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Secondary: fires projectiles semi-automatically with high accuracy; area-of-effect explosion on impact.
Primary: hold fire to charge for an even greater effect.
—In-game description

Tombfinger is a Kitgun chamber component.

As a primary, it can be charged, with uncharged projectiles having a small explosion radius and fully charged projectiles having a significantly large explosion but without any DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture damage.

When used as a secondary, it fires a small, precise projectile that has travel time and detonates upon the first enemy or surface hit, dealing DmgImpactSmall64 Impact, DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture and DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation damage with a guaranteed DmgImpactSmall64 Impact proc.


The blueprint for the chamber can be bought from Rude Zuud for ReputationLarge 500 at Rank 0 with Solaris United.

Manufacturing Requirements
Time: 1 hrs
Rush: Platinum64 25
MarketIcon Market Price: N/A Blueprint2 Blueprints Price: ReputationLarge 500

To craft the actual Kitgun, players must have at least one built Tombfinger chamber, a chosen grip, and a chosen loader components. See Kitgun for more details.


Kitgun Build Table
This section is transcluded from Tombfinger/Table . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Edit Tab


Grip Loader Damage Impact Puncture Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Gibber Bashrack 36 8 1 27 31% 2.1x 20% 4.5 23 1.7s
Gibber Bellows 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 29 2.1s
Gibber Deepbreath 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 23 1.7s
Gibber Flutterfire 36 8 1 27 16% 1.7x 38% 4.5 15 1.3s
Gibber Killstream 36 8 1 27 38% 2.3x 16% 4.5 15 1.3s
Gibber Ramflare 36 8 1 27 16% 1.7x 38% 4.5 23 1.7s
Gibber Slap 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 15 1.3s
Gibber Slapneedle 36 8 1 27 31% 2.1x 20% 4.5 15 1.3s
Gibber Sparkfire 36 8 1 27 20% 1.9x 31% 4.5 23 1.7s
Gibber Splat 36 8 1 27 38% 2.3x 16% 4.5 23 1.7s
Gibber Stitch 36 8 1 27 31% 2.1x 20% 4.5 29 2.1s
Gibber Swiftfire 36 8 1 27 20% 1.9x 31% 4.5 15 1.3s
Gibber Thunderdrum 36 8 1 27 20% 1.9x 31% 4.5 29 2.1s
Gibber Zip 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 9 0.9s
Gibber Zipfire 36 8 1 27 20% 1.9x 31% 4.5 9 0.9s
Gibber Zipneedle 36 8 1 27 31% 2.1x 20% 4.5 9 0.9s
Gibber Arcroid 36 8 1 27 27% 2x 27% 4.5 19 1.5s
Gibber Macro Arcroid 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 49 3.1s
Gibber Macro Thymoid 36 8 1 27 27% 2x 27% 4.5 35 2.9s
Gibber Thymoid 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 31 2.3s
Ramble Bashrack 60 12 5 43 31% 2.1x 20% 3.67 23 1.7s
Ramble Bellows 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 29 2.1s
Ramble Deepbreath 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 23 1.7s
Ramble Flutterfire 60 12 5 43 16% 1.7x 38% 3.67 15 1.3s
Ramble Killstream 60 12 5 43 38% 2.3x 16% 3.67 15 1.3s
Ramble Ramflare 60 12 5 43 16% 1.7x 38% 3.67 23 1.7s
Ramble Slap 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 15 1.3s
Ramble Slapneedle 60 12 5 43 31% 2.1x 20% 3.67 15 1.3s
Ramble Sparkfire 60 12 5 43 20% 1.9x 31% 3.67 23 1.7s
Ramble Splat 60 12 5 43 38% 2.3x 16% 3.67 23 1.7s
Ramble Stitch 60 12 5 43 31% 2.1x 20% 3.67 29 2.1s
Ramble Swiftfire 60 12 5 43 20% 1.9x 31% 3.67 15 1.3s
Ramble Thunderdrum 60 12 5 43 20% 1.9x 31% 3.67 29 2.1s
Ramble Zip 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 9 0.9s
Ramble Zipfire 60 12 5 43 20% 1.9x 31% 3.67 9 0.9s
Ramble Zipneedle 60 12 5 43 31% 2.1x 20% 3.67 9 0.9s
Ramble Arcroid 60 12 5 43 27% 2x 27% 3.67 19 1.5s
Ramble Macro Arcroid 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 49 3.1s
Ramble Macro Thymoid 60 12 5 43 27% 2x 27% 3.67 35 2.9s
Ramble Thymoid 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 31 2.3s
Lovetap Bashrack 132 24 17 91 31% 2.1x 20% 2.5 23 1.7s
Lovetap Bellows 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 29 2.1s
Lovetap Deepbreath 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 23 1.7s
Lovetap Flutterfire 132 24 17 91 16% 1.7x 38% 2.5 15 1.3s
Lovetap Killstream 132 24 17 91 38% 2.3x 16% 2.5 15 1.3s
Lovetap Ramflare 132 24 17 91 16% 1.7x 38% 2.5 23 1.7s
Lovetap Slap 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 15 1.3s
Lovetap Slapneedle 132 24 17 91 31% 2.1x 20% 2.5 15 1.3s
Lovetap Sparkfire 132 24 17 91 20% 1.9x 31% 2.5 23 1.7s
Lovetap Splat 132 24 17 91 38% 2.3x 16% 2.5 23 1.7s
Lovetap Stitch 132 24 17 91 31% 2.1x 20% 2.5 29 2.1s
Lovetap Swiftfire 132 24 17 91 20% 1.9x 31% 2.5 15 1.3s
Lovetap Thunderdrum 132 24 17 91 20% 1.9x 31% 2.5 29 2.1s
Lovetap Zip 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 9 0.9s
Lovetap Zipfire 132 24 17 91 20% 1.9x 31% 2.5 9 0.9s
Lovetap Zipneedle 132 24 17 91 31% 2.1x 20% 2.5 9 0.9s
Lovetap Arcroid 132 24 17 91 27% 2x 27% 2.5 19 1.5s
Lovetap Macro Arcroid 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 49 3.1s
Lovetap Macro Thymoid 132 24 17 91 27% 2x 27% 2.5 35 2.9s
Lovetap Thymoid 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 31 2.3s
Haymaker Bashrack 180 32 25 123 31% 2.1x 20% 2.17 23 1.7s
Haymaker Bellows 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 29 2.1s
Haymaker Deepbreath 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 23 1.7s
Haymaker Flutterfire 180 32 25 123 16% 1.7x 38% 2.17 15 1.3s
Haymaker Killstream 180 32 25 123 38% 2.3x 16% 2.17 15 1.3s
Haymaker Ramflare 180 32 25 123 16% 1.7x 38% 2.17 23 1.7s
Haymaker Slap 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 15 1.3s
Haymaker Slapneedle 180 32 25 123 31% 2.1x 20% 2.17 15 1.3s
Haymaker Sparkfire 180 32 25 123 20% 1.9x 31% 2.17 23 1.7s
Haymaker Splat 180 32 25 123 38% 2.3x 16% 2.17 23 1.7s
Haymaker Stitch 180 32 25 123 31% 2.1x 20% 2.17 29 2.1s
Haymaker Swiftfire 180 32 25 123 20% 1.9x 31% 2.17 15 1.3s
Haymaker Thunderdrum 180 32 25 123 20% 1.9x 31% 2.17 29 2.1s
Haymaker Zip 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 9 0.9s
Haymaker Zipfire 180 32 25 123 20% 1.9x 31% 2.17 9 0.9s
Haymaker Zipneedle 180 32 25 123 31% 2.1x 20% 2.17 9 0.9s
Haymaker Arcroid 180 32 25 123 27% 2x 27% 2.17 19 1.5s
Haymaker Macro Arcroid 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 49 3.1s
Haymaker Macro Thymoid 180 32 25 123 27% 2x 27% 2.17 35 2.9s
Haymaker Thymoid 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 31 2.3s
Ulnaris Bashrack 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 31% 2.1x 20% 2.83 23 1.7s
Ulnaris Bellows 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 29 2.1s
Ulnaris Deepbreath 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 23 1.7s
Ulnaris Flutterfire 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 16% 1.7x 38% 2.83 15 1.3s
Ulnaris Killstream 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 38% 2.3x 16% 2.83 15 1.3s
Ulnaris Ramflare 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 16% 1.7x 38% 2.83 23 1.7s
Ulnaris Slap 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 15 1.3s
Ulnaris Slapneedle 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 31% 2.1x 20% 2.83 15 1.3s
Ulnaris Sparkfire 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 20% 1.9x 31% 2.83 23 1.7s
Ulnaris Splat 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 38% 2.3x 16% 2.83 23 1.7s
