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Trinity embodies redemption and health. Her extraordinary healing powers support allies. Where others destroy, she restores.

This is Trinity, the healer, the equalizer.

Trinity is a must for any high-stakes mission. She'll save your life, Tenno.

Release Date: October 25th, 2012

Resuscitate the dying wounded and protect the weak, soon miraculously revitalized to their optimal state. Brave the crossfire to commence emergency triage, then regenerate and energize her patients as Trinity, the Combat Medic. Dispense her gifts aplenty at her foes' expense, and bestow the blessing of youthful vigor to escape the curse of mortality.


Trinity's main blueprint can be purchased from the Market. Trinity's component blueprints are obtained from defeating Ambulas on Hades, Pluto.
Item Source Chance Expected Nearly Guaranteed
Systems Systems Blueprint Ambulas Assassination 22.56% ~ 4 Kills 27 ± 9 Kills
Chassis Chassis Blueprint Ambulas Assassination 38.72% ~ 2 Kills 14 ± 4 Kills
Helmet Neuroptics Blueprint Ambulas Assassination 38.72% ~ 2 Kills 14 ± 4 Kills

All drop rates data is obtained from DE's official drop tables stored on Module:DropTables/data. See Mission Rewards#Standard Missions for definitions on reward table rotations.
For more detailed definitions and information, visit here.

Alternatively, upon completion of The Duviri Paradox, Trinity's main and component blueprints can be earned from The Circuit. By selecting her on the rotating week she is available, players can earn her blueprints after reaching Tier 2 (Neuroptics), 5 (Chassis), 8 (Systems), and 10 (Main) rewards.



Manufacturing Requirements
📝 Edit blueprint requirements
OrokinCell Orokin Cell
Time: 3 Day(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 50
MarketIcon Market Price: PlatinumLarge 225 Blueprint2 Blueprints Price: Credits25,000
Trinity Neuroptics Blueprint
AlloyPlate Alloy Plate
NeuralSensors Neural Sensors
PolymerBundle Polymer Bundle
Rubedo Rubedo
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 25
Trinity Chassis Blueprint
Morphics Morphics
Ferrite Ferrite
Rubedo Rubedo
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 25
Trinity Systems Blueprint
ControlModule Control Module
Morphics Morphics
Salvage Salvage
Plastids Plastids
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 25


  • The word Trinity is the name for the Christian doctrine which holds that there is one God in three Divine Persons, the Father, son and the Holy Spirit. It could also be in reference to the classic "holy trinity" in MMO parties: tank, DPS, healer.
  • The names of her alternate helmets are based on notion related with healing and medicine.
  • Trinity's immortal skin has an Ankh, the symbol of eternal life, stretching from her chest to her lower abdomen.
  • Prior to Hotfix 22.8.3 (2018-01-11), Trinity parts blueprints dropped from Captain Vor and Lieutenant Lech Kril on Exta, Ceres. This is now the drop location of FrostIcon272 Frost.

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AladVPortrait d
“Market forces dictate that you need to evolve or die.”
Trinity Prime is Vaulted.
The Void Relics for this item have been removed from the drop tables and do not drop during missions at this time. Check the current Prime Resurgence rotation to see if Varzia offers relics for this item. Vaulted Void Relics already contained in player inventories are not affected and can still be either opened or traded between players.
Become the bastion that defends allies using powerful healing abilities with Trinity Prime. Featuring altered mod polarities for greater customization.

Release Date: October 6th, 2015

Trinity Prime is the Primed variant of TrinityIcon272 Trinity, possessing a higher shield, armor, and sprint speed, as well as an additional Madurai Pol and Naramon Pol polarities. Trinity Prime was released alongside DualKamasPrime Dual Kamas Prime and Kavasa Prime Collar.


Lith, Meso, Neo, and Axi refer to Void Relics  |  (V) Denotes Vaulted Void Relics  |  (B) Denotes Baro Ki'Teer Exclusive Void Relic
Trinity Prime's Relic Drops
Chassis Blueprint Trinity PrimeIcon272 Blueprint Systems Blueprint Neuroptics Blueprint
AxiRelicIntact Axi H1 Uncommon (V)
AxiRelicIntact Axi H2 Uncommon (V)
AxiRelicIntact Axi S7 Uncommon (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith L3 Uncommon (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith S4 Uncommon (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo S1 Uncommon (V)
AxiRelicIntact Axi S1 Uncommon (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith K1 Uncommon (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith K4 Uncommon (V)
MesoRelicIntact Meso P6 Uncommon (V)
MesoRelicIntact Meso S4 Uncommon (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo N6 Uncommon (V)
AxiRelicIntact Axi A1 Common (V)
AxiRelicIntact Axi C2 Common (V)
AxiRelicIntact Axi V2 Common (V)
AxiRelicIntact Axi V3 Common (V)
AxiRelicIntact Axi V4 Common (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo B1 Common (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo D4 Common (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo N12 Common (V)
AxiRelicIntact Axi C1 Common (V)
AxiRelicIntact Axi V3 Common (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith K8 Uncommon (V)
MesoRelicIntact Meso D5 Common (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo D1 Uncommon (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo N7 Common (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo S6 Common (V)



