
Signature Weapons are particular weapons associated with a specific Warframe or Companion, benefiting various advantages when wielded by its related character.

As of Update 24.6 (2019-04-04), Signature Weapons started to gain their own bonuses; before only the design and lore were related to their respective owner. The synergy varies from weapon to weapon and includes either a flat stat bonus (such as a flat Status Chance) or a new unique effect.

List of Signature Weapons[]

Warframe/Companion Weapon Synergy
AtlasIcon272 Atlas
Atlas PrimeIcon272 Atlas Prime
Tekko Tekko +6% Status Chance
(16% total, 60% increase)
TekkoPrime Tekko Prime +6% Status Chance
(32% total, 23% increase)
Banshee PrimeIcon272 Banshee Prime EuphonaPrime Euphona Prime Currently not implemented.
BaruukIcon272 Baruuk
BaruukPrimeIcon272 Baruuk Prime
Cobra&Crane Cobra & Crane
Cobra&CranePrime Cobra & Crane Prime
First strike of a combo puts enemy to sleep for 2 seconds.
CalibanIcon Caliban Venato Venato +50% Melee Combo Counter Chance.
CitrineIcon272 Citrine Steflos Steflos +40% Projectile Speed.
Corufell Corufell Faster Heavy Attack transformation speed.
DagathIcon272 Dagath Dorrclave Dorrclave Striking an enemy heals 6 health per active Status Effect.
DanteIcon272 Dante Ruvox Ruvox Currently not implemented.
Djinn Djinn GazalMachete Gazal Machete Melee kill grants increased DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive damage on the next Mod TT 20px Fatal Attraction cast.
Fatal Attraction grants increased DmgCorrosiveSmall64 Corrosive damage for a short period of time.
Excalibur UmbraIcon272 Excalibur Umbra Skiajati Skiajati Currently not implemented.

GaraIcon272 Gara
GaraPrimeIcon Gara Prime

Astilla Astilla +80 Ammo Maximum
(192 total, 71% increase)
AstillaPrime Astilla Prime +80 Ammo Maximum
(200 total, 67% increase)
Fusilai Fusilai +50% Projectile Speed.
Volnus Volnus
VolnusPrime Volnus Prime
+100% radial Slam Attack damage.
GarudaIcon272 Garuda
GarudaPrimeIcon Garuda Prime
Nagantaka Nagantaka
NagantakaPrime Nagantaka Prime
+1 meter Punch Through.
GaussIcon272 Gauss
GaussPrimeIcon272 Gauss Prime
Acceltra Acceltra
AcceltraPrime Acceltra Prime
Reload speed buff while sprinting is increased to +50%.
Akarius Akarius
AkariusPrime Akarius Prime
Reload speed buff while sprinting increased to +100%.
GrendelIcon272 Grendel
GrendelPrimeIcon272 Grendel Prime
Masseter Masseter
MasseterPrime Masseter Prime
Immunity from crowd-control procs during Heavy Attacks.
GyreIcon272 Gyre Alternox Alternox +20% Multishot.
HarrowIcon272 Harrow
HarrowPrimeIcon Harrow Prime
Knell Knell
KnellPrime Knell Prime
+1 Magazine Size
(2 total, 100% increase)
Scourge Scourge
ScourgePrime Scourge Prime
Currently not implemented.
HildrynIcon272 Hildryn
HildrynPrimeIcon272 Hildryn Prime
Larkspur Larkspur
LarkspurPrime Larkspur Prime
+300 Ammo Maximum in Atmosphere
(700 total, 75% increase)
JadeIcon272 Jade Evensong Evensong Currently not implemented.
Cantare Cantare Currently not implemented.
Harmony Harmony Currently not implemented.
KhoraIcon272 Khora

