
Shadow Haze is a Warframe Augment Mod for SevagothIcon272 Sevagoth that increases the Critical Chance from any source against enemies affected by Reap130xWhite Reap or DeathsHarvest130xWhite Death's Harvest. When affected enemies die, a new Reap Shadow spawns from their corpse and seeks other enemies, up to a maximum of 3 active Shadows at all mod ranks.


Rank Critical Chance Cost
0 35% 6
1 40% 7
2 45% 8
3 50% 9



  • Shadow Haze can only be equipped on Sevagoth himself, but grants its effects to SevagothShadow-Arsenal Sevagoth's Shadow via its DeathsHarvest130xWhite Death's Harvest ability.
    • DeathsHarvest130xWhite Death's Harvest does not increase critical chance but killing enemies affected by it spawns additional shadows that apply the critical chance bonus.
  • Critical chance bonus is affected by Ability Strength.
  • Critical chance bonus is applied additively after mods, the same way as ArcaneAvenger Arcane Avenger and Covenant130xWhite Covenant.
    • For example, a BazaPrime Baza Prime with a rank 5 Mod TT 20px Point Strike affected by Reap130xWhite Reap with a rank 5 Mod TT 20px Intensify will have 28% × (1 + 150%) + (50% × (1 + 30%)) = 135% critical chance.
    • The bonus does not apply to radial attacks on weapons such as Ogris Ogris.
    • The bonus will apply to Amps.
  • Number of Shadows is not affected by Mods.
  • Spawned Shadows take flight toward the direction their enemy host was facing and travel at the regular flight speed of Reap130xWhite Reap's tap-cast. They can traverse across high and low terrain elevations as invulnerable flying entities.
    • Auto-seek enemies yet unaffected by Reap or Death's Harvest, within a ? meters detection range around each Shadow.
    • Considered new instances of Reap that inherit Sevagoth's modded values on Ability Strength, Ability Range, and Ability Duration.
      • Each Shadow inflicts its DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation damage, marks enemies with Death's Harvest debuff, as well as trigger ability synergy with his Death Well passive and Sow130xWhite Sow. Multiple spawned Shadows can damage enemies affected by previous Shadows.
    • Cannot be controlled via Sevagoth player's aiming down sights.
    • New Shadows cannot spawn from killing affected enemies when at max number of active Shadows.
    • Tracked on the minimap as blue allied dots.


Patch History[]

Hotfix 36.0.3 (2024-06-20)

  • Fixed Sevagoth’s “Shadow Haze” Critical Chance not scaling with Ability Strength.
    • For players that weren’t building around Ability Strength, this made it appear as if even its base 50% Critical Chance wasn’t applying. Now that scaling has been fixed, you can mod to increase that Crit Chance beyond 50%.

Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)

  • Fixed Sevagoth’s Shadow not benefiting from the Shadow Haze Augment Mod on enemies inflicted with Death’s Harvest.

Update 35.1 (2024-02-20)

  • Fixed the Shadows created from Sevagoth’s Shadow Haze Augment not using the Glaukus Skin if equipped.

Hotfix 33.6.3 (2023-08-03)

  • Fixed Sevagoth’s Shadow Haze Augment buff applying inconsistently based on Ability Range. The Critical Chance bonus will now be consistent regardless of your modded Ability Range stat.

Update 33.6 (2023-07-27)

  • Introduced.