
Updates are occasional patches and add-ons or removal of information and/or features of a game.

The following updates are for WARFRAME Version 27:

Update 27
Empyrean U27.0H27.0.1H27.0.2H27.0.3H27.0.4H27.0.5H27.0.6H27.0.6.1


December 19th, 2019 Forum Post

Railjack Changes & Fixes
  • Fixed Crewships being spawned as Tenno Faction, which resulted in numerous issues such as not attacking you, Fighters attacking it instead, and Railjack Turrets not doing any damage to it. This also fixes a fatal crash related to this bug.

Hotfix 27.0.6

December 19th, 2019 Forum Post

6 Days ago on PC, Empyrean launched! We have done 5 Hotfixes (here comes #6) with more to come before we rest up over the Holidays. Did the update release exactly as we had hoped? Not exactly - we’ve got bugs to fix and things to balance! Check out the latest Dev Workshop to read about where we are and coming changes

Railjack Changes & Fixes
  • Asteroids now drop multiple Resources! Alongside other Resources, this significantly increase Titanium gains; a prominent feedback request!
  • You may notice a blinking indication on Veil Proxima from time to time. We suggest investigating...
  • Pennant and Quellor Blueprints are now shared pickups; no longer required for all players to manually collect the pickup! Thanks for your patience as we work toward the rest of the on-foot items being picked up.
  • You can now trade Avionics in your Dojo or Maroo’s Bazaar!
  • Increased chance to get common and uncommon Resources from associated crates onboard Crewships and other Points of Interest to aid in your Forging and overall Resource required crafting needs. This increase in commons and uncommons was achieved by directing Rare resources to be space-combat only drops, and having common and uncommon more dominant on-foot.
  • Points of Interest and Crewships that launch Ramsleds will now only do so 4 times. This fixes Crewships launching an infinite amount of Ramsleds to knock at your door.
  • Changed the pips of Avionic Ranks vs Grid Ranks to better illustrate between the two.
  • Added House icons to Avionic names for clarity.
  • The Railjack name text now has its own separate color slot in the ‘Primary Text Color’.
  • Optimizations towards performance when Piloting the Railjack.
  • Removed scannable lore items from the ‘Investigate Anomaly’ objective nodes. They shall return when ready!
  • Added visual variety to the asteroids in Saturn Proxima and Veil Proxima.
  • Ramsleds have been given an upgrade the farther you progress into the Railjack Star Chart! Be on the lookout for shielded variants that will require precise aim and firepower!
  • Revised description for error message about unable to find an open squad:
  • Could not find an Open Squad. Please try again, or launch a new session from your personal Railjack stationed in a Dojo's Dry Dock.
  • Fixed players being blocked from returning to Dry Dock after new Update/Hotfix/Host migration. You’ll now see a nice message telling you to return to the Dry Dock to get your goodies!
  • Fixed incorrect droptable for all enemies in nodes that give you the ‘Investigate Anomaly’ objective.
  • Fixed infinite spawn exploit from the Assassinate target, Blite in Galleon Points of Interest. The cooldown for him to spawn new minions now ramps up over time.
  • Fixes towards cases where the End of Mission screen displays more Intrinsic earned than you actually did.
  • Fixed being in all types of broken states if the Crewship you’re piloting blows up.
  • Fixed Host migration after exposing a radiator in a point of interest (Pulse Turbine, Shipkiller Platform, etc) resulting in an inability to complete the mission.
  • Fixed the Hyperflux Flux Capacity buff not properly applying to the Railjack.
  • Potential fix towards losing Railjack objective markers after a Host migration.
  • Potential fix for the Asteroid Hanger Crewship being stuck, resulting in an inability to complete the mission.
  • Fixed inability to progress past certain doors in the Railjack Missile Platform interior. As reported here.
  • Fixed the shortcut path not opening up for Clients when destroying the Core in the Missile Platform.
  • Fixed for certain weapons still damaging the Elite Kosma Flak through it's shield ability.
  • Fixed Rhino’s Iron Skin FX applying to the Nose/Wing Turrets.
  • Fixed seeing tiny asteroids back in your Orbiter/Dry Dock.
  • Fixed a script error if an encounter triggered during a Host migration.
  • Fixed ability to yeet the Jordas Golem with Itzal’s Arch Line ability, thus breaking the mission.
  • Fixed Excalibur Zato’s visor appearing to jitter instead of being rigid.
  • Fixed missing Melee sounds on Zaws equipped with a Scythe or Nikana Skin.
  • Fixed the Arit Longsword Skin being invisible and having no sounds if used on a Zaw.
  • More fixes towards Elemental FX being misaligned on Zaw Skins.
  • Fixed Trinity Prime having weird tail cloth physics.
  • Fixed the Massif Prime Syandana getting stuck on Ivara Prime’s skirt cloth.
  • Fixed the Ivara Kuvael Huntress Helmet floating away from Ivara Prime’s body.
  • Fixed a script error when clicking an unnecessary Replicate button on Researched Dojo Pigments.

Hotfix 27.0.5

December 17th, 2019 Forum Post

Avionics Drop Chance Increase + Dirac Resource Drop Change

Dirac is one-size-fits-all resource for Railjack upgrading - from Grid to Avionics. Wreckage can be scrapped for it, Avionics can be scrapped for it, and it can be found virtually everywhere in Railjack missions. Avionics are an important part of your Railjack customization and power experience, and are only found in a few places.

For this round of changes, we are doing the following:

  • Removed Dirac from Grineer Fighter Drop Tables. This now means everywhere else (mission complete, scrapping, point of interest, etc) are the best sources for Dirac. Having Grineer Fighters be the best source for everything was overkill - they now are Avionics and Resource focused.
  • Increased Avionics Drop Chance from 10% to 15% from Grineer Fighters. This means you will come across Avionics more frequently, thus - more chances at ones you don’t have, and more Dirac chances from your duplicates.
  • Increased the Wreckage Dirac Scrap Values across the board by 3x.
MK I Wreckage increased from 25 to 75 Dirac.
MK II Wreckage increased from 50 to 150 Dirac.
MK III Wreckage increased from 75 to 225 Dirac.
This also fixed an issue with Clan Engines not all scaling correctly.

Next up on our list is Resources overall, universal Loot Pickup sharing, and more!