KhoraPrimeIcon272 Khora Prime

Hystrix Hystrix
HystrixPrime Hystrix Prime
8% chance to instantly reload after landing headshot.
DualKeres Dual Keres
DualKeresPrime Dual Keres Prime
20% Heavy Attack Efficiency.
KullervoIcon272 Kullervo Rauta Rauta +7 second Melee Combo duration.
LavosIcon272 Lavos Cedo Cedo Mod TT 20px Shotgun Ammo Mutation effect.
MirageIcon272 Mirage Akzani Akzani Currently not implemented.
OctaviaIcon272 Octavia
OctaviaPrimeIcon64 Octavia Prime
Pandero Pandero
PanderoPrime Pandero Prime
Headshot kills with the Alternate Fire increase Reload Speed by 20%.
Tenora Tenora
TenoraPrime Tenora Prime
Headshot kills with the Alternate Fire have a 20% chance to instantly refill the magazine.
ProteaIcon272 Protea
ProteaPrimeIcon272 Protea Prime
Velox Velox
VeloxPrime Velox Prime
Ammo Efficiency increased to 40%.
QorvexIcon272 Qorvex Mandonel Mandonel Fully charged beams can empower ChyrinkaPillar130xWhite Chyrinka Pillar.
RevenantIcon272 Revenant
RevenantPrimeIcon272 Revenant Prime
Phantasma Phantasma
PhantasmaPrime Phantasma Prime
+4 Magazine Size
(15 total, 36% increase)
Tatsu Tatsu
TatsuPrime Tatsu Prime
+4 maximum Soul Swarm charges
(9 total, 80% increase)
SevagothIcon272 Sevagoth
SevagothPrimeIcon272 Sevagoth Prime
Epitaph Epitaph
EpitaphPrime Epitaph Prime
+20% headshot damage.
StyanaxIcon272 Styanax Afentis Afentis Currently not implemented.
VorunaIcon272 Voruna Perigale Perigale +24 Ammo Maximum
(48 total, 100% increase)
Sarofang Sarofang Heavy Attack Slam vortex requirement reduced to 5x Combo Multiplier.
WispIcon272 Wisp
WispPrimeIcon272 Wisp Prime
Fulmin Fulmin
FulminPrime Fulmin Prime
Switch time between automatic and semi-automatic modes decreased to 0.5 seconds.
XakuIcon272 Xaku Quassus Quassus Heavy Attack Daggers have increased Accuracy.
YareliIcon272 Yareli Kompressa Kompressa Currently not implemented.


  • Signature Weapons are also available in the market as part of their respective Warframe's Collection bundle including said Warframe and all the weapons associated. However, do note that not all Warframes having a Signature Weapon have their own Collection bundle. The Nidus Collection is the only exception as the weapons included aren't known to be his "Signatures".
  • Unless stated otherwise, weapons featured in a Warframe's Leverian aren't known to be their "Signatures".
  • With the exception of EuphonaPrime Euphona Prime, TekkoPrime Tekko Prime, and all Primes released after OctaviaPrimeIcon64 Octavia Prime, Prime Weapons released with a Prime Warframe in Prime Access aren't known to be their "Signatures".
  • Exalted Weapons are not considered Signature Weapons.


Patch History[]

Hotfix 31.6.4 (2022-07-14)

  • The Hystrix now has signature effect of an 8% chance to instantly reload after landing headshots when wielded by Khora.
  • The Dual Keres now has a 20% Heavy Attack Efficiency when wielded by Khora.

Update 26.0 (2019-10-31)

  • Tekko Prime now gains additional Status Chance when used with Atlas and/or Atlas Prime.
    • Base status = 10%, Prime = 26%
  • When using Grendel with his signature Masseter, he will be immune from crowd-control procs while doing Heavy Attacks.

Update 24.6 (2019-04-04)
Having a ‘signature’ weapon now actually benefits you! There are still a few signature weapons that will receive this treatment (Scourge, Hystrix, etc).

  • Knell: Knell now has a 2 round mag when wielded by Harrow.
  • Tenora: Headshot kills with alt fire have a 20% chance to instantly refill magazine when wielded by Octavia.
  • Pandero: Headshot kills with alt fire increase reload speed by 20% when wielded by Octavia.
  • Nagantaka: 1m innate Punch-Through when wielded by Garuda.
  • Fusilai: Increased projectile speed when wielded by Gara.
  • Volnus: Additional slam radial damage when wielded by Gara.
  • Astilla: Additional 80 ammo pool when wielded by Gara.
  • Phantasma: Has 15 magazine when wielded by Revenant.
  • Tekko: Additional 6% status when wielded by Atlas.
  • Tatsu: Charge cap is 9 when wielded by Revenant.

Last updated: Update 24.6 (2019-04-04)
