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[[File:Grineer Schliessschrank Offen.png|right|200px]]{{tocright|limit=2}}
所有战利品容器,如[[Storage Containers|储存容器]]和可搜刮的尸体,都会在装备[[Thief's Wit|盗贼天赋]]MOD时在地图上显示。 
* [[Butcher|屠夫]]的尸体会在自毁[[Environmental Hazards|危机]]中出现。当玩家按照提示对着尸体按下操作键(默认{{Key|X}})后,尸体周围就会出现可拾取物。
* 屠夫和[[Crewman|船员]]的尸体会在[[Invasion|入侵]]任务中出现。具体会出现哪种和当前地图版块中的派系有关。当玩家角色在尸体上走过时,可拾取物就会出现。
* 储存柜分锁住的和没锁住的两种状态。亮着绿灯的储存柜是没有被锁上的,可以玩家可以对着柜子按操作键(默认{{Key|X}})打开。亮着红灯的储存柜是被锁上的,这种柜子只有在战甲装备[[Master Thief|盗贼大师]]或携带装备[[Scavenge|搜集]]的[[Kubrow|库狛]]时才有一定几率被解锁。
* [[Storage Containers|储存容器]]用子弹、某些战甲能力、[[Syndicate|集团]]MOD或武器的范围攻击效果,以及近战攻击来打开。[[Orokin Void|Orokin虚空]]中有两种储存容器:正常型和爆炸型。两种容器还是比较容易区分的:爆炸型的存储容器体型较小,容器上的灯光颜色为红色,并且还会不断散发出烟雾。
* [[Orokin Void|Orokin虚空]]中,那些处于隐藏区域的战利品容器通常有较高几率装有稀有资源和MOD。
*[[Master Thief|盗贼大师]]MOD和[[Nekros]]的[[Desecrate|亵渎]]技能都会影响可拾取物的出现几率。
===[[Grineer]]战利品容器{{anchor|Grineer Lootables}}===
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Grineer Lootable.png|尸体
===[[Corpus]]战利品容器{{anchor|Corpus Lootables}}===
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===[[Orokin]]战利品容器{{anchor|Orokin Lootables}}===
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=== 稀有战利品容器 ===
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* Their appearance is similar to the standard storage container, but with a golden glow and a humming noise identical to that of the Sabotage Caches.
* Always contains a Detonite Injector/Fieldron/Forma.
* Always contains a single rare rank 5 Fusion Core.
* Always drops a random 30 minute Affinity/Credit Booster.
* Credit quantity is typically 10,000 to 20,000, although it often partially/fully does not award this to clients.
* Codex entry requires 5 scans for each faction variant.
=== 强化战利品容器 ===
* Reinforced containers have their own model, with significantly bulkier plating than the standard variants, plus the golden glow and humming sound of the rare storage container.
* Always contains a Detonite Injector/Fieldron/Forma.
* Always contains a single rare rank 5 Fusion Core.
* Always drops a random 60 minute Affinity or Credit Booster.
* Often drops one of a number of random weapon blueprint, including several normally Research exclusive blueprints. Reinforced Orokin Containers will either drop a Boltor Prime or Glaive Prime Blueprint.
* Credit quantity is typically 40,000 to 60,000, although it often partially/fully does not award this to clients.
* Codex entry requires 3 scans for each faction variant.
* They require more damage to break than regular containers. The models also reflect this with sections breaking off as the container is damaged.
=== 稀有/强化战利品容器的生成 ===
Rare and Reinforced Containers do not spawn in the same manner as standard Storage Containers.
* The type of Rare/Reinforced Container (Grineer/Corpus/Orokin) matches the other containers found throughout the mission.
* In any given mission, there is a roughly 10% chance of a single Rare Storage Container spawning somewhere in the map. If one spawns, it will randomly select a vacant Medallion/Sabotage Cache hotspot, and spawn in it.
* In any given mission, there is a roughly 1% chance of a single Reinforced Storage Container spawning somewhere in the map. If one spawns, it will randomly select a vacant high-value Medallion hotspot, and spawn in it.
* Trials have significantly increased chances of encountering Rare and Reinforced Containers, with approximately a 50% chance of a Rare and a 25% chance of a Reinforced in each mission of the Trial. This means that as many as six may be found over the course of a single Trial. Note that, since the Trials use a modified tileset, the Containers often spawn out of bounds or in walls, making them inaccessible.
