The Zenith is an assault rifle available through the Daily Tribute system, as a potential reward for logging in for 100 cumulative days. The primary fire shoots fully automatic shots with very high status chance and high fire rate, and features an Alternate Fire that deploys a disc that highlights nearby enemy heads through walls and obstacles while altering the weapon to a semi-automatic fire with very high critical chance and infinite geometry (terrain) punch through.
This weapon cannot be sold.
- This weapon deals primarily Slash damage on Primary Fire and Puncture damage on Alternate Fire.
- Primary fire shoots bullets in a fully automatic fashion.
- Alternate Fire deploys a disc that lasts until the Zenith is reloaded, highlighting enemy heads within 20 meters through walls and obstacles and changes the fire type to semi-auto.
- Innate infinite punch through.
- Innate and polarities.
Advantages over other Primary weapons (excluding modular weapons):
- Alternate Fire:
- Third highest damage of all semi-automatic rifles, behind Nagantaka and Grinlok.
- Tied with the Dex Sybaris for third highest critical chance of all rifles, after the Kuva Chakkhurr and the Synapse respectively.
- Auto Mode (wiki attack index 1)
- High reload speed (1.60 s)
- High magazine (90)
- Above average ammo max (540)
- High fire rate (10.83 attacks/sec)
- High status chance (34.00%)
- Semi-Auto Mode (wiki attack index 2)
- High crit chance (35.00%)
- High reload speed (1.40 s)
- Above average magazine (90)
- Above average ammo max (540)
- Above average crit multiplier (2.50x)
Disadvantages over other Primary weapons (excluding modular weapons):
- Alternate Fire:
- High recoil when firing from the hip.
- Mediocre ammo efficiency.
- Auto Mode (wiki attack index 1)
- Very low crit chance (10.00%)
- Low total damage (30)
- Below average disposition (●●●○○ (1.10x))
- Semi-Auto Mode (wiki attack index 2)
- Very low status chance (8.00%)
- Low disposition (●●●○○ (1.10x))
See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison/Percentiles for more details.
The Zenith is exclusive to the Daily Tribute system. It will become available every 200 days, beginning at day 100, until chosen as the Milestone reward. The weapon comes with its own weapon slot and a pre-installed Orokin Catalyst.
Additional blueprints can be bought from Cephalon Simaris for 100,000.
Manufacturing Requirements | |||||
30,000 |
Morphics 4 |
Circuits 450 |
Polymer Bundle 500 |
Salvage 2,750 |
Time: 1 Day(s) |
N/A | |||||
Market Price: N/A | Blueprints Price:100,000 |
- Pressing Alternate Fire with a deployed disk will remove it and switch back to full auto.
- Deploying the disc triggers a reload animation slightly shorter than the normal one, but does not replenish the magazine.
- Returning to auto mode and then quickly switching back to semi-auto while this animation is playing will lock the weapon in semi auto mode until secondary fire is pressed again, though without the benefit of head highlighting.
- Enemy heads are only highlighted within a radius of the deployed disc, not the user, potentially limiting the usefulness of this weapon function.
- Deploying the disc triggers a reload animation slightly shorter than the normal one, but does not replenish the magazine.
- Despite not consuming ammo to deploy, the alt fire cannot be deployed if the gun runs out of ammo.
- While the semi-auto mode has mostly infinite punch through, some level architecture, such as walls between tiles, are impenetrable.
- It is further impossible to hit or kill an enemy mounting a Rampart by shooting it in the front.
- Pressing Alternate Fire and then going into Titania's Razorwing mode will cause the enemies heads to be highlighted within a radius of the deployed disc until you leave Razorwing and press Alternate Fire again.
- The Zenith's firing noise increases in pitch as the magazine depletes, beginning at 25% remaining ammunition.
- Head-markers are only visible to Zenith user and not teammates.
Known Bugs[]
- Galvanized Aptitude is multiplicative to base damage sources on direct hits from disk.
- Allows players to easily take out enemies without exposing themselves to danger.
- The high status chance on its primary fire mode allows players to quickly stack up status procs to weaken enemies before taking them out with the higher damage semi-auto mode.
- Due to the aforementioned chance of unreliable marker placement, it may be prudent to aim slightly below the marker when shooting through walls to have a better chance of hitting enemies.
- Due to the infinite punch through, using Zenith's secondary fire in Low / Mid Level missions in narrow corridors can kill many enemies with one shot, making it quite effective in survival missions where the enemies tend to run straight at the player.
- This is less effective in infested missions due to the height of most of the enemies, making most shots hit on an angle where they can't hit many enemies at once.
- The Synth set mods will allow you to passively reload your magazine over time as long as you are switched to a different weapon. You can use quick melee to make this process quick and simple for extensive use. This is particularly useful when you have a Riven that negatively affects reload speed or magazine capacity for your semi-auto firing mode.
