
Quick geology lesson: thermal fractures are what you get when you pump too much coolant into the ground too fast. Displaced thermia has to go somewhere. Now we've got Thermia Fractures threatening to roast Fortuna. Nef can fix this, but he won't... Instead, he's got that mucking Exploiter Orb harvesting the surface thermia for quick profit. Get out there, locate a fracture and I'll help you seal it.

Thermia Fractures is a recurring world state event which occurs once every few weeks at Orb Vallis, Venus. During the event, the landscape is littered with thermia fractures which a player can seal for rewards.


Thermia Fractures are caused when too much IconOrokinOn Orokin coolant is pumped in the ground too quickly, causing a thermal flare-up and leading to a magma-like liquid called Thermia to erupt to the surface. They are mainly caused by Nef Anyo, who seeks to create a quick profit by having his Exploiter Orb harvest the Thermia littering the surface. However, these fractures also pose a serious risk to the rest of the Orb Vallis.


Coolant Canisters[]

To begin sealing Thermia Fractures, players must acquire a Coolant Canister. These can be found by defeating any Coolant Raknoid which usually follows the Exploiter Orb around, and the Exploiter Orb herself can be found patrolling around the Temple of Profit in Orb Vallis.

After the Coolant Canister is acquired, the players must then look for Thermia Fractures, which are scattered across the Vallis and can be easily identified from afar as a fissure constantly erupting with orange liquid.


Sealing can be initiated by "interacting" the fracture with a Coolant Canister, which will in turn initiate a Mobile Defense-like objective where players defend the canister from attacking Corpus troops. Sealing a fracture takes 3 minutes to complete, though instead of showing the time the UI will display a counter up to 100. When a fracture is sealed, the blue Coolant Canister will fill with orange diluted thermia. Each coolant canister placed at the start will fill the canister by 25% and completely filling a canister will award 1 unit of DilutedThermia Diluted Thermia. The Corpus are not the only threat to the players however, as the fracture has a chance of generating a "Burp", which occurs every 5-15 seconds and further increases the difficulty of defending the canister.

Players can speed up acquiring Diluted Thermia and points by feeding up to three additional Coolant Canisters within the first 30 seconds of sealing the fracture. Each canister consumed increases the sealing process by 50 seconds (or an additional 25 units to the counter, up to 175 units/5.5 minutes if four canisters are used). Adding additional canisters also increases the initial Alert level during the sealing process and increases the frequency of burps, as well as introducing special burps for added difficulty. Below is a list of potential Burps and their effects;

Burp Type Effect Notes
Level Burp Increases the current Enemy Alert Level. Only appears with at least 2 canisters.
Eximus Burp Spawns additional Eximus units.
Nullifier Burp Briefly spawns a Nullifier bubble around the fracture with a radius of 30m.
Radiation Burp A sudden yet brief burst of DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation damage within 30m, applying a guaranteed proc that lasts for 4 seconds. Only appears with at least 3 canisters.
Rage Burp

Increases the damage output of nearby enemies.

Only appears with at least 3 canisters.
Raknoid Burp Spawns Thermic Raknoids, which resemble Mite Raknoids and deal DmgFireSmall64 Heat damage with their attacks, but are otherwise identical behavior-wise. Only appears with at least 2 canisters.

Note that it is also possible to mix canisters with differing levels of Thermia. For example, two canisters can be inserted into one fracture to create one half-full canister, and then used on another fracture with an empty canister to yield a full canister of DilutedThermia Diluted Thermia.

The number of fractures sealed in post-mission summary is the total number of fractures sealed across the event, rather than the number sealed during an individual session.


Players are awarded 1 point for each canister contributed to a successfully sealed fracture. 3 points are also awarded when a full canister of DilutedThermia Diluted Thermia is created. Therefore, each full canister is worth 7 event points (4 contributed canisters plus 3 points for canister completion).

