
Dominate rivals with this pistol’s lightning fast rail-slugs. Head-shots speed up reload.

The Tenet Spirex is the Tenet variant of the Spirex railgun pistol that fires DmgFireSmall64 Heat explosive projectiles with extreme Projectile Speed. Successfully achieving a headshot with this weapon temporarily grants it faster reload speed.


  • This weapon deals innate DmgFireSmall64 Heat damage.
  • Landing a successful headshot grants the "Bullseye Reload" buff, increasing reload speed by 25% and can stack up to 2 times to a total of 50%. The buff lasts 4 seconds and can be refreshed on subsequent headshots.
  • Shots explode in a 2 meter radius upon impact with a surface or enemy.
    • Initial hit and explosion apply status separately.
    • Explosion does not need direct line of sight to deal damage and will penetrate walls.
    • Can benefit from Mod TT 20px Fulmination (Mod TT 20px Primed).
  • Shots have a guaranteed DmgImpactSmall64 Impact proc.
  • Comes with an additional bonus DmgImpactSmall64 Impact, DmgFireSmall64 Heat, DmgColdSmall64 Cold, DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity, DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin, DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic, or DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation damage, based on the Sister's progenitor Warframe, which increases the listed base damage of the weapon by 25%-60%.
    • Valence Fusion can optionally change the resulting output damage type, and can upgrade the bonus increase (up to 60%).
  • Polarizing the weapon increases its max rank by 2, capping at rank 40 after 5 polarizations, granting the weapon additional mod capacity.
  • Listed Mastery Rank requirement is not enforced - the weapon may theoretically be obtained at any mastery rank by acquiring and vanquishing a Sister that has this weapon equipped.

Advantages over other Secondary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • Extremely fast Projectile Speed.
  • Slug Impact (wiki attack index 1)
    • High crit chance (26.00%)
    • Above average total damage (120)
    • Very high status chance (40.00%)
    • High crit multiplier (2.40x)
  • Explosion (wiki attack index 2)
    • Above average crit chance (26.00%)
    • High status chance (40.00%)
    • Above average crit multiplier (2.40x)

Disadvantages over other Secondary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • Moderate recoil.
  • Low accuracy.
  • Explosion inflicts self-stagger.
  • Explosion has a headshot multiplier of 1x and cannot trigger headshot conditions.
  • Explosion has linear Damage Falloff from 100% to 80% from central impact.
  • Slug Impact (wiki attack index 1)
    • Very low reload speed (2.40 s)
    • Low magazine (8)
    • Low ammo max (80)
    • Low fire rate (2.33 attacks/sec)
    • Low disposition (●●●○○ (1.00x))
  • Explosion (wiki attack index 2)
    • Low active falloff slope (10.0m/%)
    • Very low maximum falloff distance (2.0 m)
    • Very low reload speed (2.40 s)
    • Below average magazine (8)
    • Below average total damage (80)
    • Below average fire rate (2.33 attacks/sec)
    • Below average ammo max (80)
    • Low disposition (●●●○○ (1.00x))

See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison/Percentiles for more details.


Tenet Spirex is obtained by vanquishing a Sister who generated with one equipped. After the Sister is vanquished it will be in the player's Foundry ready to claim.

While the weapon itself is not tradeable, a converted Sister generated with the weapon can be traded to another player. The trade is performed inside a Clan Dojo's Crimson Branch room, and the recipient must not have any active Lich or Sister. Once traded, the recipient must fight and vanquish the Sister to claim their weapon.


  • Bullseye Reload buff reduces reload time to 1.9 seconds at one stack and 1.6 seconds at two stacks, assuming no other reload speed mods are equipped.
    • The buff triggers only on headshots, and not other weakspots, such as the backpacks of most MOA variants. Similarly, shooting weakspots generated by either Sonar130xWhite Sonar or Mod TT 20px Detect Vulnerability in places other than heads will have no effect either.
  • Because of its projectiles exploding on impact, the Tenet Spirex can be considered the Corpus's answer to the KuvaSeer Kuva Seer, which also has exploding projectiles.
This section is transcluded from Lich System § Notes. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

Kuva/Tenet Notes[]