* The rolls for Rare and Reinforced Containers are separate, and very rarely both may spawn in a mission. If incredibly lucky, they may even spawn within sight of each other.{{clr}}
储存容器中和被杀死的敌人都有几率掉落弹药。这些弹药所有玩家都能拾起。弹药上方有会有一个光柱方便玩家辨认。拾起后,该弹药就会从画面上消失。弹药的种类可以根据其颜色和形状来分辨。拾起的弹药的数量则会根据弹药类型发生变化。除了弹药,玩家还有几率获得补给球。它们可以补充玩家的生命和能量。有些还能提供经验、[[Blueprints|蓝图]]。[[Clan Dojo|氏族道场]]中的[[Obstacle Course|障碍训练场]]内还有特殊的能补充耐力的绿色补给球,它可以为玩家的[[Maneuvers|操控]]提供续航。
* 敌人掉落的能量球補充25或50[[Energy|能量]].
* 由柜子,罐子,保险柜裡取得的能量球可以补充25~100 [[Energy|能量]].
* 掉落几率比其他补给球高
* 紅球補充25血量
* 從置物櫃,箱子,罐子裡取得
* 正常情況下不會由敵人掉落(技能和野生庫柏除外)
* 也可以補充守護血量
* 綠球回復100耐力
* 只能在道場的跑酷房裡找到,避免挑戰者在時限內跑到虛脫
* 白球補充100經驗給目前手持的武器
* 從置物櫃,箱子,罐子裡取得
===Nav Coordinate{{anchor|Nav Coordinates}}===
* [[Nav Coordinates|Nav Coordinate]]主要用于制作[[Orokin Derelict|被遗弃的Orokin船只]]钥匙(刺杀钥匙除外)。
* 它们通常可以在储存容器、储存箱中找到。[[Drahk|爪喀]]和[[Kubrow (Feral)|库狛(野生)]]也有几率掉落。
* 魔像Nav座標 是用來製造 [[Orokin Derelict|Orokin遺跡]]刺殺任務鑰匙
* 可以在遺跡任務裏打破箱子罐子取得
*信标是Grineer[[Prosecutor|判官]]的掉落物。它们的作用同[[Nav Coordinates|Nav Coordinate]]类似,也是用来制作钥匙的。不过目前游戏中它们暂时没有实际用处(以前版本的游戏中,它们是被用来制作Vay Hek频率三角定位仪的,这个物品是进行[[Councilor Vay Hek|Vay Hek议员]][[Assassination|刺杀]][[mission|任务]]所必须的钥匙)。
游戏中,玩家最好养成习惯用标记键(默认为{{Key|G}})来为少见的MOD做上标记。这样其他玩家就不会错过得到这些MOD的机会。这可以算是游戏中的礼节。标记成功后,所有尚未拾取该MOD的玩家的屏幕上就会出现一个标记,标记上就会显示“MOD”字样。如果你在任务过程中看到蓝色的发光区域或金色的光柱,但是周围却没有MOD,这说明你已经拾取了该MOD,但队伍中仍然有玩家尚未拾取该MOD。当装备有[[Thief's Wit|盗贼天赋]]时,小地图上会显示当前玩家尚未拾取的MOD。
* [[Blueprints|蓝图]]可以通过击败[[Captain Vor|Vor上尉]]、[[Stalker]]、[[Zanuka Hunter|Zanuka猎犬]]和[[The Grustrag Three|Grustrag三霸]]后获取。[[Eximus|卓越者]]单位也有几率掉落[[Oberon]]部件蓝图。
**在[[Update 13|更新13]]后,蓝图会以紫色光柱标记。
**在[[Update 15|更新15]]后,掉在地上的蓝图会有实体模型显示。
===生命维持装置{{anchor|Life Support Modules}}===
[[File:Resource Orange.png|right|130px]]
[[Resources|资源]]可以在储存容器中找到或杀死敌人后获取。其掉落几率会随资源稀有程度和任务所在地而变化。具体出现何种资源则是由当前所处的星球而决定。当玩家装备有[[Thief's Wit|盗贼天赋]]时,资源掉落物就会在小地图以方形图标标出。
[[File:Resource Blue.png|left|80px]]
[[Research|研究]]所需的资源,如[[Detonite Ampule|Detonite安瓿]]、[[Fieldron Sample|电磁力场装置样本]]和[[Mutagen Sample|样本突变原]],是以蓝色显示,并且单次资源掉落物中只能得到1个。
* [[Credits|现金]]由储存容器和敌人掉落。
* 出现数量不定,一般为1-50。
* 拾取的现金是在团队间共享的,也就是说,任何一个玩家拾取了现金相当于所有玩家拾取了现金。
* 绿色的现金掉落物每个至少值100现金。
[[Syndicate Medallions|集团勋章]]是只会在[[Syndicate|集团]]任务中出现的可拾取物。这些勋章可以兑换为集团声望点数,兑换地点为[[Relay|中继站]]中的集团代表处。它们只能通过操作键手动拾取。
[[File:Warframe canister egg.jpg|60px|right]][[File:Blueprint Orb.png|right|60px]]

於 2017年12月24日 (日) 08:37 的修訂
