Arrogant. Sadistic. Unstable. They are perfect for this.
—Councilor Vay Hek

The Grustrag Three (commonly abbreviated as the G3) are a group of Assassins, founded by Councilor Vay Hek, who come after Tenno that have completed five Invasion missions against the Grineer.


The Grustrag Three were formerly regular Grineer marines who (while aboard a troop transport) suddenly slaughtered their comrades, claiming that they were growing "impatient for the killing". After being committed to the Grustrag Reconditioning Facility, facility Director Dr. Tengus discovered that the marines suffer from a rare mutation brought about by cloning, which vastly increases their combat potential at the cost of deteriorating mental faculties.

Under Councilor Vay Hek's order, Tengus reconditioned them, with the intent of focusing their aggression towards the Tenno instead. Although mostly successful, the Three still had lingering violent behavior towards fellow Grineer. To counteract this, Tengus developed the Grustrag Bolt, a device that limited their effectiveness against other Grineer personnel. Tengus had additional Bolts created, to be used against the Tenno during the Three's operations.

With The Grustrag Three now prepared for combat, Vay Hek deployed them with the sole purpose of attacking those who supported enemies of the Grineer. However, General Sargas Ruk criticized Hek's actions, reminding Hek of the soldiers The Three have killed and warning him that they would eventually grow out of his control.


This section is transcluded from The Grustrag Three/Leekter . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

Leekter is a member of The Grustrag Three. He wields a Brokk hammer and throws flashbangs to blind players in battle.

Although Leekter does not spawn by himself under normal circumstances, he may individually spawn inside Darvo's weekly mission as a Field Boss if the associated faction of the mission are Grineer.

Most Honored Councilor Vay Hek,

The agony treatment has worked! Tests show aggression has been shifted to The Tenno! The Grustrag Three are now ready for release and are eager for your orders.

Please note: fratricide is still an issue. Conditioning did not completely remove violent tendencies toward fellow Grineer. My solution is the Grustrag Bolt. When attached to a subject, this device limits combat effectiveness against all Grineer personnel. The bolt will ensure collateral death is acceptably limited.

I have produced a surplus of these devices. Perhaps these will also aid you with your problem?

Your Loyal Servant,
Doctor Tengus
Director Grustrag Reconditioning Facility

This section is transcluded from The Grustrag Three/Shik Tal . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

Shik Tal is a member of The Grustrag Three. He wields a modified Marelok Marelok that fires small dumb-fire rockets (akin to those fired by Hellions) and a giant shield similar to Shield Lancers. Similar to the Shield Lancers themselves, he can use his shield to charge forward to knockdown and knockback players.

Although Shik Tal does not spawn by himself under normal circumstances, he may individually spawn inside Darvo's weekly mission as a Field Boss if the associated faction of the mission are Grineer.

Vay Hek,

Releasing the Grustrag Three? Tell me this rumor is a lie. Tell me you have not forgotten what those defects cost me. Traitors must be eradicated but you think they can be rehabilitated? Arrogance. If it was up to me, Grustrag and everything in it would be ash. No Doctor can cure disloyalty.

The responsibility for this mistake is yours alone. Trust me, you will bleed regret.


This section is transcluded from The Grustrag Three/Vem Tabook . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

Vem Tabook is the leader of The Grustrag Three. He uses a modified Hek Hek that fires electro-shells in bursts of around 10 at its target, each shell dealing electricity damage in a small radius, making them deadly should all of them connect with their target or the surrounding terrain.

Although Vem Tabook does not spawn by himself under normal circumstances, he may individually spawn inside Darvo's weekly mission as a Field Boss if the associated faction of the mission are Grineer.

Grustrag Reconditioning Facility

Inmate Report: Vem Tabook

Vem Tabook, leader of 'The Grustrag Three', was committed after the group slaughtered all fellow marines aboard a troop transport. Evidently, the ship took too long to reach battle and the subject was simply "impatient for the killing". Like his accomplices Shik Tal and Leekter, Tabook suffers from a rare cloning mutation. This makes him highly effective in combat but completely unfit for duty.

