
Secondary Kinship is an Arcane Enhancement for that provides a secondary Critical Chance bonus per unique Warframe buff applied to allies.


Rank Critical Chance Bonus Per Buff
0 +3.34%
1 +6.67%
2 +10.02%
3 +13.36%
4 +16.70%
5 +20.04%


Secondary Kinship can be obtained from Mirror Defense as a Rotation B reward. Alternatively it can be purchased from Otak for 60 BelricCrystalFragment Belric Crystal Fragment and RaniaCrystalFragment Rania Crystal Fragment each, for a total of 1,260 of each for max rank.

Item Source Chance Expected Nearly Guaranteed
SecondaryKinship Mirror Defense / B 5.70% ~ 17 B Rotations 117 ± 39 B Rotations

All drop rates data is obtained from DE's official drop tables. See Mission Rewards#Standard Missions for definitions on reward table rotations.
For more detailed definitions and information, visit here.


  • Stacks additively with other critical chance bonuses like Mod TT 20px Pistol Gambit.
    • A Bolto Bolto with a max rank Mod TT 20px Pistol Gambit and 3 stacks of Secondary Kinship will have 16% × (1 + 120% + 3 × 20%) = 44.8% critical hit chance.
  • Functions with the following:
    • Helminthable buffs indicated with (H).
Frame Buff Source Compatibility Potential Kinship Stacks
AshIcon272 Ash Mod TT 20px Smoke Shadow Allies and Clones 3
BaruukIcon272 Baruuk DesolateHands130xWhite Desolate Hands Allies Only 3
CalibanIcon Caliban Passive Self, Allies and Clones 4
ChromaIcon272 Chroma (H)ElementalWard130xWhite Elemental Ward Allies Only 3
VexArmor130xWhite Vex Armor Fury None
VexArmor130xWhite Vex Armor Scorn None
CitrineIcon272 Citrine Passive Self and Allies 12
PreservingShell130xWhite Preserving Shell Self and Allies
PrismaticGem130xWhite Prismatic Gem Self and Allies
EmberIcon272 Ember Mod TT 20px Fireball Frenzy Self, Allies and Clones 7
(H)Mod TT 20px Immolated Radiance Allies Only
Mod TT 20px Purifying Flames None
EquinoxIcon272 Equinox PacifyProvoke130xWhite Provoke Self and Allies 4 (r: Exclusive Forms)
MendMaim130xWhite Mend Self and Allies
FrostIcon272 Frost Mod TT 20px Freeze Force Self, Allies and Clones 8
Mod TT 20px Icy Avalanche Self and Allies
GaraIcon272 Gara SplinterStorm130xWhite Splinter Storm Self and Allies 4
Mod TT 20px Mending Splinters No Added Effect
GarudaIcon272 Garuda (H)BloodAltar130xWhite Blood Altar Self and Allies, only when missing health 4
GaussIcon272 Gauss (H)Mod TT 20px Thermal Transfer DmgColdSmall64 Cold Self and Allies 8
(H)Mod TT 20px Thermal Transfer DmgFireSmall64 Heat Self and Allies
GrendelIcon272 Grendel (H)Nourish130xWhite Nourish Self, Allies and Clones 4
HarrowIcon272 Harrow Penance130xWhite Penance Heal Radius None 4 (r: Exclusive Effects)
Thurible130xWhite Thurible Energy Radius None
Mod TT 20px Warding Thurible Self and Allies
Covenant130xWhite Covenant Self and Allies
Covenant130xWhite Covenant Retaliation Self and Allies
Helminth (H)VoraciousMetastasis130xWhite Voracious Metastasis None 0
HildrynIcon272 Hildryn Haven130xWhite Haven Allies Only 3
HydroidIcon272 Hydroid Mod TT 20px Tidal Impunity Self and Allies 4
InarosIcon272 Inaros ScarabSwarm130xWhite Scarab Swarm Heal Radius None 0
