The Hex are an upcoming Syndicate comprised of the Protoframes, humans who exhibit Warframe traits through Dr. Entrati's experiments. They operate out of the Höllvania Central Mall and are currently searching for the missing doctor.
Standing Gain[]
Progressing your standing with The Hex will involve Kinematic Instant Messaging, a system by which you will be able to learn more about each member.
Lore & History[]
Notable Members[]
Arthur Nightingale[]
- Main article: Arthur
Arthur Nightingale is the squad leader of The Hex and is, enhanced with Excalibur's traits.
Aoi Morohoshi[]
- Main article: Aoi
Aoi Morohoshi is the logistics expert and second-in-command of The Hex, and enhanced with Mag's traits.
Amir Beckett[]
- Main article: Amir
Amir Beckett is the technician electronics expert of The Hex, and is enhanced with Volt's traits.
Quincy Isaacs[]
- Main article: Quincy
Quincy Isaacs is the marksman and firearms expert of The Hex, and is enhanced with Cyte-09's traits.
Leticia Garcia[]
- Main article: Leticia
Leticia "Lettie" Garcia is the medic of The Hex, and is enhanced with Trinity's traits.
Eleanor Nightingale[]
- Main article: Eleanor
Eleanor Nightingale , the sister of Arthur, is the psych-ops of The Hex and is enhanced with Nyx's traits.
- Hex can refer to:
- The number 6 in Greek, which also represents the current number of members in the Syndicate.
- Hexadecimal, a positional number system based on base-16.
- An evil curse, likely referring to the Infested nature of the Protoframes that threaten to destroy their sanity.