Synthesis Icon

结合仪式是由中枢Simaris组织,并由玩家社区贡献力量推动进程的一项计划。其最终目的是不断充实圣殿数据库中的关于WARFRAME的各种 游戏背景知识






主條目: 结合扫描器

During each Synthesis cycle, a specific enemy will be targeted by Simaris. Depending on the affiliated 派系 of said enemy and the 地图版块 the player is in, Cephalon Simaris will announce the presence of a Synthesis Target and ask the player to capture the target using the Synthesis Scanner.

Scanning objects and enemies will grant the player 声望s, where the amount of Standing awarded is scaled with the 敌方等级变化规律 and will multiply further if a stealth scan is successfully performed. Successful synthesis of the Synthesis Target will also grant extra amounts of Standing and contribute to the Synthesis community progress in the Sanctuary.


主條目: 动能吸收陷阱

Kinetic Siphon Traps can assist in Synthesis Scanning by temporarily suspending Synthesis Targets in stasis, ceasing their movements for a short period of time. They can be deployed by throwing near a Target and its trapping feature will automatically take effect.


Synthesis Targets are primary targets to be analyzed for Synthesis. They have a blue aura, posses more health than regular units and will always be on alert regardless of the alert status of the tile set. Synthesis Targets have multiple nodes around their body to be scanned. Once Synthesis is complete, the Target will vaporize.

Synthesis Targets are considered their own separate unit outside of the normal enemy count. On 歼灭 missions, this means that the Synthesis Target is an extra enemy that is not revealed by the enemy counter or minimap threat locator, and thus must be found using the Synthesis Scanner.

Synthesis Targets are capable of deploying different special abilities, which unlock upon being scanned the first time. They can use these abilities to impede player attempts at scanning them, whether by dealing damage or enhancing their chances at evading the player. A Synthesis Target can only have one particular ability at a time, and the ability they receive will be random. Some known abilities are listed below:

  • Doppelganger: While on the run, the Synthesis Target will split into two, which can distract players as to which is the real version. Only the original Synthesis Target is affected by Kinetic Siphon Traps however, making it an easy way to identify the real one. The original will also have nodes, as the doppelganger will not show nodes when looking through the scanner.
  • Invisibility: The Synthesis Target has the ability to temporarily become invisible to evade player detection, as the waypoint also disappears. They can still be affected by given abilities and Kinetic Siphon Traps while invisible.
  • Magnetic Trail: The Synthesis Target continuously leaves behind a black trail in the air that lingers for around five seconds. Players who enter the black haze will face severe UI disruption (worse than the normal 磁力伤害 scramble effect) and lose all energy.
  • Riftwalk: The Target enters into a riftwalk state similar to Limbo's 裂隙漫游 for a while, making them immune to all attacks and abilities with the exception of Kinetic Siphon Traps for the duration of their Riftwalk.
  • Sapping Orb: Just like Sapping Ospreys, the Synthesis Target can drop orbs that inflict damage in an AoE.
  • Shockwave Bomb: The Synthesis Target can drop a projectile that releases a shockwave pulse that knocks down players, in a fashion similar to the 逆进恐鸟's shockwave.
  • Tar: Similiar to 异融焦油恐鸟s, the Synthetic Target covers the ground with a thick, viscous tar that deals damage and slows down players that walk over it.
  • Teleportation: After the first scan, the Synthetic Target begins to teleport similarly to Vor队长, but only travels a short distance with a cooldown in between teleports.





我手中机械的撞钉撞击着眼前的岩石, 鑕头粉碎岩石的碎屑滚过我的靴子。我看到瓦砾堆微光闪烁, 我喜欢它闪动的样子,这表示我做的很棒。我拿铲子用力挖着, 它的等离子刀刃乾淨俐落的将岩石切割成块。它开始震动, 于是我打开了它的电感器, 光亮的鑕头发出金属的碰撞声响。我将石块抛进分类机, 并在冲击开始前闪到一旁。


轰隆声不绝于耳,石块更加闪亮耀眼了,这是个美好的一天, 我们所有的人都使用这样的机器在挖掘着。只剩下一小堆遗留在这座岩石上了 ,日子真是踏实。我常在想:下一块岩石会是什麽样子呢?