RECOMMENDATION: Permanent incarceration for study. The subject's combat ability cannot be ignored. If the subject's aggression can be focused, he may yet prove a useful weapon.

- Doctor Tengus


Each marine is accompanied by a Carabus Sentinel, which are equipped with LaserRifle Laser Rifles to provide additional firepower. They do not have a name in game, only a health/shields bar, similar to LokiIcon272 Loki's Decoy130xWhite Decoy.

When a player is defeated by the Grustrag Three, one of the three sentinels will detach from its host, then hover and deploy a shield over the downed player. It prevents other teammates from reviving the player while the sentinel attaches the Grustrag Bolt.

It also exists as an alternative skin for Dethcube, which is available for purchase for Platinum64 35.


Triggering an attack from the Grustrag Three requires the player to have a death mark. This is acquired by fighting against the Grineer in at least five instances of Invasion missions. Once the death mark is acquired, the player will receive an inbox message from Vay Hek, stating:

  • "Interfering with our operations is unacceptable. You will be shown your place. Your punishment has been ordered."

Acquiring another death mark will trigger this message:

  • "You continue to assist our enemies. Your meddling will NOT be tolerated."

The chance The Three will appear on any given Grineer mission is additively increased with each player in the party with a death mark. They have a chance of spawning once every 10 seconds for the first 5 minutes.[citation needed]

A single member of the Grustrag Three will also appear in Clem's weekly mission on Grineer tilesets. However this member will not drop anything upon defeat.


On arrival, the Lotus, with her transmissions distorted, will immediately order the Tenno to abort the mission, prompting extraction regardless of any uncompleted objectives (except for Defense and Interception due to their lack of extraction zones). Nonetheless, the Tenno can still try to fend off the Grustrag Three themselves.

Despite their bulky appearance, each member of the Grustrag Three is capable of a quick dash in any direction, which they use to avoid fire and close in on their targets. The Grustrag Three usually attack in turns, making it difficult to focus on a specific marine to take down. Not only that, but they are capable of strategic positioning, movement, and timing of attacks in a more advanced manner than normal Grineer. This includes crouching and hiding behind Shik Tal's shield as he's laying down suppressive fire, launching a sudden aggressive attack as a group after Leekter uses his flashbang, or changing position while Vem Tabook lays down suppressive fire. Their behavior changes vastly, sharing behavioral traits with heavy Grineer units such as Bombards, Napalms and Heavy Gunners, but at the same time taking cover behind objects when necessary.

The Grustrag Three are fully vulnerable to Status Effects and most Warframe abilities. As such, they can be easily incapacitated with weapons such as the slam attacks of JatKittag Jat Kittag or the Fragor FragorDmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive and DmgViralSmall64 Viral damage and proc work particularly well on them, reducing their overall durability by a significant amount. DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation damage can also be used, as it deals extra damage to their Alloy Armor and if procs, confusing them, causing them to attack each other or fellow Grineer. However, their Carabus Sentinels cannot be damaged by any means, they are only destroyed if its respective marine is killed.


Message from Lotus after The Grustrag Three

Inbox message following defeat from the Grustrag Three

2014-03-02 22 45 30-WARFRAME

Notification after claiming the Grustrag Bolt Release


Badge that replaces the player's clan badge when a Grustrag Bolt is attached

If the Grustrag Three put a Tenno into bleedout, their Carabus Sentinel will capture them, preventing them from being revived but also pauses their bleedout timer until the Three are defeated. If the entire squad is defeated and captured, the mission will fail.

Upon returning to the Orbiter, the player will receive an inbox message from the Lotus stating the Grustrag Three have attached a Grustrag Bolt to their Warframe, reducing that Warframe's damage against all Grineer by 50%. Attached is a bolt release blueprint, which will automatically apply upon claiming from the Foundry.

Players who do not have a death mark against the Grustrag Three will not prompt them to capture. A member that spawns in Clem's weekly mission will also not capture, regardless of death marks.