Manufacturing Requirements
📝 Edit blueprint requirements
OrokinCell Orokin Cell
Time: 3 Day(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 50
MarketIcon Market Price: PlatinumLarge N/A Blueprint2 Blueprints Price: N/A
Trinity Prime Neuroptics Blueprint
Oxium Oxium
NeuralSensors Neural Sensors
NanoSpores Nano Spores
Rubedo Rubedo
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 25
Trinity Prime Chassis Blueprint
ArgonCrystal Argon Crystal
Oxium Oxium
Circuits Circuits
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 25
Trinity Prime Systems Blueprint
ControlModule Control Module
OrokinCell Orokin Cell
Cryotic Cryotic
Circuits Circuits
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 25


  • Trinity Prime, compared to TrinityIcon272 Trinity:
    • Higher Shields (455/555 vs. 270/370)
    • Higher Armor (135 vs. 105)
    • Higher Starting Energy (125 vs. 75)
    • Higher Sprint Speed (1.1 vs. 1.0)
    • Additional Madurai Pol and Naramon Pol Polarities (Vazarin PolVazarin PolMadurai PolNaramon Pol vs. Vazarin PolVazarin Pol)
  • As with any other Prime Warframe, moving close to the location of an Orokin Void Death Orb will restore a pulse of 250 Energy to nearby allies, even if that Death Orb is inactive, destroyed, or non-present. This effect can only occur once per orb.
  • When Trinity Prime casts Blessing130xWhite Blessing, she emits a pillar of light from her body and additional sound effects that do not occur with the Trinity base model.
  • Trinity Prime is tied with Vauban PrimeIcon272 Vauban Prime for the most Cryotic Cryotic requirement of any Warframe.


  • In Update 17.5 (2015-10-01), a glitch caused the Trinity Prime and DualKamasPrime Dual Kamas Prime parts to drop in the Orokin Void one week before their planned release date. This was fixed in Hotfix 17.5.1 (2015-10-01)
  • Concluding With Trinity Prime, the original 8 Warframes (AshIcon272 Ash, EmberIcon272 Ember, ExcaliburIcon272 Excalibur, LokiIcon272 Loki, MagIcon272 Mag, RhinoIcon272 Rhino, Trinity and VoltIcon272 Volt) have all received their prime versions, marking a milestone for WARFRAME since its closed beta.
  • Trinity Prime has a unique way of holstering her Melee and Primary weapons by placing them vertically down on her back. Trinity holds this distinction with ChromaIcon272 Chroma, and NekrosIcon272 Nekros.
  • The moving energy pattern on the front of Trinity Prime's helmet resembles a heart beat on a cardiograph, referencing her role as a healer.


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TrinityIcon272 Trinity and allies in her Affinity Range gain Lifegiver, which increases their Health equal to 50% (25% in Conclave) of Trinity's total Energy pool.


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This section is transcluded from Well of Life . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
WellOfLifeModx256 WellOfLife130xWhite
Well of Life

Create a well of life on an enemy who will absorb Status Effect damage intended for nearby allies. Allies gain additional Health when they attack the target. If allies die, enemies in the well of life die in their stead.

Introduced in Update 4 (2012-11-02)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:+ 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 HP/s (health per second)
0.25 / 0.5 / 0.75 / 1 % (lifesteal on hit)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:? / ? / ? / 20 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:100 m (cast range)
? / ? / ? / 20 m (healing radius)

Misc: Invulnerable target
3 (max target limit)
100% (stored damage)
∞ (lifesteal range)
Status effect negation
10% / 5% (status negation damage on normal or boss targets)
Immortality bleedout prevention
5 s (invulnerability duration)
60 s (revive cooldown)

Subsumable to Helminth
This section is transcluded from Energy Vampire . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
EnergyVampireModx256 EnergyVampire130xWhite
Energy Vampire

Allies will gain energy over time when enemies are marked with Energy Vampire.

