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With 'Assault Mode' and 'Molecular Conversion' as its default precepts, Taxon protects its owner with shield restoration. Equipped with the Artax ice-beam.

I have something that may be of interest to you.

Recent excavations near Earth have revealed a cache of Sentinel technology, once thought lost forever. The Taxon Sentinel is a protector, a mender of shields. During the Old-War it saved countless Tenno lives from certain death.

Construct its blueprint, and you will have an ally at your side.
—The Lotus

The Taxon is a Sentinel pre-equipped with the Artax Artax as its default weapon. Intended for players starting out in WARFRAME, the Taxon is designed to protect Tenno through its Mod TT 20px Molecular Conversion precept by converting damage dealt into a Warframe's shields.


The Taxon's blueprint is awarded for completion of the Venus Junction on Earth. Players who have already completed that junction prior to Update 19.10 (2017-02-09) will receive the blueprint via email at next login. The blueprint is also available in the Market for Credits64 5,000.

Note that acquiring Taxon requires two open Companion slots: one for Taxon itself and one for the Artax Artax robotic weapon it comes with.

Manufacturing Requirements
Time: 24 hrs
Rush: Platinum64 30
MarketIcon Market Price: N/A Blueprint2 Blueprints Price: Credits 5,000

Exclusive Precept mods



  • The name Taxon likely comes from the surgical term Taxis (taksəs), the replacing of a displaced part, or the reducing of a hernia or the like, by manipulation without cutting.
  • The Taxon is currently the cheapest Sentinel to both acquire and craft.
  • The shape and design of the Taxon resembles the quests symbol used in navigation.

See Also

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Taxon can be equipped with the following items:


See Also

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Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)


Two broad changes have been made with regard to your Companion's base stats to increase their staying power:

1. Health, Shields and Armor have been refactored across the board.
This simple numeric buff was made with the goal of increasing Companion survivability. This also means that the choice of whether to use, for example, Enhanced Vitality or Linked Vitality, will depend on your Warframe choice instead of the Linked Mod always being strictly superior.

2. Non-Sentinel Companions now gain their full Health and Shield values immediately when you acquire them.
Historically Health and Shield values would increase as your Companion ranked up, which you could see as "Rank Bonuses" in the Upgrades screen. We've removed this behavior and simply given Companions what would end up being their Rank 30 values at Rank 0. This should let you immediately take your Companions on more difficult missions after earning them!

Including both the removal of Companion Rank bonuses, and the base increase to stats, the following lists the stat changes for all Companions at Rank 0:

Revised Sentinel Stats:

  • Taxon: 560 Health (from 200), 250 Shield (from 100), 80 Armor (from 50)

Hotfix 31.0.8 (2022-01-12)

  • Fixed the Kerulyst Sentinel Attachments not mounting properly to Taxon.

Hotfix 23.8.2 (2018-09-19)

  • Desert Camo Skin added.

Update 19.10 (2017-02-09)

  • Introduced.

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