
Mod TT 20px Scattered Justice, a Syndicate Augment Mod for the Hek Hek

Weapon Augments are mods that apply to specific weapons, frequently adding unique mechanics that change how the weapon functions. For information on the radial effects such as Justice that are added by Syndicate augment mods, please consult the Syndicate Radial Effects page.

Augment Categories[]

Weapon augment mods are split into five categories: Syndicate, Arena, Amalgam, Nightwave and Conclave.

Syndicate augment mods are purchased from Syndicates. In order to purchase a Syndicate augment mod, the player must have reached Rank 4 with the appropriate syndicate. Purchasing a Syndicate augment mod costs 25,000 Syndicate Standing. Once purchased, Syndicate augments may be traded to other players and used regardless of Syndicate rank.

In addition to increasing the weapon's stats or giving it an additional effect, Syndicate Augments give the augmented weapon the ability to trigger a Syndicate Radial Effect when enough Affinity is earned by the weapon during a mission.

Arena augment mods are acquired from either enemies in The Index on Neptune or from defeating Kela De Thaym at Merrow, Sedna. Although Arena Augments are restricted to specific weapons and function similarly to Syndicate augments, they do not give the weapon the ability to trigger a radial effect.

Amalgam augment mods are acquired from defeating the Ropalolyst on Jupiter. Amalgam weapon augment mods are exclusive to specific weapons, while also providing a secondary stat bonus for different classes of weapons and a tertiary conditional effect.

Conclave augment mods are purchased from Conclave, obtained as a reward after a Conclave game or bought with Cred in Nightwave. These augments were originally made for PvP, but can also be used in normal PvE missions, but might have tweaked stats.

Some weapon augments can be applied to multiple weapons. As a general rule, weapon variants such as Prisma or Wraith can use the same augments their base counterpart can. Mod TT 20px Gilded Truth is a specific exception, as the mod is specifically for BurstonPrime Burston Prime and not the regular Burston Burston. Whether or not Syndicate Weapons can use Augment mods depends on if the weapon in question has a matching Syndicate Effect. For example, the RaktaDarkDagger Rakta Dark Dagger can make use of Mod TT 20px Gleaming Blight as it does not have an innate Blight effect, where the VaykorHek Vaykor Hek cannot use Mod TT 20px Scattered Justice due to its innate Justice.

Weapon Augment List[]

Weapon Augments & Weapon-Exclusive Mods Edit Tab
Syndicate Augments
Mod TT 20px Eroding BlightMod TT 20px Gleaming BlightMod TT 20px Toxic BlightMod TT 20px Stockpiled Blight
Mod TT 20px Entropy BurstMod TT 20px Entropy FlightMod TT 20px Entropy SpikeMod TT 20px Entropy Detonation
Mod TT 20px Justice BladesMod TT 20px Scattered JusticeMod TT 20px Shattering JusticeMod TT 20px Neutralizing Justice
Mod TT 20px Bright PurityMod TT 20px Lasting PurityMod TT 20px Winds of PurityMod TT 20px Disarming Purity
Mod TT 20px Deadly SequenceMod TT 20px Sequence BurnMod TT 20px Toxic SequenceMod TT 20px Voltage Sequence
Mod TT 20px Blade of TruthMod TT 20px Gilded TruthMod TT 20px Stinging TruthMod TT 20px Avenging Truth
Arena Augments
Mod TT 20px Tether GrenadesMod TT 20px Flux OverdriveMod TT 20px Thermagnetic ShellsMod TT 20px Static DischargeMod TT 20px Kinetic Ricochet
Mod TT 20px Electromagnetic ShieldingMod TT 20px Vulcan BlitzMod TT 20px Acid ShellsMod TT 20px Rift StrikeMod TT 20px Nightwatch NapalmMod TT 20px Fomorian AccelerantMod TT 20px Hunter's BonesawMod TT 20px Harkonar ScopeMod TT 20px Medi-Ray
Nightwave Augments
Mod TT 20px Bursting MassMod TT 20px Napalm GrenadesMod TT 20px Wild Frenzy
Mod TT 20px Efficient BeamsMod TT 20px Exposing HarpoonMod TT 20px Meticulous Aim
Mod TT 20px Deadly ManeuversMod TT 20px Dizzying RoundsMod TT 20px Precision Strike
Mod TT 20px Combat ReloadMod TT 20px Range Advantage
Mod TT 20px Critical PrecisionMod TT 20px Vile Discharge
Mod TT 20px Eximus AdvantageMod TT 20px Metamorphic Magazine
Mod TT 20px Sentient BarrageMod TT 20px Sentient Surge
Mod TT 20px Critical MutationMod TT 20px Volatile Variant
Mod TT 20px Clip DelegationMod TT 20px Photon Overcharge
Mod TT 20px Burning HateMod TT 20px Unseen Dread
Nightwave Offerings and Conclave Augments
Mod TT 20px Ambush OpticsMod TT 20px Brain StormMod TT 20px Directed ConvergenceMod TT 20px Double TapMod TT 20px Focused AccelerationMod TT 20px Shrapnel RoundsMod TT 20px Skull ShotsMod TT 20px Spring-Loaded Broadhead
Amalgam Augments
Mod TT 20px Amalgam Argonak Metal AugerMod TT 20px Amalgam Daikyu Target AcquiredMod TT 20px Amalgam Furax Body CountMod TT 20px Amalgam Javlok Magazine WarpMod TT 20px Amalgam Ripkas True Steel
Entrati Augments
Mod TT 20px Damzav-VatiMod TT 20px Zazvat-KarMod TT 20px Bhisaj-BalMod TT 20px Hata-Satya