Railjack Changes & Fixes
  • Crewships now have their own unique enemy marker to differentiate them from all other fighters around!
  • Removed (for real this time) Credit Caches from the Railjack rewards, as the ‘bonus rewards’ still included Credits.
  • Elite Kosma Flaks will now only use their shield ability if facing their target.
  • Removed Resource collection sound for all items except: Carbides, Copernics, Cubic Diodes and Pustrels due to a constant stream of that specific sound because it happens for every single pickup. Sound is now reserved for important Forging Resources!
  • Fixed an exploit where Turret encounters would infinitely respawn despite not being intended to (nor Grineer having the means to generate infinite turrets, yet).
  • Fixed inability to complete a Railjack mission with a Pulse Turbine objective if a Host migration occurred, due to vulnerable radiators respawning and breaking the objective.
  • Fixes towards Clients taking a longer time than normal to load back into a Railjack mission after a Host migration has occurred. Clients will typically take longer than the Host to load back in, but hopefully this cuts down the load time a bit.
  • Fixed Armament Wreckage not showing their innate bonuses before and after Repair. The before Repair stats can be seen by selecting the *Armament Wreckage and pressing TAB.
  • Fixed unequipping and equipping Railjack Components resulting in their upgrades stacking.
  • Fixed a potential script error with the Missile Platforms in Railjack missions.
  • Fixed a script error when using the Railjack Particle Ram.
  • Fixed Octavia using the default songs for Clients.
  • Fixed Kubrow animations popping/jittering when returning to the Incubator after the menu is opened.
  • Fixes towards Syandana’s clipping through Excalibur Zato Skins body.
  • Fixed a script error when the Eidolon Teralyst screams.
  • Fixed a script error when casting numerous Archwing abilities.
  • Fixed a script error when casting numerous Warframe abilities.

Hotfix 27.0.4

December 17th, 2019 Forum Post - Ivara Prime

Ivara Prime

Practice stealth as you track your prey, then strike with ruthless precision as Ivara Prime! No hunt is complete without the Baza Prime and Aksomati Prime!

Ivara Prime

As regal and lethal as a nighttime wood, this is the queen of the hunt in her ultimate form.

Baza Prime

The Orokin-engineered definition of silent lethality.

Aksomati Prime

The elegant Aksomati precisely refined to its ultimate manifestation.

You can find Ivara Prime, Baza Prime, and Aksomati Prime Relics in their classic spots (Void, Derelict, Defense, Survival, etc) with the addition of Railjack missions - All Credit Cache Rewards have been replaced with Relics! Check your in-game Codex for Relic drop locations.


Get the newest Prime gear with Ivara Prime Access and Prime Accessories here: https://www.warframe.com/prime-access

With this Vaulting comes the shift of the following Syndicate Sacrifices:

  • Replaced Steel Meridian’s Sacrifice of Zephyr Prime Chassis with Equinox Prime Neuroptics
  • Replaced Arbiters of Hexis’ Sacrifice of Kronen Prime Blade with Tipedo Prime Handle
  • Replaced Perrin Sequence’s Sacrifice of Zephyr Prime Chassis with Wukong Prime Chassis

If you already wield the power of these Primes or have their Relics in your Inventory, they will remain after the Vaulting.

Railjack Changes & Fixes
  • Added Railjack Health perks for performing repairs on the Railjack:
    • 15% of max Health for Fire and Electricity Traps
    • 20% of max Health for Ruptures
    • 30% of max Health for Hull Breaches
  • Currently a Hull Breach Repair grants you 10 seconds of Railjack invulnerability. With the added Health perk for Hull Breaches, we’ve tweaked the Railjack Invulnerability time to grant a benefit to those with haste to compensate! Repairing a Hull Breach now grants Railjack invulnerability scaled to the amount of time left on the ‘Catastrophic Failure Imminent' timer. You can get anywhere from 5 - 15 seconds of Railjack invulnerability based on your Hull Breach Repair urgency.
  • Removed Credit Caches from the Railjack reward table! Relics have been added in Railjack missions to compensate for this.
  • Increased the cooldown of the Elite Kosma Flak's Shield ability and fixed the shield not actually blocking damage sometimes.
  • Adjusted hit boxes on the Elite Kosma Flak for improved accuracy.
  • Adjustments to the Archwing Cannon firing animation for a less janky launch.
  • Removed a certain floating prison found in Railjack missions due to numerous collision/sizing issues. It shall return at a later date!
  • Enabled Push-To-Talk in Railjack keyboard bindings.
  • Removed Crewship eligibility from the Simulacrum.
  • Fixed the Sover Strait node missing from Earth Proxima.
  • Fixed attempting to load to the Dry Dock through the Railjack from the Orbiter sometimes causing infinite loading or a crash.
  • Fixed a soft lock when attempting to Repair Wreckage in someone else's Dojo.
  • Fixed a crash when attempting to load into a Railjack mission with a Friend.
  • Fixed a crash when returning to the Dry Dock from a failed mission.
  • Fixed a crash when selecting a Shield Array MK III.
  • Fixed having to re-complete the Railjack objectives if there was a Host migration.
  • Fixed getting numerous script errors after completing multiple missions and a Host migration occurred. This could result in objectives breaking or not updating after the migration.
  • Fixed Pilot Intrinsic “Ramming Speed” not functioning.
  • Fixed missing Railjack Health after a Host migration occured.
  • Fixed the ‘Ramming Speed’ Pilot skill not functioning.
  • Fixes towards infinite Railjack Void tunnel when transitioning from different levels.
  • Fixed being placed in a weird state if you tried to launch out of the Railjack Cannon right after the Host did.
  • Fixed enemy Crewships attempting to fire at things that aren't visible, either due to cover or via being invisible (ie. Itzal).
  • Fixed discrepancies with End of Mission Intrinsics gained sometimes not displaying correctly.
  • Fixed Railjack End of Mission results getting stuck on screen if kept open during return to Dry Dock.
  • Fixes towards Clients not seeing all their gained items on the End of Mission screen when returning to the Dry Dock.
  • Fixed not being awarded the Forging Bay Resources from your Railjack mission upon returning to the Dry Dock.
  • Fixed some Railjack Components not having their upgrades unapplied when the Component is removed.
  • Fixed Shield Arrays with the Shield redirection buff giving the Railjack an infinite buff. This also removes the resistance buff from the shield redirection buff. Wing Turrets still receive the same damage bonus on next shot.
  • Fixed the Avionic Scrap screen not displaying the Ranks of Avionics.
  • Fixed the Avionic Scrap screen perpetually appearing when opening your Inventory screen if you accessed the Scrap screen prior.
  • Fixed turning invisible if you were in another players Railjack Arsenal when the mission started.
  • Fixed Railjack walls appearing invisible when a Ramsled hits you while you're in the Nose Turret AR (Augmented Reprojection) mode.
  • Fixed Warframe ability sounds not playing properly when in a Railjack Turret.
  • Fixed the Dry Dock platform used to enter the Railjack clipping into it if the Caballero Railjack Skin is equipped.
  • Fixed base Components displaying a rank [0]. These are base items that have no rank.
  • Fixed ability to craft more Munition than you can afford in the Payload screen, thus going into the negative values and receiving an error.
  • Fixed Dredger and Outrider projectiles going through collisions.
  • Fixed a script error when the Forward Artillery Cannon is charging while someone is transitioning between the Railjack and Archwing.
  • Fixed cases of the Forward Artillery Cannon becoming stuck when attempting to face your target.
  • Fixed the Forward Artillery Cannon not functioning after a Host migration has occurred.
  • Fixes towards the Railjack appearing very dark (Cy forgot to pay the hydro bill).
  • Fixed seeing the wrong prompt when attempting to further rank up an already max rank Intrinsic.
  • Fixed missing texture in the Tactical Menu minimap when it's opened while returning to the Dry Dock.
  • Fixed duplicate description text for Reactors with the "chance to automatically seal a breach" perk.
  • Fixed Outriders being stuck to Turrets in their Codex diorama.
  • Fixed losing your chosen UI Theme when Piloting a Railjack.
  • Fixed Client audio replication bugs on the Radar Tower in Railjack.
  • Fixes to some Archwing Cannon sounds not playing correctly.
  • Fixed Octavia Abilities not properly ducking ambient and combat music in Railjack.
  • Fixed some overly repetitive Cy transmissions.
  • Fixed missing transmissions for Gallen/Asteroid Base points of interest.
  • Fixed missing descriptions for Chat linked Railjack Resources.
  • Fixed a script error when using the Omni.
  • Fixed a script error when viewing/closing the Tactical Menu.
  • Fixed a script error in the Railjack HUD.
  • Fixed a script error when a Crewship encounter started.
  • Fixed script error that can occur when reviving after dying in a Turret.
  • Fixed inability to play the Kuva Fortress Pago Spy node.
  • Fixed being loaded into a completely different mission when attempting to play a dynamic mission types (Kuva Siphons, Syndicate etc) when using Public matchmaking. This only occurred if there were more than one of that mission-type on the same planet at the same time.
  • Fixed Sawgaws being near impossible to Tranq.
  • Fixes towards Excalibur Zato’s front cloth clipping which could sometimes result in weird triangle cloth textures.
  • Fixes towards clipping issues with Excalibur Zato’s left shoulder fur cloth.
  • More fixes towards Syandanas clipping into Titania’s Empress Skin.
  • Fixed the Gear wheel not having correct tooltips when switching back and forth between Gear and Emotes.
  • Fixed two different weapon sounds being heard when firing Titania’s Dex Pixia with the Hawkmoth Skin equipped.
  • Fixed a script error when viewing Profit-Taker Orb in the Codex.
  • Fixed script error that could occur when Nullifier dome collides with a Kuva cloud.
  • Fixed a script error related to Venari.
  • Fixed script errors when your Kuva Lich would attempt to Dodge or Decoy.
  • Fixed script errors for numerous Warframe ability castings.
  • Fixed a script error when the Molecular Conversion Taxon Precept Mod deactivates.
  • Fixed a script error when being pulled by a Grineer Scorpion.
  • Fixed an issue with Grineer Ghouls causing a script error.
  • Fixed missing translations in some languages that were being presented in English.