Ulnaris Stitch 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 31% 2.1x 20% 2.83 29 2.1s
Ulnaris Swiftfire 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 20% 1.9x 31% 2.83 15 1.3s
Ulnaris Thunderdrum 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 20% 1.9x 31% 2.83 29 2.1s
Ulnaris Zip 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 9 0.9s
Ulnaris Zipfire 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 20% 1.9x 31% 2.83 9 0.9s
Ulnaris Zipneedle 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 31% 2.1x 20% 2.83 9 0.9s
Ulnaris Arcroid 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 27% 2x 27% 2.83 19 1.5s
Ulnaris Macro Arcroid 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 49 3.1s
Ulnaris Macro Thymoid 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 27% 2x 27% 2.83 35 2.9s
Ulnaris Thymoid 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 31 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Puncture Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 36 8 1 27 31% 2.1x 20% 4.5 23 1.7s
Bellows 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 29 2.1s
Deepbreath 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 23 1.7s
Flutterfire 36 8 1 27 16% 1.7x 38% 4.5 15 1.3s
Killstream 36 8 1 27 38% 2.3x 16% 4.5 15 1.3s
Ramflare 36 8 1 27 16% 1.7x 38% 4.5 23 1.7s
Slap 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 15 1.3s
Slapneedle 36 8 1 27 31% 2.1x 20% 4.5 15 1.3s
Sparkfire 36 8 1 27 20% 1.9x 31% 4.5 23 1.7s
Splat 36 8 1 27 38% 2.3x 16% 4.5 23 1.7s
Stitch 36 8 1 27 31% 2.1x 20% 4.5 29 2.1s
Swiftfire 36 8 1 27 20% 1.9x 31% 4.5 15 1.3s
Thunderdrum 36 8 1 27 20% 1.9x 31% 4.5 29 2.1s
Zip 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 9 0.9s
Zipfire 36 8 1 27 20% 1.9x 31% 4.5 9 0.9s
Zipneedle 36 8 1 27 31% 2.1x 20% 4.5 9 0.9s
Arcroid 36 8 1 27 27% 2x 27% 4.5 19 1.5s
Macro Arcroid 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 49 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 36 8 1 27 27% 2x 27% 4.5 35 2.9s
Thymoid 36 8 1 27 24% 2x 24% 4.5 31 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Puncture Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 60 12 5 43 31% 2.1x 20% 3.67 23 1.7s
Bellows 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 29 2.1s
Deepbreath 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 23 1.7s
Flutterfire 60 12 5 43 16% 1.7x 38% 3.67 15 1.3s
Killstream 60 12 5 43 38% 2.3x 16% 3.67 15 1.3s
Ramflare 60 12 5 43 16% 1.7x 38% 3.67 23 1.7s
Slap 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 15 1.3s
Slapneedle 60 12 5 43 31% 2.1x 20% 3.67 15 1.3s
Sparkfire 60 12 5 43 20% 1.9x 31% 3.67 23 1.7s
Splat 60 12 5 43 38% 2.3x 16% 3.67 23 1.7s
Stitch 60 12 5 43 31% 2.1x 20% 3.67 29 2.1s
Swiftfire 60 12 5 43 20% 1.9x 31% 3.67 15 1.3s
Thunderdrum 60 12 5 43 20% 1.9x 31% 3.67 29 2.1s
Zip 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 9 0.9s
Zipfire 60 12 5 43 20% 1.9x 31% 3.67 9 0.9s
Zipneedle 60 12 5 43 31% 2.1x 20% 3.67 9 0.9s
Arcroid 60 12 5 43 27% 2x 27% 3.67 19 1.5s
Macro Arcroid 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 49 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 60 12 5 43 27% 2x 27% 3.67 35 2.9s
Thymoid 60 12 5 43 24% 2x 24% 3.67 31 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Puncture Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 132 24 17 91 31% 2.1x 20% 2.5 23 1.7s
Bellows 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 29 2.1s
Deepbreath 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 23 1.7s
Flutterfire 132 24 17 91 16% 1.7x 38% 2.5 15 1.3s
Killstream 132 24 17 91 38% 2.3x 16% 2.5 15 1.3s
Ramflare 132 24 17 91 16% 1.7x 38% 2.5 23 1.7s
Slap 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 15 1.3s
Slapneedle 132 24 17 91 31% 2.1x 20% 2.5 15 1.3s
Sparkfire 132 24 17 91 20% 1.9x 31% 2.5 23 1.7s
Splat 132 24 17 91 38% 2.3x 16% 2.5 23 1.7s
Stitch 132 24 17 91 31% 2.1x 20% 2.5 29 2.1s
Swiftfire 132 24 17 91 20% 1.9x 31% 2.5 15 1.3s
Thunderdrum 132 24 17 91 20% 1.9x 31% 2.5 29 2.1s
Zip 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 9 0.9s
Zipfire 132 24 17 91 20% 1.9x 31% 2.5 9 0.9s
Zipneedle 132 24 17 91 31% 2.1x 20% 2.5 9 0.9s
Arcroid 132 24 17 91 27% 2x 27% 2.5 19 1.5s
Macro Arcroid 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 49 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 132 24 17 91 27% 2x 27% 2.5 35 2.9s
Thymoid 132 24 17 91 24% 2x 24% 2.5 31 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Puncture Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 180 32 25 123 31% 2.1x 20% 2.17 23 1.7s
Bellows 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 29 2.1s
Deepbreath 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 23 1.7s
Flutterfire 180 32 25 123 16% 1.7x 38% 2.17 15 1.3s
Killstream 180 32 25 123 38% 2.3x 16% 2.17 15 1.3s
Ramflare 180 32 25 123 16% 1.7x 38% 2.17 23 1.7s
Slap 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 15 1.3s
Slapneedle 180 32 25 123 31% 2.1x 20% 2.17 15 1.3s
Sparkfire 180 32 25 123 20% 1.9x 31% 2.17 23 1.7s
Splat 180 32 25 123 38% 2.3x 16% 2.17 23 1.7s
Stitch 180 32 25 123 31% 2.1x 20% 2.17 29 2.1s
Swiftfire 180 32 25 123 20% 1.9x 31% 2.17 15 1.3s
Thunderdrum 180 32 25 123 20% 1.9x 31% 2.17 29 2.1s
Zip 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 9 0.9s
Zipfire 180 32 25 123 20% 1.9x 31% 2.17 9 0.9s
Zipneedle 180 32 25 123 31% 2.1x 20% 2.17 9 0.9s
Arcroid 180 32 25 123 27% 2x 27% 2.17 19 1.5s
Macro Arcroid 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 49 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 180 32 25 123 27% 2x 27% 2.17 35 2.9s
Thymoid 180 32 25 123 24% 2x 24% 2.17 31 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Puncture Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 31% 2.1x 20% 2.83 23 1.7s
Bellows 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 29 2.1s
Deepbreath 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 23 1.7s
Flutterfire 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 16% 1.7x 38% 2.83 15 1.3s
Killstream 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 38% 2.3x 16% 2.83 15 1.3s
Ramflare 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 16% 1.7x 38% 2.83 23 1.7s
Slap 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 15 1.3s
Slapneedle 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 31% 2.1x 20% 2.83 15 1.3s
Sparkfire 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 20% 1.9x 31% 2.83 23 1.7s
Splat 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 38% 2.3x 16% 2.83 23 1.7s
Stitch 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 31% 2.1x 20% 2.83 29 2.1s
Swiftfire 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 20% 1.9x 31% 2.83 15 1.3s
Thunderdrum 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 20% 1.9x 31% 2.83 29 2.1s
Zip 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 9 0.9s
Zipfire 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 20% 1.9x 31% 2.83 9 0.9s
Zipneedle 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 31% 2.1x 20% 2.83 9 0.9s
Arcroid 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 27% 2x 27% 2.83 19 1.5s
Macro Arcroid 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 49 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 27% 2x 27% 2.83 35 2.9s
Thymoid 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 24% 2x 24% 2.83 31 2.3s

