Tamms delight in soft grass, fresh water, and companionship. Fortune smiles upon the shepherd who provides such things for the gentle Tamm.
—Update 33

Tamms are sheep-like orokin creatures found in Duviri.


The metallic and half-formed bodies of tamms resemble Kaithes. They are kept in pens and are often tended to by shepherd boys. Decrees can be earned by a main or side objective where players must herd escaped tamms to their pens. Optional tamm herding objectives are started by talking to the shepherd, which will highlight the area the tamms can be found. The objective is abandoned if the player leaves this area.


  • The Undercroft Assassination has a cutscene during the start of the mission, in which a lone Tamm was seen wandering before being crushed by the Corrupted Jackal in the same way the original Jackal did to Popcorn.
    • Unlike Popcorn, the Tamm does not appear to survive the crush


The tamm herding objective can sometimes be affected by a bug that causes the objective to be abandoned as soon as the player talks to the shepherd. Additional tamms will spawn each time the player talks to the shepherd, filling the surrounding area with masses of tamms.