Introduced in Update 4 (2012-11-02)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (energy restored per pulse)
6.25% (damage percentage)
≥25% (damage health threshold)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:5 / 6 / 7 / 9 s (duration)
? (pulse interval)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:100 m (cast range)
15 / 17 / 20 / 25 m (pulse radius)

Misc: 5 (min DmgTrueSmall64 True damage)
1 (max target limit)

This section is transcluded from Link . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
LinkModx256 Link130xWhite

Any damage taken while Link is active will be channeled to a nearby enemy.

Introduced in Update 4 (2012-11-02)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:1 / 2 / 2 / 3 (affected enemies)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:? / ? / ? / 20 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:12 / 14 / 17 / 20 m

Misc: 50% / 60% / 70% / 75% (damage redirection)
100% (damage and status transfer)

This section is transcluded from Blessing . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
BlessingModx256 Blessing130xWhite

Restore the health and shields of allies within Affinity Range while reducing the damage they take from enemies.

Introduced in Update 4 (2012-11-02)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:40% / 50% / 75% / 80% (shield/health restoration)
25% / 30% / 40% / 50% (damage reduction)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:? / ? / ? / 15 s (buff duration)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:N/A

Misc: 50 m (affinity range)
75% (damage reduction cap)


Strength Mods


Duration Mods


Range Mods


TrinityWellOfLife TrinityWellOfLife TrinityWellOfLife
TrinityEnergyVampire TrinityEnergyVampire TrinityEnergyVampire
TrinityLink TrinityLink TrinityLink
TrinityBlessing TrinityBlessing

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Patch History

Hotfix 38.0.1 (2024-12-14)

  • Fixed script error with Trinity's Link.

Update 38.0 (2024-12-13)

Trinity Changes

A large part of Trinity’s changes involve increasing her overall duration and changing most of them to be cast while moving. In revisiting her kit, we’ve also added scalability and additional functionalities to some of her Abilities to increase their usefulness to both Trinity and her allies.

New Passive

  • Trinity and any allies within Affinity Range will gain 50% of Trinity’s Max Energy as Health. (25% in Conclave)

Ability 1: Well Of Life

Well of Life struggles the most in a game where enemy damage can outmatch its healing. To address this, we’re allowing Trinity to cast multiple Wells to increase its healing output, and are adding a way for her to negate lethal damage for herself and allies.

  • Can now be cast on 3 enemies total (previously was only 1).
  • If Trinity or Allies (or their Companions) die within the radius of the Well, the death is negated and the Well ends.
    • The saved player is fully healed and experiences a brief period of invulnerability.
    • Saved players experience a 60s cooldown before they can be saved by Well of Life again (120s for Helminth version). This cooldown is indicated via an icon in their HUD.
    • Added SFX and pop-up to indicate to a player when they have been Saved by the Well.
  • Can now be cast while moving.
  • Increased Radius from 15 to 20m.
  • Increased Duration from 12 to 20s.
  • Improved animation so the enemy being lifted aligns better with Trinity’s hand motions.
  • Added a delay for recasting to avoid accidental dismissal.

Ability 2: Energy Vampire

Energy Vampire is an outlier in Trinity’s kit, where players are incentivized to build for negative Duration to maximize how quickly enemies emit four pulses of energy. We are removing the cap on energy pulses, and have changed Energy Vampire to better scale with Duration:

  • Energy Vampire is no longer capped at 4 Energy Pulses. Pulses are now released at a set Interval for the duration of the Ability.
  • The Pulse Interval (ie. how often enemies emit energy) can no longer exceed 2.25s, meaning positive Duration is more viable for Energy Vampire usage. Increasing Duration will also increase the number of energy pulses released by the enemy, since they are now emitted at set intervals.
    • We’ve added a Pulse Interval stat to the Ability screen to help players build around this mechanic.
    • Negative Duration will still decrease the Pulse Interval and Ability Duration, so traditional Energy Vampire builds should be largely unaffected by this change. In fact, at 13% Duration, this Ability still releases 4 rapid-fire Pulses that EV players know and love.
  • Players can now recast this Ability, causing the previous target to be released.
  • Can now be cast while moving.

Here's an example of what a High Duration build looks like with these changes:

Vampire Leech Augment:

  • Increased Shield Regen from 150% to 225%.

Ability 3: Link

Link is one of Trinity’s stronger Abilities, so its changes are quality of life focused to bring it up to current Warframe standards:

  • Trinity can now recast Link while it is active, and cast it while she is moving.
  • The number of Link’s targets now scales with Power Strength.
  • Increased Duration from 12 to 20s.
  • Updated “Damage Reduction” stat to say “Damage Redirection” since you are passing it onto your foes!