Hotfix 27.0.3

December 16th, 2019 Forum Post

*We've made a change related to the Umbra Forma Blueprint reward. These are an intentional reward drop for Railjack missions in the Veil Proxima region (harder enemies, better rewards)! Wires got crossed to have it drop on Earth, which is not intentional.

Railjack Changes & Fixes
  • Corrected Zekti Cryphon stats to their intended values. This fixes the Zekti Cryphon not having stronger damage than the base Cryphon.
  • Tweaked flares and explosion FX of Fighters and Crewships in Railjack missions.
  • Fixed incorrect scale and lighting of a certain prison.
  • Fixed missing collision on some Crewships in Railjak.
  • Fixed a crash when attempting to join a player’s Railjack from their Orbiter.
  • Fixed a script crash that could kill your Railjack HUD.
  • Fix for Clients not seeing turret weapon attachment animations in Railjack.
  • Removed an unnecessary friendship door from Saturn Grineer Asteroid tileset interior.
  • Fixed missing in-world transmissions on Jupiter's Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed Terra Embattor Moa's mortar attack breaking if a target was destroyed while being targeted.
  • Fixed script crash if an Arbitration Shield Drone tried to protect certain types of NPC.
  • Fixed a network race condition that could lead to missing Client-side FXs in Hijack missions.
  • Fixed broken HUD elements in Hijack missions after a Host migration.
  • Fixed a script error that would occur if a Client joined a fishing party in progress.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Volt’s Discharge ability.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Nova’s Molecular Prime ability.
  • Fixed a script error related to Kavats.
  • Fixed a potential script error in the Revenge Sentinel Precept.
  • Fixed a potential script error in the Unleashed Kubrow Precept.

*Please note that we’re still working on getting updated droptables with the new Railjack nodes.

Hotfix 27.0.2

December 13th, 2019 Forum Post

Please bear with us as we triage and fix issues with the surprise Update! Warframe: Empyrean is indeed here! We will be working diligently to fix major game-breaking issues as they appear. Solid reproduction steps will help us greatly in appropriate forums!

