The Vastilok is a Grineer gunblade that fires shotgun-like blasts with extreme status chance.
- This weapon primarily deals Slash damage.
- Stance slot has polarity, matching Bullet Dance and High Noon stance.
- Gunblade ranged attacks function similarly to a shotgun, firing multiple limited range pellets simultaneously.
- Innate multishot of 9 pellets.
- Innate 1.3 meter punch through.
- Shots have a chance to either stagger or knockdown enemies.
- Firing within 4 meters of an enemy will stagger them.
- Shots do not use ammo.
- Shots receive a 25% bonus to physical damage types. This includes Heavy Attacks.
- Shots done with regular attacks (more common with the Bullet Dance stance) are very effective at building up melee Combo Count, as each pellet counts as a separate hit to build up the combo.
- Have linear damage falloff from 100% to ?% from 23m to 49m target distance (distances are affected by Projectile Speed, for melee weapons only via Jet Stream).
Advantages over other Melee weapons (excluding modular weapons):
- Fastest ranged attack armor stripping of all gunblades while equipped with Shattering Impact due to highest multishot of 9 pellets with each pellet dealing some Impact and stripping a total of up to 54 points armor per shot (6 per pellet).
- Highest status chance of all gunblades.
- Synergizes with Condition Overload, as each pellet has a chance of procing a status effect.
- Synergizes with Healing Return as the first shot allows for healing and each of the 9 pellets can heal a separate instance of health.
- Fully Silent attacks including ranged shots, ideal for stealthy missions.
- As with all gunblades - infinite ammo and magazine size - no need for ammo pickups or Reload.
- Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
- High total damage (279)
- High status chance (31.00%)
- Ranged Attack (wiki attack index 2)
- Above average maximum falloff distance (49.0 m)
- Above average total damage (621)
- High average number of crits per shot (1.71)
- High average number of procs per shot (9.92)
Disadvantages over other Melee weapons (excluding modular weapons):
- Lowest melee range of all gunblades.
- Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
- Below average crit chance (19.00%)
- Very low attack range (1.00 m)
- Low disposition (●●○○○ (0.75x))
- Low crit multiplier (1.70x)
- Ranged Attack (wiki attack index 2)
- Below average crit chance (19.00%)
- Very low attack range (1.00 m)
- Low status chance (10.33%)
- Low disposition (●●○○○ (0.75x))
- Very low crit multiplier (1.70x)
See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison/Percentiles for more details.
The Vastilok is potentially sold by Baro Ki'Teer in the Concourse section of the Tenno Relay for 325,000 and 550. Note that Baro Ki'Teer's stock changes with each appearance, and this weapon may not be available on a succeeding appearance.
The weapon can be traded, but only for unranked copies without any Forma and Orokin Catalyst installed. The trading recipient must also have a Mastery Rank of at least 9.
- Ingame, the Heavy Attack damage displayed is 1,395, the actual value is 2,484 however.
- The displayed Heavy Attack damage is a 5x multiplier of the Vastilok's 279 base damage, the actual value is only a 4x multiplier from the Vastilok's shot damage of 621.
- Vastilok was first acquired by watching TennoCon 2021 on WARFRAME's Twitch with a Twitch-linked account for 30 consecutive minutes, between 12:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. ET, on July 17th, 2021. It came with a free weapon slot and pre-installed Orokin Catalyst.
Patch History[]
Update 32.3 (2023-02-15)
- Fixed the Vastilok from having an unusually high blocking angle compared to other gunblades.
Hotfix 30.5.5 (2021-07-29)
- Increased Vastilok Punch Through from 1 to 1.3 and fixed it using the wrong (old) Combo Multiplier (i.e at 40 hits the multiplier will be 3.0 not 2.5).
Hotfix 30.5.4 (2021-07-17)
- Introduced.