
A Dargyn equipped with Shield defenses.

Shield Dargyns are Dargyns that mount energy shield emitters that enhance their protection from the front. They also carry triple-barreled pulse cannons that deal more damage than the Dargyn's machinegun.

Any Tenno who come in contact with its shield, whether by accident or during a melee attack, will take high DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity damage with a guaranteed or almost guaranteed proc. The shield is unbreakable, and covers the entirety of the Dargyn's front; to bypass it, one must maneuver behind it and attack its back (which is very difficult, due to its very quick turning speed) or else engage it in melee and risk taking damage. The Grattler's explosive shells as well as Fluctus's energy wave can damage past it.

Note: seems to be susceptible to knockback from Velocitus Velocitus as well. Multiple rapid fire shots seem to turn around or knock down shield. [citation needed]


Tusk Shield Dargyn General Drops
Introduced Undetermined Mod Drops:
Mod TT 20px Extend 3.16125%
Mod TT 20px Sudden Impact 3.16125%
Endo Endo 3.16125%
Mod TT 20px Rubedo-Lined Barrel 1.3825%
Endo Endo 1.3825%
Mod TT 20px System Reroute 0.25125%
Tileset Plains of Eidolon
Codex Scans 5
Cloned Flesh 450
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgFireSmall64 + DmgViralSmall64 +++ DmgImpactSmall64  DmgGasSmall64 ‐‐
Ferrite Armor 125
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Base Level 1
  • Has no eximus variant.
  • Dargyn Pilot falls out when its destroyed.
  • Can be MindControl130xWhite Mind Controlled or turned into Shadows to provide some aerial support. Keep in mind that for Nekros, Tusk Shield Dargyns are fairly low on the priority scale.
  • They can be found unmanned on the Plains of Eidolon and can be commandeered by players.