Railjack Changes & Fixes
  • Increased the vacuum radius on Archwing and Railjack
    • Railjack 200-250
    • Archwing 25-50
  • Reduced the the hold time to upgrade Avionics by 50%.
  • Made the number of Fresnels and Nullstones that drop match the number dropped by other rare resources.
  • Doubled the amount of End of Mission Railjack commons and slightly increased uncommons.
  • Changed RailJack ‘Form A Crew’ button to also include ‘Select A Mission’ instruction
  • Railjack Avionics, Dirac, and Wreckage can now vacuumed by Archwing.
  • Changed spawning balance near end of Skirmish missions so there are fewer Crewships and Fighters as objectives near completion.
  • Reduced damage multiplier on Crewship engines.
  • Made Crewships more resilient to Archwing fire.
  • Fixed tooltips reporting the wrong Engineering Intrinsic ranks while trying to craft Munitions and Doma Charges during missions
  • Fixed Clients bypassing pre-death state of Crewships, causing them to die prematurely.
  • Fixed Grineer Railjack Boarding Party having some incorrect Melee FX.
  • Fixed screen staying dark sometimes after leaving the Railjack customization screen.
  • Fixed camera getting suck on Reactor Room screen when closing Railjack customization.
  • Fixed unlocked Railjack Research showing when selecting ‘Hide Owned’.
  • Fixed ‘Hide Owned’ not working for Railjack Research.
  • Fixed Railjack randomize customization so it only selects from owned items.
  • Fixed cases of not being able to swap Glyphs on Railjack.
  • Fixed BENDAR CLUSTER node missing from Earth Proxima.
  • Fixed Fire Rate random buff not applying on Wreckage Railjack Armaments.
  • Fixed being able to install multiple Railjack Avionics of same parent type, if you have an Avionic of a base type equipped (AKA two of the same Hull Wave Avionics).
  • Fixed Ramsleds not despawning between Railjack missions.
  • Fixed being able to board the Archwing Slingshot in the Railjack while still in Hyperspace.
  • Fixed the Archwing Slingshot breaking for Clients if they tried to use it immediately after the Host.
  • Fixed Railjack malfunctions (Hull Breaches, etc) not being cleared on return to Dojo
  • Fixed a lingering fade-to-black when entering the Railjack from the Dry Dock.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred if you opened a locker before the Master Key Parazon Mod triggered.
  • Fixed Crewships not disengaging and warping away after an objective is finished.
  • Fixed Railjack HUD scaling not saving properly.
  • Fixed Orbiter Star Chart not checking Intrinsic requirements for joining Railjack missions.
  • Fixed script error in Railjack Point of Interest weak point script after a Host migration.
  • Fixed a bug for Clients where spinning Pulse Turbine blades animation will look laggy.
  • Fixed a bug with electricity FX not appearing after Pulse Turbine cable destruction.
  • Fixed left hand clipping on Excalibur Zato idle animation.
  • Fixed script crash that could occur when a Crewship spawns.
  • Fixed script crash that could occur from Fighter Escort spawns.
  • Fixed script crash that could occur when Fabricating in the Dry Dock.
  • Fixed script crash that could occur from Railjack pilot and guns.
  • Fixed explosion sounds in Railjack not respecting sound sliders.
  • Fixed a harmless network race condition that could lead to a script error.
  • Fixed a number of network race conditions that could break the portal in Sanctuary Onslaught.
  • Fixed script crash that could occur from Rhino’s Iron Skin ability.
  • Fixed script crash that could occur from Energy Shell.
  • Fixed script crash that could occur from Nekros’ Desecrate ability.
  • Fixed script crash that could occur from Gauss’ Redline ability.
  • Fixed script crash that could occur from Mirage’s Sleight of Hand ability.
  • Fixed script crash that could occur from Wukong’s Cloud Walker ability.
  • Fixed script crash that could occur from Wisp’s Reservoirs ability.
  • Fixed script crash that could occur from enemies using Switch Teleport.
  • Fixed script crash that could occur from Fishing.
  • Fixed script crash that could occur from completing a Bounty.
  • Fixed script crash that could occur when fighting Vay Hek.
  • Fixed script crash that could occur when fighting the Raptor.
  • Fixed script crash that could occur from Vauban’s Minelayer ability.
  • Fixed script crash that could occur in the Disruption gamemode.
  • Fixed script crash that could occur from Hildryn’s Balefire ability.
  • Fixed script crash that could occur from a Grineer Scorpion enemy.
  • Fixed a script crash that could occur when dealing damage with Rakta Dark Dagger.
  • Fixed script crash that could occur when picking up a Convergence Orb.
  • Fixed script crash if an Ancient Healer tried to protect certain types of NPC
  • Fixed script crash that could break specific encounters on the Orb Vallis.

Hotfix 27.0.1

December 13th, 2019 Forum Post

The first of many Hotfixes, no doubt! Please bear with us as we triage and fix issues with the surprise Update! Warframe: Empyrean is indeed here! We will be working diligently to fix major game-breaking issues as they appear. Solid reproduction steps will help us greatly in appropriate forums!

  • Sentients in the Railjack Key retrieval mission no longer drop loot to address farming infinite Resources. This mission is intended to be a one-and-done mission to give you your Railjack Reliquary Key.
  • Fixed not being able to join a Railjack mission from the Star Chart if you hadn't already completed the node.
  • Fixed Intrinsic not showing on the End of Mission screen when returning to Dojo from Railjack.
  • Fixed getting a duplicate Avionic pickup when just picking up one in a Railjack mission.
  • Fixed script error when starting a mission from your Orbiter, proceeding to the Dry Dock instead, and then starting a Railjack mission from Dry Dock and skipping the cinematic.
  • Fixed the Railjack Wing Turrets FX lingering across the game until you restarted.
  • Fixed a crash when on the Railjack Pilot seating during level level transition.
  • Fixed a crash when transitioning to missions from the Railjack.
  • Fixed a crash when failing a Railjack mission.
  • Fixed a crash when in the Intrinsics screen.
  • Fixed a crash when in the Options menu.
  • Fixed a crash when firing the Acrid.
  • Fixed a crash related to the Inbox.
  • Fixed a crash when looking at Warframe Ability videos in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Revenant’s Enthrall ability.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Rhino’s Iron Skin ability.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Nekros’ Desecrate ability.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Vauban’s Minelayer ability.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Gauss’ Redline ability.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Wisp’s Reservoirs ability.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Mirage’s Sleight Of Hand ability.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Wukong’s Primal Fury ability.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Harrow’s Thurible ability.
  • Fixed [HC] text appearing for ‘Waiting For Players’ and ‘Leaving Soon’.

Update 27.0

December 13th, 2019 Forum Post - Empyrean

Empyrean: Update 27
Update 27 has arrived.

Empyrean has arrived - your journey with your Railjack has just begun.

We’re here to answer one simple question for you: “How do I play Empyrean?”

If you have completed the ‘RISING TIDE’ Quest, you are ready. If not - squad up with a Railjack-ready Tenno, or begin the Quest yourself.

Earth Proxima, Saturn Proxima, and Veil Proxima are destinations your Railjack can access with this Update. Things get harder the further from Earth you stray - prepare yourself and your squad. It will take time to master your Railjack.

Empyrean brings the foundations of a new progression system - INTRINSICS, as well as completely new Avionics, Gear, and Resources for you to earn and find. You and your crew will need to stay together to stay alive.

This is the beginning of Empyrean. War is coming.

Is your Crew ready? The Warframe Team


Hello, and thank you for flying with Warframe Empyrean! The following notes are your go-to manual and guide towards the success of your own Railjack experience. We’ve split the Empyrean category of the notes into 2 main sections:

PRE-FLIGHT, everything you need to know to arm your vessel for grofit, and IN-FLIGHT OPERATIONS, what you will experience whilst aboard your Railjack.


If you’ve been following along with the development of Empyrean you’ll know that this ambitious content is highly geared towards the Co-op experience. It is entirely possible Solo, but the difficulty may be overwhelming. Greater Solo support will be coming in 2020 with the Command Intrinsic (explained below under INTRINSICS).

Finished “RISING TIDE”? The time has come to breathe life into your dormant Railjack. Enter your Railjack and proceed to the Reliquary located in the aft. From there you’ll initiate a mission to seek the missing piece before you can Take Flight… good luck, Tenno.


The RESEARCH console in your Dry Dock allows access to different ARMAMENTS and COMPONENTS towards your Railjack in your Clan. The Research will be Clan-wide, and players will be able to Fabricate the completed Research to build in the Foundry for their respective Railjack.