IvaraIcon272 Ivara (H)Quiver130xWhite Cloak Arrow Self and Allies 8
Mod TT 20px Empowered Quiver While on Zipline Self and Allies
KhoraIcon272 Khora Venari130xWhite Venari Heal None 0
LimboIcon272 Limbo (H)Rift Status Self, Allies and Clones 4
Mod TT 20px Rift Haven No Added Effect
LokiIcon272 Loki Mod TT 20px Safeguard Switch Allies Only 3
MesaIcon272 Mesa (H)ShootingGallery130xWhite Shooting Gallery Self and Allies 2 (r: Only 1 Ally)
MirageIcon272 Mirage (H)Eclipse130xWhite Eclipse Self 4 (8 including own clones)
Mod TT 20px Total Eclipse Allies and Clones
NezhaIcon272 Nezha (H)FireWalker130xWhite Fire Walker Standing in Fire Path Self and Allies 8
WardingHalo130xWhite Warding Halo without augment Self
Mod TT 20px Safeguard Allies
NovaIcon272 Nova Mod TT 20px Escape Velocity Self and Allies 4
OberonIcon272 Oberon (H)Mod TT 20px Smite Infusion Self, Allies and Clones 20
HallowedGround130xWhite Hallowed Ground Self and Allies
Renewal130xWhite Renewal Self and Allies
HallowedGround130xWhite Hallowed Ground + Renewal130xWhite Renewal Synergy Buff Self and Allies
Mod TT 20px Hallowed Reckoning Field Self and Allies
Mod TT 20px Phoenix Renewal Cooldown token None
OctaviaIcon272 Octavia Inspiration Passive Self and Allies 24
MetronomeIcon Metronome Aura None
MetronomeIcon Forte Self and Allies
MetronomeIcon Nocturn Self and Allies
MetronomeIcon Opera Self and Allies
MetronomeIcon Vivace Self and Allies
AmpIcon Amp Self and Allies
ProteaIcon272 Protea GrenadeFan130xWhite Shield Satellites Self and Allies 4
RevenantIcon272 Revenant MesmerSkin130xWhite Mesmer Skin + Reave130xWhite Reave Mesmer Share None 0
Mod TT 20px Mesmer Shield None
RhinoIcon272 Rhino (H)Roar130xWhite Roar Self, Allies and Clones 4
SarynIcon272 Saryn Mod TT 20px Venom Dose Self, Allies and Clones 4
SevagothIcon272 Sevagoth Gloom130xWhite Gloom Lifesteal Aura None 0
StyanaxIcon272 Styanax RallyPoint130xWhite Rally Point Self, Allies and Clones 4
TitaniaIcon272 Titania Upsurge Passive None 12
(H)Spellbind130xWhite Spellbind Self and Allies
Tribute130xWhite Full Moon Self and Allies
Tribute130xWhite Thorns Self, Allies and Clones
TrinityIcon272 Trinity WellOfLife130xWhite Well of Life Regen Aura None 4
Blessing130xWhite Blessing Self and Allies
ValkyrIcon272 Valkyr (H)Warcry130xWhite Warcry Self, Allies and Clones 4
VaubanIcon272 Vauban Minelayer130xWhite Overdriver Self, Allies and some Clones 4
Bastille130xWhite Bastille Stolen Armor Buff None
VoltIcon272 Volt (H)Mod TT 20px Shock Trooper Self, Allies and Clones 8
Speed130xWhite Speed Self, Allies and Clones
WispIcon272 Wisp Reservoirs130xWhite Haste Mote Self and Allies 12
Reservoirs130xWhite Shock Mote Self and Allies
Reservoirs130xWhite Vitality Mote Self and Allies
WukongIcon272 Wukong CloudWalker130xWhite Cloud Walker None 3
Mod TT 20px Enveloping Cloud Allies Only
ZephyrIcon272 Zephyr Mod TT 20px Jet Stream Allies and Clones 3
Pharaoh Predasite Mod TT 20px Anabolic Pollination None 0
Adarza Kavat Mod TT 20px Cat's Eye None 0


Patch History[]

Update 32.3 (2023-02-15)

  • Introduced.