Official wiki

Drop tables of different tiers of Steel Path Circuit. See The Circuit#Rewards for more details on non-drop table rewards of Tier 5, 10, and 11+.

View Tier 1 Rewards List
AkimboSlipShot Akimbo Slip Shot 4.43%
ArcaneIntention Arcane Intention 4.43%
ArcanePowerRamp Arcane Power Ramp 4.43%
MagusAggress Magus Aggress 4.43%
PrimaryBlight Primary Blight 4.43%
PrimaryExhilarate Primary Exhilarate 4.43%
PrimaryObstruct Primary Obstruct 4.43%
SecondaryOutburst Secondary Outburst 4.43%
ShotgunVendetta Shotgun Vendetta 4.43%
Blueprint2 Exilus Warframe Adapter Blueprint 4.43%
Blueprint2 Exilus Weapon Adapter Blueprint 4.43%
Forma Forma Blueprint 4.43%
Aggristone Aggristone x250 4.43%
ConnlaSprout Connla Sprout x60 4.43%
Eevani Eevani x60 4.43%
Endo Endo x6000 4.43%
Kovnik Kovnik x60 4.43%
Kuva Kuva x6000 4.43%
RivenSliver Riven Sliver x3 4.43%
SaggenPearl Saggen Pearl x250 4.43%
Ueymag Ueymag x60 4.43%
YaoShrub Yao Shrub x60 4.43%
Dracroot Dracroot x60 2.58%

Locations: Accessed through Duviri's The Circuit gamemode

Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

View Tier 2 Rewards List
ArcaneReaper Arcane Reaper 33.33%
LongbowSharpshot Longbow Sharpshot 33.33%
SecondaryShiver Secondary Shiver 33.33%

Locations: Accessed through Duviri's The Circuit gamemode

Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

View Tier 3 Rewards List
AkimboSlipShot Akimbo Slip Shot 4.43%
ArcaneIntention Arcane Intention 4.43%
ArcanePowerRamp Arcane Power Ramp 4.43%
MagusAggress Magus Aggress 4.43%
PrimaryBlight Primary Blight 4.43%
PrimaryExhilarate Primary Exhilarate 4.43%
PrimaryObstruct Primary Obstruct 4.43%
SecondaryOutburst Secondary Outburst 4.43%
ShotgunVendetta Shotgun Vendetta 4.43%
Blueprint2 Exilus Warframe Adapter Blueprint 4.43%
Blueprint2 Exilus Weapon Adapter Blueprint 4.43%
Forma Forma Blueprint 4.43%
Aggristone Aggristone x250 4.43%
ConnlaSprout Connla Sprout x60 4.43%
Eevani Eevani x60 4.43%
Endo Endo x6000 4.43%
Kovnik Kovnik x60 4.43%
Kuva Kuva x6000 4.43%
RivenSliver Riven Sliver x3 4.43%
SaggenPearl Saggen Pearl x250 4.43%
Ueymag Ueymag x60 4.43%
YaoShrub Yao Shrub x60 4.43%
Dracroot Dracroot x60 2.58%

Locations: Accessed through Duviri's The Circuit gamemode

Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

View Tier 4 Rewards List
AkimboSlipShot Akimbo Slip Shot 4.43%
ArcaneIntention Arcane Intention 4.43%
ArcanePowerRamp Arcane Power Ramp 4.43%
MagusAggress Magus Aggress 4.43%
PrimaryBlight Primary Blight 4.43%
PrimaryExhilarate Primary Exhilarate 4.43%
PrimaryObstruct Primary Obstruct 4.43%
SecondaryOutburst Secondary Outburst 4.43%
ShotgunVendetta Shotgun Vendetta 4.43%
Blueprint2 Exilus Warframe Adapter Blueprint 4.43%
Blueprint2 Exilus Weapon Adapter Blueprint 4.43%
Forma Forma Blueprint 4.43%
Aggristone Aggristone x250 4.43%
ConnlaSprout Connla Sprout x60 4.43%
Eevani Eevani x60 4.43%
Endo Endo x6000 4.43%
Kovnik Kovnik x60 4.43%
Kuva Kuva x6000 4.43%
RivenSliver Riven Sliver x3 4.43%
SaggenPearl Saggen Pearl x250 4.43%
Ueymag Ueymag x60 4.43%
YaoShrub Yao Shrub x60 4.43%
Dracroot Dracroot x60 2.58%

Locations: Accessed through Duviri's The Circuit gamemode

Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

View Tier 6 Rewards List
Mod TT 20px Melee Riven Mod 11.9%
Mod TT 20px Pistol Riven Mod 8.5%
Mod TT 20px Rifle Riven Mod 8.5%
3DayAffinityBooster 3 Day Affinity Booster 8%
3DayModDropChanceBooster 3 Day Mod Drop Chance Booster 8%
3DayResourceDropChanceBooster 3 Day Resource Drop Chance Booster 8%
AkimboSlipShot Akimbo Slip Shot 6%
ArcanePowerRamp Arcane Power Ramp 6%
ArcaneReaper Arcane Reaper 6%
LongbowSharpshot Longbow Sharpshot 6%
PrimaryBlight Primary Blight 6%
SecondaryOutburst Secondary Outburst 6%
SecondaryShiver Secondary Shiver 6%
Mod TT 20px Shotgun Riven Mod 2.7%
Mod TT 20px Kitgun Riven Mod 1.2%
Mod TT 20px Zaw Riven Mod 1.2%

Locations: Accessed through Duviri's The Circuit gamemode

Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

View Tier 7 Rewards List
Mod TT 20px Melee Riven Mod 11.9%
Mod TT 20px Pistol Riven Mod 8.5%
Mod TT 20px Rifle Riven Mod 8.5%
3DayAffinityBooster 3 Day Affinity Booster 8%
3DayModDropChanceBooster 3 Day Mod Drop Chance Booster 8%
3DayResourceDropChanceBooster 3 Day Resource Drop Chance Booster 8%
AkimboSlipShot Akimbo Slip Shot 6%
ArcanePowerRamp Arcane Power Ramp 6%
ArcaneReaper Arcane Reaper 6%
LongbowSharpshot Longbow Sharpshot 6%
PrimaryBlight Primary Blight 6%
SecondaryOutburst Secondary Outburst 6%
SecondaryShiver Secondary Shiver 6%
Mod TT 20px Shotgun Riven Mod 2.7%
Mod TT 20px Kitgun Riven Mod 1.2%
Mod TT 20px Zaw Riven Mod 1.2%

Locations: Accessed through Duviri's The Circuit gamemode

Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

View Tier 8 Rewards List
ArcaneReaper Arcane Reaper 33.33%
LongbowSharpshot Longbow Sharpshot 33.33%
SecondaryShiver Secondary Shiver 33.33%

Locations: Accessed through Duviri's The Circuit gamemode

Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

View Tier 9 Rewards List
SteelEssence Steel Essence x25 100%

Locations: Accessed through Duviri's The Circuit gamemode

Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.