The base MK of each COMPONENT, (Shield Array, Engine, Reactor) and ARMAMENT (Nose Turret, Wing Turrets, and Ordnance) are available to Research. Once you have fully Researched the base MK, the next MK is unlocked for Research (with MK 3 being the max).


COMPONENTS and ARMAMENTS can also be found in missions as WRECKAGE items from long-destroyed Railjacks from The Old War. These WRECKAGE parts require Repairs to bring them back to their former glory, which you can either Fund (similar to Foundry) or with the use of a Rush Repair Drone in the CONFIGURE panel to instantly turn it from WRECKAGE to usable gear (find it in the Market!).

Each WRECKAGE part has its own unique set of stats that can be applied, such as Status Effects, increased Fire Rate, etc. If you decide this WRECKAGE part is not needed in your Inventory you can choose to SCRAP it in 2 different ways:

  1. SCRAPPING a WRECKAGE item before Repairs grants Dirac, the currency used to upgrade your AVIONICS GRID, or your Avionic themselves (similar to Endo).
  2. SCRAPPING a WRECKAGE item after Repairing gives you back your crafting materials you spent to Repair it (Titanium, Carbides, etc).

WRECKAGE parts belong to their respective House -- Lavan, Vidar, and Zetki -- which you will see also referred to in the AVIONICS section.

You can have a capacity max of 30 WRECKAGE in your Inventory. Any new WRECKAGE obtained will be automatically scrapped for Dirac, so managing your Inventory and Repairing when able is important!



The CONFIGURE RAILJACK console in your Dry Dock is the home for the guts of your Railjack and for your own personal set of skills as a Tenno.


Equip your desired Shield Array, Engines, and Reactor to your Railjack! Here is where you can also Repair or SCRAP your WRECKAGE COMPONENTS.

Shield Array: Determine your Railjack’s Shield capacity and regeneration rate/decay.
Engines: Determine your Railjack’s top speed, acceleration, and handling (turning rate).
Reactor: Determine your Railjack’s Avionics Capacity for Avionics, as well as Flux Energy Capacity for Tactical Abilities and Battle Avionics.


Equip your desired Nose Turret, Wing Turrets, and Ordnance for your Railjack! Here is where you can also Repair or SCRAP your WRECKAGE ARMAMENTS.

Nose Turret: The Railjack Turret solely used by the Pilot.
Wing Turrets: The Railjack Turrets that are located on both the port and starboard side of the Railjack, and can be used by non-pilot crew members.
Ordnance: Ordnance weapons are more powerful than your Turrets, but are limited by Munitions, to get you out of some hairy situations.


This is where you can really boost your Railjack's core functionality - AVIONICS attribute to your Railjack's overall performance and destructive capabilities!

All Players will be provided 3 complimentary Avionics to give them a head start on outfitting their Railjacks:
Bulkhead - Increases your Railjack’s Hull!
Hyperstrike - Increases all Turret Damage!
Hull Weave - Increases your Railjack’s Armor!

The AVIONICS screen is split into numerous sections:

STATISTICS: Shows the accumulated stats for the Railjack after all the Avionics, Components, and Armaments are installed.

BATTLE: Onboard systems, unique to the Railjack. These work like Warframe Abilities, but are Railjack specific.

INTEGRATED: Passive stat increased for the Railjacks weapons, shields, and more.

TACTICAL: Real time utility Avionics for heated battle decisions.


Just like Modding anything in Warframe, Railjack has an Avionics Capacity, which represents the space available to add Avionics. By using Dirac, the currency gained from SCRAPPING or completing Railjack missions, you can Upgrade in AVIONICS for 2 purposes:

  1. GRID: The slots which Avionics are placed. Each GRID can be Upgraded with Dirac to a max of 3 times, thus being able to hold stronger Avionics.
  2. AVIONICS: Avionics themselves can also be Upgraded by using Dirac. Similar to the Mods you know now: the higher the upgrade, the higher cost to equip it in your GRID.


Meet House Lavan, makers of Railjack technology from the Old War. Specializing in engines and shields, House Lavan focused on delivering rock-solid technology at a lower resource cost. Their components were the backbone of the Orokin fleet but lacked the customization required by elite units.

Meet House Vidar, makers of Railjack technology from the Old War. House Vidar were material specialists that made a name for themselves with the shrewd balancing of performance and cost. The ability of their hull and armor components to withstand extreme elements earned them the loyalty of specialized units.

Meet House Zetki, makers of Railjack technology from the Old War. House Zetki's components were considered the best of the best. However, their exorbitant resource and energy requirements meant that only the fleet's most important vessels could be outfitted with Zetki technology.

There are different Houses of Railjack COMPONENTS, ARMAMENTS, and AVIONICS (Lavan, Vidar, and Zetki) that offer different strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to further customize your Railjack upgrading experience. Many of the same Avionics exist across the Houses. For example, you will find 3 different versions of the Avionic ‘ANODE CELL’ - a Lavan version, a Vidar version, and a Zetki version.

SCRAPPING can also be done to your Avionics for more Dirac.

New Railjack Damage & Status Effect Types:

Throughout the COMPONENTS, ARMAMENTS, and AVIONICS options you’ll notice new Damage & Status Effect types. These new Damage & Status Effect types are unique to Railjack’s escalated combat space - things get crazy out in space!

  • Particle Damage results in a Tear Status Effect:
    • Tears holes into the hull of the enemy ship. Allowing players to deal increased damage.
  • Ballistic Damage results in a Concuss Status Effect:
    • Concuss the crew aboard the ship. Enemy has reduced aim and damage.
  • Plasma Damage results in a Decompress Status Effect:
    • Puncture holes into the armor/shields of the enemy ship. Decreasing the overall shield/armour value.
  • Incendiary Damage results in a Sear Status Effect:
    • Rounds burn through the hull of the ship dealing Damage Over Time.
  • Ionic Damage results in a Scramble Status Effect:
    • Temporary disable the enemies flight controls.
  • Chem Damage results in a Intoxicate Status Effect:
    • Confuses Enemy pilot. Enemy will target anyone around them.
  • Frost Damage results in an Immobilize Status Effect:
    • Ship controls freeze causing the enemy ship to fly forward to a stop.



Prepare for your mission at hand by stocking up in the Dry Dock! By consuming specific Resources you can craft the following in advance:


The Omni gear item requires Revolite to carry out repairs on your Railjack as you take damage in battle.

Flux Energy

Battle and Tactical Avionics use Flux Energy.

Dome Charge

Dome charges are consumed by Forward Artillery.


Munitions are required to launch Ordnance.