Grip Damage Impact Puncture Radiation Fire Rate
Gibber 36 8 1 27 4.5
Ramble 60 12 5 43 3.67
Lovetap 132 24 17 91 2.5
Haymaker 180 32 25 123 2.17
Ulnaris 100.1 18.7 11.7 69.7 2.83

Loader Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 31% 2.1x 20% 23 1.7s
Bellows 24% 2x 24% 29 2.1s
Deepbreath 24% 2x 24% 23 1.7s
Flutterfire 16% 1.7x 38% 15 1.3s
Killstream 38% 2.3x 16% 15 1.3s
Ramflare 16% 1.7x 38% 23 1.7s
Slap 24% 2x 24% 15 1.3s
Slapneedle 31% 2.1x 20% 15 1.3s
Sparkfire 20% 1.9x 31% 23 1.7s
Splat 38% 2.3x 16% 23 1.7s
Stitch 31% 2.1x 20% 29 2.1s
Swiftfire 20% 1.9x 31% 15 1.3s
Thunderdrum 20% 1.9x 31% 29 2.1s
Zip 24% 2x 24% 9 0.9s
Zipfire 20% 1.9x 31% 9 0.9s
Zipneedle 31% 2.1x 20% 9 0.9s
Arcroid 27% 2x 27% 19 1.5s
Macro Arcroid 24% 2x 24% 49 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 27% 2x 27% 35 2.9s
Thymoid 24% 2x 24% 31 2.3s


