WellOfLifeModx256 WellOfLife130xWhite
Well of Life

Create a well of life on an enemy. Allies near the target gradually regenerate health and are immune to Status Effects. Status Effect damage intended for nearby allies will be absorbed by the enemy. Allies gain additional health when they attack the enemy.

Introduced in Update 4 (2012-11-02)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:25 / 50 / 75 / 100 (health per second)
0.25 / 0.5 / 0.75 / 1 % (lifesteal on hit)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:7 / 9 / 10 / 12 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:100 m (cast range)
10 / 12 / ? / 15 m (healing radius)

Misc: ∞ (lifesteal range)
1 (max target limit)
10% (status negation damage)
5% (boss status negation damage)

Subsumable to Helminth


  • Trinity expends EnergyOrb25 energy to imbue a single enemy target within AbilityRangeBuff100 meters with life energy and suspends it in midair. The enemy is Invulnerable and incapacitated, lifted airborne, and emits an AbilityRangeBuff10 / 12 / ? / 15 meter aura for AbilityDurationBuff7 / 9 / 10 / 12 seconds. When Trinity or her allies stand within the aura, they are healed AbilityStrengthBuff25 / 50 / 75 / 100 Health points per second and are immune to Status Effects. Damaging the target instantly heals the attacking ally for AbilityStrengthBuff0.25% / 0.5% / 0.75% / 1% of the damage dealt over infinite range, as well as applying the damage-converted healing to all allies standing within the aura. If a status effect is negated, the target takes 10% (5% on boss enemies) total health damage. While active, press the ability key again (default 1 ) to release the target early. A maximum of 1 target can be turned into a Well of Life.
    • Casting time of 2 seconds is affected by Casting Speed.
    • All damage suffered by the invulnerable enemy target is stored and dealt in full when the ability ends.
    • When negating a status effect, a wisp will spawn from the ally and seek out the lifted target.
      • Wisps are restricted to spawning at a rate of once per second.
      • Wisps do not deal any inherent damage type, bypassing any normal damage calculation steps.
      • Wisps can be triggered by self-stagger.
    • Allies affected by the radial healing include all Warframes, Companions, Eidolon Lures, summoned allied units such as Specters, allied Invasion units, Hostages, Kavor Defectors, Sortie and Arbitration Defense Operatives, and Defense Objects.
      • Defense Object healing is uncapped, making this ability one of the only abilities in the game not subjected to this healing cap.
  • Ability Synergy: Link130xWhite Link can tether to a Well of Life target, applying lifesteal during Link's Damage Redirection.
  • Casting Well of Life is a full-body animation that stops grounded movement and all other actions.
  • If the target dies before Trinity finishes her casting animation, the energy cost is refunded.
  • Subsuming Trinity to the Helminth will offer Well of Life and its augments to be used by other Warframes.


Main article: Pool of Life

Pool Of Life is a Warframe Augment Mod that makes enemies marked by TrinityIcon272 Trinity's WellOfLife130xWhite Well of Life drop Health Orbs, with a chance to drop an additional Energy Orb.

Rank Health Orbs dropped Energy Orb chance Cost
0 1 100% 6
1 2 100% 7
2 3 100% 8
3 4 100% 9

Tips & Tricks

  • Well of Life can effectively lock down a Synthesis Target for scanning.
    • Additionally, the invulnerability offers the target temporary protection from accidental death, but stored damage will be dealt in full when the ability ends.


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  • If Well of Life is cast on a Shockwave MOA readying to stomp the ground, it will still produce a shockwave, but it also will be suspended in midair for the duration of the skill.
  • In Corpus levels, if the player targets something outside of the above-mentioned range [clarification needed], the nearest turret (and possibly cameras) will be targeted.


Patch History[]

Update 32.2 (2022-11-30)

Trinity Well of Life Changes:
  • Allies in range of Well of Life’s radius are now protected from Status Effects. When a Status Effect is blocked, the enemy trapped in Well of Life takes a 10% hit to their Health.
    • A projectile FX now circles the enemy affected by Well of Life to indicate when an ally is protected from Status Effects.
  • Increased Trinity’s Well of Life base range from 8 meters to 15 meters.

See Also[]
