
Undazoa are extraordinarily simple organisms, subsisting primarily on what Deimos excretes. That alone makes them a trove of potential discoveries.

Undazoa are Infested quadrupedal lifeforms that reside in the Cambion Drift on Deimos. There are currently 3 subspecies of Undazoa.


Undazoa are bizarre-looking creatures that are formed deep within the fleshscape of Deimos. Discharged from some warm artery or gutter, they inhabit the various exocrine rivers found along the surface of the Drift.

Undazoa feed off various contaminants that are excreted by Deimos, which makes them a trove of potential discoveries. Due to their semi-aquatic nature, they require a fluid environment to live, and it's recommended to tranq them after they have lumbered ashore.


A shy, bizarre-looking, semi-aquatic creature that seldom attacks unless provoked.

A common Undazoa subspecies. Umber Undazoa are anxious creatures that are more likely to run away when confronted, only attacking if provoked. Like all Undazoa, they are genderless and reproduce asexually.

When captured via Conservation they will reward the following:

Perfect Good Bad
3x Umber Undazoa Tag 2x Umber Undazoa Tag 1x Umber Undazoa Tag

The Vaporous Undazoa gets its name from the noxious gas it belches out when alerted.

A rare Undazoa subspecies that only appears during Fass. When startled, Vaporous Undazoa will burp out clouds of rancid gasses. Caution must be taken to avoid breathing them in.

When captured via Conservation they will reward the following:

Perfect Good Bad
3x Vaporous Undazoa Tag 2x Vaporous Undazoa Tag 1x Vaporous Undazoa Tag

The Howler is easily startled. Its penetrating scream will cause other, more dangerous animals to investigate.

A rare Undazoa subspecies that only appears during Vome. Easily frightened, Howler Undazoa will release a shrill, penetrating scream, prompting other more dangerous Deimosian creatures to investigate.

Howlers have become the target of other competing creatures on Deimos, leading them to become endangered.

When captured via Conservation they will reward the following:

Perfect Good Bad
3x Howler Undazoa Tag 2x Howler Undazoa Tag 1x Howler Undazoa Tag


  • All Undazoa take 2 shots from the Tranq Rifle to subdue.


  • The name Undazoa could be inspired by protozoa; a term relating to a subgroup of single-celled organisms.


Patch History[]

Hotfix 31.7.1 (2022-07-28)

  • Fixed Undazoa spawning under floor in Codex diorama.

Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)

  • Introduced.