Note: Data for the Quick Shot Damage only

Grip Loader Damage Impact Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Brash Bashrack 38 30 8 31% 2.1x 20% 3.77 23 1.7s
Brash Bellows 38 30 8 24% 2x 24% 3.77 29 2.1s
Brash Deepbreath 38 30 8 24% 2x 24% 3.77 23 1.7s
Brash Flutterfire 38 30 8 16% 1.7x 38% 3.77 15 1.3s
Brash Killstream 38 30 8 38% 2.3x 16% 3.77 15 1.3s
Brash Ramflare 38 30 8 16% 1.7x 38% 3.77 23 1.7s
Brash Slap 38 30 8 24% 2x 24% 3.77 15 1.3s
Brash Slapneedle 38 30 8 31% 2.1x 20% 3.77 15 1.3s
Brash Sparkfire 38 30 8 20% 1.9x 31% 3.77 23 1.7s
Brash Splat 38 30 8 38% 2.3x 16% 3.77 23 1.7s
Brash Stitch 38 30 8 31% 2.1x 20% 3.77 29 2.1s
Brash Swiftfire 38 30 8 20% 1.9x 31% 3.77 15 1.3s
Brash Thunderdrum 38 30 8 20% 1.9x 31% 3.77 29 2.1s
Brash Zip 38 30 8 24% 2x 24% 3.77 9 0.9s
Brash Zipfire 38 30 8 20% 1.9x 31% 3.77 9 0.9s
Brash Zipneedle 38 30 8 31% 2.1x 20% 3.77 9 0.9s
Brash Arcroid 38 30 8 27% 2x 27% 3.77 19 2.1s
Brash Macro Arcroid 38 30 8 24% 2x 24% 3.77 49 3.1s
Brash Macro Thymoid 38 30 8 27% 2x 27% 3.77 35 2.9s
Brash Thymoid 38 30 8 24% 2x 24% 3.77 31 2.3s
Shrewd Bashrack 48 35 13 31% 2.1x 20% 3.13 23 1.7s
Shrewd Bellows 48 35 13 24% 2x 24% 3.13 29 2.1s
Shrewd Deepbreath 48 35 13 24% 2x 24% 3.13 23 1.7s
Shrewd Flutterfire 48 35 13 16% 1.7x 38% 3.13 15 1.3s
Shrewd Killstream 48 35 13 38% 2.3x 16% 3.13 15 1.3s
Shrewd Ramflare 48 35 13 16% 1.7x 38% 3.13 23 1.7s
Shrewd Slap 48 35 13 24% 2x 24% 3.13 15 1.3s
Shrewd Slapneedle 48 35 13 31% 2.1x 20% 3.13 15 1.3s
Shrewd Sparkfire 48 35 13 20% 1.9x 31% 3.13 23 1.7s
Shrewd Splat 48 35 13 38% 2.3x 16% 3.13 23 1.7s
Shrewd Stitch 48 35 13 31% 2.1x 20% 3.13 29 2.1s
Shrewd Swiftfire 48 35 13 20% 1.9x 31% 3.13 15 1.3s
Shrewd Thunderdrum 48 35 13 20% 1.9x 31% 3.13 29 2.1s
Shrewd Zip 48 35 13 24% 2x 24% 3.13 9 0.9s
Shrewd Zipfire 48 35 13 20% 1.9x 31% 3.13 9 0.9s
Shrewd Zipneedle 48 35 13 31% 2.1x 20% 3.13 9 0.9s
Shrewd Arcroid 48 35 13 27% 2x 27% 3.13 19 2.1s
Shrewd Macro Arcroid 48 35 13 24% 2x 24% 3.13 49 3.1s
Shrewd Macro Thymoid 48 35 13 27% 2x 27% 3.13 35 2.9s
Shrewd Thymoid 48 35 13 24% 2x 24% 3.13 31 2.3s
Steadyslam Bashrack 87 54.5 32.5 31% 2.1x 20% 2.32 23 1.7s
Steadyslam Bellows 87 54.5 32.5 24% 2x 24% 2.32 29 2.1s
Steadyslam Deepbreath 87 54.5 32.5 24% 2x 24% 2.32 23 1.7s
Steadyslam Flutterfire 87 54.5 32.5 16% 1.7x 38% 2.32 15 1.3s
Steadyslam Killstream 87 54.5 32.5 38% 2.3x 16% 2.32 15 1.3s
Steadyslam Ramflare 87 54.5 32.5 16% 1.7x 38% 2.32 23 1.7s
Steadyslam Slap 87 54.5 32.5 24% 2x 24% 2.32 15 1.3s
Steadyslam Slapneedle 87 54.5 32.5 31% 2.1x 20% 2.32 15 1.3s
Steadyslam Sparkfire 87 54.5 32.5 20% 1.9x 31% 2.32 23 1.7s
Steadyslam Splat 87 54.5 32.5 38% 2.3x 16% 2.32 23 1.7s
Steadyslam Stitch 87 54.5 32.5 31% 2.1x 20% 2.32 29 2.1s
Steadyslam Swiftfire 87 54.5 32.5 20% 1.9x 31% 2.32 15 1.3s
Steadyslam Thunderdrum 87 54.5 32.5 20% 1.9x 31% 2.32 29 2.1s
Steadyslam Zip 87 54.5 32.5 24% 2x 24% 2.32 9 0.9s
Steadyslam Zipfire 87 54.5 32.5 20% 1.9x 31% 2.32 9 0.9s
Steadyslam Zipneedle 87 54.5 32.5 31% 2.1x 20% 2.32 9 0.9s
Steadyslam Arcroid 87 54.5 32.5 27% 2x 27% 2.32 19 2.1s
Steadyslam Macro Arcroid 87 54.5 32.5 24% 2x 24% 2.32 49 3.1s
Steadyslam Macro Thymoid 87 54.5 32.5 27% 2x 27% 2.32 35 2.9s
Steadyslam Thymoid 87 54.5 32.5 24% 2x 24% 2.32 31 2.3s
Tremor Bashrack 116 69 47 31% 2.1x 20% 2.13 23 1.7s
Tremor Bellows 116 69 47 24% 2x 24% 2.13 29 2.1s
Tremor Deepbreath 116 69 47 24% 2x 24% 2.13 23 1.7s
Tremor Flutterfire 116 69 47 16% 1.7x 38% 2.13 15 1.3s
Tremor Killstream 116 69 47 38% 2.3x 16% 2.13 15 1.3s
Tremor Ramflare 116 69 47 16% 1.7x 38% 2.13 23 1.7s
Tremor Slap 116 69 47 24% 2x 24% 2.13 15 1.3s
Tremor Slapneedle 116 69 47 31% 2.1x 20% 2.13 15 1.3s
Tremor Sparkfire 116 69 47 20% 1.9x 31% 2.13 23 1.7s
Tremor Splat 116 69 47 38% 2.3x 16% 2.13 23 1.7s
Tremor Stitch 116 69 47 31% 2.1x 20% 2.13 29 2.1s
Tremor Swiftfire 116 69 47 20% 1.9x 31% 2.13 15 1.3s
Tremor Thunderdrum 116 69 47 20% 1.9x 31% 2.13 29 2.1s
Tremor Zip 116 69 47 24% 2x 24% 2.13 9 0.9s
Tremor Zipfire 116 69 47 20% 1.9x 31% 2.13 9 0.9s
Tremor Zipneedle 116 69 47 31% 2.1x 20% 2.13 9 0.9s
Tremor Arcroid 116 69 47 27% 2x 27% 2.13 19 2.1s
Tremor Macro Arcroid 116 69 47 24% 2x 24% 2.13 49 3.1s
Tremor Macro Thymoid 116 69 47 27% 2x 27% 2.13 35 2.9s
Tremor Thymoid 116 69 47 24% 2x 24% 2.13 31 2.3s
Palmaris Bashrack 43 32.5 10.5 31% 2.1x 20% 3.45 23 1.7s
Palmaris Bellows 43 32.5 10.5 24% 2x 24% 3.45 29 2.1s
Palmaris Deepbreath 43 32.5 10.5 24% 2x 24% 3.45 23 1.7s
Palmaris Flutterfire 43 32.5 10.5 16% 1.7x 38% 3.45 15 1.3s
Palmaris Killstream 43 32.5 10.5 38% 2.3x 16% 3.45 15 1.3s
Palmaris Ramflare 43 32.5 10.5 16% 1.7x 38% 3.45 23 1.7s
Palmaris Slap 43 32.5 10.5 24% 2x 24% 3.45 15 1.3s
