Ulfrun'sDescent Ulfrun'sDescentIcon
Ulfrun's Descent

(TAP) Voruna drops to all fours and prepares 5 brutal charges that lock onto enemies. Ulfrun, the most powerful wolf, leads the attack as Voruna dashes toward her target. The pack deals increased damage to targets and nearby enemies that are inflicted by Status Effects. Lethal attacks double the damage of Voruna’s remaining charges.

(HOLD) Ulfrun guards Voruna. If Voruna falls during this time, Ulfrun dies in her place.

Introduced in Update 32.2 (2022-11-30)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:2,000 / 3,000 / 4,000 / 5,000 (DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage on target)
250 / 500 / 750 / 1,000 (DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage per second)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:4 s (DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage per second duration)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:30 m (range)
6 / 7 / 9 / 10 m (radius)


Weapons holstered
5 (number of charges)
∞ (charge duration)
3 s (passive invulnerability)
100% shields and health restored
60 s (passive cooldown)
=100% absolute critical chance from Shroud of Dynar

20% critical chance
1.5x critical damage multiplier
100% bonus damage from status effect
DmgSlashSmall64 Slash status on target
Knockdown b Knockdown on target
+200% damage bonus on kill
+5% critical chance bonus on kill
+0.1 critical damage multiplier bonus on kill
RollingDroneAvatar Stagger in area


  • Ulfrun savagely bares his twin fangs as his mistress stalks their prey, poised to pounce from the shadows. Voruna expends EnergyOrb100 energy and assumes a predatory posture, holstering away her held weapons and laying down on all fours while stationary. Once activated, Ulfrun's Descent grants 5 charges that last indefinitely until used or dispelled, which Voruna can expend by aiming the reticle at an intended enemy target and pressing the fire weapon key (default LMB ) or quick melee attack key (default E ). While active, cancel the ability early and regain weapons access by pressing the ability key again (default 4 ), refunding EnergyOrb20 energy per unused charge back to Voruna.
    • The remaining charges of the ability are indicated by lit-up claw marks below the stylized aiming reticle.
    • Ulfrun's Descent does not require precise aim to cast, each charge targets the nearest enemy in direct line-of-sight and within the aiming reticle circle.
    • Ulfrun's Descent does not refund energy if Voruna enters an ability-nullifying field or falls into an out-of-bounds zone.
  • Hold down the ability button (default 4 ) to command Ulfrun to guard Voruna, changing her passive for no energy cost to a single charge of Invulnerability that prevents Voruna from entering Bleedout state from the next lethal hit, rendering her invulnerable for 3 seconds and restoring 100% of her shields and health. Ulfrun's passive undergoes a 60 seconds cooldown once triggered or swapped out.
  • Ability Synergy:
    • During ShroudofDynarIcon Shroud of Dynar, Voruna remains invisible when casting or cancelling Ulfrun's Descent, but blinks out then back into invisibility when lunging. While Shroud of Dynar's invisibility phase or melee buff phase is active, this ability's Critical Chance is set to 100%, and the flat critical multiplier bonus amplifies its DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage.
    • FangsofRakshIcon Fangs of Raksh stacks and spreads 5 different types of status effects on enemies to strengthen Ulfrun's Descent.
    • Ulfrun's Descent's direct lunge and its DmgSlashSmall64 Slash status effect are considered a melee attack to proc Lycath'sHuntIcon Lycath's Hunt's Health Orb drops. Radial Slash damage does not count.
  • Voruna and her wolf pack's claws and fangs utilize unique statistics and ability synergy to inflict damage to their prey:

