture and rescue targets, and turrets. They will only give a small amount of affinity.
- There is a hidden tab for Orokin enemies. Scan an Orokin enemy to reveal it .
- If you already have your scanner in your hands and manage to scan the Stalker from behind while he's still in his spawn process you can stealth scan him.
- Even if something is not (yet) in the codex the scans will be recorded. You can check the complete list of scans in your profile statistics page.
- You can scan your allies in Invasion mission, but it will never count as a stealth scan.
- You can scan Capture targets once they are on the ground before or even during the capture animation.
- When fighting Lephantis you can scan individual part of him during the first half of the fight and scan them again in the second half. Note that only the main body will count towards codex.
- As of Update 13.2.0, you can no longer scan enemies or objects that you have completed the codex for, except for the various Earth plants, as they give extracts.
- In Update 13.4 a new Green visual was added to enemies that have been fully scanned when viewed with the Codex Scanner.