Palmaris Slapneedle 43 32.5 10.5 31% 2.1x 20% 3.45 15 1.3s
Palmaris Sparkfire 43 32.5 10.5 20% 1.9x 31% 3.45 23 1.7s
Palmaris Splat 43 32.5 10.5 38% 2.3x 16% 3.45 23 1.7s
Palmaris Stitch 43 32.5 10.5 31% 2.1x 20% 3.45 29 2.1s
Palmaris Swiftfire 43 32.5 10.5 20% 1.9x 31% 3.45 15 1.3s
Palmaris Thunderdrum 43 32.5 10.5 20% 1.9x 31% 3.45 29 2.1s
Palmaris Zip 43 32.5 10.5 24% 2x 24% 3.45 9 0.9s
Palmaris Zipfire 43 32.5 10.5 20% 1.9x 31% 3.45 9 0.9s
Palmaris Zipneedle 43 32.5 10.5 31% 2.1x 20% 3.45 9 0.9s
Palmaris Arcroid 43 32.5 10.5 27% 2x 27% 3.45 19 2.1s
Palmaris Macro Arcroid 43 32.5 10.5 24% 2x 24% 3.45 49 3.1s
Palmaris Macro Thymoid 43 32.5 10.5 27% 2x 27% 3.45 35 2.9s
Palmaris Thymoid 43 32.5 10.5 24% 2x 24% 3.45 31 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 38 30 8 31% 2.1x 20% 3.77 23 1.7s
Bellows 38 30 8 24% 2x 24% 3.77 29 2.1s
Deepbreath 38 30 8 24% 2x 24% 3.77 23 1.7s
Flutterfire 38 30 8 16% 1.7x 38% 3.77 15 1.3s
Killstream 38 30 8 38% 2.3x 16% 3.77 15 1.3s
Ramflare 38 30 8 16% 1.7x 38% 3.77 23 1.7s
Slap 38 30 8 24% 2x 24% 3.77 15 1.3s
Slapneedle 38 30 8 31% 2.1x 20% 3.77 15 1.3s
Sparkfire 38 30 8 20% 1.9x 31% 3.77 23 1.7s
Splat 38 30 8 38% 2.3x 16% 3.77 23 1.7s
Stitch 38 30 8 31% 2.1x 20% 3.77 29 2.1s
Swiftfire 38 30 8 20% 1.9x 31% 3.77 15 1.3s
Thunderdrum 38 30 8 20% 1.9x 31% 3.77 29 2.1s
Zip 38 30 8 24% 2x 24% 3.77 9 0.9s
Zipfire 38 30 8 20% 1.9x 31% 3.77 9 0.9s
Zipneedle 38 30 8 31% 2.1x 20% 3.77 9 0.9s
Arcroid 38 30 8 27% 2x 27% 3.77 19 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 38 30 8 24% 2x 24% 3.77 49 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 38 30 8 27% 2x 27% 3.77 35 2.9s
Thymoid 38 30 8 24% 2x 24% 3.77 31 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 48 35 13 31% 2.1x 20% 3.13 23 1.7s
Bellows 48 35 13 24% 2x 24% 3.13 29 2.1s
Deepbreath 48 35 13 24% 2x 24% 3.13 23 1.7s
Flutterfire 48 35 13 16% 1.7x 38% 3.13 15 1.3s
Killstream 48 35 13 38% 2.3x 16% 3.13 15 1.3s
Ramflare 48 35 13 16% 1.7x 38% 3.13 23 1.7s
Slap 48 35 13 24% 2x 24% 3.13 15 1.3s
Slapneedle 48 35 13 31% 2.1x 20% 3.13 15 1.3s
Sparkfire 48 35 13 20% 1.9x 31% 3.13 23 1.7s
Splat 48 35 13 38% 2.3x 16% 3.13 23 1.7s
Stitch 48 35 13 31% 2.1x 20% 3.13 29 2.1s
Swiftfire 48 35 13 20% 1.9x 31% 3.13 15 1.3s
Thunderdrum 48 35 13 20% 1.9x 31% 3.13 29 2.1s
Zip 48 35 13 24% 2x 24% 3.13 9 0.9s
Zipfire 48 35 13 20% 1.9x 31% 3.13 9 0.9s
Zipneedle 48 35 13 31% 2.1x 20% 3.13 9 0.9s
Arcroid 48 35 13 27% 2x 27% 3.13 19 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 48 35 13 24% 2x 24% 3.13 49 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 48 35 13 27% 2x 27% 3.13 35 2.9s
Thymoid 48 35 13 24% 2x 24% 3.13 31 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 87 54.5 32.5 31% 2.1x 20% 2.32 23 1.7s
Bellows 87 54.5 32.5 24% 2x 24% 2.32 29 2.1s
Deepbreath 87 54.5 32.5 24% 2x 24% 2.32 23 1.7s
Flutterfire 87 54.5 32.5 16% 1.7x 38% 2.32 15 1.3s
Killstream 87 54.5 32.5 38% 2.3x 16% 2.32 15 1.3s
Ramflare 87 54.5 32.5 16% 1.7x 38% 2.32 23 1.7s
Slap 87 54.5 32.5 24% 2x 24% 2.32 15 1.3s
Slapneedle 87 54.5 32.5 31% 2.1x 20% 2.32 15 1.3s
Sparkfire 87 54.5 32.5 20% 1.9x 31% 2.32 23 1.7s
Splat 87 54.5 32.5 38% 2.3x 16% 2.32 23 1.7s
Stitch 87 54.5 32.5 31% 2.1x 20% 2.32 29 2.1s
Swiftfire 87 54.5 32.5 20% 1.9x 31% 2.32 15 1.3s
Thunderdrum 87 54.5 32.5 20% 1.9x 31% 2.32 29 2.1s
Zip 87 54.5 32.5 24% 2x 24% 2.32 9 0.9s
Zipfire 87 54.5 32.5 20% 1.9x 31% 2.32 9 0.9s
Zipneedle 87 54.5 32.5 31% 2.1x 20% 2.32 9 0.9s
Arcroid 87 54.5 32.5 27% 2x 27% 2.32 19 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 87 54.5 32.5 24% 2x 24% 2.32 49 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 87 54.5 32.5 27% 2x 27% 2.32 35 2.9s
Thymoid 87 54.5 32.5 24% 2x 24% 2.32 31 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 116 69 47 31% 2.1x 20% 2.13 23 1.7s
Bellows 116 69 47 24% 2x 24% 2.13 29 2.1s
Deepbreath 116 69 47 24% 2x 24% 2.13 23 1.7s
Flutterfire 116 69 47 16% 1.7x 38% 2.13 15 1.3s
Killstream 116 69 47 38% 2.3x 16% 2.13 15 1.3s
Ramflare 116 69 47 16% 1.7x 38% 2.13 23 1.7s
Slap 116 69 47 24% 2x 24% 2.13 15 1.3s
Slapneedle 116 69 47 31% 2.1x 20% 2.13 15 1.3s
Sparkfire 116 69 47 20% 1.9x 31% 2.13 23 1.7s
Splat 116 69 47 38% 2.3x 16% 2.13 23 1.7s
Stitch 116 69 47 31% 2.1x 20% 2.13 29 2.1s
Swiftfire 116 69 47 20% 1.9x 31% 2.13 15 1.3s
Thunderdrum 116 69 47 20% 1.9x 31% 2.13 29 2.1s
Zip 116 69 47 24% 2x 24% 2.13 9 0.9s
Zipfire 116 69 47 20% 1.9x 31% 2.13 9 0.9s
Zipneedle 116 69 47 31% 2.1x 20% 2.13 9 0.9s
Arcroid 116 69 47 27% 2x 27% 2.13 19 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 116 69 47 24% 2x 24% 2.13 49 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 116 69 47 27% 2x 27% 2.13 35 2.9s
Thymoid 116 69 47 24% 2x 24% 2.13 31 2.3s

