“這比我想像的還要花時間......” 該頁面處於修改中頁面上的訊息仍未完整,請協助我們完善。
“Orokin的秘密不可能永遠不為人知!给我老實交代!” 以下文章/章節包含推測内容。這些内容可能會隨著遊戲開發的進度而改變或刪除。請勿將此處内容作為遊戲的關鍵訊息來使用。
If you could trade, would you? Surely. But all miracles...require sacrifice. For their life... yours. | ||
–Ballas |
犧牲是第三個電影類型的系列任務,引入了Umbra戰甲,例如Excalibur Umbra。第一次被提及是在TennoCon 2017,並在[WARFRAME網站]上發表。犧牲更新被證實將於2018年6月11日發布,並已經於2018年6月14在PC上實裝
- During Devstream 110 the teaser art for The Sacrifice quest was released, which contained a small bit of Orokin script in the top left quadrant. This script is a literal spelling of the word three; i.e. "T-H-R-E-E-." It's unknown what this means, nor what the Lambda-like symbol above the period is at this time.
- This may indicate towards a tweet by the @PlayWarframe Twitter account claiming that 'The Sacrifice" is the final cinematic quest of a trilogy — likely consisting of the Second Dream, the War Within and now the Sacrifice.
- It has been confirmed in Devstream 112 that The Sacrifice quest is scheduled to be released before Tennocon 2018.
- Because of this, the lambda sign, top left corner, is likely referring to the Sacrifice being the eleventh quest to complete.
- There are two Easter Eggs when clicking on Lua and Ballas's face in the Teaser Site:
Patch History[]
“Ah, have you come to make a donation to my newest 'enterprise'...?” Patch history is needed. Click here for instructions.
系列任務 | |
主線任務 | VOR 的戰利品 • 悲劇的開端 • ARCHWING • 被偷走的夢 • 新疑謎團 • NATAH • 第二場夢 • 內戰 • HARROW 的枷鎖 • 變節序言 • 犧牲 |
支線任務 | 庫柏取得任務 • 沉默寡言的男人 |
戰甲任務 | 被隱藏的訊息 (Mirage) • LIMBO 定理 (Limbo) • 零號病患 (Mesa) JORDAS 樞律 (Atlas) • INAROS 之沙 (Inaros) • 落銀樹庭 (Titania) GLAST 的千鈞一策 (Nidus) • OCTAVIA 的讚歌 (Octavia) • SAYA 的守夜 (Gara) |