These items can also be crafted in your Railjack in the heat of battle as you collect Resources in realtime (explained below under RESOURCE FORGE), so don’t worry if your Resource wallet is a bit dry before you take flight.



This skill point based system is your personal home base for core progression aboard your Railjack! Intrinsics determine how efficient and effective your personal skills are when in flight, from the artillery you can equip, your Railjack maneuvering skills, and much more! Each Intrinsic has a max rank of 10, with each rank granting a better boost towards its respective Intrinsic. As the Intrinsic rank grows, so does the cost at which it requires to be ranked up!

Each Intrinsic Point Spent earns you 1,500 Mastery. If you complete 10 ranks in a given Intrinsic, that will be 15,000 Mastery. Months from now, if you complete 10 ranks in every Intrinsic, that will be 60,000 Mastery!

Earning: Intrinsics are earned by completing Railjack missions, and by performing actions to aid in the success of the mission: repairs, boarding party combat, etc.

Spending: Intrinsics are a general skill currency that can be allocated to whichever Railjack skill you want. These can be boosted when you're back in your Dry Dock or in the Profile Menu screen back in your Orbiter.


Increase your focus on the big picture of battle. Improved Tactical skills such as recalling back to the Railjack, powerful Tactical deployment abilities, and more.


Forge a bond with the vessel. Improved Pilot skills with Railjack maneuvers like Dodge and Drift, asteroid collision damage reduction, and more.


Unlock the deadly power of your Arsenal. Improved Gunnery skills towards your Railjack’s weaponry, access to the Archwing Catapult, and more.


Mend the scars of battle and feed the war machine. Improved Engineering skills to bolster battle crafting yields, forge payload items in real time, and more.

COMMAND* 2020.

In an upcoming Empyrean expansion the Command Intrinsics will be available to increase the efficiency of your on-board Railjack crew.

*When the COMMAND Intrinsic launches in 2020, we will also offer a chance to rebalance your Intrinsic skills, thus refunding you all your spent Intrinsics to edit your skills however you please with the addition of COMMAND.



Truly the most important and crucial element to a Railjack are the customizations! Here you can choose your Railjacks exterior and interior colors, give it a personalized name fit for battle, slap on a Glyph of your choice, apply a Railjack Skin if you’re a Jar Jar Binks hater, and choose the ‘Wear & Tear’ level! Sticks and stones won’t break Tenno bones but the void of space will judge your fashionframe choices.


A new selection of missions in the PROXIMA regions of planets and space have appeared.

If you don’t have a Railjack or are wanting to join another crew, you can do so using the “Join a Crew” toggle in the Star Chart. If you want to use your own Railjack, you can “Form a Crew” and host the mission by starting it from Navigation in your Railjack.

You can enter your Railjack from the Dry Dock itself, via the Railjack express console at the back of your Orbiter (located just outside the Personal Quarters area), or by accessing the “Board Railjack” option in the Menu from your Orbiter (option to “Return to Orbiter” is also available while on the Railjack!).


Change your Warframe's Loadout before taking flight by accessing the Arsenal located within your Railjack, across from the boarding port. The Arsenal is disabled once you have taken off, so select the best gear for the mission before hand.


Earth Proxima is the beginning region for Empyrean. It is here where you will experience the tried-and-true Exterminate missions, with the added twist of taking down Points of Interest that offer you additional challenge. You will be able to earn important Avionics and Resources here to grow more powerful. All Affinity Earned will count toward INTRINSIC POINTS, which allow you to progress in your chosen Intrinsics - you can specialize, or be a jack of all trades! The choice is completely up to you.

1) FREE FLIGHT - We recommend starting here. A free-flight mode that allows you to practice flying / boarding / and more. No Affinity is earned here.


SATURN PROXIMA: Requires RANK 3 INTRINSIC in any Category.

Once you have completed all Earth Proxima nodes, you or a crewmember may have enough Intrinsic Points to unlock SATURN PROXIMA. Here you will find better gear, and missions that have more complexity than just Exterminate. Good Luck!


VEIL PROXIMA: Requires RANK 7 INTRINSIC in any Category.

VEIL PROXIMA is a mysterious region. Only the best will survive it, and what they find will change things forever.



While the heat of battle rages on outside the glass of your Railjack, there will be plenty to do inside to maintain not only your Railjack’s survivability, but also your team’s survivability!

There are 3 Turrets aboard this Railjack. One in the pilot seat, and two on the port and starboard sides. Each Turret is also equipped with Ordnance for your destruction pleasures. The Railjack has 6 emergency exits that will eject you into space via your Archwing. Towards the top aft of the Railjack holds your Archwing Catapult that Gunnery Intrinsic Rank 3 will be able to access!


Sometimes the fight gets brought to you, Tenno! Incoming enemy Ramsleds will puncture your Railjack with enemies spilling out into your interior for combat. Their job is to inflict as much damage as possible to the Railjack, resulting in continued fires, while also seeking out your crew. Taking out these boarding parties will be crucial to the health of your Railjack!

TACTICAL MENU: Prerequisite Tactical Intrinsic Rank 1

The higher your Tactical Intrinsic skill, the more enhanced your Tactical Menu will become! By pressing the default ‘L’ key, your view will shift to aid in you and your squadmates’ realtime actions.

Railjack Tactical Abilities

Located on the Tactical Menu screen, your chosen Railjack Tactical Avionics that you equipped back in the Dry Dock are accessed here. These Abilities affect the Railjack as a whole, such as Void Cloak, etc. Although these Tactical Abilities do have a cool down, they do not draw from the Railjack Flux Energy pool.

Minimap, Squad Stats & Tasks

The initial minimap shown represents your own. Pressing the default ‘TAB’ key will shift the view between your squadmates and their minimap location. Here you will also see their vitals, location name, and option to remote drop their respective Warframe Ability! If things are on fire (literally) or your Railjack Flux Energy pool is depleted, you can suggest tasks for squadmates to do, which Cy will graciously instruct them to do.

Remote Warframe Abilities

The Tactical Menu allows you to remote detonate Warframe Abilities respective to the Warframes in your squad! See your Wukong squadmate being overtaken while aboard an enemy Crewship? Remote drop a Celestial Twin right beside them for backup!


These Warframe Ability drops require Flux Energy at the cost of your Railjacks Flux Energy pool - so use wisely! Those with a top tier Tactical Intrinsic rank will see reduced Flux Energy costs and reduced cooldown times.


Upon the Railjack taking Health damage, fires will start to litter the many levels and corners of the Railjack! By equipping the Omni item in your gear wheel that is automatically given to you when you board a Railjack, you can target these fires and extinguish them!

If you fail to extinguish all the fires with haste, a Hull Breach will occur! Hull Breaches are represented in the minimap as red flame icons as opposed to normal fires which are orange. A Hull Breach is serious business, and Cy isn’t messing around when he says that critical failure is imminent. Once fires and Hull Breaches have been fully extinguished the Railjacks Health will be restored! If Hull Breaches are not extinguished within the given time on the UI, the mission will fail.

