
腳本錯誤:函數 "Proc" 不存在。 冲击伤害是三种基础物理伤害类型之一(其余两种是穿刺伤害切割伤害 )。

冲击伤害被赋予的特效是击退 causing the targets to receive stuns similar to a regular stun utilized initially by the weapons. This is considered to be a second stun, if the regular is incapable of delivering the effect. This status effect is immediately removed from the target's HUD after the effect is applied. If the target is killed by an Impact proc, their body will be knocked back.

Impact is the only physical damage type that has no bonus or weakness against the Infested.

在伤害 2.0中,有些武器比如LankaIgnis 是没有冲击伤害的,增加冲击伤害的Mod对这些没有基础冲击伤害的武器无效。



Misc. Impact Items

Type Effectiveness

Damage Type Cloned Flesh Ferrite Alloy Machinery Status Effect
腳本錯誤:函數 "Proc" 不存在。 -25% +25% Stagger

Damage Type Flesh Shield Proto Shield Robotic Status Effect
腳本錯誤:函數 "Proc" 不存在。 -25% +50% +25% Stagger

Damage Type Infested Flesh Fossilized Sinew Status Effect
腳本錯誤:函數 "Proc" 不存在。 Stagger

Impact Mods

Name Weapon Polarity Rank
0 1 2 3 4 5
Rupture Rifle 腳本錯誤:函數 "Pol" 不存在。 Stat % 5 10 15 20 25 30
Cost 4 5 6 7 8 9
Disruptor Shotgun 腳本錯誤:函數 "Pol" 不存在。 Stat % 5 10 15 20 25 30
Cost 4 5 6 7 8 9
Concussion Rounds Pistol 腳本錯誤:函數 "Pol" 不存在。 Stat % 10 20 30 40 50 60
Cost 2 3 4 5 6 7
Heavy Trauma Melee 腳本錯誤:函數 "Pol" 不存在。 Stat % 15 30 45 60 75 90
Cost 2 3 4 5 6 7


  • Impact damage can be procced on players by enemies, however only the sound effect will play, and the player will not be staggered nor have the Status displayed on their hud.