UndertowModx256 Undertow130xWhite

Become a water trap and drown unsuspecting enemies.

Introduced in Update 13.0 (2014-04-09)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:10 / 15 / 20 / 25
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:N/A
AbilityRangeBuff Range:7.5 / 11.25 / 15 / 18 m


Main article: Curative Undertow

Curative Undertow is a Hydroid Warframe Augment Mod that allows Undertow130xWhite Undertow to heal HydroidIcon272 Hydroid and his allies within range by a percentage of their max health every 1.5 seconds.

Rank Hydroid Health Restore Ally Health Restore Cost
0 5% 15% 6
1 6% 20% 7
2 8% 25% 8
3 10% 30% 9


  • Hydroid submerges into a 7.5 / 11.25 / 15 / 18 meter-wide pool of water, becoming invulnerable to all forms of damage and untargetable by enemies. Enemies that wander onto the pool will sink and disappear from sight, taking 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 Finisher damage per second.
  • Undertow drains 6 / 4 / 3 / 2 energy per second, and will remain active so long as Hydroid has energy. Undertow will end if Hydroid runs out of energy, if a movement key is held, or if deactivated by pressing the ability key again (default 3 ).
  • Hydroid's Companion will also be submerged.
  • The player will be invincible to all damage during the effects of Undertow; however, the player's companion will still be susceptible to explosions.
    • Aura effects from enemy Eximus (ex. Energy Leech) will not apply to Hydroid while he is submerged, even if the Eximus has fallen into the pool. However, nearby Tenno will still suffer from the effects of the Eximus unit's aura if they are in range.
  • Shields will recharge during Undertow.
  • Enemy bodies will remain hidden until Hydroid emerges from the pool.
  • Allies cannot damage enemies inside the pool, making the ability pure utility for gathering enemies in one spot for another player to kill them with an AoE weapon once the ability has ended.
  • Items will hover above the player when vacuumed by Carrier, and will only be picked up when Hydroid emerges from the pool.
  • Reloading before casting Undertow will not interrupt the action and you will be able to finish reloading while in this state.
  • Conclave rating: 5.

  • If you see an enemy Leader walk into the pool, deactivate Undertow and expose them to attacks, as their Auras will remain active while submerged.
  • When running an Infested Defense (such as an uncontested Dark Sector or Orokin Derelict), stand near the cryopod or a walkway to the cryopod and activate Undertow. Once you've collected several enemies, deactivate Undertow and chain together Area of Effect skills such as Tempest Barrage and Tentacle Swarm.
  • If you are under heavy fire, activate Undertow to regenerate your shields, as well as health depending on whether your squad has a member with the Rejuvenation aura equipped.

  • Maximization is a form of specialization: mods may be blended to result in values that vary between the top-end limits listed here. Click any maximized link to learn how to build it.

    • Maximized Power Duration has no positive effect on this ability.
      • Has no negative effect on this ability.
    • Maximized Power Efficiency reduces the activation cost to 3.75 energy and channeling cost to 0.5 energy per second.
      • Has no negative effect on this ability.
    • Maximized Power Range has no positive effect on this ability.
      • Reduces damage to 10 per second.
    • Maximized Power Strength increases damage to 57.25 per second.
      • Increases the activation cost to 23.25 energy and channeling cost to 3.1 energy per second.

  • At times a miniature Hydroid and his sentinel can be seen on the pool.
    • When this bug occurs enemies will begin throwing grenades at the player and will be able to injure the player.
    • This bug can also rarely occur on PS4, however instead of appearing tiny you will see Hydroid's head and shoulders clip through the floor at their normal size (only when moving).
  • Some bosses, such as General Sargas Ruk can be submerged by Undertow, making them invulnerable to outside damage by other players.

  • See also
