- For the Thumper Mod, see Thumper.
- For the Archwing Ability, see Thumper (Elytron).
The Tusk Thumper is a heavily-armored Grineer quadrupedal vehicle designed for heavy combat. They can be found in the Plains of Eidolon during daytime.
Stronger variants exist: the Tusk Thumper Bull, the Tusk Thumper Doma and the Narmer Thumper Doma.
- The heavy armor on the Tusk Thumper makes its body impervious to all forms of attack. To deal damage to it, players must destroy the destructible armor plates on the Thumper's knees, which will reveal a glowing bluish-green weak spot on each leg that can be attacked. Each weak spot constitutes a quarter of the Thumper's health, with each leg weak spot closing up if its health pool is depleted, thus all 4 leg weak spots must be destroyed in order to kill the Thumper.
- The Thumper possesses unusual agility for a unit of its size, capable of jumping high into the air to either reposition itself or attempt to slam down onto enemies beneath it. It is also capable of charging forward at great speeds, knocking over any enemies in its path.
- Occasionally, the Thumper will brace its legs and then use its pneumatic groundpounder on its belly, which it slams into the ground repeatedly to create up to 5 radial shockwaves that deal damage and knockback in a large area. The Thumper in this state is immobile, however, making it easier for players to aim for its weak spots, particularly its "back" two legs that it typically keeps turning away from you as it moves around and turns to aim weapons at you. These shockwaves, as the physics of their source imply, are purely through the ground. If you are hovering above the ground such as in an Archwing they will have no effect on you, although the sounds of the impacts will stagger your aim. This can be a key way of getting to the "back" weakspots.
- The Thumper has two ranged weapons consisting of a large telescopic cannon on its front and a rapid-fire autocannon on one side. These weapons have their own hitboxes and hitpoints, which can be destroyed to temporarily knock them out of commission.
- Dormant Thumpers are buried underground and thus are not visible from long distances. They will only emerge from the ground once players are within striking distance.
- When a Thumper only has half its health left, it will eject a hatch on its top side, opening up a launcher that will allow it to release Tusk Seeker Drones to call in reinforcements.
- The advanced Thumper variants - the Tusk Thumper Bull and Tusk Thumper Doma - have higher chances of spawning when performing high level Bounties.
- Only one Thumper at a time will appear on the Plains at any instance, and there is a 90 to 120 second cooldown time before another Thumper will spawn; therefore, if farming Thumpers, it is wise to leave the Plains and return immediately to bypass the cooldown.
- This normal variant generally only appears in low-leveled Free Roam and Bounties.
- Tusk Thumpers can drop most Plains of Eidolon-exclusive resources on death, including common and uncommon fish and animal parts, as well as common to uncommon ores and gems, but only the Bull and Doma variants drop Seram Beetle Shell, Sentirum, Nyth and the blueprint for Korrudo.
- This is similar to Exploiter Orb, which drops multiple Orb Vallis exclusive resources and parts, in addition to guaranteed Lazulite Toroid and Hildryn component blueprint.
- Nekros can use Desecrate for a chance to double the drops from the Thumper's corpse.
- Tusk Thumpers have set spawn locations but are randomly encountered only in the daytime. Only one Tusk Thumper can be present in any instance. The following map shows several possible spawn locations:
- Decreasing the Tusk Thumper's movement speed can make it easier to shoot the weak spots:
- Nova's Molecular Prime can slow the Tusk Thumper
- Khora's Ensnare can stop the Tusk Thumper momentarily.
- Rhino's Rhino Stomp can slow the Tusk Thumper.
- Sevagoth's Gloom can slow the Tusk Thumper
- Stripping the Tusk Thumper's armor can make it more vulnerable to damage:
- Caliban's Fusion Strike
- Mag's Polarize
- Nyx's Psychic Bolts
- Styanax's Tharros Strike
- Jade's Ophanim Eyes
- A melee weapon, ideally Sarpa with Shattering Impact
- The following armor stripping abilities have no effect on the Tusk Thumper:
- Abilities that make Tenno invisible, e.g. Loki's Invisibility, can help making Tusk Thumper less active. It will not retaliate against invisible Tenno and less likely move around.
- The Thumper is incapable of hitting Titania with its melee, charge, and shockwave attacks if she is above the ground in her Razorwing form. While it can still shoot her, it will prefer to attack her Razorflies, which can keep the Thumper busy while Titania shoots its weak spots.
- A beacon from Buzlok's alternate fire can be used to tag a weak spot, allowing Tenno to deal damage with ease.
- Operator's Void Beam can also deal significant damage against the Thumper, especially with Prism/Scaffold that has Punch Through and/or area of effect damage.
- This method is quite ammo-efficient as Void Beam is simply rechargeable, while the Thumper requires a lot of ammo to bring down.
- Stolen Tusk Dargyn can be used to slowly fight the Thumper as well. Though it is recommended to periodically destroy its gun to prevent retaliation as Dargyn is not so resilient.
- Voidrig's Guard Mode deals massive damage to the Tusk Thumper.
