The Sicarus fires 3-round bursts, which provide a balance between the lethality of auto-pistols and the accuracy of semi-automatic pistols.
The Sicarus Prime is an improved Sicarus that sacrifices nearly half of its 腳本錯誤:函數 "Proc" 不存在。 damage to double 腳本錯誤:函數 "Proc" 不存在。 and 腳本錯誤:函數 "Proc" 不存在。 damage, and also sports higher accuracy, faster fire rate, and a larger magazine compared to its predecessor.
See the user build section for builds using this weapon.
Due to its high accuracy, when combined with the Steady Hands mod this weapon becomes powerful at long range.
The lower 腳本錯誤:函數 "Proc" 不存在。 damage of Sicarus Prime makes individual shots mildly less effective against shields, but the improved fire rate and magazine size still make it a superior choice to the classic Sicarus.
Though not necessary, one can install either a combination of a maxed Ice Storm and a level 2 Slip Magazine to fulfill a 30 magazine capacity or a single level 0 Slip Magazine to produce a 21 magazine capacity, in order to prevent the last burst to lack a single bullet.
It could be seen in Ember Prime's right hand during the artwork show of Livestream 18.
The reload animation involves the front half of the barrel sliding forward, and the two side brackets opening outwards. A glowing capsule is then ejected and a new one is placed into the barrel before it is closed again.
The capsule's energy color is affected by energy color.
Compared to the normal Sicarus, the Sicarus Prime has a high pitch "whirring" sound at the end of its burst, suggesting the rounds to be energy based.