
During Operation Tubemen of Regor

When Flooding the Facility

  • "You hate my science. Hate my tubes and my Tubemen. But I have the numbers, add those numbers, mix those waters, grow the Tubemen! ...so they kill forever."
  • "Old Grineer; life too short, mind too small. My Tubemen overcome. Leave old mistakes behind and all of a sudden along slithers the Tenno. Sick, sick things, here to ruin this flesh made right."
  • "Jealous; that's why you've come. My Tubemen are too healthy, too resilient, too strong... too vicious. No, wait, that's not jealous – that's frightened!"
  • "Needs to be secret. Needs to be clean. This house – not some dirty Galleon. Hatch open, for trespassers to spread their filth."

When Sabotaging the Labs

  • "Try to stop my science? My progress? The inevitable! That's impossible. Too many numbers now. And when the researchers finish, so many more."
  • "Sick thing you're doing, Tenno. Suppose I can't blame you though. These'll be full grown soon, and we both know what will happen... when they grab hold of a tender, little thing like you."

When Siding With Alad V

  • "So it was you, Alad? Bringing them into my house? Why? You gone and ruined your own skin and now you want my tubes to set you right? Ho-ho, not gonna happen. Rather watch you rot."
  • "Tenno lizards, scampering 'bout my house, messing with my work, contaminating my science! Who let them in!? Which twit did this thing?"
  • "Oh look, it's Alad the coward. Quivering behind the lizards? (Tsk) Shameful. Never thought I'd see it. ...Hah, who am I kidding? Always knew you had no bone in that back. Alad the jellyfish. Stinky, floppy, jellyfish. Washed up on the beach now. And then what are you going to do jelly? When I come by and poke at you with my stick?"

When Siding With Nef Anyo

  • "Neffy, Neffy. Should have known. Should have put two and two in combination. No surprise, no surprise at all to find a bottom-feeder at the bottom of the sea."
  • "Attack me? My science? Maybe you thought you were dealing with that legless parrot? No, I'm no Hek. You give me a Fomorian fleet and you get a different outcome. Hellish outcome"
  • "Preacher, Preacher, this your idea? Hah, 'Give unto the Void.' How about I scalpel off your little danglers and give them unto the Void, hmm? What do think about that idea, Neffy?"