
These razor-sharp blades of condensed Void energy inflict deep and grievous wounds.
The claws of the shadowy helmsman have cast many foolish foes into the cold below.

Shadow Claws is SevagothIcon272 Sevagoth's SevagothShadow-Arsenal Shadow's and SevagothPrimeIcon272 Sevagoth Prime's SevagothPrime'sShadow Shadow's signature Exalted Weapon, summoned by activating the ability ExaltedShadow130xWhite Exalted Shadow. The weapon exclusively uses the Mod TT 20px Ravenous Wraith stance.

Refer to the weapon's ability page for a list of mods that affect the weapon.


  • This weapon deals primarily DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage.




  • The Shadow Claws weapon appears in the Arsenal after unlocking Sevagoth's ExaltedShadow130xWhite Exalted Shadow ability.
  • SevagothPrimeIcon272 Sevagoth Prime's SevagothPrime'sShadow Shadow's ShadowClawsPrime Shadow Claws Prime possesses 3 Madurai Pol polarities, while the base Shadow Claws possesses none.
  • As an Exalted Weapon, this weapon comes with an OrokinCatalyst Orokin Catalyst pre-installed.


  • On SevagothPrimeIcon272 Sevagoth Prime's SevagothPrime'sShadow Shadow, the claws are named ShadowClawsPrime Shadow Claws Prime. Aside from the additional 3 Madurai Pol base polarities, their stats, however, are identical to Shadow Claws.
  • Prior to Update 36.1 (2024-08-21), Shadow Claws has an innate unusable stance polarity of Naramon Pol.

Patch History[]

Update 36.1 (2024-08-21)

  • Fixed Sevagoth Shadow Claws having a Naramon polarity in the Stance slot.
    • Since Shadow Claws’ pre-installed Stance has no polarity, this had no effect on gameplay but the recent changes to polarity modding UI brought this discrepancy to light. Players who rearranged their polarities in the past will not have their polarities fixed.

Update 35.1 (2024-02-20)

  • Fixed Exalted Melee weapons experiencing animation issues if they were deactivated after parrying.
  • Fixed being unable to switch back to Secondary weapon after hitting the “Switch Weapon” binding while Exalted Melee weapon is active and you don’t have a Primary weapon equipped.

Update 33.0 (2023-04-26)

  • Fixed many mods that previously worked on Exalted Weapons not correctly applying, for example (but not exclusively) Life Strike not working when installed on Exalted Melee Weapons.

Update 30.0 (2021-04-13)

  • Introduced.

See Also[]
