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Voidshell Skins are special Warframe skins and Operator suits that allow customization of the Material Structures.


Voidshell is a morphic material created during the Zariman Ten Zero incident.

Voidshell Cosmetics[]




Voidshell Materials[]


These are available on getting your first Voidshell cosmetic:


These can be earned by using Standing to purchase from Hombask in the Chrysalith:

Hombask's Voidshell Bundle[]

From the in-game Market for Platinum64 100:

Focus School[]

These are available only if all nodes in a Focus school have been unlocked and fully ranked. They are purchasable for 1,000,000 Focus Points each:

Warframe Voidshell Skins[]

These can obtained by purchasing the respective Voidshell skin collection for the following Warframes (Platinum64 90 each):

Patch History[]

Hotfix 36.1.3 (2024-08-27)

  • Fixed mesh scale of the Corachrix Shoulder Armor when equipped on Banshee’s Voidshell Skin.

Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)

  • Fixed Voruna's wolf heads not having their passive glow when using her Voidshell Skin.

Update 35.5 (2024-03-27)

Void Adornment Bundle VI

Make the most of the morphic material created during the Zariman Void Jump. This collection includes the Banshee Voidshell Skin, Loki Voidshell Skin, Nekros Voidshell Skin, and each skin’s matching material structure.

Banshee Voidshell Collection
Adorn Banshee in the morphic material created during the Zariman Void Jump. This collection includes the Banshee Voidshell Skin and the Sonar Ripples material structure.

Loki Voidshell Collection
Adorn Loki in the morphic material created during the Zariman Void Jump. This collection includes the Loki Voidshell Skin and the Murkray Scales material structure.

Nekros Voidshell Collection
Adorn Nekros in the morphic material created during the Zariman Void Jump. This collection includes the Nekros Voidshell Skin and the Necrotic Stitch material structure.

Hotfix 34.0.2 (2023-10-19)

  • Fixed the Nidus Voidshell Skin Helmet being available to equip when you don’t own the Skin.

Hotfix 34.0.1 (2023-10-18)

  • Fixed being unable to equip Grendel’s Voidshell Skin onto Grendel Prime.

Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)


Adorn Mirage, Nidus, and Protea in the morphic material created during the Zariman Void Jump with their own Voidshell Skins and material structures.

Mirage Voidshell Collection

This collection includes the Mirage Voidshell Skin and Amarast Facets material structure.

Nidus Voidshell Collection

This collection includes the Nidus Voidshell Skin and Petrified Isos material structure.

Protea Voidshell Collection

This collection includes the Protea Voidshell Skin and Circuit Effect material structure.

Void Adornment Bundle V

Make the most of the morphic material created during the Zariman Void Jump. This collection includes the Mirage Voidshell Skin, Nidus Voidshell Skin, Protea Voidshell Skin, and each skin’s matching material structure.

Update 32.3 (2023-02-15)


Adorn Ember in the morphic material created during the Zariman Void Jump. This collection includes the Ember Voidshell Skin and Phenareus Bark material structure.

Available for purchase via the in-game Market.

General Changes:
  • Added a “Random Materials” button in the Arsenal Voidshell Skin customizations menu
  • Fixed texture scaling issue on the Frost Voidshell Skin. They now match the textures on the body better.
  • Fixed Voidshell Material Structures appearing on non-Voidshell Skins when previewing them in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed individual Voidshell Collections not linking to their respective Void Adornment Bundles in the in-game Market.
    • Also fixed individual items that are a part of bundles not showing the bundle that they are a part of in their Market page.

Hotfix 32.2.1 (2022-11-30)

  • Fixed Voidshell Armor not appearing at the top of the customizations list when equipped with default skins and vice versa.
    • This will be the default moving forward if we release more Voidshell skins with Armor attachments. For now this fixes Voruna, Frost and Volt’s Base/Voidshell Armor.
  • Fixed Grendel’s Voidshell Skin emissives breaking after exiting Pulverize.
  • Fixed several Syandanas having offset issues when equipped on Voruna (base and Voidshell Skin).
  • Fixed Sigils equipped to Voruna’s Voidshell Skin appearing on the floor.

Update 32.2 (2022-11-30)


Make the most of morphic material created during the Zariman Void Jump. This collection includes the Mag Voidshell Skin, Frost Voidshell Skin, Grendel Voidshell Skin, and each skin’s matching material structure.

Material structures are exclusive to Voidshell skins.

The Void Adornment Bundle III is available for purchase in the in-game Market.


Adorn Mag in the morphic material created during the Zariman Void Jump. This collection includes the Mag Voidshell Skin and Soma Waves Material Structure.

The Mag Voidshell Collection is available for purchase in the in-game Market.


Adorn Frost in the morphic material created during the Zariman Void Jump. This collection includes the Frost Voidshell Skin and Cryosleeper Material Structure.

*The Frost Voidshell Skin includes the Frost Voidshell Armor, which can be equipped onto his other skins. Equipping the Armor onto these skins will open the Material Structures menu, but will only apply to the Armor. Similar to equipping a Voidshell Helmet onto another skin.

The Frost Voidshell Collection is available for purchase in the in-game Market.


Adorn Grendel in the morphic material created during the Zariman Void Jump. This collection includes the Grendel Voidshell Skin and Everted Yogwun Material Structure.

The Grendel Voidshell Collection is available for purchase in the in-game Market.

Hotfix 32.0.3 (2022-09-14)

  • Fixed clipping issues with chest armor when equipped on Wukong’s Voidshell Skin.
  • Fixed clipping issues with the Voidshell Excalibur skin’s armor.

Hotfix 32.0.2 (2022-09-08)

  • Fixed clipping issues with Wukong’s Voidshell skin armor.
  • Fixed Styanax no longer holding a spear in his hand while casting Axios Javelin and Final Stand while his Voidshell skin is equipped.

Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)


The latest and greatest in the Void has brought forth ethereal capabilities for these Warframes. Don the morphic material created in the Zariman Void Jump.

Styanax Voidshell Collection
Includes Styanax Voidshell Skin and the Fieldron Form material structure.

Excalibur Voidshell Collection
Includes the Excalibur Voidshell Skin and the Lunaro Striker material structure.

Wukong Voidshell Collection
Includes the Wukong Voidshell Skin and the Rubedo Impression material structure.

Nova Voidshell Collection
Includes the Nova Voidshell Skin and the Pearlescent Plastid material structure.

Void Adornment Bundle II
Collect them all! Wukong, Excalibur, and Nova Voidshell skin with their material structures are available in this bundle.

These new Voidshell Collections are available for purchase in the in-game Market.

  • Optimized object rendering for Voidshell skins.
  • Fixed Voidshell Material Structures not applying to the Drifter/Operator Voidshell Skin.

Update 31.6 (2022-06-09)

  • Fixed Voidshell materials not applying to both versions of the Voidshell suit when customizing in the Arsenal.
  • Made improvements to the appearance of the Voidshell Helmet.
  • Fixed some slight blockiness that was occurring on the Titanium Sheen and Oxium Gloss Voidshell Materials.

Hotfix 31.5.4 (2022-05-02)

Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)

  • Introduced.