“It's taking longer than I calculated.”
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Transmissions during Void Armageddon.
- Grineer forces
- Cavalero: "Grineer are attacking the Reliquary Drive again. That's waking the Angels. Deploy armaments and keep the Exodampers online. Protect that drive." (download, history)
- Corpus forces
- Cavalero: "Corpus attack inbound. They're targeting the reliquary and the Angels will take notice. Build armaments, safeguard the Exodampers, and keep the drive stable." (download, history)
Approaching Objective[]
- Cavalero: "Reliquary ahead. Exodampers blunt enemy capability. They'll target them first." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Enemies will hit our Exodampers first so they can fight unimpeded. Then they'll target our Reliquary Drive." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Defend the reliquary but don't neglect the Exodampers. Their fields keep enemies on the backfoot." (download, history)
Argozene Supply Drop Spawn[]
- First spawn
- Subsequent spawns
- Cavalero: "Dropping off an Argozene canister." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Topping up nearby Argozene." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Reckon you could use more Argozene?" (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Argozene canister inbound." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Resupply!" (download, history)
- Cavalero: "More Argozene. Don't waste it." (download, history)
Obtaining Argozene[]
- Cavalero: "You got some Argozene. Go build." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "The more Argozene you have, the more armaments you can construct." (download, history)
Armament Built[]
- Cavalero: "Armaments in position." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Defensive ordnance complete." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Armaments constructed." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Construction complete." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Deployable defenses in place." (download, history)
New Enemy Wave[]
- If no Exodampers are destroyed
- Cavalero: "Do not let this wave of scum take out that Exodamper." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "They're hitting an Exodamper. Hit them first." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Exodamper under threat." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Get ready. Enemies inbound." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "They're throwing more losers at you." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Don't let up. More no-marks incoming." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Brace for a fresh wave." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Protect your Exodampers." (download, history)
- If at least one Exodamper has been destroyed
- Cavalero: "Squad incoming. Defend the reliquary!" (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Reliquary's exposed. Enemies inbound." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Enemy have exposed our reliquary. Get it defended!" (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Another wave incoming. Reliquary's vulnerable." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Not done yet. More coming. Prioritize the reliquary!" (download, history)
Exodamper Defended[]
- Cavalero: "Exodamper clear of hostile forces." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "You kept that Exodamper standing. Good work." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "The Exodamper made it, but they'll be back." (download, history)
Exodamper Destroyed[]
- Cavalero: "Exodamper down! You just gave them a clear path to the drive!" (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Exodamper disabled. Do a better job protecting the drive." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Exodamper out of action. Watch that flank!" (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Took down an Exodamper. Getting stronger." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "One less Exodamper, that's a boost to the enemy." (download, history)
Ravenous Angel Spawn After Three Waves[]
- Cavalero: "Confirming a Void Angel at your location." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Reading Void Angel signature heading right for the reliquary." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "A Void Angel just woke up and is looking to snack on the relic." (download, history)
After Depleting One Health Segment[]
- Cavalero: "Grubber, the Angel's is trying to retreat into the Void so it can heal. Follow it and stop it." (download, history)
Dimensional Orbs Spawn And Ethereal Angel Invincible[]
- Cavalero: "You can't hurt it while those dimensional orbs are out. Use your Void body to absorb them." (download, history)
Ethereal Angel Timer Halfway[]
Aftering Killing Ethereal Angel[]
- Cavalero: "Good. Now it will stay hurt." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "That's the way. Break it down, body and soul." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Yes. It won't be shrugging that off." (download, history)
Failure to Kill Ethereal Angel[]
Void Angel Attacking Reliquary Drive[]
- Cavalero: "Angel's feeding off the drive!" (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Stop that Angel now or we're all finished!" (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Stop that Void Angel from feeding, Grubber!" (download, history)
Round Completed[]
- First round
- Cavalero: "Good work Grubber. Here's where we divide the spoils. Extract if you want or hold out for more." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Won us some breathing space and a share of what we were able to loot from them. Extract when you are ready." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "They committed so many troops to this attack they forgot to defend their crewships. Here's your share. You're clear to extract." (download, history)
- Subsequent rounds
- Cavalero: "The longer you hold the fort, the more we can loot from our would-be boarders. Hope you're having as much as I am." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "While you're keeping them busy, we're helping ourselves to their stuff. You get a cut of course." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "All the fighting down there in Oro Works is one hell of a useful distraction." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Hey, look what uncle Cavalero found." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "I'll put this on the pile." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Hey don't let success go to your head." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Don't even think of throwing in the towel now." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Well, look at you." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "You got to wonder what possessed these goons thinking they could gain mastery over the Void. Maybe some of them are possessed." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "There's some kind of a fire in these no-hopers pushing them. And I can't work it out." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "These wasters fighting like their lives don't matter. They're driven. I've seen that kind of fury on this ship before, once." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Don't give these fools your slaughter a second thought. The Void's already starting to take them. I can feel it." (download, history)
Void Angel Destroyed Reliquary Drive[]
- Cavalero: "That Angel is full up. It's over. Get out of there." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "That Angel compromised the reliquary. Retreat and regroup." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "It's over, damn it. The Angel's fed. This is my fault." (download, history)
Reliquary Drive at 50% Health[]
- Cavalero: "The relic's taking a pounding, Grubber. You're meant to stop that." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "The relic cannot endure this amount of punishment. Do better!" (download, history)
- Cavalero: "If they destabilize the relic, this mission's a failure. It cannot defend itself." (download, history)
Reliquary Drive at 25% Health[]
- Cavalero: "They're ripping that relic wide open!" (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Relic's barely hanging on, Grubber. Hope you got a miracle in you." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Relic is almost destabilized. This is not sustainable." (download, history)
Reliquary Drive Destroyed[]
If no rounds completed / Mission Failure[]
- Cavalero: "They destablized the relic. We're done." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Reliquary compromised. Get your stuff and clear out. We've failed." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "This was all too much for you. They won, we lost. Go lick your wounds." (download, history)
If at least one round completed[]
- Cavalero: "You let them destabilize the relic, but it will recover with time. Get out of there while you still have skin." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "Reliquary compromised. Nothing more you can do. Find self-extraction." (download, history)
- Cavalero: "It's over. Nothing more you can do right now. Self-extract and regroup." (download, history)