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This sly feline is playful yet devious.

The Smeeta Kavat is a Kavat Companion with support abilities. Its precepts Mod TT 20px Mischief turns the Smeeta invisible while deploying a decoy that draws fire and RadialBlind130xDark Blinds enemies, while Mod TT 20px Charm has a chance to periodically provide various buffs.


The player must have completed the Howl of the Kubrow quest in order to have an operating Incubator on the Orbiter, and have installed the Kavat Incubator Upgrade Segment whose blueprint can be obtained from the Clan Dojo's Tenno Lab research or dropped by Hyekka Masters, or purchased fully built from the Market for Platinum64 175. The player must also have 10 Kavat Genetic Codes from scanning Feral Kavats on the Orokin Derelict tileset on Deimos using Codex Scanners or Synthesis Scanners, and a built Incubator Power Core whose blueprint can be obtained from the Market.

The Kavat can be bred using the Incubator: a Random Incubation has a chance to create an Smeeta Kavat, while using two Genetic Code Templates bought from the Market can be applied to created Kavats to have a chance to pass on genetic traits.

Exclusive Precept Mods[]

Patch History[]

Hotfix 37.0.6 (2024-10-11)

  • Fixed the end of mission UI showing that Beast Claws gained Affinity when they are already max rank.

Hotfix 37.0.4 (2024-10-10)

  • Fixed being able to apply Stance Forma to Beast Claw weapons.
    • Beast Claw Stance Mods and Slots all use the Penjaga Polarity, so there is no need to change it with Stance Forma. If you have used a Stance Forma on a Beast Claw weapon, you can submit a ticket to support.warframe.com to have that undone.

Hotfix 37.0.2 (2024-10-03)

  • Fixed being able to apply an Umbra Forma to Beast Claw weapons.
    • Beast Companions cannot use Umbra Mods, so there is no need for the Umbra polarity. If you have done so and would like your Umbra Forma returned to your account, you can submit a ticket to support.warframe.com.
  • Fixed issue where Beast Weapons would appear in the Arsenal as a blank tab.
  • Fixed multiple Beast/Claw weapon mods having incorrect icons.

Hotfix 37.0.1 (2024-10-02)

Companion Changes & Fixes
  • Updated Paralytic Spores’ description to make it clearer that spores affect nearby enemies.
    • Now reads: “Charges at an enemy within 30m dealing 160 damage. This releases spores that affect enemies within 15m, opening them to Melee Finishers, and slowing them by 50% for 10s.”
  • Fixed Unleashed’s description being incorrect and still stating that Sunika will grapple the target.
    • As a reminder from the Companion rework, Unleashed now targets all Eximus units instead of just “VIPs”, which was a rather restrictive category (ie. Capture targets). It also deals 300% damage against Overguard, making it far more useful overall compared to its previous version.
  • Fixed Companions standing still and not using their abilities if any of the Bond Mods (Momentous Bond, Tenacious Bond, etc.) are equipped.
  • Fixed issues with Territorial Aggression’s spawn/despawn VFX.
  • Fixed several crashes caused by Sunika’s Savagery.
  • Fixed script error with Companion Mods in UI.
  • Fixed script error caused by Scan Matter.

Update 37.0 (2024-10-02)


Phase 2 of the Companion Rework is here! Your Companions all cheer!

Our overall goal with this update is to address Quality of Life and Balance problems that have become apparent over the last few years with Companions.

So let’s dive in!

Beast Companions Gain a Moddable Weapon
First up, we've added a separate weapon slot to all your Beast Companions (except for Hounds, who already have one).

A common complaint that we have heard is that there's not enough Mod slots for Beast Companions that don't have a separate weapon, because the same slots are used by Precept Mods, survivability mods, and damaging mods. We absolutely agree that this was a problem!

Here’s what you can expect:

  • When you login you will automatically receive a Beast-specific weapon for each of your Beast Companions. This does not take inventory space or cost you any resources.
  • Beast weapons gain Affinity and rank up, but they do not contribute towards your overall Mastery.
  • Posture Mod slot for Beast melee weapon alters overall behavior, gives extra capacity for modding.

As a result of this change, different Beast Companions now have updated unique weapon stats based on their individual type instead of being identical:

  • Kavats: Previously ALL types of Kavats: Damage 80, Status 7.5%, Critical 20%/2x
    • Smeeta Kavat: Damage 80, Status 7.5%, Critical 20%/2x

Please note that, while these weapons are now moddable, we did not add them to the Riven system nor do we have current plans to. With so many extreme changes to Companions all at the same time, we want to let the dust settle a bit before evaluating.

