
They're virtually impossible to solo, and nobody likes them anyway.

Come on, hardly anyone can manage 4 control points all by themselves.

And if they TRY to match up with a squad,they usually get no result.

'Cause like I said, no-one likes them.

Now,apparantly someone said the best way to defeat enemies and save your control points is to NOT kill them,but instead inflict rapid debuffs on them, like Disarm, Confusion, Slow, blah blah.

Unfortunately,I find no point in that.

For starters, they'll reach the Control Point ANYWAY.

Disarm? They still have a weapon, so they can still make beelines for the points.

Confusion? Works, but not forever. Plus, it makes enemies KILL each other, which kind of defeats the purpose.

Slow? I think it goes without saying, but they REACH the points eventually.

That good enough for you? Personally, I wouldn't mind if I could see all(and I mean all) the consoles, so that I could snipe the guys before they can even take over.

But, well, I wish.


Many people in the comments said that you could just use some specific weapons,Warframes and stuff to kill them quickly.


​Killing guys just spawns more,and faster.

And,solo or not, go too deep into that mission and you'll get overwhelmed.

And if I DO make it through one round, I'd just quit immediately.

No one wants a do-over of the above.

