
Secondary Enervate is an Arcane Enhancement for Secondary Weapons that increases Critical Chance on hit, resetting after a certain number of Big Critical Hits.


Rank Critical Chance Increase Big Critical Hit Reset
0 10% 1
1 10% 2
2 10% 3
3 10% 4
4 10% 5
5 10% 6


Item Source Chance Expected Nearly Guaranteed
SecondaryEnervate 1999 Exterminate Cache 12.50% ~ 8 A Rotations 51 ± 17 A Rotations

All drop rates data is obtained from DE's official drop tables stored on Module:DropTables/data. See Mission Rewards#Standard Missions for definitions on reward table rotations.
For more detailed definitions and information, visit here.


  • Critical chance is an absolute bonus. For example, a Lato Lato with 7 stacks of Secondary Enervate will have
Lato 10% + 7 × SecondaryEnervate 10% = 80% critical chance.
  • Big Critical Hits are the first tier above regular Critical Hits, between 100% and 200% critical hit chance, with orange damage numbers by default.
  • When used with a Shotgun Sidearm such as the Pyrana, each pellet does not count as a separate damage instance as the pellets are tied to Multishot.
  • Hits on the Snow Globe of a Cold Eximus can efficiently build the critical chance bonus without becoming critical hits, potentially allowing your Secondary Weapons to reach even a Tier 6 Red Crit. Whether or not this is intended, the burden of preparation still outweighs the benefit, as the bonus will eventually reset.


  • Works exceptionally well with the KuvaNukor Kuva Nukor due to its massive Critical Damage multiplier.
  • The Kompressa Kompressa can fire so many projectiles and delayed explosions that the critical chance bonus can continue to build up well past 200%, allowing for red crits until the listed number of critical hits has been reached and the bonus resets.

Patch History[]

Hotfix 38.0.5 (2024-12-18)

  • Fixed Secondary Enervate (Secondary weapons Arcane) unintentionally working with Amps.

Update 38.0 (2024-12-13)

  • Introduced.