Ability 4: Blessing

Like with Link, Blessing is also one of Trinity’s stronger Abilities, so its changes are quality of life focused to bring it up to current Warframe standards:

  • Increased Duration from 10 to 15s.
  • Damage Resistance from Blessing now persists upon recast. (this only applied to a few seconds during the start of the recast, but any loss of DR can be killer — literally.

Champion’s Blessing Augment:

  • Increased Duration from 12s to 30s.

Update 37.0 (2024-10-02)

  • Updated Trinity’s base skin to PBR.

Update 35.5 (2024-03-27)

  • Updated Trinity’s Blessing description to accurately communicate the damage reduction offered by it.
    • Previously the description indicated it “[gave allies] some damage resistance”, which is not accurate as damage resistance is a separate mechanic not offered by Blessing.
    • Now reads: “Restore the health and shields of nearby allies while reducing the damage they take from enemies.”
  • Updated Trinity’s Well of Life ability description to better explain its mechanic:
    • “Create a well of life on an enemy. Allies near the target gradually regenerate health and are immune to Status Effects. Status Effect damage intended for nearby allies will be absorbed by the enemy. Allies gain additional health when they attack the enemy.”

Update 35.1 (2024-02-20)

  • Fixed a bug with Trinity’s Well of Life and self-stagger-inducing weapons that allowed Thumpers in the Plains of Eidolon to be one-shot.
    • In order to address this bug, the Well of Life wisps will no longer spawn from self-staggering and as an additional precaution to prevent similar issues from occurring, they now negate 5% (previously 10%) of the maximum Health of non-ability immune bosses (non-boss targets still receive 10%). While we understand this may have been a popular way to use the ability, the interaction with certain boss units, such as Thumpers, allowed players to bypass the intended gameplay loops that make these units challenging in comparison to standard enemies.

Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)

Base vs Final Stats in Modding - Health / Energy / Shield / Armor Stat Overhaul

If you’ve spent any time invested in the deeper nuances of Modding, you may be familiar with “Warframe Math” - math that upon first glance doesn’t really make sense, but once you learn the inner workings of the game, it all comes together. While we can appreciate the value that complex systems offer to a certain subsect of players, there are other aspects of the game that should have clear and understandable outcomes. Namely: Shield, Health, Energy, and Armor Modding.

Pop quiz: what is 300 + 440%? If you answered 740, you may just be an Excalibur player.

Vitality (+440% Heath), Redirection (+440% Shields), Flow (+150% Energy), and Steel Fiber (+110% Armor) come with large modifier values that don’t seem to match their outcome in-game. This is because these Mods apply their multiplier to the base stats of the Warframe - i.e., the stats you have at Rank 0. In the Excalibur example, a Rank 30 Excalibur’s Health stat of 300 earns an additional 440 Health from max rank Vitality (+440% Heath) since it applies to his base rank Health stat of 100, resulting in 740 total health.

In this update, we have removed this obfuscation by having Health, Shield, Energy, and Armor Mods apply to the stats of Warframes at their current rank. Continuing our Excalibur example, instead of Vitality always applying to Excalibur’s base rank 100 Health, it would apply to his Health stat based on his rank - namely, the stat you can actually see in your Arsenal. If your Excalibur were Rank 30, his Health stat would be 300, which means Vitality’s multiplier would be calculated off of 300.

With previous Health and Mod values, additional adjustments are needed to make this revision work while maintaining game balance. By only changing where the multiplier applies, a Rank 30 Excalibur would receive an extra 1,320 Health from max rank Vitality, resulting in a total health stat of 1,600. This outcome is a significant buff, which is not the intention of this system change.

To remedy this, we approached this problem in two ways:

1 - We reduced the overall multiplier for Health, Shield, Energy, and Armor Mods.
Since these now affect Max Rank Warframe stats, these Mods need to scale differently to maintain the status quo. Additionally, we wanted these new values to be as clear and understandable to all players as possible! Here are a few examples of these value changes:

  • Vitality: Reduced from +440% to +100% Health
  • Redirection: Reduced from +440% to +100% Shield Capacity
  • Steel Fiber: Reduced from +110% to +100% Armor
  • Flow: Reduced from +150% to +100% Energy Max

Note: These are not all of the Mods affected by this change. We share the comprehensive list further down in this section of the update notes.

