For the event mod, see Scorch (Mod).


Scorches are medium Grineer units resembling Troopers with red and yellow armor. Scorches wield the Ignis Ignis flamethrower, dealing massive continuous damage in short range as long as the victim is in range. They can deal continuous damage and also set the player on fire, making them incredibly lethal in a successful ambush or when working with units such as Scorpions and Rollers that can inhibit player movement.

Farming Locations[]

These are based on opinions and may not be 100% true. These should be viewed as advice for finding the enemies until better facts are proven.

Normal Scorch
Target Planet Name Type Level Tile Set
IconGrineerB Saturn Numa Rescue 22 - 24 Grineer Asteroid
IconGrineerB Saturn Anthe Rescue 22 - 24 Grineer Galleon


  • Scorches tend to take cover behind doorways or next to pillars so they can ambush unsuspecting targets who pass by. This makes them a threat to solo players who are unaware of their presence.
  • Their Ignis has AoE, which makes "dodging" flames almost impossible.
    • The AoE of this weapon often causes Sentinel damage. Approach with caution.
  • Scorches tend to hide more frequently than other Grineer units.
    • This means that they move to different spots more frequently.
    • They also are the ranged unit most likely to use terminals.
    • When players deploy decoys in their field of view, they will simply track closer targets instead of the decoys, even if that target is behind the Scorch while the decoy is in front.
  • As of Update 11.0 (2013-11-20), Scorches have a yellow and red color scheme, making them somewhat easier to differentiate from a Trooper.


  • A good mission to find Scorch Synthesis as a Target is Cassini - Saturn, a Capture Mission.
  • Their Ignis can penetrate FrostIcon272 Frost's SnowGlobe130xWhite Snow Globe.
  • Damage scaling is very dramatic on a Scorch. At levels 20 and above can be lethal to a player in less than 5 seconds of continuous exposure to their Ignis, while only 3 seconds for Sentinels. Be cautious.
  • Nekros' ShadowsOfTheDead130xWhite Shadows of the Dead does not prioritize Scorches despite them dealing far more damage than elite lancers, which are prioritized.
  • While the Scorch still only fires its Ignis when enemies get into the pre-buffed Ignis range (around 20 meters) their flames can still reach 40 meters, damaging players behind walls and without warning.
    • This is especially deadly with NekrosIcon272 Nekros, as his shadows attract the Scorch's attention and fire upon them, often hitting the player as well.


Kuva Scorch General Drops
Introduced Undetermined Mod Drops:
Mod TT 20px Assault Mode 1.1616%
Endo Endo 1.1616%
Mod TT 20px Bane of Grineer 0.1692%
Mod TT 20px Sure Shot 0.1692%
Mod TT 20px Swirling Tiger 0.1692%
Endo Endo 0.1692%
Tileset Kuva Fortress
Weapon Ignis Ignis / Sheev Sheev
Codex Scans 3
Cloned Flesh 120
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgFireSmall64 + DmgViralSmall64 +++ DmgImpactSmall64  DmgGasSmall64 ‐‐
Ferrite Armor 100
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Affinity 500


Patch History[]

Update 22.10 (2018-01-25)

  • Fixed misaligned textures on the Grineer Scorch helmet.

Update 20.0 (2017-03-24)

  • Fixed issue where players could get hit and take fire Proc damage when outside FX range of Scorch's Ignis.
  • Fixed Hyekka Master and Scorch’s firing their Ignis’ too high.

Hotfix 19.9.1 (2017-02-02)

  • In an effort to address feedback regarding Grineer Scorch enemies killing you through walls, we have audited their weapon and removed any effects relating to punch through for their weapon. Please let us know if you come across instances of further issue with attacks through walls with this enemy type.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 2.1 (2016-08-10)

  • Fixed Grineer Napalm and Scorch’s targeting/shooting you through walls.

Hotfix 16.11.5 (2015-07-15)

  • Fixed an issue with Chroma’s Elemental Ward causing Grineer Scorch to reflect the AoE slow + Damage aura when augmented as Ice.

Hotfix 15.6.2 (2014-12-12)

  • Fixed only Nullifier Crewman and Scorching Osprey spawning after the portal is destroyed in Orokin Sabotage.

Update 8.0 (2013-05-23)

  • Introduced.