
Vapor Trail is a K-Drive mod that consumes Energy to increase Boost Speed.


Rank Boost Speed Cost
0 1 4
1 2 5
2 3 6
3 4 7
4 5 8
5 6 9
6 7 10
7 8 11
8 9 12
9 10 13
10 11 14


  • Can be purchased from Roky after reaching Rank Logical with the Ventkids for ReputationLarge 20,000.


  • HildrynIcon272 Hildryn and LavosIcon272 Lavos do not get any extra boosted speed with this mod, although Hildryn's shields will still be drained by it.
  • Mod TT 20px Energy Siphon and Mod TT 20px Energy Nexus will grant the player extra boost speed even with zero energy displayed, allowing an overall permanent increase to boost speed.
  • Here is a few abilities that help for the maximum energy conservation convenience if you jump off of your K-Drive to use them:
    • FocusEnergizingDash Wellspring from the FocusLensZenurik b Zenurik Focus tree (You do not have to jump off your K-drive to use this, just use transference while on the K-Drive, use the ability, and re-transference)
    • StyanaxIcon272 Styanax's 3rd ability Rally Point
    • ArcaneSteadfast Arcane Steadfast at max rank can have a 20% chance for the next three abilities to cost no energy, this can be used for Styanax's Rally Point.
  • With Mod TT 20px Preparation may be handy on your Warframe to spawn in with full energy.
  • This mod combined with energy aiding mods like above are a great way to complete the K-Driven Trophy Challenge of 'Ride 1,000,000 meters on a K-Drive'.

Patch History[]

Hotfix 33.6.9 (2023-09-12)

  • Fixed the Vapor Trail K-Drive Mod’s Boost Speed buff being the same (+10) for both Rank 9 and 10. Rank 10 will now give +11 Boost Speed.

Hotfix 29.6.4 (2021-01-06)

  • Fixed for K-Drive Vapor Trail Mod custom boost sound persisting when player dismounts K-Drive.

Update 29.0 (2020-08-25)

  • Introduced.

Last updated: Update 29.0 (2020-08-25)

See also[]