Outer Terminus有许多岩石,质地良好的岩石,我喜欢这裡。我又铲了一次, 并在下次冲击开始前跳回来。


机器停止运作,熄灭了。它们怎麽不动了?为什麽陷入一片黑暗? 一道如雷鸣的呢喃声从四面八方传来。


岩石前所未见的震动着,碎石在黑暗中如骤雨般降下。我快被尘土窒息了, 我努力保持身体平衡并朝地面移动。那道声音再次隆隆响起,在空气中, 在岩石中,也在我的脑中


我犯起耳鸣,耳中响起像瞀笛一样的声音。然后, 我听到地底隧道传来新的冲击声,毫无节奏感,一点也不像音乐的冲击声, 有什麽我不喜欢的鬼东西出没了。我还听到了其他声音, 是尖叫声。这种尖叫的方式让我想起某位伙伴发生意外, 当他被分类机卡住时我们所发出的悲鸣。好多人在惊呼尖叫着。那道令人震耳 欲聋的声音又出现了,而且变得更加响亮。

「本为无母,」 黑暗之外的远方有一道光芒照进隧道, 看起来不像是我们自己的人。不远处某隻庞然大物疯狂的移动着。它是在奔跑 吗?没错,它冲进了我们的採集线,把我们的机器撞飞到空中,重重的摔下, 矿工们被应声压扁。我害怕极了。

我浑身痛得要命,怎麽会发生这种事情?那是Orokin吗?不对呀, 我们服侍着Orokin的。而且Orokin有着耀金的外观, 一定是其他的东西。于是我拿起了我的铲子


光源正在逼近。我意识到自己的站姿和紧握铲子的模样就像是在开採矿石一样 。那道光芒派出一台机器向我冲来,我本来打算要躲开的,可是动作太慢了, 它直接命中我的胸口, 把我的双腿压在地上。我想要呼吸却喘不过气来。我抬起头, 那道光转身面向我。在它要压扁我之前我举起了我的铲子,,, 一阵响亮的金属碰撞声后, 那道光芒因为自身的重压使我的铲刃插入了它的体内, 铲柄也因此深陷进坚硬的地面中。那光芒最终被自己的力蛍给击溃了, 一切都被黑暗所垄罩着。

静默片刻后,我试着拔出铲子, 但铲子被卡在地面和那东西之间动弹不得。然后, 我发现铲子的等离子不就跟我在敲击闪亮的矿石时一样吗? 于是我想都没想便打开了电感器,那道声音失声尖叫, 周围的一切都不住震动。不知道为什麽,我很喜欢听到这个尖叫声, 我用尽全力死命地将铲子刺的更深。那鬼东西步屐蹒跚的后退。我能感觉到它 正在奔窜,逃离这裡。



「在这裡,我找到人了」,一阵痛楚涌上我的身躯, 我的眼睛勐然睁开。有道光,我想逃走,但我动也动不了。那道光线大喊着: 「动作快,他就快撑不住了。」

我本来要开口,不过另一个声音倒是先说话了, 「没什麽大碍, 如果他能存活下来,那麽为了下一批蛍产他们会想要他的样本。」


「这不是个好主意。我的意思是说,你会去信任一名 Grineer 士兵吗?」这个身影在我的手臂上注射了某个东西,令我再次昏昏欲睡。

新的声音笑了, 「不然我们还有别的办法吗?」


  Anti MOA于April 15th, 2015完成  

"How long are you going to tinker with that thing?" Father asks.

He's one to talk. Ever since we entered this junk belt, all he's done is tap on that console. This whole time he's just sat there, eyes fixed on the radar, dirty fingers tapping the drum beat to some manic song with no structure or rhythm.

I ignore him and try to go back to work on the robot. Father's tap-tap gets faster and more intense. Is he trying to get to me? I can't concentrate.

"Tell me again why we don't just approach at full speed from open space? Couldn't we just slam into the rail and punch," I ask.