  • All of Ulfrun's Descent DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage is affected by an innate 20% critical chance, 1.5x critical multiplier, and inflicts 100% bonus damage against enemies afflicted with at least one Status Effect.
  • Each charge lunges Voruna toward her victim over AbilityRangeBuff30 meters, inflicting AbilityStrengthBuff2,000 / 3,000 / 4,000 / 5,000 DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage with guaranteed status and Knockdown b Knockdown. Each successful direct kill by Voruna's lunge increases the damage by +200%, critical chance by 5%, and critical multiplier by +0.1 for all subsequent lunges.
    • The Knockdown b Knockdown effect will apply to Acolytes.
    • Damage multiplier from successful kills is displayed below the stylized aiming reticle.
      • Damage multiplier is capped at +900% damage.
    • The primary target of the charge receives double damage if any status effects are present on them at the time of collision. This multiplier only applies once.
    • Critical Chance increase is capped at +22.5%, for a total Critical Chance possible of 42.5%.
    • Critical Damage increase is capped at +0.45x, for a total Critical Damage possible of 1.95x.
    • Kills from status effects does not strengthen subsequent lunges.
    • If Voruna's lunge is interrupted by terrain and obstacles, the ability will still apply its effects onto the enemy target.
    • Voruna attempts to lunge and position herself facing the target in melee range. When cast while using Maneuvers such as Bullet Jump and Aim Glide, she can overshoot and land behind the target.
  • On each lunge, Voruna's target and other enemies within a AbilityRangeBuff6 / 7 / 9 / 10 meter radius around her target receive RollingDroneAvatar Stagger status once, then AbilityStrengthBuff250 / 500 / 750 / 1,000 DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage per second for AbilityDurationBuff4 seconds.
    • Area damage per second bypasses obstacles in the environment and does not require line-of-sight to mark enemies.
    • Area damage can critical hit and is affected by the critical chance and critical damage increases from kills.
    • Area damage is affected by the double damage multiplier from having a status.
      • Requires a status effect on enemies being damaged by the area damage; status effects on the initial target will not increase area damage against enemies with no status effect.
    • Area damage does not apply a DmgSlashSmall64 Slash status despite inflicting damage over time.
    • Area damage is not affected by the damage multiplier from successful kills.
  • Ulfrun's Descent does not benefit from melee damage bonuses such as Mod TT 20px Steel Charge.
  • Ulfrun's Descent does not count for Nightwave melee challenge kills.

Damage Formulas
  • Ulfrun's Descent's direct lunge damage is calculated with the following expressions:
    1. Total DmgSlashSmall64 Slash DMG = (Base DmgSlashSmall64 Slash DMG × AbilityStrengthBuff Ability Strength) × [Base Crit DMG + (Crit DMG Bonus On Kill × Number of Direct Kills) + (ShroudofDynarIcon Shroud of Dynar Crit DMG × AbilityStrengthBuff Ability Strength)] × [1 + (DMG bonus on Direct Kill × Number of Direct Kills)] × Status DMG Bonus
    2. Total DmgTrueSmall64 True DMG = 6 seconds × (Total DmgSlashSmall64 Slash DMG × 0.35)
    3. Total DMG = Total DmgSlashSmall64 Slash DMG + Total DmgTrueSmall64 True DMG
    • At ability rank 3 with a maxed Mod TT 20px Intensify equipped, ShroudofDynarIcon Shroud of Dynar active, 4 successful direct kills, and a status effect active on the target, Voruna will deal (5,000 × 1.3) × [1.5 + (0.1 × 4) + (2 × 1.3)] × [1 + (2 × 4)] × 2 = 526,500 DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage on her fifth charge before damage type resistances.
    • Next, the DmgSlashSmall64 Slash status effect on the primary target will deal 526,500 × 0.35 = 184,275 DmgTrueSmall64 True damage per tick for 6 seconds, totaling 6 seconds × 184,275 = 1,105,650 DmgTrueSmall64 True damage from the status effect.

  • Casting and deactivating Ulfrun's Descent are conditional animations based on Voruna's current state:
  • Ulfrun visually idles upon Voruna's right upper thigh. His distinct physical features are the twin saber teeth on his upper jaw.
  • Voruna visually holsters away her weapons and lays down on all fours in a unique idle animation, as a persistent shroud of shadows emanate from her body and envelop the borders of the player's screen. Once she lunges, Voruna slashes her target with her claws, then emits a shadowy fog highlighting the radius around her as shadowy tendrils emit from all enemies marked for damage per second.
  • Voruna is incapable of wall latching while Ulfrun's Descent is active.
  • Voruna cannot cast Helminth abilities during Ulfrun's Descent.


Main article: Ulfrun's Endurance

Ulfrun's Endurance is a Warframe Augment Mod for VorunaIcon272 Voruna that restores Ulfrun'sDescentIcon Ulfrun's Descent charges whenever a nearby enemy dies from DmgSlashSmall64 Slash status effect.

Ulfrun's Endurance

Tips & Tricks

  • Bring weapons that can inflict a large number of status procs on a group of enemies to maximize the punching power of Ulfrun's Descent in case Fangs of Raksh is unavailable, such as Cedo Cedo and its glaive alt-fire, Kompressa Kompressa, atmospheric Larkspur Larkspur, or even KuvaNukor Kuva Nukor with its unique Microwave proc.
  • Infusing YareliIcon272 Yareli's Aquablades130xWhite Aquablades can trigger the increased damage of Ulfrun's Descent as it will inflict Slash status procs before you strike a target with Ulfrun's Descent.


  • After a Mercy kill, Voruna's primary weapon will be brought out. While she still cannot fire it, holding your aim button will cause you to enter your weapon's aiming mode. Most noticeable with sniper rifles, as their unique scopes will be used.


See Also[]