The Omni is not infinite, and does require its own ammo, called Revolite. Revolite can be crafted in the PAYLOAD screen back in the Dry Dock, or onboard the Railjack in real time (see RESOURCE FORGE section).



Located in the aft bunker of the Railjack is the Forging Bay! Similar to the PAYLOAD screen in the Dry Dock, you can Forge Revolite, Flux Energy, Dome Charges, and Munitions in real time as the mission progress! Copernics, Cubic Diodes, Carbides, and Pustrels collected throughout the mission are directly attributed to this screen and are eligible for Forging!

All Resources earned in Railjack missions that are not spent Forging will be awarded upon a successful End of Mission!


Railjack Resources are littered out in that vast starry void of never ending stars! These will be crucial to collect to advance the technology of your Railjack:

Aucrux Capacitors
Gallos Rods


Alongside the Resources listed above, new and familiar rewards await you in Railjack missions:

  • Components and Armaments from The Old War exist as WRECKAGE in the Proxima regions. Find these and Repair them to use them! You can Repair these by contributing Resources, like in the Foundry but done in the Dry Dock, or instantly with a Repair Rush Drone.
  • AVIONICS are your key to Upgrading your Railjack. Obtain these to increase your offensive, defense, and tactical prowess! These can be upgraded with DIRAC (below). Avionics drop from Railjack enemies in space - destroy them for your Avionics!
  • Over 60 Avionics are out there - find them all, Tenno!
  • Introduced in Update 26: The Old Blood, bring 10 of these to Palladino for a Riven! Limited to 1 Riven per week.
  • Players have often requested an alternate path to obtain Forma Blueprints. Forma Blueprints can be found within the rewards of Railjack!
  • Dirac is a powerful Resource that makes your Avionics and Railjack stronger. Use it to Upgrade your Railjack’s Grid and Avionics!

The deeper you venture into the unknown, the greater the quality of the reward!

And thus concludes our guide to Railjack! We hope you have a safe and pleasant flight!


He who has nothing to lose is truly free. This skin for Excalibur embodies the nomadic, unbowed spirit of those who call every world home.


This Nikana skin is an ode to a beautiful life cut short. A signature Nikana skin for Excalibur Zato.


Wander the world, beholden to none. The Excalibur Zato bundle includes the Excalibur Zato Skin, Zato Sugatra and the Oku Nikana Skin.


Both Excalibur Zato’s Agile and Noble Animations are available for purchase in the Market! These animations can be equipped on any Warframe of your choosing.


The System is yours with this Excalibur Zato-inspired cosmetic collection for your Operator. Includes Zato Oculus, Zato Earpiece and Zato Facial Accessory for your Operator.


The Quellor was standard-issue to Dax Railjack crews of the Old War, dating back to the earliest, pre-Sigma craft. A rapid-fire assault rifle with a hefty magazine-size, the Quellor is an all-round workhorse.


The steel flag of Old War Railjack crews, the Pennant was invaluable in repelling boarders.



As no Zundi weapons survive from the Old War, this formidable pistol skin was created to honor them. Stout, distinctive, and intimidating - it is a reminder of times past.


A Sugatra that was traditionally clipped to the weapons of Old War Railjack crews.


The hardened Sigma Series Armor was recognized battle dress for Old War Railjack Warframes.


This Parazon model was gifted to the first Warframe Railjack crews.


This Syandana was a mark of honor, and part of the battle dress of Warframe Railjack crews.


Old-War-era battle-shell for shipboard mascots, service animals, and attack beasts.


This massive bundle includes the full Sigma Series cosmetic range: Armor Set, Kavat Armor Set, Syandana, Sugatra and Parazon Skin. Also contains the Zundi Pistol Skin, Quellor Rifle, and Pennant Great Katana. Also includes 3-Day Affinity and Credit Boosters.


Conquer the skies with this noble Railjack Skin.


Swoop in and attack with this streamlined Railjack Skin.


Consumed to upgrade the Railjack Grid and Avionics.


This single-use item instantly repairs Wreckage in the Dry Dock.


This Avionics Bundle showcases the House Lavan range of Avionics.


This Avionics Bundle showcases the House Zetki range of Avionics.


This Avionics Bundle showcases the House Vidar range of Avionics.


We have re-balanced Arch-guns in Archwing mode only, held Arch-guns in atmospheric (ground) combat is unaffected. Submersible Archwing now uses your weapons like open world Archwing does.

Arch-Guns in Archwing mode
  • All hitscan Archwing weapons converted to projectile when in space
  • Increased fall off range from 200-400 to 300-600
  • Increased min fall off damage from 10% to 50%
  • Increased projectile speed of the Kuva Ayanga while in space.
Riven Disposition Changes

Christmas has come early! Initially these changes were planned for the release of Ivara Prime, but it has snuck into Empyrean so we’re rolling with it! For those that missed our previous Riven Workshop, this is our first time balancing Dispositions per weapon instead of per weapon family, as this functionality was added with The Old Blood update. Check out the Dev Workshop on how we’ve chosen to undergo these changes: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1151402-december-2019-riven-disposition-updates/