Doing some quick math, this means that a Rank 30 Excalibur (300 Health) with a reworked Vitality Mod (+100% Health, applied to the final Health stat) would receive 300 extra Health, for a total of 600. That, in contrast, is a nerf, which we also don’t want to do.

So, our next step:

2 - We adjusted Warframe Health, Shield, Energy, and Armor values to keep the end result of the revised Mods as close to the original values as possible.

With this change, Excalibur’s Rank 30 Health stat is 370. With +100% Health from a max Vitality Mod, his resulting Health stat would be 740, which matches what it was originally.

While this path to the same result may seem a little complicated, the outcome matches our intention: we want players to be able to look at their Health, Shield, and Armor Mods, and be able to understand how they affect the stats they see in their Arsenal.

In addition to everything above, we also increased the base stat values for Warframes so that these revised Mods offer similar value for lower-ranked Frames. To do so, we reduced the amount of Health/Shield/Energy that Warframes earn per rank in half, and transferred the sum of that value to their base stats.

For Armor, this is the one stat that does not increase with your Warframe’s level (with some exceptions). Armor values across the board have been slightly increased to compensate for the Mod changes.

Not to beat a dead Kaithe, but Mods will now be applying to the Max Rank stat instead of the Base Rank. You may look at these numbers and think “nerf” or “buff” depending, but the outcome is that total Modded values are the same, if not a little higher in some cases.

Warframe Stat Changes:

Health: Base Rank - 270 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 270 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 105 (from 100)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 270 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 455 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Armor: Base Rank - 135 (from 125)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

While there may be significant changes to Warframe Stats and Mod values as a part of this overhaul, the end result is that your Builds should mostly stay the same. The key difference is the added clarity of what your Health / Shield / Energy / Armor Mods do in your Upgrade screens!

Hotfix 33.5.3 (2023-06-23)

  • Fixed several issues with Warframe Overguard reducing the effectiveness of the following supportive abilities/effects:
    • Fixed Trinity’s Blessing healing over time for a fixed amount instead of restoring the full intended amount on cast.

Hotfix 32.2.10 (2023-01-18)

  • Fixed script errors with Trinity’s Energy Vampire and Blessing.

Hotfix 32.2.1 (2022-11-30)

  • Fixed script error with Trinity’s Well of Life ability.

Update 32.2 (2022-11-30)


In the Veilbreaker and Nora’s Mix Vol 1 updates, we buffed a number of underused Warframe Augments (from Ash to Oberon). This third and final batch of buffs tackles Warframe Augments from Saryn to Zephyr. We have increased their viability in missions, which we hope will encourage more build diversity.

*Stats below are all at Max Rank.

Pool of Life

  • Was: On death, marked enemies will drop 4 Health Orbs with a 25% chance of dropping an Energy Orb.
  • Changes:
    • Energy Orbs now have a 100% chance of dropping. This amount can still scale with Ability Strength to potentially produce multiple Orbs.
Trinity Well of Life Changes:
  • Allies in range of Well of Life’s radius are now protected from Status Effects. When a Status Effect is blocked, the enemy trapped in Well of Life takes a 10% hit to their Health.
    • A projectile FX now circles the enemy affected by Well of Life to indicate when an ally is protected from Status Effects.
  • Increased Trinity’s Well of Life base range from 8 meters to 15 meters.

Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)

  • Increase Trinity's Abating Link (Augment) armor reduction from 45% to 60%.
  • Fixed script error when using Trinity’s Link on board a POI and then returning to the Railjack.

Update 30.9 (2021-11-11)

Update 29.3 (2020-10-27)

  • Fixed Trinity’s Blessing fully restoring Health/Shields of mission objectives.
    • Per Healing Defendable Targets Dev Workshop: it should "Restore 500 Health over 5 seconds".

Update 28.3 (2020-08-12)

Trinity Well of Life Changes:

Well of Life now passively heals allies in a radius around the target (base 100 Health per second within 8 meters). Shooting the held target gives extra Health to all allies in range (base 1% of damage dealt to the victim) instead of only the person who made the attack.

Well of Life also no longer increases the Health of the target (this was an old solution to prevent other players from killing the target too fast). Instead it now uses a more modern approach similar to Nyx’s Mind Control where the Damage gets stored and dealt at the end of the Ability.

  • Fixed Trinity’s Well of Life and Energy Vampire ignoring chosen Energy color.

Update 28.1 (2020-07-08)

  • Fixed the Vetala Armor not attaching properly to the Trinity Strega Skin.

Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)

  • Armor Change:
    • Trinity: 15 to 100
    • Trinity Prime: 15 to 125
    • Why: The conversation surrounding Arcane Guardian led to a significant review of Armor stats on Warfarmes. The Majority of Warframes received an increase in the Armor stat to increase survivability. Compounded with Shield Gating and the numerous other changes covered, we expect a much more fair feeling playing field for all Warframes.

Hotfix 25.7.4 (2019-09-05)

Hotfix 25.5.1 (2019-08-02)

  • Added Ability videos in the Arsenal for Trinity.

Update 25.3 (2019-07-06)

  • Fixed Trinity Prime’s belt disappearing when equipping the Immortal Skin.

Update 25.1 (2019-06-05)

  • Fixed Zanuka being unable to capture Trinity.

Update 24.6 (2019-04-04)

  • Removed "cast on ground" requirements for the following Warframe abilities:
    • Trinity Well of Life
    • Trinity Energy Vampire
    • Trinity Link

Update 23.0 (2018-06-15)

  • Fixed cloth clipping in Trinity's diorama.

Hotfix 22.20.8 (2018-06-05)

  • For consistency, damage link abilities (Trinity, Nidus, Nekros) will no longer transmit self-damage, but you will still get the damage reduction. This is particularly relevant for the healer/support class of Trinity who had become the go-to DPS frame in addition to the intended support roles. The re-release of Mods like Aviator added to some clever but ultimately uncharacteristic roles for Trinity.

Update 22.14 (2018-03-01)

  • Updated Trinity's Blessing ability description to read: "Restore the health and shields of allies within Trinity's Affinity aura while giving them some damage immunity."

Hotfix 22.8.3 (2018-01-11)

Boss Reward Location Changes:
  • In an effort to balance the acquisition of Warframes, we've shifted some boss drop locations:
    • Trinity from Ceres to Pluto - meaning Ambulas now possess Trinity parts

Hotfix 22.6.1 (2017-12-08)

Update 22.6 (2017-12-07)

  • The beams from Trinity’s Link now fade out when the Ability has ended.

Hotfix 22.2.4 (2017-11-06)

  • Fixed a script error when casting Trinity’s Link ability.

Update 22.2 (2017-11-01)

  • Fixed a script error when casting Trinity’s Blessing ability.

Update 22.0 (2017-10-12)

  • Fixed a variety of Syandanas clipping into the Trinity Strega Skin.

Hotfix 21.4.2 (2017-08-11)

  • Fixed Trinity’s Energy Vampire affecting Hydroid when in Undertow. This was never intended as channeled abilities do not benefit from Energy Vampire.

Hotfix 20.3.1 (2017-04-27)

  • Removed Heal Time from Renewal. Renewal now functions more conventionally as a toggle which drains 2 Energy per second while active + 3 Energy per second per target actively being healed. *Please note that Trinity's Energy Vampire will not give Oberon Energy while Renewal is active.

Update 20.0 (2017-03-24)

  • Fixed Trinity Prime Lobster Tail Syandana Clipping in extreme cases.

Update 19.12 (2017-03-02)

  • Fixed a script error when casting Trinity’s Blessing ability.

Hotfix 19.11.4 (2017-02-22)

  • Rhino’s Roar buff HUD indicator now displays added damage buff amount (it shows up briefly up top just like Trinity’s Blessing %).

Update 19.4.2 (2016-12-20)

  • Optimized various Trinity Prime textures.  
  • Fixed Kuva Chest Plate clipping on Saryn, Mirage, Valkyr, Trinity and their Prime variants.
  • Fixed the PBR on Trinity Prime’s body to better match her helmet and extras.

Update 19.0 (2016-11-11)

  • Fixed Trinity’s Link ability beams not attaching properly to their target if they ragdoll.
  • Fixed an issue with Dual Secondary weapons appearing incorrect on Trinity Prime when using the Trinity Immortal skin.

Hotfix: The Index Preview 4 (2016-10-25)

  • Energy Vampire now works on Azoth and Lockjaw in The Index.

Hotfix 18.13.2 (2016-06-01)

  • Blessing Changes
    • Damage resistance is now a flat value of 50% which can be increased by Ability Strength up to a cap of 75%.
    • Fixed a possible infinite damage multiplier.

Update 18.13 (2016-05-27)

  • Blessing Changes
    • Allies now have to be within the shared Tenno Affinity aura range (50 meters).
    • Damage resistance is now calculated by the following formula: Damage Resistance % = 100 - Square (Average (Tenno Health %))
  • Passive: Revive fallen allies faster from further away.