AI changes

  • Beast Companions would previously follow behind you while moving, which made it harder to notice them around and put them further away from enemies when combat started. They will now try to lead you instead, staying a few meters ahead while you are moving so they are ready to attack when combat starts.
  • Beast Companions would previously choose targets in a complete circle around the player. This means that when using their abilities or making attacks, they weren't even on screen so it was hard to appreciate them being useful. This has been tuned so that Beast Companions will prefer to choose targets that are near you and in your field of view.
  • When selecting a new target to attack, Beast Companions now gain a speed boost on their way to the target while off-screen (to reduce the time it takes them to engage).
  • Improved animations while following the player through bullet jumps and double jumps so that they animate more quickly and fluidly.
  • Decreased the required distance from Beast Companions to their owner to trigger a teleport and reduced the minimum time between teleports so they can more easily keep up with you if you’re bullet jumping at mach speed! They will also now disengage from enemies faster if you are moving quickly through the map.
  • Improved Beast Companion targeting logic to better match their combat behavior and prevent cases of them “stalling” when trying to decide on their next target. Also tweaked the range at which they’ll attack enemies to ensure they’ll actually hit them!

Changes to Companion Precepts

Many Companion Precept effects are currently too small or too brief to be really beneficial. We want your choice of companion to feel more meaningful and for your Companion to contribute in a more visible way, so there are a whole lot of buffs to get through.

There is one notable precept that will need some special explanation. Out of respect for our readers, let's get that out of the way first:

  • Charm (SMEETA Kavat)*: The resource pickup multiplier has been removed from Charm and promoted to being its own separate precept Mod (Loyal Retriever), equippable on all Beasts. Charm's chance to provide a buff on activation has been increased to 40%. The available buffs are:
    • 25% chance of Reinforced Shield
    • 25% chance of Instant Reload (re-rolled if your current weapon doesn't need to reload)
    • 10% chance of Bonus Critical Chance buff
    • 20% chance of Free Ability Casts
    • 10% chance of Bonus Affinity. (Affinity bonus has been increased to 3x)
    • 10% chance to receive a Rare resource of the current mission location
  • Loyal Retriever (Beast companions): Provides a passive 13% chance that each resource or credit pickup will be doubled. This effect is always active: there is no cooldown, no duration, no waiting for it to be ready.
    • If you already own a Smeeta then you will receive Loyal Retriever for free automatically. In the future, this will be purchased with conservation tags from the Earth conservation vendor.
    • We chose 13% as being the statistical average of what amount of time Charm's resource bonus would be active.
    • Loyal Retriever and its variants are NOT compatible with Khora's Venari. While we definitely understand the comments asking for this, it wouldn't be in line with our goals to diversify the meta and steer away from a single "must have" looting loadout. If we were to allow this, Khora would essentially step into Smeeta's previous domination due to her unique ability to have two pets each with their own Retriever Mod.

*We know Smeeta is very popular so it's important we explain why this change is happening. There are two reasons:

  1. In a game with so much variety, we never want a specific choice of equipment to dominate our community. For some players, collecting loot is the most important part of any mission so anything that contributes to giving you MORE loot is so important that no alternatives can compete. Our intent is that opening the resource boosting part of Charm to all Beasts will increase your freedom in Companion selection.
  2. Charm’s randomness encouraged players to “wait for buff” in a way that was counter to Warframe’s speed and fluidity. It was advantageous to allow resources to pile up in the level, deliberately NOT picking them up until Charm gives the resource buff, which could take minutes. The resource buff could even stack, creating random chances on top of random chances, slowing down the game even more. In our fast-paced game about space ninjas, we want to reward players who are mobile and actively engaging with enemies, so we have reengineered the effect to be always active.

There are many other Precepts to get through but none that need so much explanation. On with the list!

  • Mischief (SMEETA Kavat):
    • In addition to its previous effects, Mischief's decoy now Blinds enemies within 8 meters when the decoy is destroyed.

Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)


Two broad changes have been made with regard to your Companion's base stats to increase their staying power:

1. Health, Shields and Armor have been refactored across the board.
This simple numeric buff was made with the goal of increasing Companion survivability. This also means that the choice of whether to use, for example, Enhanced Vitality or Linked Vitality, will depend on your Warframe choice instead of the Linked Mod always being strictly superior.

2. Non-Sentinel Companions now gain their full Health and Shield values immediately when you acquire them.
Historically Health and Shield values would increase as your Companion ranked up, which you could see as "Rank Bonuses" in the Upgrades screen. We've removed this behavior and simply given Companions what would end up being their Rank 30 values at Rank 0. This should let you immediately take your Companions on more difficult missions after earning them!

Including both the removal of Companion Rank bonuses, and the base increase to stats, the following lists the stat changes for all Companions at Rank 0:

Revised Kavat Stats:

  • Smeeta Kavat: 390 Health (from 100), 230 Shield (from 60), 200 Armor (from 50)
