
Preceded by
Tesla Link since Update 26.0 (2019-10-31)

Tesla Bank is a Warframe Augment Mod for VaubanIcon272 Vauban that allows a TeslaNervos130xWhite Tesla Nervos mine that has attached itself to an enemy to release absorbed damage on death in a burst of DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity.


Rank DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity Burst Range Cost
0 5m 6
1 6m 7
2 7m 8
3 8m 9



  • Burst radius is affected by Ability Range.
  • Damage dealt based on the percentage of target's total unarmored health (including Shields) after the Nervos first attaches (e.g. it will deal 80% of the target's health upon death if it attached when the target was at 80% health).
  • Damage is unaffected by Ability Strength.
  • Damage is dealt per Nervos (e.g. if 4 Nervos attach to a target at 100% health, they will each deal 100% of the target's health upon death)
  • Only deals damage to those it has line-of-sight to.
  • Total damage from a single Nervos usually cannot reach 100% of the enemies health, as the initial attachment damage is inflicted before the health is set (e.g. if the Nervos deal 25 damage per second, and attach to an enemy with 100 health, they will only be able to deal a 75 damage burst upon death).
    • The 100% health damage can only be achieved if enemies were invulnerable while getting attached (e.g. certain Deep Archimedea conditions).
    • This also means that enemies killed by the first instance of damage will not cause any radial burst.


Patch History[]

Update 26.0 (2019-10-31)

  • Introduced.