Hotfix 18.6.2 (2016-03-22)

Update 18.5 (2016-03-04)

  • Fixed an error causing Trinity's Energy Vampire to potentially instant kill bosses in conjunction with Well of Life.

Update 18.3 (2016-01-13)

  • Conclave: Well of Life and Energy Vampire no longer require a target to activate.

Hotfix 18.2.4 (2016-01-08)

  • Fixed Greatsword weapons sitting strangely on Trinity and Trinity Prime when holstered.

Hotfix 18.0.1 (2015-12-03)

  • Fixed an issue with Trinity's Skirt disappearing when equipping the Immortal Skin.

Update 18.0 (2015-12-03)

  • Physics added to Trinity's skirt.

Hotfix 17.6.1 (2015-10-07)

  • Improved the resolution on Trinity Prime's image in the Market.
  • Fixed Trinity Prime not appearing in the Codex.
  • Fixed Trinity Prime's helmet dangles swapping to other non-Prime helmets.

Update 17.6 (2015-10-06)

  • Introduced Trinity Prime.

Update 17.5 (2015-10-01)

  • Conclave: Trinity can now be used in Conclave.

Update 17.4.5 (2015-09-23)

  • Conclave: Fixed Trinity being available for use in Conclave.

Hotfix 17.4.4 (2015-09-17)

  • Added additional collision to Trinity's skirt to help prevent capes and Syandanas clipping through her skirt.

Update 16.11 (2015-07-07)

  • Fixed incorrect visual effect showing on Energy Vampire.

Update 16.3 (2015-04-09)

Hotfix 16.0.3 (2015-03-23)

  • Well of Life will no longer waste energy on invulnerable targets.
  • Vay Hek is no longer vulnerable to Energy Vampire (like other bosses).
  • Fixed Well of Life inadvertently causing damage to certain enemies.
  • Fixed Well of Life and other abilities for clients targeting invulnerable enemies after Mag's Bullet Attractor had expired.

Update 15.13 (2015-02-05)

  • Fixed Link using the incorrect energy color.
  • Fixed Syandanas clipping through Trinity's clothing and armor.

Hotfix 15.10.1 (2015-01-16)

  • Fixed Blessing removing overshields.

Hotfix 15.7.2 (2014-12-19)

  • Fixed the Nullifier Crewman's protective bubble not removing Link.

Update 15.6 (2014-12-11)

  • Augment: Link - Mod TT 20px Abating Link
  • Fixed enemies targeted by Energy Vampire becoming stuck in an animation loop.

Hotfix 15.5.8 (2014-12-05)

  • Energy Vampire changes
    • Damage dealt is now direct-to-health damage instead of Slash (ignoring armor).
    • Damage is now only scaled off of HP instead of HP + Shields.
    • Damage will scale off of their current HP or ¼ of their max, whichever is greater.
    • Damage will always be at least 5 HP per pulse.
    • You will no longer be able to cast on targets that won't take damage from it; this specifically applies during the invulnerability phases of certain bosses.
    • Multiple Trinities can no longer drain energy from a single target simultaneously.

Update 15.2 (2014-11-13)

  • Energy Vampire now only benefits teammates who can see or can be seen by the targeted victim (victims remember who they have seen for a short duration).

Hotfix 15.1.1 (2014-11-06)

Update 15.0 (2014-10-24)

Update 14.7 (2014-09-17)

  • Fixed issue with Blessing fully restores the health of the Fomorian power core in Hijack missions.

Hotfix 14.6.1 (2014-09-11)

  • Blessing is now recastable while passive damage reduction is active. This means you no longer need to wait for your Duration timers to expire before being able to recast Blessing.

Update 14.6 (2014-09-11)

  • Blessing now heals 40/50/75/80% health and shields based on Mod rank. The percentage can also be increased by strength mods.
  • Fixed an issue with Blessing affecting Excavators.

Hotfix 14.2.3 (2014-08-21)

  • Fixed Blessing not providing a consistent damage reduction value across all affected beings.

Update 14.1 (2014-07-30)

  • Fixed an issue with Trinity's ability icons appearing incorrectly.

Hotfix 14.0.6 (2014-07-22)

  • Blessing no longer affects defense pods.

Update 14.0 (2014-07-18)

  • Fixed Link visual effects remaining after teleport volume.

Update 13.6 (2014-06-04)

  • Tweaked a number of armor offsets.

Hotfix 13.5.1 (2014-05-30)

  • Blessing is now cast-able when in the air.

Update 13.5 (2014-05-28)

  • Fixed an erroneous description in Energy Vampire.