View Primaries List

Acceltra: 1->0.8

Argonak: 1.2->1.25

Boar: 1.34->1.4

Boltor: 1.05->1.2
Telos Boltor: 1.05->1.1
Boltor Prime: 1.05->1.1

Braton: 1.2->1.3
MK1-Braton: 1.2->1.35
Braton Vandal: 1.2->1.25

Burston: 1.3->1.4

Cernos: 1.15->1.25
Rakta Cernos: 1.15->1.2
Cernos Prime: 1.15->1.2

Daikyu: 1.3->1.25

Dera: 1.3->1.35

Dread: 1.2->1.25

Fulmin: 0.8->0.65

Glaxion: 1.25->1.3

Gorgon: 1.3->1.4
Gorgon Wraith: 1.3->1.35

Grakata: 1.15->1.25
Prisma Grakata: 1.15->1.2

Grinlok: 1.25->1.3

Hek: 0.95->1.1
Vaykor Hek: 0.95->1

Hema: 1.25->1.3

Ignis: 0.55->0.6

Karak: 1.28->1.35

Komorex: 1->1.1

Lanka: 0.8->0.9

Latron: 1.3->1.4
Latron Wraith: 1.3->1.35

Lenz: 0.9->0.95

Nagantaka: 1.2->1.25

Opticor Vandal: 1.05->1

Paris: 1.3->1.35
MK1-Paris: 1.3->1.4

Penta: 1.3->1.35

Quanta: 1.35->1.4

Rubico: 0.65->0.7

Simulor: 1.1->1.2
Synoid Simulor: 1.1->1.15

Snipetron: 1.25->1.3

Soma: 0.85->1
Soma Prime: 0.85->0.95

Stradavar: 1->1.05

Strun: 1.35->1.4
MK1-Strun: 1.35->1.45

Supra Vandal: 0.8->0.85

Sybaris: 1.05->1.2
Dex Sybaris: 1.05->1.15
Sybaris Prime: 1.05->1.1

Tenora: 1.05->1.1

Tetra: 1.45->1.5

Tiberon: 0.85->0.9

Tigris: 0.55->0.65
Sancti Tigris: 0.55->0.6

Vectis: 0.8->0.95
Vectis Prime: 0.8->0.85

Vulkar: 1.4->1.45

Zhuge: 1.15->1.2

View Secondaries List

Afuris: 1.39->1.45

Akbolto: 0.8->0.95
Telos Akbolto: 0.8->0.9
Akbolto Prime: 0.8->0.85

Akbronco: 1.25->1.35
Akbronco Prime: 1.25->1.3

Akjagara: 0.9->0.95
Akjagara Prime: 0.9->0.85

Aklex: 0.8->0.9

Aksomati: 1.2->1.25

Akstilletto: 0.5->0.6
Akstilletto Prime: 0.5->0.55

Akvasto: 1.2->1.25

Angstrum: 1.3->1.35

Arca Scisco: 1->1.05

Ballistica: 1.1->1.2
Rakta Ballistica: 1.1->1.15
Ballistica Prime: 1.1->1.15

Bronco: 1.35->1.4

Castanas: 1.35->1.4

Cyanex: 0.85->0.8

Cycron: 1.15->1.2

Detron: 1->1.1

Dual Cestra: 1.3->1.35

Dual Toxocyst: 1.3->1.35

MK1-Furis: 1.35->1.4

Gammacor: 0.95->1.05
Synoid Gammacor: 0.95->1

Gaze: 1->0.9

Hikou: 1.05->1.2
Hikou Prime:1.05->1.15

Hystrix: 1.1->1.15

Knell: 1.2->1.25

Kulstar: 1.25->1.3

Lato: 1.35->1.4

Lex: 1.05->1.15
Lex Prime: 1.05->1.1

Marelok: 0.95->1.05
Vaykor Marelok: 0.95->1

Ocucor: 1.1->1.15

Pandero: 1->1.05

Plinx: 1.1->1.15

Pyrana: 0.65->0.7
Pyrana Prime: 0.65->0.6

Rattleguts: 0.75->0.7

Sicarus Prime: 1.1->1.2

Sonicor: 1->1.05

Spectra Vandal: 1.46->1.4

Spira: 1.15->1.2

Stubba: 1.3->1.35

Tombfinger: 0.7->0.65

Prisma Twin Gremlins: 1.2->1.15

Twin Vipers: 1.41->1.45

Tysis: 1.51->1.45

Vasto: 1.35->1.4

Viper: 1.35->1.4

  • Improved network protocols to improve matchmaking, presence, and game-invitations in certain Eastern European regions without open access to the internet.
  • Optimized hitches when joining popular Chat channels (eg Region) when you have a large number of Friends or are part of a large Clan.
  • Made a micro-optimizations to Oberon Primes FX.
  • Made a small optimization and fixed a potential crash in rendering.
  • Made some micro-optimizations to memory management to save a few MB on large levels.
  • Made some micro-optimizations to AI avoidance.
  • Made some micro-optimizations to rendering.
  • Fixed a memory leak that could occur when certain types of lights were in view.
  • Fixed slow leak that would degrade performance in missions like Sanctuary Onslaught.
  • Fixed missing textures on the leg of the Infested Ancient.
  • Added 2 new Challenges:
    • I'm The Captain Now - Pilot a hijacked enemy Crewship during a Railjack mission.
    • From out of the Sun - Shoot down 100 enemies while in a Railjack.
  • If you so choose, you can now ride the barges in the Dry Dock!
  • Mite Raknoid spawn time between broods will now increase over time if the Exploiter Orbs vents are not dealt with to address endless spawn abuse.
  • Improvements towards the algorithm of dynamic vendor (Hok, Ticker, etc) items to guarantee even appearances.
  • Reduced the input lag of the universal Blink mechanic when using a controller and fixed the Blink binding not being automatic.
  • Fixed being able to start the Rising Tide quest before completing Second Dream if you set it as your active quest from the World State Window.
  • Fixed inability to Install Cephalon Cy in the Dry Dock after initiating the Rising Tide quest while in the Dojo.
  • Fixed a loss of functionality when attempting to modify your Parazon on another players Orbiter.
  • Fixed Kuva Lich having the attention span of a squirrel when surrounded by Nidus’ Maggots.
  • Fixed Kuva not appearing Taxed on the End Of Mission screen.
  • Fixed the World State Window's "Next Objective" panel directing players to the the Mars->Ceres Junction before Mars->Phobos Junction.
  • Fixed Grineer Guardsmen blocking 100% of damage.
  • Fixed enemies like Sentients being put into a ‘lifted status’ and playing wonky or popping animations because they weren't set up to ragdoll or rise from ragdoll.
  • Fixed Ancient Healer Specters not teleporting to players in Orb Vallis or Plains of Eidolon. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1142784-specter-bug/
  • Fixed Coildrive hacking console not appearing for Clients.
  • Fixed the Vitruvian power surge during The Sacrifice quest causing the Orbiter ‘Wear & Tear’ to strobe as if it were a light.
  • Fixed the Orbiter floor not matching the amount of ‘Wear & Tear’ as the rest of the Orbiter when at the lowest value.
  • Fixes towards Elemental FX being misaligned when using a Zaw Skin - some alignment issues still remain.
  • Fixed the Astreos Sword And Shield Skin being opened by default when loading into a mission.
  • Fixes towards the Cumulus Syandana clipping through numerous Warframes.
  • Fixed text being crunched for some languages in the Kuva Lich UI when it spawns.
  • Fixed collision volumes in the Orbiter Arsenal wall.
  • Fixed filepath text when attempting to add a Friend on a newly created account. As reported here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/e2fj2w/broken_text_string_when_new_accounts_add_a_friend/
  • Fixed a script error when removing your Cyst.
  • Fixed loot appearing under the floor in the Corpus Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed a level hole in a Plains of Eidolon cave. As reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/e6ll1a/small_hole_in_the_twin_horns_cave_of_the_plains
  • Fixed numerous level holes across the Grineer Asteroid and Grineer Fortress tilesets..
  • Fixed a script error from Inaros’ Undying Passive.
Missed Change
  • Vauban’s Flechette Orb Damage multiplier now scales based on average enemy level in range.

*The public PC droptable site will be updated in a later Hotfix!