Loader Damage Impact Radiation Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Fire Rate Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 43 32.5 10.5 31% 2.1x 20% 3.45 23 1.7s
Bellows 43 32.5 10.5 24% 2x 24% 3.45 29 2.1s
Deepbreath 43 32.5 10.5 24% 2x 24% 3.45 23 1.7s
Flutterfire 43 32.5 10.5 16% 1.7x 38% 3.45 15 1.3s
Killstream 43 32.5 10.5 38% 2.3x 16% 3.45 15 1.3s
Ramflare 43 32.5 10.5 16% 1.7x 38% 3.45 23 1.7s
Slap 43 32.5 10.5 24% 2x 24% 3.45 15 1.3s
Slapneedle 43 32.5 10.5 31% 2.1x 20% 3.45 15 1.3s
Sparkfire 43 32.5 10.5 20% 1.9x 31% 3.45 23 1.7s
Splat 43 32.5 10.5 38% 2.3x 16% 3.45 23 1.7s
Stitch 43 32.5 10.5 31% 2.1x 20% 3.45 29 2.1s
Swiftfire 43 32.5 10.5 20% 1.9x 31% 3.45 15 1.3s
Thunderdrum 43 32.5 10.5 20% 1.9x 31% 3.45 29 2.1s
Zip 43 32.5 10.5 24% 2x 24% 3.45 9 0.9s
Zipfire 43 32.5 10.5 20% 1.9x 31% 3.45 9 0.9s
Zipneedle 43 32.5 10.5 31% 2.1x 20% 3.45 9 0.9s
Arcroid 43 32.5 10.5 27% 2x 27% 3.45 19 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 43 32.5 10.5 24% 2x 24% 3.45 49 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 43 32.5 10.5 27% 2x 27% 3.45 35 2.9s
Thymoid 43 32.5 10.5 24% 2x 24% 3.45 31 2.3s