Update 13.3 (2014-05-14)

  • Blessing: On cast, Blessing restores all shields and health. Damage reduction for the duration of the skill is now based on the greatest percentage of health healed (i.e. if you have a squad with members whose health you healed 30%, 40% and 90%, all party members will receive Damage reduction at the greatest percent, 90% in this case). This should make the use of Blessing more reactive, greatly benefiting players that pay attention and monitor party health to maximize its effectiveness.
    • Reduced the time it takes for Trinity's Blessing animation to play.
  • Energy Vampire: Will now pulse one last burst from the victim when it dies, releasing any remaining energy; this should make the ability useful even when the enemy is killed prematurely.
  • Fixed incorrect visuals appearing on Trinity's Helmet.

Update 12.5 (2014-03-19)

  • Improved the client side visuals for the effect created when enemies are hit by Energy Vampire and Well of Life.

Hotfix 12.0.4 (2014-02-07)

  • Fixed Link becoming unusable if no enemy targets can be found after casting.

Update 11.5 (2013-12-19)

  • Trinity's Blueprint drops have moved to Iliad on Phobos to be dropped by Lt Lech Kril and Captain Vor.
  • Fixed Trinity clipping with the Grakata for the Noble Animation set.

Update 11.2 (2013-12-04)

  • Armor buff from 10 to 15.
  • Fixed script error in Well of Life that would cause ability-in-use bug.

Hotfix 11.1.1 (2013-11-28)

  • Fixed "Power In Use" occurring when using Energy Vampire.

Hotfix 11.0.3 (2013-11-22)

  • Fixed players potentially taking shield damage when Trinity has Blessed them.

Hotfix 11.0.2 (2013-11-20)

  • Fixed Blessing not making Trinity invulnerable.

Hotfix 11.0.1 (2013-11-20)

  • Link now prevents procs (though they may still occur on the Link target).

Update 11.0 (2013-11-20)

  • Conclave: Fixed Energy Vampire in Conclave which caused enemies on the opposite team to regenerate energy as well.

Update 10.3 (2013-10-09)

  • Added sound for Energy Vampire deactivating.

Hotfix 10.0.4 (2013-09-17)

  • Fixed Well of Life which was causing shields to increase exponentially during Survival missions.

Update 10.0 (2013-09-13)

  • New ability icons.
  • Fixed Link that was targeting closed turrets and security cameras.

Update 9.8 (2013-09-03)

  • Feedback Changes
    • Well Of Life: Now plays reaction animation, Life is 10x multiplied allowing players to leech enough health out.
    • Energy Vampire: Now plays reaction animation and doesn't require damage to get energy. Instead target radiates a set amount of energy every couple of seconds. Also does damage to the target (Damage scales with strength mod).
    • Link: No longer fully immune to damage; changed to damage reduction, now links to several targets at once amplifying the incoming damage. Increased radius search for link targets.
    • Blessing: Animation speed changes and timing. No longer wait until end of casting animation to get ability effects.

Update 9.7 (2013-08-30)

  • Improved cast animation for Blessing.

Hotfix 9.6.1 (2013-08-23)

  • Fixed energy colors not being applied to Link.

Hotfix 9.5.3 (2013-08-14)

Update 8.3 (2013-07-04)

  • Fixed an issue where Trinity could get sliced in half or ragdoll when her Link target was meant to receive such an injury

Update 8.2 (2013-06-28)

  • Fix for Well of Life and Energy Vampire being considered "in use" even on dead targets.

Hotfix 8.1.3 (2013-06-19)

  • Updated Visual FX on Link and Energy Vampire.

Update 7.11 (2013-05-17)

  • Fixed Link having limited use against Fusion MOAs, power effect now more in-line with other enemies.
  • Fixed Link affecting the rescue target, even when other enemies are nearby. Link ability now ignores all friendlies.

Update 7.9 (2013-04-26)

  • Trinity's helmet effect now works with "energy" palette color changes..
  • Revised sound for Trinity's Link ability.
  • Fixed Link that was affecting/destroying her sentinel.

Hotfix 7.8.1 (2013-04-24)

  • Fix Link destroying equipped sentinel.

Update 7.3 (2013-03-25)

  • Fixed Link targeting her own sentinel.

Update 7.2 (2013-03-22)

  • Sentinels are now affected by Trinity's healing abilities.

Update 6.3 (2013-02-14)

  • Improved Trinity speed for Health trade off.

Update 4 (2012-11-02)

  • Introduced.

Edit Tab

Ability SFX



Post-Update 13.3

Pre-Update 13.3
