
Lua error in Module:Enemies/infobox at line 185: No enemy data for name "Tenno Specter" found in Module:Enemies/data/*. Tenno Specters are only found in Junctions. They appear as various Warframes and can utilize their complement of Warframe powers along with Tenno-used weapons against players. Tenno Specters can be identified from player Warframes by large parts of their bodies glowing blue in a phased effect.


  • Tenno Specters will use the majority of their Warframe powers against players; an ExcaliburIcon272 Excalibur Specter can use SlashDash130xWhite Slash Dash and RadialBlind130xWhite Radial Blind, while a TrinityIcon272 Trinity Specter can use Link130xWhite Link, etc. At rare times, Specters can use their Ultimate abilities, like Loki's RadialDisarm130xWhite Radial Disarm. Their effect on players is identical to playing against other Warframes in the Conclave.
  • Tenno Specters are also capable of performing advanced melee moves and parrying. They will automatically melee attack if players get within melee range.
  • When their health is reduced to 0, Tenno Specters have a chance of bleedout instead of dying outright, and will use their secondary weapons to attack until they expire. Downed Specters can be revived if another Specter is nearby.
  • If a Tenno Specter is parrying, it can often be difficult or impossible to hit them even from behind. Additionally, on occasion a parrying Specter will begin shooting with their firearms during the parry animation, able to maintain accurate fire even though their guns are not pointed at the target. The best way to deal with them in this state is to break away and wait for them to stop their parrying animation, then engage from long range.
  • They have similar AI to that of the Stalker with minor perks, such as ability to revive each other.


  • TrinityIcon272 Trinity Specters will use Link130xWhite Link most of the time. It is unwise to attack them while the ability is active, as the link is capable of killing yourself if you attempt to attack the Trinity casting it. Wait for the ability to expire or stay out of Link's range before attempting to kill Trinity.
    • ValkyrIcon272 Valkyr's Hysteria130xWhite Hysteria can be used to negate the damage reflected by Link, allowing the Trinity Specter to be killed without fear of damage reflection.
  • It is possible to kill downed Tenno Specters using your weapons. Finish them off to prevent their allies from reviving them. Or, use the old sniper's trick of leaving them wounded but alive, then pick off their allies when they come to try to revive the downed Tenno.
  • Using ShadowsOfTheDead130xWhite Shadows of the Dead will summon any Tenno Specters you've killed before, though the actual Specter type that is summoned is random, i.e. a BansheeIcon272 Banshee Specter could be summoned even if you've only killed a NovaIcon272 Nova Specter beforehand. Summoned Tenno Specters can use their powers for your benefit.
  • NyxIcon272 Nyx can use her powers on Tenno Specters, causing them to fight against their former allies.
  • OberonIcon272 Oberon's Smite130xWhite Smite, NekrosIcon272 Nekros's SoulPunch130xWhite Soul Punch, and ValkyrIcon272 Valkyr's RipLine130xWhite Rip Line can all go through SnowGlobe130xWhite Snow Globes cast by FrostIcon272 Frost specters.
  • Specters can be Feast130xWhite Feasted by GrendelIcon272 Grendel. Players can then choose to quickly kill the Specter by casting Nourish130xWhite Nourish, or simply wait it out.


  • Not to be confused with Specters, the gear item introduced with Update 13.2.
  • At some point after Update 13, the Tenno Specter entry, after having been glitched from its initial Excalibur model to a headless Nyx, was removed from the Codex for unknown reasons. As of Update 15.5.9, it has yet to be restored.


  • Tenno Specters are sometimes neutral until you engage them in combat.
    • Similar holograms are used by the Lotus to train players when ranking up their mastery level, although they are holograms of enemy factions instead.
    • Update: Specters of the Rail 0.0 (2016-07-08) has made Specters canon to lore, guarding the Solar Rails throughout the Star Chart.


Patch History[]

Update: Specters of the Rail 0.0 (2016-07-08)

  • Introduced