Manufacturing Requirements
Time: 1 min
Rush: Platinum64 25
MarketIcon Market Price: N/A Blueprint2 Blueprints Price: N/A


  • Shik Tal is voiced by [DE]Skree, who also voices Captain Vor, General Sargas Ruk, and Alad V. It is currently unknown who voices Leekter and Vem Tabook.
  • They are the first death mark enemy that consist of multiple entities. The Stalker and The Zanuka Hunter only consist of a single entity.
  • Upon spawning all players are contacted by the Lotus. However, only one player will have their mark consumed.
    • When spawning, all the players will be taunted, but then one player will be taunted mentioning their name and Warframe. This player will have their mark consumed and must do five invasion missions for the Corpus to regain it.
  • At the time of their introduction, The Three were guaranteed to drop a mod, a Brakk component, and Neurodes all at once upon defeat, potentially giving players all the Brakk components in a single encounter. This has since been patched.
  • The Grustrag Three appear to have some heavy duty jamming technology somewhere on their persons, preventing the Lotus from properly warning any targeted Tenno, keeping her in the dark as much as possible from what is happening.
  • The Grustrag Three currently have the same drop table, differing only in Brakk components.
  • The Grustrag Three seem to have similar armor components to those of Lieutenant Lech Kril. This armor similarity could possibly imply a category of those for Grineer Commandos, an even higher tier of Grineer troops than those of the Elite Lancers or the Napalms.
    • Their body meshes share arm and leg geometry with Lieutenant Lech Kril. The jarring quality difference is a giveaway.
  • Although Leekter wields a Manticore in battle, his codex entry used to depict him using a Brokk instead. This has been fixed for Update 13.2 (2014-05-01).
  • According to Shik Tal's Codex entry, the Grustrag Three have apparently cost Ruk an entire battalion of Grineer troops, which Ruk views as incredibly valuable to him, and has stated he'd kill the Three on the spot for their treason, if given the chance.
  • Like the Stalker and the Zanuka Hunter, they used to have their own soundtrack.
  • Doing the same invasions after playing it five times can increase the spawn chance of the G3.[citation needed] Although it is not the most well-rounded way to spend time, it can help to grind Brakk parts.
  • If G3's intended target is captured, the mission will fail even if there are squad members alive and uncaptured remaining. There are cases in which this will not work properly.
  • The text on the Grustrag bolt, when translated, reads "PROPERTY OF GRINEER".
  • If the Grustrag Three attacks during an alert, and the option to escape is taken, the mission will succeed, giving the item reward from the alert. It is unknown if this feature is intended or a bug.
  • Leekter might be a nod to the fictional serial killer/cannibal Dr. Hannibal Lecter. This could be supported by the Three's violent actions against fellow Grineer, similar to how cannibals attack and eat members of their own species.


  • The Grustrag Three appearing in a Survival mission can prevent the five minute interval rewards from being given for the rest of the mission.
  • A similar bug can occur during interception missions if the broadcast reaches 100% while you are fighting them. The screen that allows you to continue the fight or end the mission no longer appears and Lotus assumes that you wish to continue to fight, making the mission impossible to complete.
  • Being healed by a health restore or an ally's ability whilst simultaneously being downed may leave players in a constant loop of being downed, and also unable to be revived.
  • It's possible for The Grustrag Three to spawn in areas that are no longer reachable, such as taking an elevator before starting defense or interception which becomes inoperable. This will cause them to die instantly and their drops unobtainable.
  • The Lotus will always say the mission was "scrapped" when extracting, regardless if they were defeated or not.

Patch History[]

Hotfix 32.3.5 (2023-02-28)

  • Fixed transmissions from The Grustrag Three being captioned with the Lotus’ name.

Hotfix 32.2.9 (2023-01-11)

  • Fixed the Grustrag Bolt not being immediately removed from Warframe after crafting the Grustrag Bolt Release.

Update 30.9 (2021-11-11)

  • Fixed certain screens (Grustrag Bolt selection) losing functionality if you typed into the search bar before the items showed up.

Hotfix 30.6.1 (2021-08-10)

  • Fixed Grustrag Three enemy models being wildly discolored.

Hotfix 12.3.2 (2014-02-27)

  • Changes to the Grustrag Three drop logic, they no longer exhaust everything in their repertoire (mod + part + resource) on death, they now each drop (mod OR part OR resource).

See also[]