"Because that's what we used to do," he's annoyed but at this point I don't care. Our convoy of transports has skulked through this junk belt for days, the viewscreen an endless parade of rocks and garbage.

"We could have been through that rail a long time ago," I say.

"Maybe," he shrugs.

"And why can't I ride in Umpal's ship?"

"This again?" he snaps back, "you know why."

Umpal is my best and only friend, there weren't many young people in our group and Umpal is the only one close to my age. Truth be told, he was the only person my age I'd ever met. He was on another transport, they said it was for security reasons.

We are on a trade mission, my first time outside our node. These trips were dangerous but Father said it was essential I learn the business. The whole convoy is loaded down with items we have scraped together through months of local trade. It was mostly salvage, with some Ferrite spread between the different transports. Rumor was that Umpal's transport might even have some rubedo in the hold. We are heading to another survivor colony a few nodes away. They had other rare resources but more importantly, they were close enough to the sun to grow food and that was what this mission was really about.

Before we left Umpal and I drew wires to see which one of us got to bring the robot we were building. I won. It was bits and pieces of scavenged Orokin tech slammed together but it was a robot and it could walk, Father didn't think much of it but I was proud. I hoped to trade it for some rare parts when we hit the colony, enough to build a bigger second walker. Maybe even one that could carry a full size canon.

"Does this look anything like you remember from the Orokin days?" I ask in a futile attempt to break the tension.

"That thing, yeah, we had ones that walked on two legs like that, but..." his finger stops its tapping and he takes a long look at the robot before continuing, "but... they were different."

"Don't you miss it?" I ask.

"What?" he says.

"You know, the empire?"

"I don't think about it," he's back to tapping on the nav console.

"What about your corpus, don't you miss them? Your father?" I say.

"Orokin didn't have parents like you do, it was done differently then." He takes a deep breath and turns to look at me. "Listen, the corpus who raised me are dead, do you know why they are dead?"

"Because of the plague?" I say.

"Because they couldn't forget the past. I survived by worrying about two things, today and tomorrow. That is the only reason I'm alive. That is the only reason you exist. You want to remember something, remember that."

"Yeah, okay." I shrug. He's given this speech before, I had learned the hard way not to push things when he got like this. I go back to working on the robot.

After a few minutes of silence I hear him exhale, "Look, we're almost to the rail. After the punch you can go over to Umpal's transport, okay."

I nod and smile, "Okay."

The next few hours go by quickly.

As we get closer to the rail, the density of obstacles in the belt increases. The ships nav module calls out course correction after course correction as we dodge debris. I watch the other transports in our convoy do the same. Our progress is slowed to a crawl but Father swears avoiding detection is worth it.

I am trying to splice a connection deep in the robot's chest cavity when the alarms sound. The radar screen lights up. I look up to see one of the other transports veer off course, seconds later something crashes into their hull. There's a blue flash of electricity and their ship goes dark. Then two more crashes and two more flashes, these are Interceptor Pods, a Grineer trap.

My father jumps up and begins yelling instructions to our nav system. "Full power, take us up and out of the belt."

"That's Umpal's ship they're boarding..."

His face collapses into a frown, "It is."

"They'll kill him. We have to do something." I plead.

"We keep going. They can't take us all." I can barely hear him through his clenched teeth.

"Umpal is corpus to us, we can't abandon him." I shout.

"We have to, that's how we survive." His voice grows louder.

"What if it was us? Wouldn't you want them to..."

His fist slams the nav console and as he whips around to glare at, "What are you going to do? Fight off those Grineer with your Moa?"

I look down at the robot, a mess of parts and wires that can barely walk, let alone shoot. Neither of us say another word. Out of the viewscreen I watch as Umpal's crippled ship, now swarmed by Grineer, shrink into blackness.

DEAnti MOAbigger



  • 中枢Simaris - The Syndicate responsible for Synthesis.
  • 圣殿 - Cephalon Simaris enclave which houses Synthesis researches.
  • 资料库 - a smaller scale database for personal use.