For its Railjack counterpart, see Venus Proxima.

Hidden and entrenched in the mountainous peaks of Venus, the Corpus practice their industrious craft. The superstructures built here are a testament to the inventive Corpus engineers that have settled in regions where lingering Orokin technologies still moderates surface temperatures.
—Venus Fragment

Venus is a planet which has the IconCorpusOn Corpus as the controlling faction.

Venus is the second planet that a player can unlock. Venus becomes accessible by defeating the Specter in the Venus Junction on Earth after completing the required tasks.

The Assassination Target of the planet is the Jackal, located in the mission node Fossa. Jackal drops the component blueprints for the parts of the RhinoIcon272 Rhino Warframe.

Venus is also home to Fortuna and the related open-world Orb Vallis. These areas were added in Update 24.0 (2018-11-08).

Vesper Relay Status
PC PSN Xbox Nintendo Switch
Destroyed Destroyed Destroyed Destroyed


Invasion Missions: The Infested will always appear as an "Opposing" faction during Invasion missions.

Spy Missions: Special enemy variants have a chance of spawning during Spy missions.

IconCorpusOn Corpus Infestation w Infested


Target Name Type Level Credit Reward Additional Credit Reward Tile Set Mastery EXP Internal Name Hidden Node
IconTenno Fortuna Hub 0 - 0 0 0 Fortuna 0 SolarisUnitedHub1
IconTenno Mercury Junction Junction 1 - 3 0 0 Solar Rail 1000 VenusToMercuryJunction
IconCorpusB E Gate Exterminate 3 - 5 1,200 0 Corpus Outpost 18 SolNode128
IconCorpusB Kiliken Excavation 3 - 8 1,200 0 Corpus Outpost 18 SolNode101
IconCorpusB Cytherean Interception 3 - 8 1,200 0 Corpus Ship 18 SolNode23
IconCorpusB V Prime Survival 3 - 8 1,200 0 Corpus Ship 18 SolNode123
IconCorpusB Montes Exterminate 3 - 8 1,200 0 Corpus Ship (Archwing) 18 SolNode902
IconCorpusB Tessera Defense 3 - 8 1,200 0 Corpus Outpost 18 SolNode22
IconCorpusB Unda Spy 4 - 6 1,300 0 Corpus Outpost 18 SolNode66
IconCorpusB Venera Capture 5 - 7 1,400 0 Corpus Outpost 18 SolNode107
IconCorpusB Linea Rescue 5 - 7 1,400 0 Corpus Outpost 18 SolNode109
IconCorpusB Aphrodite Mobile Defense 6 - 8 1,500 0 Corpus Outpost 18 SolNode2
Jackal sigil b Fossa Assassination 6 - 8 1,500 0 Corpus Ship 41 SolNode104
IconCorpusB Ishtar Sabotage 6 - 8 1,500 0 Corpus Ship 24 SolNode61
IconInfestedB Malva Survival (Dark Sector) 8 - 18 1,700 10,000 Corpus Ship 0 ClanNode1
IconInfestedB Romula Defense (Dark Sector) 8 - 18 1,700 10,000 Corpus Outpost 0 ClanNode0
SolarisUnitedSigil Orb Vallis Open World 10 - 30 0 0 Orb Vallis 24 SolNode129


  • VenusNew
    Early on in the game prior to being able to consistently access the Void tileset, the Dark Sectors on Romula and Malva are an easy way for new players to earn more credits than on a standard mission.


  • Venus itself is named after the Roman Goddess of love. The names of its missions are from a variety of sources, with a few exceptions:
    • Various geological formations on the planet's surface (Tessera, Aphrodite, Ishtar).
    • Mythological figures and concepts associated with the goddess (Vesper, Cytherean, Aphrodite).
    • Exploration Programs aimed at studying Venus itself (Venera).
    • A long, narrow depression on the surface of an extraterrestrial body (Fossa).
    • Malva is a feminine Greek name that means "soft".
    • The name Romula could relate to Romulus, one of the founders of Rome and the mythological son of Venus herself.
    • Ishtar is the Mesopotamian goddess of love and war.
  • In reality, the surface of Venus is way too hot to support life. However, Fragments obtained from Venus show that the Orokin cooled the planet enough for life to thrive.
    • This is further confirmed during the quest Vox Solaris, where it is shown that the Corpus utilize ancient Orokin coolant towers to regulate Venus' temperature.
    • The New War also suggests that the Corpus have been utilizing these devices incorrectly. Notably, after gaining control of the planet, Narmer raised Venus' temperature to a more habitable level, causing grass and trees to spread across the surface.

Patch History

Update 36.1 (2024-08-21)

  • Made the following changes to lower-level missions to offer more engaging combat. Our goal is to strike a balance between not being too punishing, but also encouraging players to adopt behaviors that will help them take on harder content -- ie. not just standing still and shooting folks.
    • Increased enemy spawns on Venus (base version only, Steel Path remains the same).
  • Reduced the amount of enemy spawns around the Spy Vault during the Vox Solaris Quest to make that section a bit less difficult for new players.
    • This level reduction has also been applied to Venus Spy missions below level 20.

Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)

  • Updated the TennoGuide path to include suggested Nodes in addition to Quests/Junctions up until the Mercury Junction.
    • This change offers new Tenno the most optimized path to progress through Venus in their Main Story path. New player experience is a delicate balance of guiding players on what to do next, while maintaining player agency in their Warframe journey.
  • Moved the Unda, Venus node (Spy mission) so that it is no longer required to complete to get to the Mercury Junction.
    • Spy missions are a bit advanced for new players who are still learning the ins and outs of parkouring. So we’ve moved Unda away from the main path and onto a branch of Venera so that it is optional to complete.
    • The new path to the Junction is now E-Gate > Fortuna > Kiliken.
    • Increased enemy level range of the Unda, Venus node from 4-6 to 6-8 now that it follows Venera (which has a 5-7 range).

Hotfix 35.5.4 (2024-04-05)

  • Fixed some hitching when loading into Venus missions.

Update 32.2 (2022-11-30)

  • Fixed pillars looking unlit in the Hangar area found in Corpus Ice Tilesets found on Venus.

Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)

  • Update 32 (2022-09-07) synced accessible relays across all platforms. Relays that are active and destroyed on PC were applied to the consoles' Star Charts.

Update 19.0 (2016-11-11)

  • Venus - V Prime is now a Survival mission instead of Rescue due to there only being one low tier Survival mission.