The points that players gather from sealing fractures accumulate across multiple instances of Thermia Fractures, which means that any points that the players had accumulated in one instance of Thermia Fractures will be carried over to future instances. Below is a list of rewards and the minimum number of points required to get them.

NOTE: The player can only obtain these rewards once.

Lastly, the Diluted Thermia collected from fractures can be used to summon and fight the Exploiter Orb by interacting with the Thermic Condenser located at the far end of Deck 12. Note that the Exploiter Orb can be summoned whether or not an instance of Thermia Fractures is active, and is only limited by the amount of Diluted Thermia the player has on hand.


As players seal fissures, the Thermia Fracture event offers bonuses based on the status of the fracture to all players:

  • Out of Control (<35%) : None
  • Intermittent Control (>= 35%) : Double credit from Orb Vallis missions
Intermittent Control Status

Double credit from Orb Vallis missions bonus double all credits at the end of the mission (including credits dropped from Profit-Taker Orb). Players are often doing Profit-Taker Orb while this bonus is active. Indeed, each run gives 500'000 credits (initially 250'000) with Effigy of Chroma. It can reach 1'400'000 credits with Credit Booster and Credit Blessing (True Master's Font). Additionally each Doubled Pickups and Affinity instance from Mod TT 20px Charm doubles credits (2'800'000, 5'600'000, ...) up to x64 with Mod TT 20px Tek Enhance.

The Intermittent Control status ends either at the end of the timer or if players enhance their control status to Full Control.


  • Use Amesha's second ability BenevolentDecoy Benevolent Decoy to help trivialize the fracture defence, Place your archwing right at the thermia canister and stack the BenevolentDecoy Benevolent Decoy three times. Then fly above it until the enemies couldn’t target your archwing. Fly down and recast the ability when the duration runs out.
  • Use VaubanIcon272 Vauban's fourth ability, Bastille130xWhite Bastille, to make managing large amounts of enemies much easier. Hold down the ability key to throw a vortex that drags all nearby enemies to the center of where the ability was cast. This can be used in combination with VaubanIcon272 Vauban's third ability, PhotonStrike130xWhite Photon Strike, (or any other attack with splash damage) to easily kill large amounts of hostiles.
  • During the event, a Resource Booster will affect the amount of Diluted Thermia resource received, but will not increase the points gained.

Patch History[]

Hotfix 30.0.6 (2021-04-20)

  • Fixed seeing Thermia Fractures in the World State Window/Navigation panel without having the Vox Solaris Quest complete.

Update 29.6 (2020-12-18)

  • Fixed neither Host nor Client not receiving Thermia if they are in their Necramech when the reward is given.

Update 28.0 (2020-06-11)

  • Fixed script error that could occur after a Host migration while sealing a Thermia Fracture.

Hotfix 27.5.5 (2020-05-21)

  • Fixed a script error that could occur when entering the Orb Vallis while a Thermia Fracture is being sealed.

Update 24.6 (2019-04-04)

  • Players can now expend additional Coolant Canisters after a harvest has begun within the first 30 seconds of starting the harvest.
  • Each additional Coolant Canisters spent will increase the score of the Fracture by +1 (max of 4)
  • Each additional Coolant Canister will increase the frequency of the 'Burps'.
  • Each additional Coolant Canister will increase (pinned) the alert level of the fight.
  • Each additional Coolant Canister will add 50 seconds to your Fracture, reducing the overall time it takes to find/complete 4 Fractures.
  • Fracture Burps happen on a random timer (5-15 seconds) and randomly selected from the list below:
    • Nullifier Burp - Burst of energy that creates a nullifier volume around the Fracture for a brief moment.
    • Radiation Status Effect Burp - Damage burst with 100% Radiation Status Effect.
    • Rage Burp - Increases the damage output of nearby enemies.
    • Thermic Raknoids - Spawns Thermic Raknoids. A new Raknoid variant with unique stats and aesthetic!
    • Eximus Burp - Spawns Eximus units.
    • Enemy Level Burp - Increases the current enemy level.

See Also[]