  • For weapons obtained from vanquishing the Kuva Lich or Sister:
    • The player does not have to meet the Mastery Rank displayed to obtain this weapon. It can simply be claimed from the foundry after the Lich/Sister carrying it has been vanquished.
    • The weapon will have a prefix of the name of the Lich/Sister it was acquired from (e.g. a Kuva Kohm might be called "Odizrigg Agekk Kuva Kohm").
  • Refraining from Mercy killing an Adversary candidate will remove their weapon from the pool of potential Adversary weapons until each has been refused, but only if the mission is completed. Weapons rejected from aborted missions will remain in the current cycle.
  • For weapons obtained from Ergo Glast's shop:
    • The player must meet the Mastery Rank displayed to obtain this weapon, as it is claimed from an NPC shop rather than the foundry.
  • The weapon's max rank caps at 40 after 5 polarizations (max rank increases by 2 per Forma added).
    • Additional polarizations can be added when the weapon reaches its new max rank at that polarization level.
    • Each additional rank also gives 100 Mastery Rank experience, giving 4,000 points in total at level 40.
    • Mod capacity scales with the additional ranks, and can reach a total of 80 at rank 40 with an Orokin Catalyst installed.
      • Without an Orokin Catalyst, the max is 40. Combined with the five polarized mod slots required to reach that point, an Orokin Catalyst might not be required for some beginner-friendly builds as they typically use less mod capacity.
      • After polarizing a weapon, any additional mod capacity above 30 (60 with an Orokin Catalyst) will not take effect until the weapon's rank reaches 31 and above.
        • Legendary Mastery Rank increases the minimum mod capacity for such weapons, without the weapon needing to be rank 31 and above. For example, Legendary 1 increases the minimum capacity to 31 (62 with an Orokin Catalyst).
  • Comes with an additional damage stat.
    • For Lich/Sister-obtained weapons this is dependent on the Warframe that summoned the Lich/Sister.
    • For Ergo Glast shop a random bonus stat will be offered for each weapon and changed every 4 days (96 hours).
    • This damage stat randomly ranges between 25%-60%. It can be upgraded up to its maximum value with Valence Fusion using another copy of the weapon.
    • This bonus stat is considered a base damage type and will be applied after all elemental mods for the purposes of elemental combinations.
  View detailed explanation about element merging  
  • Weapons with an innate primary element and a different primary element provided by the progenitor both behave as innate elements and combine with each other. They will also recombine with modded elements in the following order:
    • Mod slot 1 → Mod slot 2 → ... → Mod slot 8 → Innate DmgFireSmall64 Heat → Innate DmgColdSmall64 Cold → Innate DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity → Innate DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin
HCET Priority Results from Modding an Element
Bonus Element + Modded Element Innate DmgFireSmall64 Heat
E.g. TenetSpirex Tenet Spirex
Innate DmgColdSmall64 Cold
E.g. TenetEnvoy Tenet Envoy
Innate DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity
E.g. TenetAgendus Tenet Agendus
Innate DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin
Bonus DmgFireSmall64 Heat + Modded DmgColdSmall64 Cold DmgBlastSmall64 Blast DmgBlastSmall64 Blast DmgBlastSmall64 Blast + DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity DmgBlastSmall64 Blast + DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin
Bonus DmgFireSmall64 Heat + Modded DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation + DmgColdSmall64 Cold DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation + DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin
Bonus DmgFireSmall64 Heat + Modded DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin DmgGasSmall64 Gas DmgGasSmall64 Gas + DmgColdSmall64 Cold DmgGasSmall64 Gas + DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity DmgGasSmall64 Gas
Bonus DmgColdSmall64 Cold + Modded DmgFireSmall64 Heat DmgBlastSmall64 Blast DmgBlastSmall64 Blast DmgBlastSmall64 Blast + DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity DmgBlastSmall64 Blast + DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin
Bonus DmgColdSmall64 Cold + Modded DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation + DmgColdSmall64 Cold DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic + DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin
Bonus DmgColdSmall64 Cold + Modded DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin DmgGasSmall64 Gas + DmgColdSmall64 Cold DmgViralSmall64 Viral DmgViralSmall64 Viral + DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity DmgViralSmall64 Viral
Bonus DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity + Modded DmgFireSmall64 Heat DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation DmgBlastSmall64 Blast + DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation + DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin
Bonus DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity + Modded DmgColdSmall64 Cold DmgBlastSmall64 Blast + DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic + DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin
Bonus DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity + Modded DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin DmgGasSmall64 Gas + DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity DmgViralSmall64 Viral + DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive
Bonus DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin + Modded DmgFireSmall64 Heat DmgGasSmall64 Gas DmgBlastSmall64 Blast + DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation + DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin DmgGasSmall64 Gas
Bonus DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin + Modded DmgColdSmall64 Cold DmgBlastSmall64 Blast + DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin DmgViralSmall64 Viral DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic + DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin DmgViralSmall64 Viral
Bonus DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin + Modded DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation + DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic + DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive
This section is transcluded from Lich System/Progenitor . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
Element Progenitor Warframe*
DmgImpactSmall64 Impact BaruukIcon272 Baruuk DanteIcon272 Dante GaussIcon272 Gauss GrendelIcon272 Grendel RhinoIcon272 Rhino SevagothIcon272 Sevagoth WukongIcon272 Wukong ZephyrIcon272 Zephyr
DmgFireSmall64 Heat ChromaIcon272 Chroma EmberIcon272 Ember InarosIcon272 Inaros JadeIcon272 Jade KullervoIcon272 Kullervo NezhaIcon272 Nezha ProteaIcon272 Protea VaubanIcon272 Vauban WispIcon272 Wisp
DmgColdSmall64 Cold FrostIcon272 Frost GaraIcon272 Gara HildrynIcon272 Hildryn RevenantIcon272 Revenant StyanaxIcon272 Styanax TitaniaIcon272 Titania TrinityIcon272 Trinity
DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity BansheeIcon272 Banshee CalibanIcon Caliban ExcaliburIcon272 Excalibur GyreIcon272 Gyre LimboIcon272 Limbo NovaIcon272 Nova ValkyrIcon272 Valkyr VoltIcon272 Volt
DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin AtlasIcon272 Atlas DagathIcon272 Dagath IvaraIcon272 Ivara KhoraIcon272 Khora NekrosIcon272 Nekros NidusIcon272 Nidus OberonIcon272 Oberon SarynIcon272 Saryn
DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic CitrineIcon272 Citrine HarrowIcon272 Harrow HydroidIcon272 Hydroid LavosIcon272 Lavos MagIcon272 Mag MesaIcon272 Mesa XakuIcon272 Xaku YareliIcon272 Yareli
DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation AshIcon272 Ash EquinoxIcon272 Equinox GarudaIcon272 Garuda LokiIcon272 Loki MirageIcon272 Mirage NyxIcon272 Nyx OctaviaIcon272 Octavia QorvexIcon272 Qorvex VorunaIcon272 Voruna

