
Theorem Demulcent is an Arcane Enhancement for Warframes that increases weapon damage for 20 seconds upon contact with the area of effect caused by ResidualBoils Residual Boils, ResidualMalodor Residual Malodor, ResidualShock Residual Shock, or ResidualViremia Residual Viremia. This effect stacks up to 15 times.

Can be sold for Credits64 ‍1,000.


Rank Damage Increase Per Second Max Damage Bonus
0 +2% +30%
1 +4% +60%
2 +6% +90%
3 +8% +120%
4 +10% +150%
5 +12% +180%


Theorem Demulcent can be acquired from Rotation C of Isolation Vault Bounties (normal and Arcana).

Item Source Chance Expected Nearly Guaranteed
TheoremDemulcent Arcana Isolation Vault Bounty Lvl 30-40 Stage 1 / C 50% ~ 2 Stages 9 ± 3 Stages
TheoremDemulcent Arcana Isolation Vault Bounty Lvl 40-50 Stage 1 / C 50% ~ 2 Stages 9 ± 3 Stages
TheoremDemulcent Arcana Isolation Vault Bounty Lvl 50-60 Stage 1 / C 50% ~ 2 Stages 9 ± 3 Stages
TheoremDemulcent Arcana Isolation Vault Bounty Lvl 30-40 Stages 2 & 3 / C 31.25% ~ 3 Stages 18 ± 6 Stages
TheoremDemulcent Arcana Isolation Vault Bounty Lvl 40-50 Stages 2 & 3 / C 31.25% ~ 3 Stages 18 ± 6 Stages
TheoremDemulcent Isolation Vault Lvl 50-60 / C 25% ~ 4 Stages 24 ± 8 Stages
TheoremDemulcent Isolation Vault Lvl 40-50 / C 25% ~ 4 Stages 24 ± 8 Stages
TheoremDemulcent Isolation Vault Lvl 30-40 / C 25% ~ 4 Stages 24 ± 8 Stages
TheoremDemulcent Arcana Isolation Vault Bounty Lvl 50-60 Stages 2 & 3 / C 31.25% ~ 3 Stages 18 ± 6 Stages

All drop rates data is obtained from DE's official drop tables. See Mission Rewards#Standard Missions for definitions on reward table rotations.
For more detailed definitions and information, visit here.


  • Activates using Residual Arcanes.
    • Stacks are gained on time with the area's damage ticks, and multiple areas increase the rate of stacking.
    • Different elemental Residual areas will result in separate stacks.
  • Full damage bonuses at ranks 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 are 30% / 60% / 90% / 120% / 150% / 180% respectively.
  • Damage bonus is additive with elemental mods with the element of the paired Residual Arcane, and combines with modded elements.

Patch History[]

Hotfix 32.0.12 (2022-10-12)

  • Fixed the Theorem Demulcent Arcane applying its weapon damage increase buff to Wisp’s Breach Surge, Baruuk’s Desolate Hands, and Ember’s Fireball.
    • Theorem Demulcent is designed to only increase weapon damage and should not be able to affect any Warframe ability.

Hotfix 32.0.11 (2022-10-06)

  • (Undocumented) No longer applies to most projectile abilities.

Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)

  • Introduced.