Grip Damage Impact Radiation Fire Rate
Brash 38 30 8 3.77
Shrewd 48 35 13 3.13
Steadyslam 87 54.5 32.5 2.32
Tremor 116 69 47 2.13
Palmaris 43 32.5 10.5 3.45

Loader Crit. Chance Crit. Mult. Status Magazine Size Reload Time
Bashrack 31% 2.1x 20% 23 1.7s
Bellows 24% 2x 24% 29 2.1s
Deepbreath 24% 2x 24% 23 1.7s
Flutterfire 16% 1.7x 38% 15 1.3s
Killstream 38% 2.3x 16% 15 1.3s
Ramflare 16% 1.7x 38% 23 1.7s
Slap 24% 2x 24% 15 1.3s
Slapneedle 31% 2.1x 20% 15 1.3s
Sparkfire 20% 1.9x 31% 23 1.7s
Splat 38% 2.3x 16% 23 1.7s
Stitch 31% 2.1x 20% 29 2.1s
Swiftfire 20% 1.9x 31% 15 1.3s
Thunderdrum 20% 1.9x 31% 29 2.1s
Zip 24% 2x 24% 9 0.9s
Zipfire 20% 1.9x 31% 9 0.9s
Zipneedle 31% 2.1x 20% 9 0.9s
Arcroid 27% 2x 27% 19 2.1s
Macro Arcroid 24% 2x 24% 49 3.1s
Macro Thymoid 27% 2x 27% 35 2.9s
Thymoid 24% 2x 24% 31 2.3s



  • Uses Rifle mods.
  • The Grip chosen with the Tombfinger affects the charge time in addition to the fire rate and damage. Grips with higher damage output will increase the charge time, while grips with lower damage will reduce it.
    • When paired with the Brash grip the charge time is 0.5 s, the quick shot AoE damage is 30 Radiation, and the charged shot AoE damage is 412 Radiation.
    • When paired with the Palmaris grip the charge time is 0.5 s, the quick shot AoE damage is 35 Radiation, and the charged shot AoE damage is 417 Radiation
    • When paired with the Shrewd grip, the charge time is 0.8 s, the quick shot AoE damage is 40 Radiation, and the charged shot AoE damage is 422 Radiation.
    • When paired with the Steadyslam grip, the charge time is 1.1 s, the quick shot AoE damage is 79 Radiation, and the charged shot AoE damage is 461 Radiation.
    • When paired with the Tremor grip, the charge time is 1.4 s, the quick shot AoE damage is 108 Radiation, and the charged shot AoE damage is 490 Radiation.
  • The weapon fires as soon as it has reached a full charge, which can lead to premature firing.
  • While charging significantly affects the explosion's characteristics, the only change to the projectile is damage distribution.
  • Quick shots have a base explosion radius of 1.7 meters, while fully charged shots have a base explosion radius of 6.2 meters.
    • Initial hit and explosion apply status separately.
    • All explosions inflicts self-stagger.
    • All explosions have a headshot multiplier of 1x and cannot trigger headshot conditions.
    • Explosion has linear Damage Falloff from:
      • 100% to 75% from central impact on uncharged shots.
      • 100% to 30% from central impact on fully charged shots.
    • All explosions can benefit from Mod TT 20px Firestorm (Mod TT 20px Primed) and Mod TT 20px Cautious Shot.
  • Because Tombfinger's projectile has travel time, it is much less suitable to be built for the purpose of long range engagements, despite it being an accurate and powerful semi-auto chamber, with no damage falloff.
    • Hitting a target at range requires leading the target before firing.
    • Mods such as Mod TT 20px Terminal Velocity can help shots connect.