*Note that the Primed or Umbra version of a Warframe share the same element

Known Bugs[]


  • Because of both its low fire rate and guaranteed DmgImpactSmall64 Impact proc on direct hits, the Tenet Spirex is a perfect candidate for Mod TT 20px Hemorrhage to nearly guarantee DmgSlashSmall64 Slash procs on every hit.
    • An DmgImpactSmall64 Impact Damage bonus may also be considered as it also allows the projectile's explosions to deal Impact damage, inflicting Slash procs in a small area.


  • An enemy exclusive non-Tenet variant of the Spirex can be seen used by Juno Crewmen.
  • According to the concept art, the Spirex was based on the Noisy Cricket from the MIB series.


See Also[]

Patch History[]

Update 33.0 (2023-04-26)

  • Fixed the Energizing Shot Mod working on the Tenet Spirex’ AOE.
    • As indicated in the mod’s description, it is intended not to work on AOE.

Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)

Headshot Damage Changes

During playtesting, the ammo changes alone weren’t enough to significantly change things for AoE weapons. So instead of tightening these values to be overly restrictive, we chose to address other factors that make these weapons so strong, such as headshot damage.

Our approach here is two-fold, to reduce the impact of headshots for AOE weapons, but to also make precision headshots pack a larger punch overall.

  • Radial damage no longer gains extra headshot damage or triggers headshot conditions.
    • This is primarily targeted at the Ignis Wraith - as a “flamethrower” weapon, it’s hard to imagine a blanket of elements being precise enough to target weak points specifically. Explosive projectiles themselves can still land headshots, so there is still a reason to aim with most weapons for maximum damage.

Update 30.5 (2021-07-06)

  • Introduced.