A classic Orokin weapon, Bo Prime creates elegant fury on the battlefield.
The Bo Prime is the Primed version of the Bo staff. It was added in Update 13.7, featuring higher damage and an additional 腳本錯誤:函數 "Pol" 不存在。 polarity slot.
With maxed rank dual-stat event mods Virulent Scourge, Voltaic Strike, Volcanic Edge, and Vicious Frost the Bo Prime can achieve a status chance of 85%. Adding Melee Prowess increases this to 88.75%.
Combining the above with Enduring Strike will result in an 103.75% status chance during channeling.
The innate 腳本錯誤:函數 "Pol" 不存在。 polarity, although useful for Life Strike, can hinder some elemental builds. If you want to focus on elemental damage, then it is recommended to either ignore it or re-polarize it with Forma.
However, its generous status chance makes it useful for slowing down enemies with North Wind.
This is the first Staff weapon to become a Prime.
The Bo Prime was first seen as an accidentally leaked Codex entry in Update 13, along with the Serro and the Venka, before any of the weapons were released.