
Theorem Contagion is an Arcane Enhancement for Warframes that grants them the ability to spawn orbiting globes upon contact with the area of effect caused by ResidualBoils Residual Boils, ResidualMalodor Residual Malodor, ResidualShock Residual Shock, or ResidualViremia Residual Viremia. These globes will target the closest enemy within 15 meters, dealing damage and increasing their vulnerability to the globe's damage type.

Can be sold for Credits64 1,000.


Rank Damage Vulnerability Debuff Duration Globe Duration
0 150 +25% 6s 30s
1 150 +50% 6s 30s
2 150 +75% 6s 30s
3 150 +100% 6s 30s
4 150 +150% 6s 30s
5 150 +200% 6s 30s


Theorem Contagion can be acquired from Rotation A of Isolation Vault Bounties (normal and Arcana).

Item Source Chance Expected Nearly Guaranteed
TheoremContagion Arcana Isolation Vault Bounty Lvl 50-60 Final Stage / A 20% ~ 5 Stages 30 ± 10 Stages
TheoremContagion Arcana Isolation Vault Bounty Lvl 50-60 Final Stage / C 20% ~ 5 Stages 30 ± 10 Stages
TheoremContagion Arcana Isolation Vault Bounty Lvl 50-60 Final Stage / B 20% ~ 5 Stages 30 ± 10 Stages
TheoremContagion Arcana Isolation Vault Bounty Lvl 30-40 Final Stage / A 20% ~ 5 Stages 30 ± 10 Stages
TheoremContagion Arcana Isolation Vault Bounty Lvl 30-40 Final Stage / C 20% ~ 5 Stages 30 ± 10 Stages
TheoremContagion Arcana Isolation Vault Bounty Lvl 30-40 Final Stage / B 20% ~ 5 Stages 30 ± 10 Stages
TheoremContagion Isolation Vault Lvl 50-60 / A 10% ~ 10 Stages 65 ± 21 Stages
TheoremContagion Isolation Vault Lvl 50-60 / C 10% ~ 10 Stages 65 ± 21 Stages
TheoremContagion Isolation Vault Lvl 50-60 / B 10% ~ 10 Stages 65 ± 21 Stages
TheoremContagion Isolation Vault Lvl 40-50 / A 10% ~ 10 Stages 65 ± 21 Stages
TheoremContagion Isolation Vault Lvl 40-50 / C 10% ~ 10 Stages 65 ± 21 Stages
TheoremContagion Isolation Vault Lvl 40-50 / B 10% ~ 10 Stages 65 ± 21 Stages
TheoremContagion Isolation Vault Lvl 30-40 / A 10% ~ 10 Stages 65 ± 21 Stages
TheoremContagion Isolation Vault Lvl 30-40 / C 10% ~ 10 Stages 65 ± 21 Stages
TheoremContagion Isolation Vault Lvl 30-40 / B 10% ~ 10 Stages 65 ± 21 Stages
TheoremContagion Arcana Isolation Vault Bounty Lvl 40-50 Final Stage / A 20% ~ 5 Stages 30 ± 10 Stages
TheoremContagion Arcana Isolation Vault Bounty Lvl 40-50 Final Stage / C 20% ~ 5 Stages 30 ± 10 Stages
TheoremContagion Arcana Isolation Vault Bounty Lvl 40-50 Final Stage / B 20% ~ 5 Stages 30 ± 10 Stages

All drop rates data is obtained from DE's official drop tables. See Mission Rewards#Standard Missions for definitions on reward table rotations.
For more detailed definitions and information, visit here.


  • Activates using Residual Arcanes.
    • Stacks are gained on time with the area's damage ticks, and multiple areas increase the rate of stacking.
    • Different elemental Residual areas will result in separate stacks.
  • Orbiting globes resemble NovaIcon272 Nova's NullStar130xWhite Null Star particles with trail colors matching the Residual's element.
  • Directly affects damage type modifiers of the enemy's health, shield, and armor class.
    • For example, an enemy with Infested Flesh has a -50% DmgColdSmall64 Cold damage modifier which means that incoming DmgColdSmall64 Cold damage will be halved. Equipping a max rank TheoremContagion Theorem Contagion with ResidualMalodor Residual Malodor will make it so that the enemy will have a 50% × (100% + 200%) = 1.5x DmgColdSmall64 Cold damage modifier

Patch History[]

Update 31.6 (2022-06-09)


We’ve adjusted the values of older Arcanes with the goal of making lower rank Arcanes more viable, and more desirable while collecting as a result. In short, there are three stats that each Arcane tends to have (speaking generally) -- for example, a percentage chance, a stat buff, and the duration of the buff.

Certain Arcanes increase all of these stats per rank (making them scale exponentially), but we are changing it so that only one stat is affected by rank (making it scale linearly). The other stats will now be at the max-rank value regardless of the Arcane Rank, thereby buffing lower-rank Arcanes as a result.

Theorem Contagion

Standing in a zone created by a Residual Arcane creates a globe that orbits the player every 2s. The globe will strike the nearest enemy within 15m dealing 150 (was 25) damage increasing their vulnerability to the globe’s damage type by 25%/200% for 6s (was 1s). Globes will persist for 30s (was 5s) upon leaving the zone.

Update 30.8 (2021-10-04)

  • Fixed incorrect duration/debuff percent values being used for Theorem Contagion.

Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)

  • Introduced.