  • Upon impact, the projectile explodes in a 1.9 meter radius in a reverse-cone shape, dealing damage to enemies in front of the original target.
    • Initial hit and explosion apply status separately.
    • Explosion inflicts self-stagger.
    • Explosion has a headshot multiplier of 1x and cannot trigger headshot conditions.
    • Explosion has linear damage Falloff from 100% to 70% from central impact.
    • Can benefit from Mod TT 20px Fulmination (Mod TT 20px Primed).
  • The DmgImpactSmall64 Impact, DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture and ~19.5% of the DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation damage make up the direct hit, the remaining ~80.5% of Radiation damage is assigned to the explosion.
    • For example a kitgun built with Tombfinger with 180 base damage deals 91 is on direct hit and 89 with the splash.
    • The status chance remains the same for both the direct hit and the explosion.
  • Because Tombfinger's projectile has travel time, it is much less suitable to be built for the purpose of long range engagements, despite it being an accurate and powerful semi-auto chamber, with no damage falloff.
    • Hitting a target at range requires leading the target before firing.
    • Mods such as Mod TT 20px Lethal Momentum can help shots connect.

Known Bugs[]


  • The Tombfinger Chamber was originally named the "Chillfinger" during TennoCon 2018.


Patch History[]

Update 35.1 (2024-02-20)

  • Refined the volume of Tombfinger’s explosion sound effects.

Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)

Ammo Changes

We understand the power fantasy of these weapons is very popular for some, so our first approach was to keep them powerful, but limit how often they can be used by making changes to ammo pick-up.

Ammo Pickup Overrides
The following weapons now have ammo pickup overrides, meaning they gain less from picking up ammo. This mostly applies to AoE weapons, in hopes that players will become more deliberate with their aim to make the most of their Ammo pools. The following lists the specific ammo pick up overrides per weapon category.

Primary Weapon Ammo Pick Up Overrides

20 Ammo per Pick Up:

  • Tombfinger (Primary)

Secondary Weapon Ammo Pick Up Overrides

20 Ammo per Pick Up:

  • Tombfinger (Secondary)

Many weapons have also had their maximum ammo capacity adjusted.

Primary Weapons:

  • Tombfinger (Primary): From 540 to 120
Headshot Damage Changes

During playtesting, the ammo changes alone weren’t enough to significantly change things for AoE weapons. So instead of tightening these values to be overly restrictive, we chose to address other factors that make these weapons so strong, such as headshot damage.

Our approach here is two-fold, to reduce the impact of headshots for AOE weapons, but to also make precision headshots pack a larger punch overall.

  • Radial damage no longer gains extra headshot damage or triggers headshot conditions.
    • This is primarily targeted at the Ignis Wraith - as a “flamethrower” weapon, it’s hard to imagine a blanket of elements being precise enough to target weak points specifically. Explosive projectiles themselves can still land headshots, so there is still a reason to aim with most weapons for maximum damage.

Hotfix 28.0.5 (2020-06-17)

Primary Kitgun changes

Below are balance changes that affect Primary Kitguns only based on feedback.

  • Charge time decreased from 0.8secs to 0.5secs with Brash Grip.
  • Charge time increased from 0.8secs to 1.1secs with Steadyslam Grip.
  • Charge time increased from 0.8secs to 1.4secs with Tremor Grip.
Brash Grip
  • Damage reduction lowered from -28 to -20 when used with Tombfinger Chamber.
Shrewd Grip
  • Damage reduction lowered from -14 to -10 when used with Tombfinger Chamber.

Hotfix 28.0.3 (2020-06-12)

  • Terminal Velocity can now be used with Primary Tombfinger Kitguns.

Update 27.3 (2020-03-24)

  • Fixed Radial Attack Mods not having any effect on Tombfinger Kitguns.

Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)
Reduced the following AoE weapons Radial Damage Falloff from central impact that were all previously 90%:

  • Tombfinger: 30%
Self Damage Changes

We are getting rid of Self Damage and replacing it with something else: instead of Self Damage, it’s now ‘Stagger’. This change completely removes the chance of killing yourself, and instead now creates scenarios where you will interrupt yourself - or ‘Stagger’ - to varying degrees if you aren’t careful.

The degrees of Self-Interrupt start with a small stumble all the way to full knockdown depending on how close you are to the center of explosion. Any Mods referring to Self Damage will be converted to acknowledge Stagger.

With this Self-Interrupt system, we have added dozens of new recovery animations that harness a ninja-like recovery experience. By pressing ‘Jump’ at the correct time, you can execute a ninja-skill-based knockdown recovery to ALL in-game knockdowns. This ninja recovery window is indicated by a glowing FX on your Warframe.

In addition to Self Damage being removed, some of the more powerful AOE weapons without Self Damage presently will have the Stagger added, but it should only be noticeable in cases of extreme inaccuracy on the player’s part. The Weapons include:

  • Tombfinger

In the original Dev Workshop, we said:
As a result of this overall systemic change, Weapons with Stagger will be getting approximately a 20% buff in Damage, with any weapons with AOE receiving a 50% Radial Damage Falloff from central impact.

This is no longer accurate after continued testing. What we are doing now is:

No damage buffs have been added, but any weapons with AOE are receiving ~20% increase in Radius. Additionally, AOE weapons are receiving a 90% Radial Damage Falloff from central impact. This means on the very outer section of the explosion Radius 10% of the Damage will be dealt. Tactics will be deadly - aim true, Tenno.

Why: Several players brought up the history of the Tonkor and we want to make sure we ship this change in a place that’s conservative in its starting point from a balance perspective. The complete removal of Self Damage does change the pace of destruction with some of the game’s most powerful weapons, so we want to make sure we can iterate upwardly instead of releasing a bonanza of explosions with no other choices.