- The following is a strategy the player can take to find and take down a Thumper quickly (see the above image for a visual aid for routing). At any point, if you see and/or hear the Tusk Thumper emerge from the ground, immediately engage, and, once the Thumper is destroyed, return to Cetus to start over. When entering the Plains from Cetus, fly towards Gara Toht Lake and then once you pass it make a large u-turn and head back towards the south side of the map. Travel westward in a zigzag pattern until you reach the shore, then fly north past the Seaside Ruin and beyond The Ribs until you reach the northwest corner of the map. Then, from there, fly once again in a zigzag pattern eastward past Mount Nang and stopping near Renthi Spring. Then, fly around the rest of Gara Toht lake until you land back at the entrance to Cetus. If you didn't see a Thumper, exit and try again. The red circle around the base at Mount Nang denotes an area that is slightly higher level than the areas surrounding it, meaning almost anywhere else along this route a Thumper may spawn, but in that area a higher tier Thumper would spawn instead (e.g.: a Thumper Bull may spawn on the route, but, at Mount Nang, a Thumper Doma would spawn instead).
- The Thumper's armor plating covering its weak spot count as headshots for Incarnon weapons like Laetum and Phenmor (but, oddly enough, the actual weak spots do not count as headshots). The weapons, when evolved, can do major amounts of damage to the Thumper as well as not having the need to reload.
- Subsumed abilities like Rhino's Roar or Mirage's Eclipse can increase the damage done as well.
- Use Madurai's Void Strike to deal immensely increased damage for a short amount of time to the Thumper.
- Tusk Thumper is the first Grineer ground vehicle and second hostile ground vehicle introduced in the game, first being Coildrive.
- There are two inactive Tusk Thumpers of unknown variant in orange in a small base area at the middle point between Ostwan Range and Renthi Spring on Plains of Eidolon.
- There is a unique-looking console positioned close to each of them, presumably for maintenance purpose.
- Thumpers will despawn after a period of time. Even within view of the player.
- Thumpers can on very rare occasion spawn inside caves, unable to move around - Only turn. This seems to only happen if the player is inside said cave.
Patch History[]
Update 35.1 (2024-02-20)
- Fixed a bug with Trinity’s Well of Life and self-stagger-inducing weapons that allowed Thumpers in the Plains of Eidolon to be one-shot.
- In order to address this bug, the Well of Life wisps will no longer spawn from self-staggering and as an additional precaution to prevent similar issues from occurring, they now negate 5% (previously 10%) of the maximum Health of non-ability immune bosses (non-boss targets still receive 10%). While we understand this may have been a popular way to use the ability, the interaction with certain boss units, such as Thumpers, allowed players to bypass the intended gameplay loops that make these units challenging in comparison to standard enemies.
Update 35.0 (2023-12-13)
- Fixed cases of Tusk Thumpers on the Plains of Eidolon becoming invulnerable.
Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)
- Fixed an issue that allowed multiple Thumper weak points to be destroyed at the same time, resulting in it becoming invulnerable.
Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)
- Plains of Eidolon Thumper Changes & Fixes:
- Made improvements to Plains Thumper movement.
- Changed post-New War quest Plains of Eidolon Thumpers to have quest-specific detailing during specific bounties.
- Added a burn projector on the Thumper’s legs once the weak point is destroyed.
- Plains Thumpers now turn more slowly when adjusting to face their target.
- Plains Thumper ground thump attack now has more time spacing between shockwaves.
- Changed Plains Thumper cannon attack to better select enemies at range.
- Fixed Plains Thumper random speed increase.
- Fixed issue with Plains Thumper that would leave it suspended in the air after performing a charge attack.
- Fixed Plains Thumper cannon and shotgun turret attack consistency.
Update 31.1 (2022-02-09)
- New Thumper variants have been added to the Post-New War Plains of Eidolon! By selecting the Narmer Bounty you’ll find these Thumpers ambiently patrolling the Plains.
- Their drop table matches that of its counterpart.
Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)
- (Undocumented) Health type changed from Alloy Armor to Machinery.
Update 24.7 (2019-04-10)
- Increased the Tusk Thumper encounter chances and lowered the encounter cooldown from 180-240s to 90-120s.
- Converted the Tusk Thumper’s Health class from ‘Cloned Flesh’ to a more appropriate ‘Hulking Armor’ class.
- Fixed cases of extremely high damage breaking Tusk Thumper, making it impossible to destroy, such as the Tusk Thumper remaining alive after destroying it and excess damage from shooting off the armor plates going towards the main Health bar.
- Fixed Tusk Thumper despawning if it or players moved too far from where it originally spawned.
- Fixed the Tusk Thumper’s damage reduction not applying to all hit types
- Fixed a script error that could occur after killing the Thumper, such as Operator Amps.
Hotfix 24.6.2 (2019-04-05)
- Tusk Thumpers will now only call in reinforcements when at half Health or lower.
- Tusk Thumper charge behavior now has a timeout to prevent it from getting stuck charging indefinitely.
- Tweaks to improve Tusk Thumper jump animations.
- Fixed Tusk Thumper weak points getting covered / disabled when it wasn't the one taking damage.
Update 24.6 (2019-04-04)
- Introduced.
See also[]
- Tusk Thumper Bull, the intermediate variant.
- Tusk Thumper Doma, the final variant.