- A Zenith ( Hushed or otherwise) is a very practical tool in Spy missions, allowing you to dispatch of security cameras and enemies inside the data vault through walls in semi-auto mode before entering, leaving only non-destructible security measures to worry about. However, ensure you can destroy Sensor Regulators (and their Eximus variants) of the mission's level in one shot before attempting this tactic, as they will raise the alarm if not destroyed in one shot.
- Zenith's marker can be helpful in tracking the position of a Capture mission target who goes temporarily invisible while attempting to flee.
- Zenith in its semi-auto mode has infinite punch-through, allowing it to destroy pylons from any point as it can pierce terrain and shield bubbles (but not the Repelling Shields), while additionally having good enough stats to damage the Profit-Taker's shield.
- The Zenith's name likely stems from zenith, whereas its design is inspired by a sundial.
- The word Zenith when used in literature can also refer to the time when something is at its peak.
Patch History[]
Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)
- Fixed swapping to Alt-fire on the Zenith breaking its functionality for the remainder of the mission
Update 29.10 (2021-03-19)
- Fixed Zenith’s Alt Fire mode swapping not working if you roll at the same time.
Update 28.3 (2020-08-12)
- Added the ‘infinite’ UI symbol to the Zeniths Secondary Fire Punch Through.
Update 28.0 (2020-06-11)
- Added login milestone reward blueprints to Simaris' Offerings.
- Blueprints for each only appear in his Offerings if they have already been previously selected as login rewards.
Update 27.4 (2020-05-01)
- Fixed Zenith’s firing sound FX doubling for other players.
Update 25.5 (2019-07-31)
- Fixed the Zenith sometimes getting stuck only firing one semi-auto shot before reverting to auto.
Hotfix 25.0.2 (2019-05-23)
- Fixed the Zenith sometimes Alt Firing/Reloading at the same time.
Update 25.0 (2019-05-22)
- Zenith Alt Fire Ammo cost reduced from 5 to 3.
- Zenith’s Alt Fire radar deployable is now Ammo based instead of duration.
Update 23.10 (2018-10-12)
- Fixed Zenith alt-fire projectile showing enemies with the Warframe Energy color. It now uses the Zenith Energy color.
Daily Tribute Changes:
On the major Milestone days (every 50 days between 0-1000) you will be presented with up to 3 Choices! These choices will still respect the original chronological release, and by the next time you reach a given category, you'll see a new item appear in place of what you've already chosen (if applicable).
Weapons: Days 100,300,500, etc.
Update 23.0 (2018-06-15)
- Punch Through Mods no longer affect the Zenith's Alternate Fire deployable disc.
- Fixed the Zenith appearing to have 3 Alt-Firing modes in the Arsenal.
Hotfix 22.17.1 (2018-04-05)
- Zenith will now show in your Profile.
Hotfix 22.16.4 (2018-03-20)
- Fixed Zenith Alt-Fire not being able to shoot through all objects with respect to those that prevent Punch Through.
Hotfix 22.13.3 (2018-02-21)
- Increased the Fire Rate of the Zenith's Alt Fire.
Update 22.12 (2018-02-09)
- Mastery Rank increased from 5 to 10.
- Status chance increased from 30 to 34%.
Hotfix 22.8.2 (2018-01-04)
- Fixed using Alt-Fire key to detonate Zenith disc when both discs of Zenistar and Zenith weapon has been launched resulting in the detonation removing the HUD icon for Zenistar disc.
Update 22.4 (2017-11-23)
- Fixed the Zenith disc firing cancelling whatever Warframe Ability cast animation you were currently performing.
Hotfix 21.0.9 (2017-07-17)
- Fixed buff indicator for the Zenith disc lifespan not being removed if you recall the disc manually.
Hotfix 21.0.3 (2017-06-30)
- Adjusted the Zenith radar to show on enemies heads rather than the torso.
Update 21.0 (2017-06-29)
- Added a UI indicator to Zenith (just like Zenistar) that shows how much time you have left on the disc before it's automatically recalled.
- Fixed missing mesh on the Zenith.
- Fixed Zenith’s radar not highlighting enemies behind closed doors.
Update 20.3 (2017-04-26)
- Increased Primary fire damage from 20 to 30.
- Increased status chance of Primary fire from 10% to 30%.
- Increased Secondary fire damage from 120 to 150.
- Increased critical chance of Secondary fire from 22% to 35%.
Hotfix 20.2.4 (2017-04-20)
- Updated Zenith’s description to better explain its functionality.
Hotfix 20.2.3 (2017-04-19)
- Fixed an issue with the Azima and Zenith doing more damage than intended in Conclave.
Hotfix 20.0.2 (2017-03-24)
- Added to the Daily Tribute reward pool. (Undocumented)
Last updated: Update 25.1 (2019-06-05)