
Reveal Your Secrets, Drone!!!

I'm setting up a few polls so we can (hopefully) get a rough idea of the success rates of the different types of Extractor. I am constantly running across threads asking whether or not Distilling Extractors are worth it--maybe these polls will shed some light on the answer.

Here's how it will work:

  1. Deploy one of your extractors, ensuring that it starts with 100% health.
  2. Collect the extractor when it finishes, and take note of what type it is, what resources it recovered, and how much (if any) damage it took.
  3. Using that information, vote in the polls that correspond to your extractor type. You will only be able to vote once per type.

Please, do not vote in polls for extractors you did not use!

There will be two questions for each type: "What was the rarity of the Resources it returned?" (refer to table at bottom) and "How much (if any) damage did it take?" The purpose of the first question is obvious, while the second question is meant to discern whether different extractors have varying amounts of effective hit points. We will be working off of the assumption that higher level planets only have a higher chance to damage extractors--not that they actually cause more damage.

The more participants we get, the more likely we are to get a decent approximation of the actual rates (assuming we get good data)...so if you know of anyone that has extractors, please consider telling them about this post.

Without further ado, here are the polls:

Titan Extractor

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Titan Extractor Prime

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Distilling Extractor

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Distilling Extractor Prime

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Common Uncommon Research Rare
Alloy Plate, Ferrite, Nano Spores, Salvage Circuits, Plastids, Polymer Bundle, Rubedo Detonite Ampule, Fieldron Sample, Mutagen Sample Control Module, Gallium, Morphics, Neural Sensors, Neurodes, Orokin Cell


At this point, there is too little data to draw any real conclusions--especially in the case of the Prime variants. I've just finished setting up an alternative system that will allow players to submit their data multiple times, which will extend to other categories as well (Mission Rewards, Login Rewards, etc.). Hopefully this will allow interested players to submit enough data so that more definitive results can be gleaned.

It is interesting to note that Distilling Extractors tend to pull far more "Research"-class resources. As many players belong to clans with completed research, it could explain some of the frustration with the Distilling variant's results. That having been said, the recent quadrupling of the Oxium droprate have made them more of a convenient alternative, rather than dear. They could certainly be useful in the farming of Rubedo, as both Phobos and Pluto have that in place of the usual "Research" resources.

**Update 1: Had to reset polls--making each poll have the same questions made it act like multiple instances of the same poll. Early voters, please vote again!
**Update 2: Fixed typo in polls, causing another reset. One vote lost. Won't be editing polls again after this.
**Update 3: Moved show/hide box to the top of polls, changed some formatting.
**Update 4: Changed bottom table column heading from "resource" to "research"
**Update 5: Added link back to official forums, changed a little formatting

Thanks for participating!!!
Note: if you just linked here from my forum post, here's a quick link back: WF Forums